Chapter 28

Yena's POV

"Huh? You're leaving already?" I asked Guanlin.

"Yea, my mom texted me. She told me to go home," Guanlin smiled, his hand was already reaching the door knob.

"And you, Seonho? What are you doing there?" I asked Seonho who's currently standing beside Guanlin, grinning the whole time.

"Me?" he pointed to himself. "Of course I'll go with Guanlin."

"No, stay here," I said firmly.

I looked at him suspiciously when he was whispering something to Guanlin while eyeing me.

"Bye Yena!" he shouted playfully, pushed Guanlin outside and immediately closed the door.

I sighed and Daehwi asked, "Now what are we going to do?"

"PARTY!!!" Hyungseob shouted. Everyone looked at him, expressionless. "PARTY!!" he shouted once again.

"No, no party at my house!" I frowned and was about to go upstairs to my room and Hyungseob faked a cry, "Nooo please! You're not fun!"

"Yah guys, if Yena doesn't want to party with us, let's just go to her room!" Daewhi exclaimed, and now, everyone including Hyungseob looked at him expresionless.

"What? You don't want to?" he asked the boys.

Baejin nodded slowly and Jihoon said in a very low voice, "Cool, let's go."

In a split of second, they ran upstairs and I watched them in disbelieve with my mouth wide opened.

"GUYS, COME ON!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I yelled from downstairs and quickly went upstairs to check on my precious room.

The moment I opened the door, I saw the four of them lying on my bed, playfully hitting each other with my pillows and blanket.

"Guys, I just cleaned my room this morning," I said without a tone.

"Oh hi Yena! Do you wanna join us with this pillow fight?" Baejin asked, smiling widely while blinking his eyes a few times.

"No, I--" I was about to refuse him but a thought came up to my mind. I smirked, "Guys, if we just use my two pillows, it won't be enough. How if we take Seonho's pillows? He has like about five."

"So you wanna join?" Jihoon asked and I nodded.

I smiled in victory when Daehwi and Hyungseob ran to Seonho's room to get his pillows. His pillows are precious to him, I wonder what would his reaction be if he found out that his pillows were used for our pillow fight. It's his fault anyway for leaving me with these four boys alone.

"HERE!!" Daehwi squealed as he threw all the pillows.

"Ready?" Jihoon asked, raising both of his eyebrows while grabbing two pillow.

"READY!!" Hyungseob shouted.

We played for about an hour until Daehwi suddenly said, "Guys, sorry but I have a family dinner after this."

I pouted, "Ah okay then."

"Daewhi-yah, don't forget to bring me some food tomorrow," Baejin winked. "Your mom's food is saved in my heart!"

"Yah, don't steal my catchphrase," Jihoon glared at Baejin.

"Everything that is yours is mine and everything that is mine is yours. Okay?" Baejin grinned.

"So for example if Yena is my girlfriend, then she is your girlfriend too?" Jihoon asked.

Baejin smirked, "Yea! Why not?"

I looked at the two of them weirldy and so did Daehwi and Hyungseob.

"Guys, this is getting weird. I'm going home now, and Jinyoung, I will bring you lots and lots of food tomorrow," Daehwi smiled and went outside.

I followed Daehwi downstairs but he suddenly paused in the middle of the stairs then turned to look at me with a confused expression, "Why are you following me?"

"I'm the owner of the house. I should take you till outside," I stated.

Daewhi shook his head, "No need, just go back. Who knows your room is in a big mess right now? You leave those three alone."

"Oh right, okay then," I smiled. "Don't forget to lock the door, okay?"

He nodded then waved at me, "Bye!"


"This!! This one tastes the best!" Hyungseob exclaimed as the four of us were going through a food menu.

"No, this one!" Baejin said, pointing at another picture of food.

"Jihoon? What about you?" I asked.

"Anything is fine with me," he smiled.

"Okay let's order what Hyungseob and Baejin want and have a party. It's almost 6 anyway," I said and grabbed my phone.

I handed the phone, "Jihoon, you order."

"Really Yena?" he looked at me in disbelieve and started dialing the number.

"Hello?" he started, then continued after he heard a voice. "I want one set of A3 and one set of D4, please. Oh, and also the spicy chicken wings with four colas."

"Yes? Oh!" he looked at me and mouthed me to write my house address on a blank paper.

He told the address and smiled, "Yes, thank you. Please be fast. I'm hungry." He then ended the call.

"HAHAHAHA. Did you just say that you're hungry to the person?" Baejin laughed, pointing at Jihoon.

