Chapter 27

Euiwoong's POV

"Okay guys, are you ready?" Guanlin asked as we all gathered in front of Yena's house while Seonho was distracting her right now.

"Ready!!" Hyungseob shouted and I immediately covered his mouth.

He removed my hand from his mouth and threw a look at me. I shrugged and looked at Guanlin, "So what should I do now?"

"Just prepare yourself. Later before the last person leave, we'll call you," Guanlin replied.

I nodded and Guanlin motioned everyone to go in. As everyone got in, I decided to go to some shops to buy Yena some gifts.

Yena's POV

The doorbell rang and I was currently doing my homework in the living room, "Seonho! Can you please open the door?"

"No, you open it," he said and went upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and stood up before dragging my feet towards the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Guanlin standing there, smiling widely.

"Hi Yena!" he greeted and went in, followed by Jihoon, Baejin, Daehwi, Hyungseob and Samuel.

I looked at them with a confused expression as they went in one by one. I waited for another person to come but there was no one in front of the door anymore.

"Huh? Euiwoong isn't here? His friends are here," I muttered by myself and closed the door.

"Yah Yena, what are you doing in front of the door?" Samuel asked and I just grinned.

"Nothing," I replied and went to follow the others to the kitchen.

"So guys, what are you all doing here?" I asked out loud, but nobody replied as they were busy searching for food.

"Guys, seriously, there's no food here. Why did you guys come here?" I asked again, trying to be patient but after being ignored for the second time, I yelled, "GUYS!!"

Some of them flinched and Guanlin immediately turned to look at me, "Gosh! You don't have to shout like that!"

I rolled my eyes, "You guys ignored me."

"Okay so what were you asking again just now?" Daehwi asked.

I sighed, "What are you guys doing here?"

"WE WANT TO HAVE A PARTY!!!" Hyungseob screamed crazily and lifted up a glass of coke.

Seonho opened the door loudly from upstairs, "THE PARTY IS NOW?! I'M IN!!" He rushed downstairs and joined the others.

I looked at him weirdly, "Party? Wait, have we even discussed this yet?"

"Of course, we discussed it with Seonho and he agreed immediately," Jihoon said and went to sit on the sofa before turning on the television.

I turned to glare at Seonho and he just laughed sheepishly. He tried to change the topic and grabbed a bag of popcorn, "Guys let's watch something."

"Horror movie?" Guanlin asked.

"Cool!" Jihoon said and grabbed the TV remote to search for a good one.

"No no, guys. We better watch something funny," Daehwi seemed nervous with the idea of watching horror.

"No, let's just watch a romance movie," Baejin suggested. "Agree, romance movie will be perfect," Hyungseob said as Samuel nodded.

"Okay then let's vote," Seonho said. "Who wants horror?"

Guanlin and Jihoon raised their hands.

"Comedy?" Seonho asked as he raised his hand followed by Daehwi.

"Romance?" Baejin, Samuel and Hyungseob raised their hands.

Then all of them turned to me as I looked at them with a confused expression, "What?"

"You didn't vote," Baejin stated.

"I'm not going to watch any of the movies. I'm going to watch my k-drama," I smiled and was about to go inside my room when they stopped me.

"No, watch with us," Samuel said.

"I don't want to."

"Are you serious? We need to spend our time together!" Seonho snapped.

"Okay guys then let's watch k-drama," Guanlin suggested and everyone widened their eyes.

"No! I want comedy!" Daehwi whined.

"Wait, what drama are we watching first?" Jihoon asked.

I smiled happily and went to search for the drama in the TV. After a while, I found it and explained, "The genre is horror, comedy and romance. Now happy?"

"Oh yes good," Baejin said.

"There's still horror though," Daehwi pouted.

"It's okay, let's just watch," Jihoon smiled and put his hand on Daehwi's shoulder as some of us sat on the sofa and some on the floor.

The drama soon started. It only consisted of 4 episodes, so we enjoyed the 4 hours while eating snacks. Sometimes, Daehwi and Hyungseob screamed because the ghost suddenly popped out. Jihoon and Baejin unconsciously hugged each other when a romantic scene showed up. Guanlin and Seonho laughed so hard when they saw funny scenes while Samuel didn't have any expression.

