Chapter 47

I sat back in the dark confines if the luxurious car that drove us away from the city. I glanced at the man shrouded in the dark beside me then at the driver upfront and said mildly," Stop it."

The husky chuckle that filled the air was surprisingly warm with amusement. The driver at the front vanished and then I found myself seated in the passenger seat at the front with Raven grinning beside me.

His quaint little jokes at my expense never ceases to amaze me. I turned away to look out at the passing landscape. Dawn glided effortlessly on leaving behind the sky scrapers of the city limits to move on into the countryside. The straight road and highways gave away to winding bends overlooking the wild oceans smacking against the cliffside. The Great Ocean Road was startlingly lit with the blessings of the moon Goddess. Her rays of cool white light sparkled across the pitch dark waters and shimmered against the damp cliffside.

Absently, I slid the window down and leaned out to marvel at the splendour of creation that spread wide before me. So much beauty. So much wonder. So much magic... power. Power in the waves that smashed the shores, splashed over the cliffsides, that hung back only to gear up for the same, over and over again. For as long as time ticked by. The waves like life was nothing but consistency and continuity. The wild natures of the sea despite the greatest storms, tsunamis and sea quakes, can do naught to alter that pattern.

Like clockwork, the sea will head out and return to the shores as dictated by a force greater than all its might. A force beyond this world.

The moon goddess had a lot to answer for. But who was I to question her? She who commanded the very seas and oceans if the world  having them all waltzing to her tunes for all eternity.

"Why?" I breathed out the question that had been haunting me. Turning around to face him, I said again," Why me?"

"Have you ever wondered how exactly did your parents die?"

The question startled  me into instant recollections of the past I did my best to forget.

Thunder rang loud and haunting in my ear as I recalled that stormy night with a clarity I never had before. Raven Blackthorn had been there. As had his mother, Lavinia. Raven's father was as always not around. But my parents were there. They were beautiful. Sparkling with youth and the joy of being in love.

"Its the only way," said the moon goddess before turning to stare down at me. "She's the one."

Mother sobbed then. Falling to her knees in racking sobs. Father stood still in shock before he too crumpled to his knees. Lavinia wavered but stood firm against the urge to faint. But it was Raven. Young and glorious even in his teenage years who walked up to me. Hunkering down onto his haunces, he stared up into the whirling depths of violets cast in a dye of indigo.

"Well this is it then. You belong to me."

I stared uncomprehendingly into his cyan depths before the slamming of the front door alerted me to the fact that they had gone. My mother and father, had left.

That was the night they died. In a storm very much like the one thundering down the sky crashing into the waves in the middle of the sea.

With a cry of sudden rage, I wrenched the car from Raven's control and swung it to a sudden halt halfway over the cliff.

I stepped out and walked along the edge till I was far enough from the deceiver that was Raven Blackthorn. Falling onto my knees in the thundering downpour of rain. I lifted away ebony hair sleek with rain from my face as I glared violet at the skies above.

Bolts after bolts crashed into the sea. Sending it splashing up the fifteen feet cliffsides to lap hungrily at my feet. I welcomed the jolts of electricity it carried with it. Needing as much static ions as I could hold in order to face one scheming two faced Raven Blackthorn.

Rising to my feet I turned to do just that only to find the unexpectedly warm embrace and tender lips engulfing me and ravaging my senses to a sphere beyong rhyme and reason.

"Raven?"  I gasped when his lips left mine to hungrily cover my face before resuming their assault on my senses.
