Chapter 12

Guanlin's POV

We went to the counter to rent the bike and I chose the bike that can be ride by two person. So yea, we only rent a bike for both of us.

"Seriously Guanlin? Can we rent two? Why do I have to ride a couple bike with you?" Yena whined.

"No no, you might fall later. Just ride with me," I reasoned.

Actually I know she wouldn't fall, she's really good at riding a bike. But I want ride a bike with her. So it will be more.. romantic? Well I can't call it romantic too since we're just hanging out as best friends, not dating.

"I'm really good at it! Believe me!" she said.

"I know, but you said you haven't ride it for years."

"That's why I want to ride it by myself!" she said, grabbing the bike she wanted to ride on.

"I'll pay for the couple bike," I grinned.

"Nooo!!" Yena shouted but too bad for her, I paid already.

I sat on the front seat while I waited for Yena to sit at the back but she was still standing, pouting.

"Aigoo come on! This is going to be fun!" I chuckled.

She hesitantly walked towards me and she finally sat on the back seat. When I was about to paddle, I heard someone shouted, "YAH!!"

Yena's POV

I turned around and saw Euiwoong and Hyungseob running. I looked at them, so confused on how do we meet them in this situation.

"Please.. let us.. use.. that bike," Euiwoong said, trying to breathe normally but he couldn't since he was talking between his breath.

"How do you guys found us?" I asked, giving them a suspicious look.

"What's with that look? You thought we stalk you huh?" Euiwoong looked at me.

"No, what the hell. But anyway, I happily let you guys use this bike," I frowned then smiled at them, satisfied that I didn't have to use it.

I was about to get up when Guanlin held my hand, "No, this is ours."

"Hey your girlfriend agreed to give it to us! Let us use it!" Euiwoong smirked, looking at me then Guanlin.

"What?! I'm not his girlfriend, idiot!" I snapped.

"Do you guys really want to use this couple bike? Both of you? Together?" Guanlin asked, giving them a weird look.

"Yes of course. Why not?" Hyungseob grinned.

Guanlin looked at me and I shrugged, "It's your choice, you rent the bike anyway."

"Then I will say no," Guanlin said.

"Okay then," I said.

"Hey you liar! You said you'll give it to us!" Euiwoong frowned.

"I don't care. Bye idiot!" I waved and smirked at him evilly.

"I told you I'm smart!" Euiwoong yelled as Guanlin started to paddle.

I started to paddle too as I felt the cold breeze brushed my face. It felt really great. I closed my eyes because I didn't have to pay attention at the road, I just needed to paddle.

"Aahh this is so refreshing!" I shouted.

"Wanna paddle faster?" Guanlin asked, still looking in front.

"Nope, let's just stay at this speed for a while," I said as Guanlin agreed.

But then a minute later, I felt someone tapping my right shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked to the right when my eyes widened.

"OH MY GOSH!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" I shouted.

Euiwoong was paddling beside me with the same speed, smirking and Hyungseob in front of him.

I could see Guanlin widening his eyes looking at the smirking Hyungseob.


"Because we're awesome!" Euiwoong smirked.

"Yah Yena! Don't shout! I'm right in front of you! Ah my poor ears!" Guanlin said, as his hand held one of his ears.

"GUANLIN!! SPEED UP!! HURRY!!" I screamed as I kept on hitting his back.

"Stop hitting me! I'm speeding up, okay?"

We paddled faster but they managed to keep the same speed as us.

"Yah! Let's race until we reach the shopping centre! If we win, you need to date someone. Deal?" Euiwoong offered.

"And if we win?" I asked back.

"I'm the one who will date someone," he said confidently.

"Deal!" I agreed.

I wasn't thinking straight at that time. I just wanted to win over him and saw him to date someone. He never did so I was so curious.

"Yah Guanlin! We're racing with them!" I said, hitting his back again, twice.

"You stupid! Why did you agree?" he said, looking back at me for a second.

We kept on paddling and paddling faster as I saw Euiwoong and Hyungseob were slowly left behind. I smiled in victory.

"Guanlin! How far is the shopping centre?"

"We're still half way to it," he answered.

"What?! But I'm getting tired already!"

"Me too!"

