Chapter 22

The blossoming sun that had wrought a new dawn attempted once more to bloom amidst the cloud laden skies. Rays of the golden hue lit through the large window panes that adorned the four walls of the mass room.

My startled eyes took in the chaos around me as the boils that popped up suddenly on the faces of my victims just as suddenly faded away. But this new counter curse was not my own. I doubted even if I had that ability the boil being a genuine mistake and all.

The smoky grey eyes of the perpetrator responsible for such correction caught my gaze in the vivid intensity of his own. Tall, dark and gloomy were kind words to describe what could only be the devil incarnate. The man was the epitome of masculine grace fitted with the physic to match the predator that was no doubt in his nature. That his facial features were as attractive if menacing no doubt sent the females of the student body into a direct swoon. Yet I was no such female.

"Thank you, Professor." My glance wavered momentarily drawn to the brunette who said that.

The devil was a professor?

Well it explained his ability to counter my curse so swiftly. Yet I could not condone his swift actions. I had afterall worked hard in concocting that potion. To have my efforts so easily dismissed was not only a sign of failure but also abysmally discouraging.

I could not afford to be discouraged nit so early in the game. But I was here to learn. Learn I will. The next time my efforts will not be so easily dismissed.

I moved on deliberately tearing my gaze away from the locking magnetism in his. I was not some mere miss. I have withstood the charms of the Raven Blackthorn, what was one Professor next to him.

Raven Blackthorn was no lesser a devil in his own right.
