Chapter 70

As far as punishments went I was sure I could live with this.

Deliberately angling my head to allow him better access, I all but floated at his sometimes tender and then ravaging assault.

At some point during our mindless embrace I found myself tumbled beneath him on the long white couch that I normally hated.

It was on this couch and in various state of undress that Raven's mother and Kitty Farquerson, found us in.

The insistent throat clearing had been polite but did nothing for penetrating our lust induced state. I was in lust with Raven before, I mean who wasn't but knowing that he loved me, took it all beyond any normal planes. Although I am incapable of giving the emotion I was not adverse to receiving it. That I craved Raven and all he could give me was a shocking knew discovery.

So much so that on discovering Kitty Farquerson's unwanted presence amidst our impromptu tryst, my instincts to rip her throat out could not be denied.

Lavinia Blackthorn's voice was a shrill and rude awakening but not more so that the feral growl I let loose at the sight of Kitty standing mouth agape beside her.

The only thing that held me down and held her intact was Raven's quick reflexes as he clutched me close in a chuckling embrace. I didn't find the humour in the situation but apparently he did.

"Oh my goddess, Mr Blackthorn, I wasn't aware you were entertaining. Indeed I had no idea you had anyone in here. I was sure no one passed my desk on the way in. I did press the buzzer but you didn't respond and well Mrs Blackthorn wouldn't be denied," said Kitty Farquerson, all the while straining over Raven's shoulders trying to get a clear glimpse of me. That she had seen me, I didn't deny but I knew without a doubt that she couldn't place me.

That thought would have been amusing if I wasn't so worked up with frustrations.

"There's time a plenty for that sort of thing after the wedding, darlings. For now, your dress fittings await and you my dear, have bills to pay," said Lavinia Blackthorn unaffectedly.

I watched as Kitty Farquerson's jaw drop with dawning comprehension. But frustrations had a way of taking away from even that otherwise delightful satisfaction.

"Jade? Jade Sas? Is that you?" She sputtered out in shock. 

Allowing Raven to help me back to my feet and resolutely avoiding the glimmer of mocking humour in his exotic eyes, I set my clothes to rights then picked a mocking leaf off Raven's loaded tree.

"Kitty? Kitty Farquerson? Is that you?"