Euiwoong's POV

As soon as Yena and Guanlin went further away, we stopped to rest for a while to gain energy. The shopping centre is very far so later when they got tired, we'll beat them.

"Yah Ung!" Hyungseob called.

"Are you trying to help Seonho?" he asked.

"Well I guess I did," I replied.

"But why did you say that you'll date someone if we lose?"

"I know we're not going to lose."

"But what if we do?" he asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Then I'll date someone."

"You simply said that but later, you won't know who you'll date."

"I know."

"What?!" Hyungseob shouted.

"You like someone?"

"Maybe I like her but I don't love her."

Hyungseob's shock face turned into a smirking one, "Yena huh?"

"H--how do you know?"

"I'm your bestfriend. And she's the only girl that's close to you," he rolled his eyes.

"Come on! I have a feeling that we're going to lose," he said.

"Then let's go! Let's win this race!" I confidently said as I stood up, followed by him.

We started to paddle slowly until we knew that we're already half way to the shopping centre. Then we speed up, really fast.

I mean, really really fast.

The little dot that I saw was slowly becoming clearer. When we're just a few metres away from it, I could see that it was actually Yena and Guanlin, who were paddling really slow.

Soon, we reached them and I was ready to tease Yena.

"Yah!" I called, waving at her.

Her eyes widened when she saw me, "H--how do you get here so fast?"

"Look at you, paddling like a snail. Of course I'm way faster than you," I smirked as I paddled faster, leaving her.

"YAH CAN YOU STOP TEASING ME?!" I heard her yelling as I smiled in victory.


"Ah I'm so doomed right now!" Yena whined as she kept on walking back and forth.

So yea, me and Hyungseob won. We're currently in the food court mall, deciding on who will date Yena.

We were all sitting except for Yena, "Yah stop it and sit down!" I scolded.

"You expect me to sit in this situation?" she argued while Guanlin sighed.

His face was also showing that he didn't like this idea. He didn't even say a word since they arrived at the mall.

"Yena calm down.. Dating isn't as bad as you think," Hyungseob said.

"Whatever, but I don't want to date!" she said as she finally sat down and drank a glass of water.

"Hey guys, I've got an idea on how to choose," I said.

"Choose what?" Hyungseob asked.

"Choose on who will date Yena, you idiot!" I snapped.

"Oh," he nodded.

"So, since Yena doesn't want to choose--" I started.

"It's useless anyway if I choose, I won't date that person anyway," she cutted.

I ignored her and continued, "Let's write our names on small pieces of paper then Yena will randomly choose one. Whoever's name is written there, will have to date her."

I know this is forcing her to date, and it's not good, but I got permission from Seonho already. He said it's okay since Yena has to try dating at least once for now.

"Okay agree agree," Hyungseob said as he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and started to tear them into small pieces.

After he was done, I started to write the names one by one, "Guanlin, Jihoon, Jinyoung, Hyungse--"

"Yah why did you write my name?" Hyungseob said.

"Everyone's names will be written," I said.

"Please don't write our classmates names. It will be so awkard since I'm not friends with them," Yena said.

I nodded and continued, "So Hyungseob, Samuel and Daehwi. Done! Did I must miss anyone?"

"You miss yourself pabo!" Hyungseob smacked my head.

I looked at Hyungseob and hesitantly wrote my name down.

Guanlin's POV

I'm not liking the idea at all. What if Yena end up dating someone else? I'm sure I'll be so jealous.

I know it's hard to make her fall for me, but I have to try right? I can't just give up.

I saw Euiwoong was folding the small papers as I sighed.

Please be me.

"Okay Yena. Now close your eyes and picked one paper," Euiwoong said and Yena hesitantly followed.

She picked one, "Should I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, you should see the paper by yourself and tell us who's name is there," Euiwoong said

Yena opened her eyes and opened the paper slowly while peeping. Her eyes widened the moment she read the name.

"NO WAY!!"

Who's that lucky guy?

Author's Note:
I'm sorry I need to end it here. 😂 The lucky guy that Guanlin wondered who, will be revealed in the next chapter.
Btw thank you so much for reading my fanfic until here! And for those of you who always vote and comment, thank you so so much! ❤
Please keep reading, vote and comment! Thank you..
