Chapter 30

Yena's POV

I heard the door was slammed opened, "SURPRISE!!"

"What the hell.. Why are you guys all here?!" I frowned.

"What the hell.. Are you guys only hugging each other?" Hyungseob asked.

"What do you mean? Hug is the best!" Euiwoong said.

"I mean, you know.. kiss," Hyungseob said and earned a smack from Guanlin.

I rolled my eyes, "No thanks. I love hugs." I stood up and crossed my arms, "Also, you guys haven't answer my question. Why are you all here? Didn't you tell me that you have businesses to do?"

"Uhm that's actually.. a part of our plan," Seonho replied.

I raised an eyebrow, "Plan?"

"Yea we--" before Seonho could finish his sentence, Daehwi already covered his mouth and faked a smile. "Yena, why don't we celebrate it?"

"Celebrate what? I mean, we just had a party just now. Well not exactly a party but you guys call it a party so it's a party," I grinned.

Everyone looked at me in disbelieve and I shrugged, "No more party guys."

"Then we will just go home now? Without doing anything?" Samuel asked.

"Yea of course!" I said but soon laughed after looking at their faces. "I'm joking guys, let's go out and have some street food. I'm actually hungry."

"REALLY?!" Seonho and Jihoon shouted at the same time.

"Jihoon, I thought we just ate chicken wings and you ate the most?" Baejin said.

"I'm just going to eat a little bit more," Jihoon winked.

"Baejin remember the ice cream!" I smiled, pointing both my index fingers to him.

"What? But that's part of the pla--" he was cut off by Guanlin you suddenly yelled. "LET'S GO GUYS!!"

"O--okay," I muttered and opened the door before I saw Guanlin stealing glances at Baejin.


"Mmhh, this tastes sooo goooodd!" Jihoon exclaimed happily, enjoying the food.

"You are my eating partner from now on," Seonho patted Jihoon's back, proud that he finally found someone that understands his love for food.

"Jihoon-ah! Do you want more?" I asked, because I was so full already.

"Yes!" he nodded happily and took the food with him.

"Yah Yena! You don't give it for me too?" Seonho asked.

"Sorry I don't have anymore," I said showing an empty plate then joked. "Jihoon deserves better than you."

Seonho was about to shout when we heard a girl yelling, "OPPA!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!"

"DO WHAT?! I ASKED YOU, WHAT DID I DO?!" a boy yelled back.

It was so loud that everybody who were eating there looked at the couple.


The boy scoffed and smirked, "Ah.. that thing. Then what should I do, huh? She's too pretty compared to you, I can't resist her."

"BUT YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!" she yelled and threw an empty glass to him.

"THAT'S WHY I ASKED YOU TO BREAK UP WITH ME, YOU SLUT!! YOU THINK I DIDN'T SEE YOU KISSING A GUY?!" the boy glared at her and slammed the table.


"Really? Even if that's true, I still want to break up with you," he said and was about to leave when the girl stopped him. "Don't go."

The boy furiously grabbed her wrist with force, "Don't you dare to show up in front of me again."

The girl tried to release his grip but he just grabbed it too strong.

"YAH!!" I yelled and approached them.

"Who are you?" the boy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Never hurt a girl," I glared at him and released his grip from her wrist. "You're a coward if you do that."

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl and she nodded. I was about to bring her with me when the boy stopped us.

"I asked, who are you?" he asked again and I just ignored.

"Don't make me repeat it for the third time," he threatened as if I was scared with him. He sighed in frustration and put his hands of on his hips, "Wah I can't believe this, really."

He was about to hit me when a hand stopped him. I looked up and saw Euiwoong, glaring at him.

"Don't you dare to hurt my girlfriend," he said and those words made my heart beat faster.

"Yah, tell your girlfriend here, to mind her OWN business," the boy said.

"She can't mind her own business if she saw a coward like you hurting an innocent girl," Euiwoong said and Daehwi instantly said 'woah'.


Author's POV

"Wow, that was fun actually!" Hyungseob said, they're now walking down the empty street.

"Yea, we secretly called the police and he was so schocked," Samuel laughed.

"His face was like this," Seonho said, immitating that boy's face.

"Yah Euiwoong, you're such a man huh," Jihoon smirked and put his arm around Euiwoong's shoulder.

"Nah, I'm just defending Yena," he said.

"Where is Yena by the way?" Baejin asked.

"Oh she's chatting with the girl--"

"I'm here!" she shouted and ran to them.

"What took you so long?" Euiwoong asked.

"Sorry, I just feel so bad for that girl. I have goosebumps now, I'm scared if that kind of incident one day will happen to me," she said.

"Why? You think I'll do that kind of thing to you?" Euiwoong asked and intertwined his hand with mine.

"No, but nobody knows what will happen in the future right?" she smiled.

"Don't worry," he chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I'll always stay by your side, okay?"

She smiled shyly and nodded.

"Look, they're being lovey dovey. They're acting like we're not here at all," Seonho whispered, annoyed.

