Chapter 3

Yena's POV

It's break time. I felt like going home now. I'm so lazy to do anything.

"Yena-yah!" I heard someone called, must be Chaeyeon.

"Are you okay?!" she asked, scanning through my whole body.

"Gwenchana.." I smiled.

"I swear I'll punch that Sooyeon girl!" she balled her fist.

I chuckled, "Let's go eat now!"

We went to the cafetaria and went to the place we used to sit before. I opened my lunch box and ate it slowly.

Chaeyeon has finished eating but I haven't even finish half of it.

"Yena-yah, why are you eating so slow?"

"Not in the mood," I said, playing with the spoon.

"Why? Because you got bullied?" she asked.

"Yea and also other things," I stuffed a spoonful of rice into my mouth.

"What other things?"

"Those 4 popular boys in our class. They're really bothering me," I said.

"They bothered you?" she widened her eyes.

"Well not exactly like that, except for Jihoon, he's bothering me. If Euiwoong..." I paused.

"I misunderstood him just now. So I have to help him with his school works everytime. Hyungseob, actually he's kind. And Jinyoung, I never talk to him," I explained.

"Then why did you say those four are bothering you?"

"Because they're in our class, all the fangirls are always squealing and screaming. Even girls from other class came to ours," I complained.

"Ooh that.. You're weird, Yena. If I were you, I'll be so happy. Being bothered by Jihoon, talking with Euiwoong," she said dreamily.

"Oh please Chaeyeon-ah!" I rolled my eyes.


First day has finally ended! Ugh I'm tired!!

I was packing my bag when suddenly someone called me. Why are there so many people calling me today? -_-


I turned around, "What is it again, Jihoon?"

"I wanna say sorry, because of me, you got bullied," he said softly.

Why is he being nice so sudden?

"Yea okay I forgive you," I said, closing my locker.

"Really?" he beamed.


"You're not lying right?"


He smiled.

I hate to say this but, his smile made my heart skipped a beat. But NO, I WILL NEVER LIKE HIM.

I looked at the guy beside him, who was also smiling. I know him, he's Jinyoung.

Jinyoung's POV

Yena is pretty. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She's very attractive. The way she talks, they way she moves, just made me fall for her.

I can't do anything though. Jihoon likes her too. I mean he's still not sure about it, but I think he does like her.

She looked at me just now. My heart beat so fast. I think I just fall in love at first sight.

Some people say that love at first sight won't stay long. So I guess I'll just wait until it's gone by itself.

"Yah Jinyoung! Are you daydreaming?" Jihoon hit my shoulder slightly.


I looked around, "Where is Yena?" I realized that she was gone.

"I'm sure you were daydreaming. She went home already," Jihoon said.

"Ooh okay then let's go home now," I smiled.

Yena's POV

Finally I'm home. I'm back to my lovely house!! I just hate school.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on. The moment it turned on, there were a few notifications. Some of them were from my friends, but one was an unknown number.

I opened it.

(UN: unknown number)
UN: Hii Yena! I bet you just got home and you want to rest. But sadly, you can't because you need to help me with the school works. Come to my house at 5.30. I'll wait, if you don't come, you know what will happen right? ;)

I groaned and typed.

Me: This is Euiwoong right?

UN: Obviously it's me!

Me: I can't go to a boy's house alone. And I don't want to!

Euiwoong: I don't care, you need to come. I have a lot of work to do.

Me: Ahhh fine! Where's your house?

Euiwoong: *sends location through map*

Me: Your house is not that far from mine.

Euiwoong: Oh that's good then. So you can come here more often.

Me: Do you like me or something?

Euiwoong: What makes you think like that?

Me: You want me to come there more often.

Euiwoong: Yea to help me with my works. You're over confident if think that I like you.

Me: I'm not serious about that okay?! And besides, I have my own homeworks too you know! -_-

Euiwoong: You can do it later.

Me: Okay then BYE!!

I turned off my phone and groaned. I stomped upstairs to my room and took my clothes. Then I went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Thankfully, he is not here. Or not, he will ask me why do I need to go to his house.

(A/N. You will find out who's "he" in the next chapter 😉)


I looked at the mirror to see if I look okay. I wore a pale blue blouse with black shorts. I let my long wavy black hair down.

Well I actually didn't care if I look good or not. I was just going to his house.

I put on my white sneakers and went out of my house. I locked the door and walked to his house. It took only about 5 minutes to go there.

I rang the bell for two times and the gate was opened by itself. I walked to the main door and was about to open it when Euiwoong opened it widely, pulling me inside.

"Yah why did you--"

"Ssshh, don't make noise!" he whispered, glancing around the whole room.

I mouthed him 'why' but he didn't answer. His eyes were full of concern. He was right in front of me, very close. I could even feel his breath. This was the first time I was being this close with a boy. My heart..

It was beating so fast.

"Yena-yah.." he called softly, making me looked right at his eyes.

I don't know why, but he just looked so cool in this situation.


"Someone has been spying on me since I got home," he whispered.

"What? How do you know?" I whispered back, I was starting to get scared.

"Listen! Do you hear that noise?" he asked.

I tried to listen, but I didn't hear anything. All I could hear was silence. So I shook my head.

"Listen to it again!"

"I didn't hear anything!! What noise?" I asked.

He gasped and covered my mouth with his hand, "I said don't make noise! Now the person knows that there is someone else here."

I widened my eyes and I started sweating. What is actually happening?!?

I looked back at Euiwoong. He was slightly smiling, but his smile was getting wider and wider each second. Finally, he let go of his hand from my mouth and burst into laughter.

"Your reaction is so funny! Look at your face!" he laughed, pointing at me.

"WHAT?! DID YOU JUST PRANK ME?!?" I shouted.

"It's so fun to tease you!" he said, finally done laughing.

I take back my words, he's not cool at all. And my stupid heart that beat so fast just now was fake. I hate him!!

"You sure are really good at acting, you idiot! I hate you so much! We're not even that close, we just met!" I crossed my arms.

"So? Who cares if we just met? I'm bored and I feel like pranking someone," he shrugged.

"BUT I CARE!!" I shouted again.

He covered his ears, "Ugh stop yelling! You better help me with these works now!"

I stomped to the sofa where all the works were put on and randomly took a pile of papers.

"Which one should I do? This one?" I showed him.

"No, I'll do that one. You do this one," he picked up another pile of papers and hand it to me.

"That's easier," he said and went to sit on the floor.

I followed and sat next to him. I put the papers on the tea table and started to work on it. He was also starting to focus on his work.

After about an hour, I was done with all the works. I turned to him and saw him still doing his works. His handwriting is so neat and nice though.

"I'm done," I stretched out my hands.

"Okay good, you can go home now," he said, not looking at me.

"At least say thank you to me."

"Thanks," he said, still focusing on his works.

He didn't even look at me. Even the way he said 'thanks' sounded so unsincere.

"Then bye!" I snapped and went out of his house.

Author's Note :
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading my fanfic. Please continue reading and vote for me. I promise I'll make more interesting chapters! 😊