After we were done watching, I stood up to stretch my body and asked, "Now what are we going to do?"

"GAMES!!" Samuel shouted.

"Games? What games?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hide and seek!" Seonho suggested happily. I looked at him with a straight face, "No."

"You know what's the simplest game?" Guanlin asked and everyone was waiting for his answer. "None of you know?"

We all shook our head and he sighed frustratedly, "Gosh, truth or dare! What else?!"

"Okay okay, you don't have to be mad like that," Daehwi said and picked up a random bottle.

Everyone sat in a circle and Daehwi span the bottle first, and it ended up pointing at Jihoon.

"Truth," he said.

Daehwi smirked, "For example, Yena and Baejin are drowning. Who will you save first?"

In a split of second, he answered easily, "Of course, Yena. How come you asked such an easy question. Not fun."

Baejin looked at him in disbelieve, "Wah, I can't believe you seriously. I've been there for you the whole time and you chose Yena."

"Wouldn't you do the same if you're in my position? Choose, me or Yena?" Jihoon asked.

"It's obvious that I'll choose Yena," he rolled his eyes. "Why would you ask?"

Now, Jihoon was the one who looked at Baejin in disbelieve, "See."

"Okay guys, you better save each other if one of you drown because I can swim. Not to show off but I won a swimming competition last year," I laughed.

"That's called showing off," Seonho teased and I just glared at him.

Next, Jihoon was the one who turned the bottle and it ended up pointing at me, "Dare."

"Dare? Are you sure?" he smirked.

I crossed my arms, "Sure, why not?"

"I dare you to hug me!" he exclaimed happily.

"What? No! You're just enjoying it by yourself!" Baejin frowned.

"It's my turn so I can do whatever I want!" Jihoon argued.

"Oh my gosh, they will not stop quarrelling seriously," Samuel sighed and got up.

"I'm going now guys. I need to practice my dance," he said and winked at Guanlin.

"Ew why would you wink at Guanlin?" I asked.

Guanlin's body suddenly tensed up and he stuttered while forcing a smile to me, "No, there's nothing going on. Just focus on the game, go hug Jihoon."

Guanlin's POV

I was so scared when Yena suddenly asked. I thought she was going to find out about the plan. I knew Samuel was signalling me with a wink because I told him that he would be the one who would be going first. But he didn't have to wink like that. I thought my heart was gonna stopped just now.

"Yena, go hug Jihoon!" Daehwi said.

"Aigoo aigoo, okay! I'm going to hug this cute little Jihoonie," Yena made an eyesmile which made me blushed a bit even though I have to stop blushing because of her from now on.

She stood up and hugged Jihoon tightly. Jihoon tapped her shoulder a few times, "Yena.. I--can't--bre--breathe."

"Oops I'm so sorry, you're just too cute," she said and was about to pinch his cheeks when Jinyoung stopped her, "He's not cute at all."

"Aaww Baejin, are you jealous?" she laughed. "Come come, I'll hug you too."

She then hugged Baejin and without me realizing, I smiled. Looking at her so happy made my heart fluttered. She is so friendly to the point that people can misunderstand her attitude.

"Yena, you're acting like you love both of us," Jihoon said after they broke the hug.

"I do love both of you. What do you mean?" she asked, showing a confused expression.

"No, what I mean is-- nevermind, let's just continue the game," Jihoon sighed.

She sat back on her spot and span the bottle, which pointed to Seonho. He crossed his arms and calmly said, "Dare."

"Oh yes good," she smirked but immediately turned into a grin when Baejin snapped, "Yah that's my line!"

"Seonho, I dare you to only eat three times a day for this whole month!" she said happily.

His jaw dropped and he widened his eyes, "NO!! I WON'T EVER DO YOUR DARE!!"

"Come on, Seonho. Be a man," I smirked, thinking that Yena's dare is a very good idea to stop Seonho from eating my chips again.

"What do you mean by 'be a man'? A man also needs food!" he frowned.

Everyone laughed as Seonho finally agreed to do Yena's dare. The game continued until 5 p.m. Now it's time for me and Seonho to leave the place.

Author's Note:
Yeeaay! I finally wrote longer than the previous chapter. I thought I won't be a able to finish it but I did it! Thank you for all your support, please keep reading, vote and comment! Thank you! 😊
