Chapter 20

(a/n. A chapter full of Jinyoung ahead.)

Yena's POV

I was on my way home after another long school today. Today's Friday and that means I could stay up late this night.

Nothing really happened today, except for the fact that Jihoon started to wink at me everytime we met. I don't know what have gotten into him seriously.

Now I was busy thinking about what happened yesterday in detention class.


"I.. Of course I want your attention for the works!" I said as I looked away from him because I didn't want him to see me blushed.

He went back to his seat as he crossed one of his legs.

"Yeah sure, keep on lying," he said.

"I--I'm not lying!"

"Then why did you keep on stuttering?"

I kept quiet after he said that. He smirked looking at my reaction.

"You know, if you keep on denying the fact that you love me, you'll regret it later. And you know what's surprising? I think I'm starting to fall for you," he said, still wearing his playful smirk.

But I didn't take his last sentence seriously. He seemed like he was just doing that to make me fall for him. I didn't believe him at all.

"I don't believe you," I said.

"Well it's your choice to believe me or not," he said.

End of flashback

I sighed as I slowed down my pace, "No no, don't have your hopes too high, Yena. He was just playing."

I was in my really deep thoughts when I heard laughters of some guys. I didn't know why I got so curious. I went to search for the source of the voice. It came from the narrow street that people usually never go to because it's so smelly.

I went closer and closer as I finally saw a scene where about 10 guys were punching and kicking someone. I hid behind the large wall as I watched them.

I couldn't see the victim's face clearly though because they were covering him.

"Fight us, you brat!" one of the guys said.

"He doesn't have the courage to do that, boss," the other guy said.

Oh so that one is the leader of the group.

I felt so bad for the guy that was bullied. Who is it though?

"Ah he's no fun!" another guy said, kicking the victim even harder.

One of the guys went to the right side and that's when I could see the victim's face. I gasped loudly as I widened my eyes.

It's Jinyoung. It's Baejin.

Unfortunately, they heard my gasp because all their attentions went on me.

"Woah look who we've got here!" the leader smirked as he came to my hiding place.

I stepped back and yelled, "Why did you do that to him?!"

"Who? Him?" he asked as he pointed Baejin. He then chuckled, "Why does a pretty girl like you even care about him?"

"He's my friend! My best friend!" I frowned.

He came closer to me and lifted my chin up, "Your friend huh?"

I slapped his hand, "Don't touch me."

"Woah woah, calm down, honey," he said, still with his digusting smirk, Euiwoong's smirk is way better than his.

"If you call me 'honey' once again, I'll make sure I kick your ass!" I glared at him.

"Boss," one of the guys called.

The leader turned around, "What?"

"Are we going to continue beating him up?"

"You fool! Do you see that his friend here is getting angry?" he playfully said, emphasizing the word 'friend'.

"Hey, we'll meet again tomorrow okay? Make sure you meet me or your friend there will be hurt," he threathened me as if I was scared with him.

I snorted, "In your dream!"

"And my dream will come true tomorrow!" he winked and I wanted to puke, suddenly I missed Jihoon's wink.

"Get lost, you jerk!" I snapped.

"As you wish, honey. See you tomorrow!" he said as he motioned his group to go with him.

After they left, I immediately ran to Baejin. He was lying weakly on the ground.

"Baejin! Are you okay?!" I asked as my eyes scanned through his whole body.

There were bruises and scratches everywhere. Especially his face, hands and arms. His forehead was bleeding so much.

"I'm okay, Yena. Don't worry too much," he smiled weakly.

He continuously coughing. I thought it was just a normal cough, but then he started to cough out blood.

"Bl--blood!" I panicked.

He kept on holding his stomach even though blood came out from his mouth. I wonder what happened so I gently removed his hand from his stomach.

"Baejin? May I check your stomach?" I asked.

He nodded slowly as I lifted up his school shirt a bit. I widened my eyes the moment I saw a deep scratch, a really deep one. It was like he was being stabbed by a pocket knife.

"Oh my gosh! Did they stab you?!" I shouted.

He didn't have energy to answer me so I quickly stood up and pulled him up. I put his right arm on my shoulder.

"Let's go to hospital," I said.

"N--no, just bring me home," he whispered.

"No we have to."

"Please, Yena. I can't go there."

I hesitated, "Fine, let's go to your house. Where is it?"

"About 10 houses away from your house," he replied.

I nodded as I helped him to walk. His left hand kept on holding his stomach as he was limping.

