Chapter 20

I spun my glamour about me tighter. I didn't want anyone rendered in awe just from the sight of me. Even Mr Keen hadn't the pleasure of seeing the real me, yet. And I would like to keep it that way for a while still.

This was new territory and I wanted to get a good lay of the land before I sent things imploding on people. I was deemed insignificant enough to pass through the front desk unscathed by the raging system but I did take note of each and every senior present especially those who actively participated. Them I even helped myself to samples of hair follicles along the way.

Those would come in handy with the potions I would brew.

The clamouring of metal striking metal rang in my ear as I moved off down the corridor to check on the locations of my classes the next day. I glanced around and noted that all were pretending oblivious to the pounding sounds. With a heartfelt sigh I made my was to the source.

With a swift flick of my wrist the door swung open and out spewed a nerdy looking student. Nerds were as a rule slow to learn mastering power. There was not much about it that appealed to their logically inclined minds. Hence most don't practice at all.

"Thanks," he murmured shoving his glasses back up his nose. I nodded my head having many times been in the same situation in the past I more than understood the feeling.

"You know there is a way. A way without the use of power to get yourself out of such predicament," I said conversationally. At his raised brow of inquiry, I leaned forward to point down at the locking mechanism that was very visible on the inside. It was difficult to make out in the dark when one was already locked in its confines but in the light if studied properly it would be a way out from future lock ins.

"You need to practice. Don't think this is the last time whoever did this will attempt it. Sadly, you can look forward to many more such encounters ahead," I said with some sympathy before I moved on leaving him there staring after me.

The truth was hard but necessary. The sooner he realised what was in store for him the swifter he can take measures to mitigate and then counter measures when those fail too.