"Then get your own girlfriend," Daehwi said.

"I can't share my love for food with anyone," Seonho said dramatically.

"So do you have a girlfriend, Daehwi?" Samuel asked.

"Yea, kinda," he replied.

"REALLY?!" Guanlin shouted.

"Like we know that we love each other but the thing is, she doesn't want to date me," Daehwi pouted.

"Owh, poor Daehwi," Hyungseob said.

"Hyungseob, you too, find a girlfriend," Samuel said.

"Nah too lazy. I actually downloaded a dating app and put my selfie on my profile pic, and you know what? A bunch of girls came to spam me with lots of 'I love you' words. We don't even know each other," he rolled his eyes.

"Ah really? Aren't you happy about it?" Seonho teased.

"Oh please, no," Hyungseob said and changed the topic. "Park Jihoon and Bae Jinyoung! Can you guys please come here?"

Both of them came and asked at the same time, "What?"

"Don't disturb that couple," Hyungseob whispered, eyeing Euiwoong and Yena.

"So, you mean we are disturbing?" Jihoon asked.

"You are but Jinyoung isn't," Guanlin grinned.

"Oh shut up," Jihoon showed a poker face.

Yena's POV

"What time is it?" I asked Euiwoong.

"11," he replied.

"Ah it's so late," I said and stretched my arms. "But I love the breezy weather."

Euiwoong smiled, "Come with me."

He brought me to a park where nobody was there because it was so late already.

"Euiwoong, why did you--"

I was cut off when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I widened my eyes in shock but soon closed my eyes. The kiss ended up in 10 seconds and it was so awkward after we parted away.

"Actually, I've been wanting to do it but I just can't find the right time," Euiwoong said.

I blushed, "Really?"

"Ouch don't step on me!" I heard someone whispered behind the big bush.

"Don't push me!"

"Don't hit me!"

"Yah guys they will realize it!"

"Guys, I know you're there, come out!" I demanded and slowly they came out.

"Did you guys see it?" Euiwoong asked.

"We saw, EVERYTHING," Baejin said.

"Who suggests this idea?" I asked and everyone pointed at Seonho.

"YAH SEONHO!!! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WON'T EAT FOR A WEEK!!" I yelled and chased him.

"I'M SORRY!! I'M SORRY!! FORGIVE ME!!" Seonho shouted.

I stopped chasing him after about a minute. Euiwoong crossed his arms, "The rest of you.."

"What? Don't make us do something bad," Hyungseob said.

I looked at Euiwoong and he also looked at me, we were both smirking.

"If we get detention, you guys will do it instead of us, especially.." Euiwoong paused and I continued. "Cleaning the toilets."

They were all looking at us in disbelieve as we laughed so hard.

"Are you guys serious?" Guanlin asked.

"Why would we lie?" I asked.

"NOOO!!" they all whined.

3 months later.
(a/n. I don't like time skip but this is just 3 months so it's okay right? 😂)

Author's POV

"This is all because of them," Guanlin muttered.

"Aish so smelly, did they even flush it?" Jihoon asked.

"OH MY GOSH!! THERE'S A COKROACH HERE!!" Daehwi screamed.

"WHERE?!" Seonho shouted.

"Jihoon, go and kill it," Baejin said.

Jihoon sighed and went into the cubicle Daehwi was in just now, "Gosh, why does it have to be me."

He then went out after a few seconds, "It's dead, I stepped on it."

"Wow, a real killer," Guanlin said.

"I'm not a killer okay? He told me to do it, so he's the real killer," Jihoon said, pointing to Baejin then went back to mop the floor.

"He's so moody today," Guanlin whispered to Baejin.

"Yea, he saw Euiwoong and Yena together, talking about him," Baejin said.

"Really?" Guanlin asked and Baejin nodded. "Mhm."

"GUYS!! I don't care, I'm going out of this hell," Daehwi dropped the mop and went out.

Meanwhile, Euiwoong and Yena were in the park, chatting happily.

"Yea, and I got angry at him," she laughed.

"Well it's Jihoon's fault actually, for throwing you the bag," he said.

"Euiwoong, you know, I think I can't live without you," she said, changing the topic.

"Me too, I love you too much," he chuckled, ruffling her hair.

"Yah, should we check on them?" she suddenly asked.

He nodded, "I think we should, the toilet might be in a mess."

Then they went to see their friends who were struggling in cleaning the dirty toilets. This is not the end of their story, they still have a lot of fun experiences to be told about. However, this is a happy scene that's good for an ending so we should end it here, shall we?

The End.

Author's Note:
Thank you guys for reading this fanfic until the end! I really really appreciate each and every of your votes and comments. I'll publish an author's note after this, please read it. 😊
But instead if you guys are too lazy to read it, I'll inform it here. I'm going to publish a special chapter on Euiwoong's birthday, so please don't remove it from your library or maybe you can archive it.
THANK YOU!! Love you guys!❤❤