"Is that wrong?" Jihoon asked, looking at him as confusion was written all over his face.

"Nope, not at all," Baejin said and started to laugh again.


"CHICKEN!!!" Jihoon shouted happily and immediately took the plastic bag that the man handed.

"Thank you!!" he exclaimed and hugged the man.

"Oh.. yea, you're welcome," the man awkwardly said.

"Come on, Jihoon. Let's eat," Hyungseob faked a smile and pulled him away from the man then bowed a little while saying 'thank you' before closing the door.

The four of us sat on the floor while eating the chicken.

"Do you like chicken that much?" I asked Jihoon.

Jihoon opened his mouth and was about to reply me when Baejin said, "Yea, he really loves food."

"Same here!! I love food too!" I exclaimed happily and did a high-five with Jihoon.

"Who doesn't love food?" Hyungseob asked before having a several gulps of his cola.

"By the way, Hyungseob. Why didn't Euiwoong come here?" I asked.

He seemed a bit shock by my sudden question but quickly answered, "He's busy with something."

I was a bit dissapointed and nodded slowly, "Oh.."

"Why? You miss him already?" he smirked.

I blushed a bit, "N--no! It's just-- it would be fun if he's here."

"Yea, you miss him."

"No! I don't!"





"Hello guys? We're here," Jihoon said, stopping the two of us.

I sighed, "Fine, I do miss him."

"See," Hyungseob smiled proudly before taking another bite chicken.

"Oh! By the way, I need to go home now," Hyungseob said and finished the coke. "I need to meet up with Park Woojin."

"No, Woojin and I are pink sausages. So you can't be with him," Jihoon suddenly said.

"W--what? Pink sausages? The two of you?"

Jihoon crossed his arms and nodded cutely with a little frown on his face.

"Choose, me or Woojin?" Baejin asked.

"I choose myself," Jihoon grinned and stood up. "Someone clean the table, I am the one who order the food so I can't be the one who clean it too."

"Yea, even me. I'm currently not in a good mood because of Jihoon," Baejin reasoned, although I knew exactly that he's in a very good mood.

I looked at Hyungseob and he was pointing at the door, "I'm.. going..? Woojin texted me already."

"Can you please help me for a whi--" I paused when I saw the door was opened widely, and Hyungseob was nowhere to be found.

"Aish! These boys!" I muttered while picking up all the trashes.


"HA! GOT YOU!!" Baejin shouted as his fingers were moving so fast, pressing the game controller.

"NO!! I CAN'T LOSE FROM YOU!!" Jihoon shouted back and moved his fingers faster.

I was watching the two of them with excitement on my face. I really love this game and it was so fun watching the two of them played.

"Guys, I'm gonna play with one of you after this, okay? Whoever the winner is, you need to play against me," I said.

"Shush, Yena. I'm trying to concentrate," Jihoon said, his eyes never leave the TV screen.

I sulked, "Fine."

"OH YES!! I FINALLY WIN!!" Jihoon shouted in happiness as he threw the game controller and stood up before jumping up and down.

Baejin pouted and slowly handed the controller to me, "Here. You better win against him."

"Yes I will," I whispered as I eyed Jihoon who's now dancing around.

"Yah, Jihoon! Don't celebrate it first before you win against me," I challenged with a smirk on my face.

"Okay, let's go!" he said, doing a fighting pose and took the controller back as he sat down.

We played for about 15 minutes and with 1 score difference, I won. I wanted to immitate Jihoon so I threw the controller, stood up, jumped up and down, and started to dance.

"Now you see who's the loser!" Baejin teased.

Jihoon crossed his arms and huffed, "She's too good!"

Jinyoung's POV

After a good two minutes of teasing Jihoon, I felt my phone in my pocket vibrated. I saw the caller id and it's Guanlin.

"Yah, hurry, come out of the house now. You've passed your time. Tell Jihoon to come out in 10 minute. We're all waiting outside," Guanlin whispered.

I took a glance at Yena and she was still busy teasing Jihoon so I whispered back, "Okay."

Author's Note:
Hello! I wrote this in a hurry so I'm sorry if there's any mistake. I just can't get over Jonghyun yet. I still feel so sad. Even though this is late, rest in peace, Jonghyun. You've worked hard, you've done well. You're the greatest singer that touched my heart. ❤

Thank you for reading, this book is coming to an end! Please keep voting and it will be great if you comment! AND THANK YOU FOR 10.1 K READS!! 😊❣

Also, this is too early but I'm not going to publish a chapter on Monday so, Merry Christmas!!🎄🎁
