Chapter 76

"Raven Blackthorn! I know what you are doing in there! Open up right now!"

Lavinia Blackthorn certainly knew how to put the blush in the blushing bride. Her proudly naked and shamelessly strutting about son was no novice in that regard either.

Shaking my head at his absurd childishness, I hurried about washing up and making myself decent. There was no trace left of the mess we made last night. The floor was shiny clean and the bed pristine. I was glad there was no evidence of our marriage or our many love making adventures. Rubbing at a tired eye, I used power to send the French doors open and ignored Raven's disgruntled snort as I deliberately moved past him to personally open the room door.

"Oh my Goddess!"

Exclaimed Lavinia Blackthorn before tweaking her nose close and gingerly stepping over the threshold. I knew instantly she was over exaggerating. Raven obviously got his penchant for drama from his mother.

I don't do drama.

I didn't respond to thought he put in my head and instead turned to smirk up at him. He was dressed.

And not just dressed but impeccably dressed in a dark tux with black shirt, bow tie and . Always in black. Always stunning to behold.

"Stop gawking, child. You have fifteen minutes to make ready. The guests have already arrived. Oh Goddess but this place reeks of sex... and something else?"

Neither Raven nor I thought it appropriate to mention what that something else must be. Using a rudimentary wind spell, I set about a breeze that would hopefully wash all smells out the door.

Raven deliberately took stance in the corner of the room ignoring his mother's urges  that he left the room so that the bride could get ready. I was glad he didn't leave. I was still a little raw and in awe over all that had happened. I needed him close. I needed him closer that close.

I sat in front of vanity staring blindly at the image in front of me. My mind kept replaying the events of the past night. I couldn't believe we were wed. I was Mrs Blackthorn. Raven was mine.

"Come into my thoughts," invited Raven last night, amidst the throes of passion. I had wanted to but I was afraid. Afraid my love wasn't strong enough. I couldn't bring myself to take that risk. I loved him too much to hurt him in anyway.

"Trust me," he had said. I did trust him. I just didn't trust myself.


Jolted out of my reverie, I looked up to find myself looking like something out of a fairy tale. I muffled the urge to groan. And instead turned a pleading eye on the ever watching Raven.

He was surprisingly solemn as he gave his nod of agreement. "Mother, leave us be for a moment. We will make our way down shortly."

Then not brooking his mother's denials, she was forcefully ushered out and the door was locked behind her.

"Come," he said to me.

Instantly, moving to his side I all but leaped into his warm hug. Enveloping him close, I moaned out my woes," I look like a candy floss."

His lips twitched in acknowledgement before he said agreeably," You do."

I moaned some more. But the dress wasn't the problem. I wanted to be with him fully. There was just that one thing left that held me apart.

"Do it," said Raven encouragingly. His trust in me complete. My eyes watered at the love I saw in his eyes. But I took my strength in that love now. I leaned forward and raised shaking hands to cup his glorious face. Closing my eyes I let my conscious drift as the familiar chant filled my mind.

She looks like a candy floss. But delicious enough to eat. Lips lush and pink brought to mind another set of lips begging my attention. I would love to lick her there. Lick her all over. Love her all over. My mouth watered and my dick hardened. The urge to bend her over and toss her skirt up over her head was strong. I loved having her dripping wet with my cum. Goats blood aside, what I really wanted to smear all over her was my own ...

"Oh!" I gasped out as I stared up at Raven with mingled lust and outrage. The man was impossible.

His wicked smirk was taunting daring me to dip back into his lewd thoughts. The thing was I wanted to. He was just so deliciously wicked. I could spend my day there just getting my shocks over every little thing that crossed his mind.

I beamed a happy smile at him. I was suddenly eager to run down stairs and get the ceremony over with so I could have more of Raven Blackthorn to myself.

But first...

Stopping by the mirror, I did a twirl and the fluffy pink dress changed into Raven's signature black. Now sleek and gleaming against me like a second skin, I had my make darken dramatically and then ensured my shoes and accessories matched.

Satisfied, I turned to accept the proffered arm. Tucking mine in his, I said," Lets go get married shall we?"
