Chapter 49

I stood shaking in his embrace. The jolt of shock I felt was greater than any a bolt of lighting could deal me.

"Here," murmured Raven before reaching out to get a better grip over me. "Let's get back to the car shall we?"

I was lifted up into his arms. I didn't murmur a protest. I needed him at this moment like I have never needed him before. Resting my head against his thudding heart, another revelation had me bowled over. Raven ... and my need for him.

I have always taken him for granted. Run to him to solve my problems or shy away from him when I felt he was the cause. My whole life has been revolving around him. So much so that I never thought to question it. To question my dependency on him. Now I know why. I know that we were destined to be together. Destined by the goddess herself. Destined then decreed.

"Bloody hell!"

Raven's muffled oath had me jerking up to peer over his shoulders. Dawn, the million dollar Rolls was half hanging over the edge of the cliff, its led headlights the only glow of light for miles around.

With a few muttered words of ancient Salem, Raven had the four wheels of the car gliding back onto sure ground. I stared at the sleek machine and Raven's uncanny abilities. He knew it all. Moreover he knew what to sprout at the appropriate times. I knew the spell he used but I had stared dumbly at the car unable to contemplate anything that could get it off the edge.

I stared up at Raven as a new bout of uncertainty consumed me. What if it all was a waste? What if my parents sacrifice was to no avail? I was no deliverer to conquering the upheavals that would come. I couldn't do anything it seemed but raise thunder storms.

"Shh," Raven hushed me again. Thus time gathering me closer, he strode on towards the waiting car. "We will work together. You will be prepared. You are mine to protect and part of that protection is to train you on using your own abilities. You belong to me and I always take care of my belongings."

I rested my head back on his chest. A strange mixture of comfort and resentment rising at his words. I took comfort that he would always be there for me. But I resented the fact that I needed to run to him at all.
