Chapter 8


Guanlin's POV

"Do you remember this?" she asked, showing the key charm that I ever gave.


"Be honest," she said.

"Listen Yena, I really do--"

"Don't lie, Guanlin," she cut me, giving me a serious face.

I sighed, "Okay, I remember you.."

I mentally cursed. Now she knows, my plan failed. How come she's so sure about me? Do I look that same like when I was 8 years old?

Ah I'm so dumb, my name is exactly the same. Of course she'll know.

"I'm sorry for lying," I looked at her then looked down.

She suddenly stood up and went to me. She hugged me really tight and I could hear her sobbing.

"I miss you so much, Guanlin! I really really miss you!" she said, hugging me even tighter.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, "I miss you too."

She broke the hug and looked at me with a frown, "Why did you lie to me?"

"Sorry, seeing you happy is already enough for me," I mumbled.

You don't have to remember me, as your best best friend.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Nevermind," I looked away.

Usually, based on the stories I read, childhood friends never end up together. Either the boy loves the girl but the girl love him only as a friend, or the other way round.

And this is what happened to us. I believe that she doesn't have any romantical feelings towards me.

Of course, I was only 8 back then, my feelings are not really serious. But just now, the moment I saw her again, I fell for her. And this time it's serious, I truly love her.

"Okay, can you teach me now?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

She wiped her tears and went back to her seat. She started taking out her books and taught me everything. She's a very good teacher.

"Do you understand with all of these things?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you," I smiled.

She started to put her books inside her bag when she suddenly looked at me, "Guanlin-ah.."

"We should hangout tomorrow. I really miss hanging out with you," she said, putting her bag on her shoulder.

"I know.. Why don't we hangout today?" I offered.

"No, I have something to do," she stood up.

"What is it?" I asked, standing up too.

"I need to help someone with his work," she said.

"Okay then.. See you tomorrow!"

"See you!" she waved and went out of my sight.

My smile faded. 'His'?

Yena's POV

I hurriedly ran back to my house to take a bath and changed my uniform into a pale blue sweater with white long pants.

I turned on my phone and texted Euiwoong that I was ready.

Me: yah i'm ready

I was about to put away my phone when my phone vibrated.

Euiwoong: i'll be in front of your house in a minute

I grabbed my small bag and went downstairs. I saw Seonho sitting on the couch playing his game. I didn't want him to know so I tiptoed to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Damn it.

"Uhm.. somewhere," I said, opening the door.

He turned around and looked at me, "Alone?"

"Yea," I lied.

He smirked and stood up. He walked towards me and closed the door, "Be honest with me."

Then I heard someone knocked on the gate. I mentally cursed.

Seonho looked at the door and went outside to the gate. I followed him and saw Euiwoong standing outside the gate.

"Alone huh?" Seonho turned around looking at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Is he your brother? Seonho?!" Euiwoong asked, pointing at Seonho.

"No, I'm her boyfriend," Seonho said, earning a smack from me.

"Yea, he's my brother," I answered.

"How come I just knew? You never told me you have a sister," Euiwoong said.

"Because you never ask," Seonho said.

"You guys know each other?" I asked.

Both of them nodded, "We're pretty close."

"Weird, I never know you both are actually friends. I thought he's a loner that's only friends with Daehwi and Samuel," I said, pointing at Seinho then opened the gate.

Seonho rolled his eyes, "Where are you going with him?"

"To an ice cream shop," Euiwoong replied.

"Okay then," Seonho said, turning back.

"You let me go?"

He looked back.

"Yea, as long as you're not going to his house. And besides, I believe him," Seonho smiled.

"Thank you then," I said, closing the gate.

"So.. Let's go!" Euiwoong exclaimed.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm not happy, I just want to finish my work faster. Come on here," he said as he sat on his bike.

Wait. Bike? I thought we're going to walk. I didn't see his bike just now.

I sat behind him, holding the edge of the seat so I won't lose balance.

"Go! What are you waiting for?" I asked, after he stayed still for 10 seconds.

