Chapter 71

I was bundled up willy nilly and hustled out of Raven's office without much adieu. But not before Raven caught my hand, wrung me around and thrust me up against him for another mind numbing kiss. Then his wicked mother was there tearing us apart and hauling me off to the dressmakers.

It made me want to do battle if only to stay in his arms a little longer. I hungered for Raven. For his love... like a lost puppy.

The warmth of his arms worked wonders in destroying realities so that I may build it up however I pleased.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you were in love with my son. But we both know that is impossible. Raven Blackthorn is simply not capable of being loved. If there was anyone who repudiated that tender sentiment, it was my son."

The burn in my chest shot fast and furious like a wildlife throughout my veins. The urge to burn out her eyes was overwhelming.

I clawed at my chest trying to sooth the burn as I sat beside what must be the devil in the car on the way to the dress fitting. But the whimper of pain broke from my lips in the uttered name of Raven.

Desperate to talk to him I formed an air bubble of thoughts and sent it floating off his way. The request in it was simple as well as it was clear.

Can I murder your mother?

The response came surprisingly swift. A chuckle of laughter followed by an indulgent, "Sure honey but not just yet. We need her for the wedding, love."

That term of endearment sent a warm fuzzy feeling where before was only pain.


I eased out another breath with his name.

The fitting panned out exactly as expected. An afternoon of hell wasn't that far off a description. Being prod and pricked was the least of the fuss. Diabolical Lavinia Blackthorn had to have arranged for my hair dressing, facial, pedicure, manicure and the most horrifying of all... waxing.

There were pain free traditional archaic methods to this. We were afterall people of power. Ancient power. There was no need for the torture of it all.

But in the end I couldn't deny the results or the pleased expression Raven wore on seeing me later.

I had walked through the vast living space of his home and made my way to the library where I had known I would find him. It was the eve of our wedding and I knew he would spend it doing what he did best reading ancient scrolls and tinkering with spells.

I opened the door to the library feeling tired but ecstatic to be free from his mother's cloying presence. Funny I had never realised that about her before. She had always seemed nice.

I shook away the confusing thoughts that came to from time to time this day and instead marvelled at warm smile that lit across Raven's face at the sight of me.

It was apparent now that his secret affection for me was out, he saw no need to disassemble.

"Come," said Raven. "I have been waiting for you."

I took the few steps needed to close the distance between us.

"Have you eaten?"

I nodded my head still staring aptly at him.

"Good," said Raven, before swiftly looking away. A rueful smile tugged the corner of his lips and reluctantly he brought his gaze back to mine. "I used to want you to look like that at me. I never dreamed it would be because you were inslaved to me."

That shyly uttered words was a slap across my face.

I was his slave. My mixed emotions were because of it. I was subservient to his need. And his need was apparent. He needed my love as much as I needed his.

"We are a mess aren't we," I managed to struggle out what was probably something the real me would have said. He must have thought so too for his head came up in awe before he nodded his agreement. "We are. We are that.:

"But I am not without hope," he murmured softly before rising to his feet and taking me in his arms.

I felt warm and overwhelmed by feelings I didn't recognise.

"I was thinking."


"We should do it tonight."

"Do what?"

"We should wed tonight. Have our own private ceremony without the eyes and ears of whoever made mother's guest list."

I lifted my head off his shoulders and gazed up at him. The urge to say yes and agree to all he said was strong but I denied it. I fought against my enslavement bond and thought his request through. His intense gaze never left mine as I muddled it through. I tosses aside meaningless questions like why or how. The why didn't matter. The how Raven would have sorted through.

I dealt only with the most valuable question of all. Did I want to?

"Yes. Lets."
