Chapter 13

Yena's POV

The moment I opened my eyes, I read the name that's written, which made me shouted.

It can't be him.

I looked at Guanlin, Hyungseob then Euiwoong in shock while they were giving me a curious look.

"So who is it?" Guanlin asked.

"Why can't it be Daehwi or Samuel?! I can just tell them to think that the date is just a hangout!" I whined.

"Can you tell us who?" Hyungseob asked, being the impatient person he is.

"Just read it by yourself," I said, throwing him the paper I've been holding.

The moment he saw, his eyes widened and he smirked.

"I'm liking this!" he said, handing the paper to Euiwoong.

His eyes widened too when he saw it.

He stood up and shouted, "WHY IS MY NAME WRITTEN HERE?!?"

"Why did you even asked me? I don't wanna date you too!" I frowned.

"Did you exchange the paper?" he asked, which made me speechless.

I thought he's smart but he's actually so dumb. He's the one who was watching me the whole time, picking on the paper and now he asked that I exchanged the paper?

"Yea right, I know you exchanged it," he said and sat down.

"Idiot!" I snapped at him and went out of the scene.

Euiwoong's POV

I really don't know what to do right now. I'm so doomed. My name was written there and I made Yena angry.

I was just so shocked just now. I couldn't think straight.

It won't be a problem of course, dating her. But the thing is, I'm just so nervous. As I said, I like her but I don't love her.

"Yah I don't know you're this dumb," Hyungseob said.

Guanlin suddenly stood up, "Uhm guys, I'll go check on her."

I nodded and he ran away, searching for Yena while I just continously sighed.

"If I were you, I'll convince her that I'll make her fall for me during our date," Hyungseob suddenly said.

"Then? After she loves you, what will you do? You don't like her," I said, looking at him.

"I'm sure I'll fall for her anytime soon if I got closer to her," he said.


"I'm attracted to her, Ung-ah. I just didn't wanna show it."

"But why do you support me with her?" I asked, I was so confused.

"I'm just attracted to her, I don't like neither fall in love with her," he stated.

"And besides, I ship both of you," he grinned.

"Go and get her. Say sorry and tell her everything you wanna say," he said, pushing me slightly to get up.

Suddenly, I got the courage to go and talk to her. Right, I need to straightened up this problem.

"Okay I'll go find her. Thanks bro," I smiled at Hyungseob and quickly ran after that.

I was going around the mall for 10 minutes already and I still haven't find her.

When I was about to go back to Hyungseob to ask him for help, I saw Guanlin standing in front of the girls toilet, sighing in frustration.

"Yah Guanlin!!" I called, which gained his attention.

I ran towards him and looked at him with a concern face.

"Did you see Yena?" I asked.

"She's in there," he said, pointing to the door with his thumb. "I told her to go out and she told me to wait, but she never comes out."

"Are you sure she's there?" I asked, holding the door knob.

He nodded as I immediately opened the door and barged in to the girls toilet.

I could see in the corner of my eyes that Guanlin was looking at me in shock. He might think that I'm crazy.

"Yah Euiwoong!!" he called as I closed the door.

I quickly pushed the cubicle door one by one, but all of them were empty except for the last one. It was locked.

I knocked on the door, "Yena?"

No answer.

"Yena, please answer me. I'm sorry okay?" I pleaded, thankfully nobody was here.

No answer.

I was about to call her one more time when the door was opened, revealing Yena who was grinning.

"Did you just say sorry to me? she smirked.

"Yeaaa??" I looked at her weirdly.

"Don't think I was mad. I just locked myself in the toilet so you'll say sorry to me," she said and pushed me aside as she walked to wash her hands.

I sighed in relief, "I thought you were mad."

"I just made a class president went in to the girls toilet just to say sorry," she smirked as she took some tissues.

"Stop smirking. You forgot about 'our' date?" her smirk faded and this time I smirked.

"Oh about that.. I don't wanna date you. I don't care if you want to call me a coward for not doing it," she said and was about to open the door to go out when I grabbed her wrist.

"Like you said, don't be such a coward. Face it," I said, looking at her sharply without any expression with her back facing me.

"I can't date someone that I don't even love," she said and finally turned to look at me.

"Then I'll make you fall for me before we date. Promise is a promise," I smirked.

Yena's POV

I couldn't believe myself seriously. I just stood there, frozen. His sharp gaze and how he smirked made me speechless.

My heart beat so fast and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I was looking at him all the time while his smirk never left his face.

"I--I don't th--think so," I stuttered.

He snorted, "Did you just fall for me already?"

"Hey let's make a deal again. If I fail to make you fall for me in a month, you don't have to date me. Easy right?" he offered.

A month. I might fall for him before even a month if he keep on giving me his sharp gaze and his smirk. But no, I can't fall for him. I'll prove him that I'm not an easy girl to fall in love.

I smirked, "Okay then. Who will fall for you anyway?"

"Well, it's up to you now. We'll see if you fall for me within these weeks," he said.

He was about to open the door but he looked at me.

"And I'm sure you will," he whispered and went out, leaving me frozen there.

I'm doomed. I'm seriously doomed.

Jihoon's POV

I just met Jinyoung and everything went well. He forgave me and he said to compete in a fair way.

But before everything became late, I'll confess to Yena tomorrow on Sunday.

I took out my phone from my jeans pocket and texted Yena.

Me: Yenaaa

I waited for her reply and there was none. So I decided to go home and think about how to confess to her.

Right when I arrived at my house and sat on the sofa, my phone vibrated.

Yena: what

Me: let's meet up tomorrow!!

Yena: what's with the exclamation marks

Me: i'm too hyped

Yena: really

Me: yes

Yena: ok then

Me: did you just agree to meet up with me tomorrow???

Yena: yea

Me: great, see you tomorrowww

Yena: dumbass

Me: ??

Yena: the place? time?

Me: oh right

Me: i'll tell you tomorrow

Yena: don't you dare to forget

Me: why? you really want to meet up with me?

Yena: if you forget then i won't ever come

Me: ok ok i won't forget

Yena is such a cute girl. I'm so happy. She agreed to meet up with me tomorrow.

If you said that I won't get accepted tomorrow, you're right. I know she won't accept me as I can see it from the way she acted towards me. But I just wanted her to know my feelings. Maybe she can open up her heart for me one day.


"Jihooonnn!! Gosh, why are you so late?!" Yena frowned the moment she saw me approaching her.

So I've planned everything in my mind about confessing to her. It's not easy for me since this will be the first time ever for me. Everytime, all those girls confessed to me first so all I needed to do was just to say yes.

I was smiling the moment I saw her standing in front of her house. I decided to pick her up.

"Sorry sorry! I need to look handsome," I smiled sheepishly.

"You already look handsome everyday," she muttered but I could still heard her.

"What? Did you just say something?" I teased her, wearing my smirk.

"Nothing. Where's Baejin by the way?" she asked.


"Yea.. Jinyoung."

"Huh?" I looked at her with confusion.

"I thought we'll go together with him?" she asked.

"No, of course not. It's only the two of us. Why would you think he'll come anyway? I never told you that he's coming," I said in confusion.

"Well you two are always together so I thought he's coming too," she shrugged.

"He's not coming, Yena. Let's go!" I smiled, grabbing her wrist.

"Wait where?"

"Just come with me, you'll know it." I showed her the happiest smile of mine.

This is the first time, I can go out with the girl that I truly love. She taught me that I should never ever lied to myself. I should date someone that I really love.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading my fanfic until here! Please keep reading, vote and comment. Thank you 😊