He looked back, "You're not going to hold on me?"

"Hell no."

"You'll fall later."

"I won't."

"Well, up to you," he shrugged and started to paddle.

First he was paddling slowly, but then he speed up. The wind was brushing my face and I enjoyed it. It was so refreshing.

I saw a sharp turn in front so I told Euiwoong to slow down, but he didn't listen. Instead he speed up more, making me lost my balance and finally I held on his waist.

He stopped right after that stupid sharp turn and looked back at me.

He smirked, "You can't get your hands off me huh?"

My eyes travelled down and saw my hands were still wrapping around his waist. I immediately pulled my hands.

"This is because of you!" I smacked his arm.

"Yah it's not my fault! I told you to hold on me but you didn't want to," he denied.

"Who will speed up when you see a sharp turn in front?!" I argued.

"Well at least you didn't fall," he said, turning in front.

"Did you do it on purpose?! So I hold on you?" I frowned.

"How stupid of you to think like that," he said as he started to paddle again.

The rest of the time was a total silence. I held on his shoulders to prevent me from falling.

Finally we arrived at the ice cream shop. The whole shop is decorated with ice cream shapes and painted with different pastel colors.

We went in and I could feel the cold air brushing my skin. I looked around and found a table with two chairs. I was about to go there when I felt a grip on my wrist.

"What?" I asked Euiwoong.

"Order ice cream first," he said, pulling me to the cashier.

"I'll choose the flavor. Two mint-chocolate ice cream please!" I told the cashier.

"What? No! I don't like mint," Euiwoong said.

I looked at him weirdly, "Why don't you like mint?"

"It tastes like toothpaste."

(a/n. I wrote this part right after Euiwoong and Hyungseob's second V Live haha ❤)

"I like mint-chocolate though," I said.

"Yea, Hyungseob likes it too."

"Then what do you want?"

"Just.. vanilla," he told the cashier.

She nodded and he paid. We sat down on the table that I was about to go just now.

He started to take his notebooks as I waited impatiently for the ice cream. He handed me a notebook.

"What must I do?"

"Just copy down," he said as he started writing.


The ice cream finally came out and I excitedly ate it while doing the work. I kept on smiling, enjoying the ice cream. This is how ice cream made my mood.

Euiwoong's POV

I was staring at Yena, who's enjoying the ice cream. How can she be so happy just by eating an ice cream?

But I had these weird feelings though. I felt like I couldn't stop staring at her. Her smile is just so damn.. beautiful.

Wait, why am I being like this? Did I just say 'beautiful'? I've never said that to anybody, except my mom and my sister.

"Am I that pretty?" she asked, smirking.

I scoffed, "What? Pretty? Don't dream too much."

"I know you kept on staring at me just now. I really think that you like me," she said.

"You just made me think you're the one who like me," I smirked.

"Me? You?" she pointed herself then me.

"That's just the most stupid thing you've ever think about. I'm not interested in love or dating," she continued.


She widened her eyes, "It's true! You can ask Seonho."

"Well whatever. I don't care about you," I said as I started eating the ice cream.

"Really? You don't care about your pretty friend?"

"I said don't dream too much of being pretty, and I'm not your friend by the way," I said coldly.

"Well I'm just joking okay? I know I'm not pretty. And, okay if you don't wanna be my friend, I'm still your classmate," she chuckled.

I looked at her for a few seconds then went back to work.

"I help you with your work anyway," I heard her mumbling by herself.


"Annyeong~ Thanks for the ride," she smiled.

"Yea.. bye," I mumbled.

After an hour in the ice cream shop, we were finally done and I told her to ride on my bike again.

So yea, we just arrived at her house just now and she has went in. To be honest, she's not that bad. I mean, she still wanted to help me with all of those works, even though she's forced to.

Author's Note:
How is Euiwoong's feelings towards Yena? Does he like her? Or he only consider her as a good person? Let's see..
Please keep reading, vote and comment! Thanks for those of you who already did it! 😊
Btw I can't wait for Wanna One's debut!! 😍
