Chapter 34

"If you think that was good can you imagine what real sex with me will be like?"

I tore my gaze away from where it had been glued with some apparent fascination at the ceiling, and turned to direct a glare at the overly relaxed man beside me.

His own fascination with the ceiling prevented him from appreciating my efforts. The glare may have gone to waste but I could still voice my denial. I opened my mouth to do so but the effort proved too much. Never have I ever been this boneless.

The aftermath of virtual sex with Raven was as mindblowing as the sex itself... Well actually that was an exaggeration but I lay there in languorous abandon for a long time. All thoughts of my pending wedding, Raven Blackthorn and who I was, had no place in my well satiated head.

Eventually the clock ticked on and reality seeped in. But before that, sleep took over and pulled me under.

I woke up to the shrill peal of an alarm that was not mine. The string of fluent curse that followed was also not from me. I lifted my numb head off the hard chest it laid on and was thankful to find it was clothed.

"I have to go," muttered Raven, his voice still husky from sleep. "I'll see you tonight."

I didn't bother with a reply knowing it was pointless anyway.

"I'd love to hear how you came to know that spell you tried on me last night. You have today to come up with something believable. Tonight we talk."

No we won't! Not if I can help it.

I didn't lift my head off the pillow and instead snuggled in deeper waiting for him to be gone. He was the most irksome man I know and he expected me to marry him. Not going to happen. Not if I have a say in this. If he won't talk to the Goddess there's no reason I couldn't. Worst comes to worst all that will happen is ashes to ashes and dust to dust but on a plus side I will be saved from life imprisonment with Raven Blackthorn as my jailer.

Nope there are times when voluntarily taking a nose dive six feet under can be a good thing.

But first I had to get through the day filled of lectures ahead. I got up soon after Raven departed and proceeded to set the places to rights. We must have tossed and turned about quite a bit in.the throes of passion the night before for I couldn't for the life of me place how my notes on potions and spells got scattered everywhere and how the sole chair in the room was shattered to mere debris.

I looked down at my rumpled clothes and grimaced at the smell of musk that rose from it. We had done it fully clothed and then went to sleep the same way. I tore off the disgusting attire feeling thankful it was not my favourite articles of clothing so I had no compunction to not dispose it off directly into a bin.

I grabbed clean clothes and moved into the tiny shower room. Turning it on blasting hot I allowed the spray to melt away embarrassing memories of the night before. After fifteen minutes or do I gave up trying. Rushing through the rest of my grooming session, I swept out of my room clad in worn jeans and white t-shirt with the words 'Don't Grin!' emblazoned on it. It was a charmed tshirt that reflected the mood of the wearer without so many words.

Today was as good a day as any to wear it. There was no risk of it saying 'Kiss me!' at any point this day. It was the safest time for it, my disgruntlement was not about to go away anytime soon.

I sped through a light breakfast and fled to the library where I proceeded to dig up tomes of the Goddess herself.

She made an interesting read. So much so that it was only my wisely set alarm that dug me out of my deep immersion in searching for her weakness.

I vanished the books back to their shelves and hurried off to my first class of the day. Mrs Cherry Peters will be teaching dark potions. Spells that can threathen mortality or invoke it even. I wouldn't mind an incantation I could shower on Raven. His mortality in my presence is as always questionable. Now more so than ever.

I ploughed my attention into the learnings of the day resolutely setting aside thoughts of Raven Blackthorn as and when they cropped up to mind. And they cropped up plenty. 

Shaking him off for the umpteenth time I all but groaned as I made my way to the mass hall for lunch.

"Mind if I join you?"

The question came from a strawberry blond warlick with wicked green eyes. He was trouble. Trouble with a capital T. Usually I kept my distance from playboys. Actually, until very recently, they kept their distance from me. My new found looks had a lot to answer for. I actually draw notice wherever I go. I was a little surprised playboy here took this long in approaching me.

"Sure," I muttered shortly, as I took my usual seat placing my tray of delectable food before me. I watched as he moved to take the seat right opposite and reluctantly returned the smile he afforded me.

"Kick Ass, huh?"

I raised a brow and stared up at him cluelessly.

"Your mood tshirt, its reading Kick Ass," said the dude.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name," I said instead, ignoring his very apt reading of my mood. Although the credit for that went to my tshirt.

"Ralph Carson, of the Carson Promanade." I was still clueless.

"Our family is into construction," he explained. I nodded my head and took a bite of something in my plate. Ralph was a horrid name. But in all fairness un the mood I was in any name would have sounded as bad.