Without realizing, a single tear rolled down my cheek. Another, then another.

Soon, we arrived at his house. I went in through the gate and was about to open the door when I remembered that I didn't know his password.

"Baejin? What's your password?"


"Okay," I said as I quickly pressed the numbers.

2212. Why do the numbers seemed so familiar to me?

I shrugged off my thoughts and I put Baejin down on the sofa. He was breathing heavily so I started to panick again.

"Where do you put the first aid kit?" I asked.

He pointed to the kitchen, "In the white drawer."

I nodded as I ran there and grabbed the kit. I went to sit in front of the sofa as I started taking out bandages.

I noticed that the corner of his lips was bleeding so I took out small cotton to clean the blood.

As I was cleaning all his wound starting from his lips, hands, arms then face, I realized that he kept on staring at me the whole time.

"Baejin I can't stitch your wound," I said, remembering the wound at his stomach.

"It's okay," he said.

I sighed as I started cleaning the wound at his stomach.

"Why didn't you fight them back?" I asked.

"I can't, they have so many people. If I managed to fight the ten of them, they will call another ten people, and so on," he explained.

"How many people do they have?"

"About hundred."

"Oh wow, so they're like a big gang?"

"Yea, and everyday they will find a new victim to be bullied. It's their hobby, we can't do anything," he said as I motioned him to sit up.

"Those stupid jerks," I clenched my fist.

"But why you? Why did they choose you?" I asked.

"They choose random people. I was just unlucky," he said.

"Done," I said as I finished wrapping the bandage around his stomach.

"You need to go to the hospital later on okay?"

He nodded, "Hm."

"Yena.." he called.

I hummed as response because I was busy tidying up the kit.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Welcome. But will you be able to walk? We'll have camp on Monday."

"Don't worry, I can."

I was done putting all the stuff back when I noticed that the corner of his lips was bleeding again.

I went to the kitchen to take a tissue and went to sit beside him.

"Baejin," I called.

He turned and looked at me. My left hand slowly held his face while my other hand was wiping the blood.

I didn't know that he was staring at me until he held my right hand.

"Why?" I asked.

He didn't answer me instead he put my hand down and intertwined his hand with mine. Automatically, I put my left hand down and looked at him confusedly.


"I'm sorry this is so sudden. But I can't hold it anymore," he said, looking at me with his sparkling eyes.

"I love you.. from the moment I met you. Your smile always cheered me up and every move of yours made my heart beat so fast," he confessed.

"Wh-- Baejin, stop playing around," I chuckled.

"Believe me, Yena. Why should I lied to you?" he said, giving me a serious face, and that's when I realized he was serious with his words.

Now I remembered, 2212 is my birthday number, 22 December.

"I--I'm sorry, but I don't have the same feelings as yours," I said softly.

"It's okay, I'm already happy that you know my feelings," he smiled.

"Why? Why do you have to love me?"

"Because you're special. You're the first one that made me fall in love again after years," he said.

"I don't understand why you and Jihoon like me. I seriously don't know what's really special in me," I said.

"Why don't you ever be confident with yourself? Didn't Jihoon tell you about what's really special in you?" he asked.

My eyes widened, "H--how do you know about that?"

"You don't have to know, but Yena, listen to me," he said as he held my hand.

"Be confident, because you are someone special," he continued.

I looked at him with my teary eyes before I said, "I'll always remember your words, Baejin."

He gave me a warm, sweet smile before standing up. I looked at him worriedly as he winced in pain, holding his stomach.

"Be careful," I said, standing up too.

"Okay.. But hey, I'm curious about something," he suddenly said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you cry just now?" he smirked.

"Wh--what? When?" I stuttered.

He stepped closer to me and ruffled my hair, "Stop pretending that you don't know anything."

I frowned, "Okay fine, because I was worried. You might not know but you're also a special friend for me."

He chuckled, "Alright alright."

"Thank you for taking care of me," he smiled.



"Move on, okay?"

"I'll move on when you stop being pretty and stop becoming my friend," he said.

"Well that's too bad because I will be your friend forever," I smirked and opened the front door.

"I won't move on then."

"Just kidding, you should move on," I laughed.

Author's Note:
An unexpected confession from Jinyoung! I was thinking on how will Baejin confess and I decided to make an unexpected confession.
Please keep reading, vote and comment!! Thank you 😊
Btw Euiwoong is so handsome hereeee 😍😍😍
