Chapter 9, Date With Braedon

It's now 6:30 and I'm just starting to get ready. He had asked me to dress for cold weather, so I put on my white jeans black long sleeve top, a big warm black jumper, a grey scarf and black leather boots. I did my makeup and just as I was about done, the doorbell rang. He's here. Time for the only date I would have with Braedon Wood. Well apart from homecoming.

"Hey! Wow you look great." His eyes lit up, looking me up and down.

"You don't look too bad yourself." He was wearing black jeans and with those chain thingies near the pocket, A white top and a leather jacket.

We got in the Uber and drove away. When the car had stopped, I had no idea where we were. Braedon got out of the car, went around and opened my door. As I got out of the car, I looked around but not for long because before I knew it, I was being blindfolded by Braedon.

"What the hell are you doing!" I said as I reached for the blindfold

"No don't take it off. Trust me." He replies pulling my hands away.

"And why would I trust you?"

"Because you're a smart girl. And since you are a smart girl you would trust me." I could sense the smirk on his face.

"Fine but if I die, I'm going to come back to life then kill you." I stuck out my hand for him to lead me to wherever it is we are going. It took a while to get walk there. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes, but when you are blindfolded it feels like half an hour. The air suddenly became chilly creating little bumps to arise on the surface of my skin.

*8 o'clock*

"Where are we and why is it so cold?" I say, hugging myself tightly.

"You'll see." He says as his let go of me

I heard some rustling around me. Can't lie I did get a little bit scared.

"Braedon what are you doing?" I had gotten no reply "Braedon? ... Braedon where did you go?"

Great he left me. Now I'm all alone in the dark somewhere cold.

"Braedon if you don't get back here I will kill you. Braedon!?"

"I'm BACK!" He says jumping out from behind me


"Do what?" He says cheekily.

"Leave me here in the dark all alone."

"Aww did you miss me." I went to go hit him but the problem was, I was still blindfolded so I couldn't see where I was trying to hit.

"Are you done hitting the air now?"

"Yes." I crossed my arms and waited.

"Are you ready to see where we are?" I nodded back to him. He came behind me and took off the blindfold. I then open my eyes to the most beautiful place. We were at an Ice rink. It was outside and had a few trees here and there around the rink. There was beautiful fairy light hanging from each tree. No one else was there. Just us two.

"So?... What do you think?" He said waiting in anticipation

This was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. It was gorgeous.

"It's beautiful."


"Yes!... Only one problem." I say looking to him.

"Let me guess. You don't know who do skate." He smiles.

"How did you know?"

"I'm psychic." I giggled and looked down and my feet.

"Come on. I'll teach you." He says offering his hand.

"You know how to skate?" I say raising an eyebrow in disbelief

"Let's just say If I'm not with a girl, I'm probably goanna be here." He handed me the skating shoes and escorted me to the ice rink. "It's not that hard. The only thing stopping you is your fear of falling."

"Easy for you to say. You're probably here every day." He giggled at me.

"Come on. Let go of the railing and hold my hand."

"Nah I'm good. I'll stick with the railing." I says as I pull myself across.

He put out his hand and gave me a look that said 'Come on. don't be chicken.'

"Ugh, Fine." I pushed of the railing and grabbed his hand.

"Ok so, stop walking and glide your feet out the lift the up and glide again. It's not that hard."

I tried doing what he said, with him following behind me. But I then lost my balance and he caught me before I fell and restored my balance. I tried again, him still behind me and I was going well. I got a little bit faster and before I knew it I was skating.

"Look! I can skate." I kept skating, then suddenly I fell on my butt. He laughed at me and showed me how to get back up. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is." He kept laughing then suddenly he fell. I started laughing my head off.

"Ok. It's a little funny." I say as I continue to laugh

"I like you laugh." He smiles. "It's cute."

"Thanks." I started to blush, the red rising up into my cheek.

* 9 o'clock*

Braedon started to teach me all these amazing tricks he could do on the ice, but I could not do a single one of them. After that we just skated around the rink together.

"You know. You're the first and only girl I have brought to this rink."

"I don't believe that." I say, skating in front of him

"Why not?" He says, stopping in his track.

"Because you probably say that to every girl you bring here." I reply, spinning around to face him.

"Well that's not true. You are the only girl I have ever taken here."

"Why me?"

"I told you. You're special." I could feel my cheeks filling up with redness of me blushing. I tried to hide it but he took my hand and told me I didn't have to.

"It's getting late. We should probably go." I look up into his emerald eyes, getting lost in them.

"Yeah ok." We got off the rink and put our normal shoes back on. Braedon went to give the skates back then we left.

* In the Uber*

"So?... Did you have a good time?" Braedon asks.

"I'm not going to lie. Tonight, was fun." I say nudging him a bit

"Glad you liked it." We got out of the car and continued up to my door step.

"Thanks for tonight. I surprisingly had a good time for a night out with you." I dig into my jacket pocket, fishing around for my keys.

"Haha. Any time." Hey says as I pull out my keys. "Hey you won't mind me staying the night, here would you?"


"Well the Uber drove off and my house is nowhere close to here."

"Can't you just call for a new Uber driver?"

"Nessa. It's like 10:45. I don't want to bother anyone at this time just to drive me home."

"Fine." I opened the door and we went upstairs.

Dad was asleep so we tried to be as quiet as we could. When we got to my room, I got my Pj's out and went to get dressed in my bath room. I then went to go find some of dad's pyjamas for Braedon to wear.

"Here you go." I say chucking the PJ at Braedon.

"Thanks." He then went to the bathroom and got changed. When he came out I laughed at him because the pyjamas were huge on him.

"I think they are a bit too big." He says, looking down at hi attire

"You think?" He then giggled back at me and crawled into my bed, lying down next to me.

"Um what do you think you're doing?" I say turning to him.

"Going to sleep." He makes himself comfortable by fluffing his pillow.

"Not in my bed you don't."

"Well where else am I supposed to sleep."

"In the spare room."

"But then I would be too far away from you."

'That's the point' I think to myself. "Then sleep on the floor."

"The floor is to uncomfortable." He then closed his eyes and refused to sleep anywhere else.

I tried to push him off my bed but he kept resisting. I eventually gave up and went to sleep. Moments later I felt Braedon's arm wrap around me and pulled me closer. I tried getting his arm off me but he had a strong grip on me so I just accepted it.

"Goodnight Nessa."

"Goodnight Braedon."


Things are heating up here on 'The Boy In LA'.

Hey guys! That was part of 'The Boy In LA'. I hoped you liked it. If you did don't forget to vote for it and also don't forget to follow me so you can be notified for when i update my book or for when I start a new book. Question time.

Will Vanessa fall for Braedon? Or does she still like ty? Who's Jacinta? What will happen between Vanessa and Braedon? What would Vanessa's dad's reaction be when he finds out that Braedon spent the night? Find out in the next chapters. Byeeeee xxxxx
