Chapter 29

Yena's POV

"Where are you going?" I asked Baejin who suddenly just stood up.

"Outside," he said, pointing the door with his thumb.

I raised an eyebrow, "Outside? For what?"

"I want to buy ice cream. You see, you don't have ice cream in your fridge," he replied.

"Oh right, Seonho ate it all," I frowned remembering my precious ice cream that has now gone but soon smiled at Baejin. "Okay then. Buy more ice cream, I want it too, thank you!"

"Me too! Buy for me too!" Jihoon requested happily.

He nodded and opened the door saying 'okay' before stepping outside.

There was a long moment of silence after Baejin went away. I couldn't stand this silence anymore so I called him, "Jihoon."

But he also called me at the same time, "Yena."

I widened my eyes a bit for a second and smiled, "You talk first." But again, Jihoon also said the same exact line at the exact time.

I burst into laughter and he burst into laugher too.

"Okay you talk first," I said, still laughing a bit.

He shook his head, "No, you first."

"You first."

"You should be first."

"Jihoon," I put on a poker face. "If you don't talk first, I won't talk to you anymore."

He widened his eyes and he seemed a bit shock, which I think was very cute, "Okay, I'll talk first!"

I smiled and victory, "Go ahead."

"Since it's only the two of us here, I want to ask something that I don't want anyone else to know," he started and I was listening to every word that came out of his mouth. "Do you.. ever, just once, like me? You know what I mean by 'like' right?"

I nodded, "I know. To be honest, when I first saw you, remember when you threw my bag to my face? I actually think that you're very cute, even until now. Then when you started to change, becoming a very nice person like how you are now, I got attracted to you, just a bit.. Maybe for a day? Or two?"

A smile was formed on his face, "Really? Then why didn't you tell me?"

I laughed, "For what, Jihoon? I got attracted to you, doesn't mean I have feelings for you."

"I know," he looked down for a few seconds before looking up again with a bright smile.

"Huh? What's with that sudden smile?" I asked, teasing him.

"I'm happy, that you and Euiwoong have the same feelings. I like seeing you two together," he smiled.

I narrowed my eyes, "Are you sure? You're not lying right?"

He seemed flustered, "N--no! I'm being honest!"

I laughed again, "I know, Jihoon, I know. I was just joking around."

"That's a relief then. So you don't have any feelings for me anymore right?" I asked.

He frowned, "Of course, I still have, and will always have."

My smile faded, "Jihoon, I told you, you're just going to make yourself suffer!"

He looked away, "It's my own choice, you don't have to tell me what to do. Just be happy with Euiwoong, that's all I want."

I was about to say something since I was still disagree with him when his phone rang. He took out his phone from his pocket and answered, "Yea. Okay. Yes, I will. Hm, bye."

"Who is it?" I asked our of curiousity.

"My friend. He asked me to accompany him to go to a club," he replied.

Jihoon's POV

Yena frowned after hearing my answer, "Club? But you're underage."

"I'm not going inside, I will just wait outside," he gave me a reassuring smile and stood up. "I'm going."

"Fine, be careful," she smiled and waved to me before I waved back and went out.

My eyes searched for the others and found all of them hiding behind a big bush. I ran and joined them.

"YAH!!" Guanlin shouted but sounded more like a whisper. "What took you so long?!"

"Sorry, I had a serious conversation with Yena just now," I replied and looked at Jinyoung, "Did you buy the ice cream?"

"Of course not," he said.

"Ah, I'm craving for ice cream," I said, licking my dry lips.

My attention suddenly went to Euiwoong. He looked so hansome with that dark blue shirt, long black pants and his hair up.

"Wow, you look so handsome."

He smiled, "Thanks. Now should I go inside?" He stood up and was about to go inside when Guanlin looked panick and held his wrist, "No! Not yet! Give a break time first!"

Yena's POV

Jihoon has left and Baejin hasn't come back. I started to get bored and wondered why didn't Euiwoong come here, I miss him already.

"He should've come and have fun with us," I sighed and pouted. "I miss him."

I took out my phone and decided to call him.

Euiwoong's POV

My phone started to ring so loud and my eyes widened when I looked at the caller id. I showed Guanlin and he had the same reaction as mine, "Turn it off, turn it off!"

"Why are you so panick?" Seonho asked while chewing a melted candy.

"I'm just scared if Yena will find out about this whole plan!" Guanlin replied.

"Yea but you don't have to be panick like that. Besides, as her brother, I've been living with her like almost 17 years? And I wanna state an obvious fact that she's kinda dumb," Seonho said.

Guanlin smacked his head, "Just shut up and continue chewing."

"So Euiwoong, are you ready?" Hyungseob asked.

I took a deep breathe, "Yes I am."

I smiled looking at the pink medium-sized box that I was holding. I bought her a bracelette with a combination of soft pink and soft blue color, I know exactly that she would like it.

"Guys will this bracellete be enough?" I asked.

"A proper confession is more than enough for her," Samuel replied.

"Yea, and that bracellete is so pretty," Daehwi said.

"Just like her," Jinyoung continued Daehwi's line.

"Okay guys now it's time for Euiwoong to go inside. We should wait here and when his confession ends, we will come inside and surprise her," Guanlin announced and everyone nodded.

He nodded to me and I nodded back. Slowly, I stood up and took a step forward, another step and another step until I reached the door. I took a deep breathe one last time before ringing the door bell.

I waited for a few seconds and the door was finally opened, revealing Yena with her casual outfit and messy bun hair. Her appearance just made my heart beat even faster.

She smiled brightly, "Euiwoong? Where have you been? Everyone went home already, except Baejin who never come back after going out to buy ice cream."

I laughed, "Really? Should I come in now?"

"Of course! Come and sit here!" she pulled my wrist and told me to sit on the sofa.

"I'll prepare you a drink," she said but I stopped her.

"Wait Yena, there's something really important that I must say."

Her face turned confused, "What is it?"

"I was not able to confess properly to you last time, and I would like to say sorry one more time for that. Now, since I have a chance, I want to use this time to confess again," I said as her eyes widened a bit.

"I love you, I love you the way you are," I smiled and paused. I took out the gift I've prepared and handed it to her. "Do you want to be my girlfriend from now on?"
(a/n. I'm not used in writing confession so I'm sorry if you think it's bad and cringy. 😂)

She smiled brightly and nodded her head, "Of course!"

"Here, open it."

She opened the box and gasped when she saw the bracellete.

"Pretty isn't it? Just like you," I said and put on the bracellete on her tiny wrist.

"Thanks, Euiwoong. You're really the best," she smiled and hugged me.

Then suddenly I heard a loud bang from the door, "SURPRISE!!"

Author's Note:
Hello! I just want to inform you all that next week will be the next chapter. Thank you for all your reads, votes and comment!

ALSO, please check out my new fanfic, 'Wanna One Events Stories'. It's like a book where I will publish 1-3 chapters if there is any important even happening. Thank you! ❤😊
