Chapter 6, Dinner With Dad

So, we start on our assignment. I worked at my desks and he work on my bed. I told him not to but he just ignored me and continued to work. I kept seeing him glance at me, but I can talk because I kept glancing at him. 

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I broke the silence between us.

"You look so cute when you're concentrating. Plus, you keep looking at me too." he smiles 

"I kept looking at you because you kept looking at me, and I'm not 'cute'." I argue.

"Yes you are." He smirks.

I rolled my eyes and kept working. We finished for the day and we got I think half of it done. He came over again the next day and we finally finished. 

"FINISHED! 3 paged essay ready for you." I say waving the papers in my face.

"WHAT! How are you done before me? And I had the easy part." I say in shock.

"What can I say. I'm a fast worker." He says walking back the falls back onto my bed.

"Ok well I'm nearly done, and since you're done you can go home if you want." I say turning back to my computer and pointing to the door.

Then I heard the front door open and a man shout so loud we could hear it from the third level of the house.

"Honey I'm Home." My dad shouts 

"Is that you dad?" Braedon laughs. 

"Pfffttt. No." I try to lie.

"Yes, it is." He then got up and ran out my bed room door."

"Braedon! Wait! STOP!" I shout chasing after him.

I ran down the stairs but it was too late. He was already shaking hands with my dad.

"Hi I'm Braedon, ness...  I mean Vanessa's friends." He says while shaking my father's hand.

"He's not my friend. We just have to do an assignment together." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Robert, Vanessa's dad." My dad introduces himself. 

"Nice to meet you." Brandon smiles.

"Likewise." My dad smiles back.

"Any way. Braedon here was just leaving." I say pushing bradon towards the door.

"Oh Ye.." My dad interrupted him.

"Oh, no, no, no. Why don't you stay for dinner?" My dad offers

"Daaaaadddd." I whisper to him.

"I would love to." Braedon looks at me and smirks. 

"Right. That's settled." Robert claps his hands together. "How do you like pasta?"

"Love it."

"Good man." My dad replies 

Man? Man? Braedon was far from a man. I stormed off to my room and decide that I'm going to skip dinner with Braedon and my dad. I then I realize that my dad might ask him question about Australia. I ran down stairs and sat down in between them two.

"So braedon, where are you from." My dad starts.

"Uh, I'm from Sydney, Australia." Braedon answers. 

"Yum! This is great dinner dad." I was trying to stop my dad mentioning that we were from Sydney too.

"Oh what a coincident. We're form Sydney too." Robert smiles.

"Oh Really." He looked at me with a smirk, trying to make me feel guilty about lying to him.

"So when did you move to America?" Dad continues. 

"About 2 years ago." Braedon replies. 

"Hey dad. could you go get me some water for my dad?" I interrupt.

"You've already got some." I then chugged down the water.

"Oh would you look at that. My glass is empty. Would you mind getting me more water dad?"

"God gave your legs. You can get it yourself." I huffed and ran to the kitchen and back so I don't miss my dad asking more questions.

"So not too long ago you were in Australia." Robert states.

"Yeah I miss it quite a bit." Braedon says stuffing a full fork of pasta in his mouth.

"So what school did u go to?" Dad says taking a sip of water.

"Hey, pass me the salt please." My dad the passed me the salt

"Yeah I..." Braedon starts but I cut him off.

"And the pepper" Braedon passed me the pepper.

"I went.." I kept interrupting him so he didn't finish the sentence.

"Nice weather we are having." I say. 

"Stop interrupting the boy Vanessa!" My dad shouts in a frustrated tone.

"Any way. I went to Marty High." Braedon answers. 

"Oh That's where Vanessa went."

"Really? I don't remember her?" Braedon looks at me again.

"Well I'm done. Thanks for dinner dad." I got up and went to the kitchen to put my plate away.

"I'll go help her." Braedon says getting up.

"Ok. Thank you. You're such a nice boy." braedon then smiled and walked out the room.

*In the kitchen*

I finished rinsing my plate then placed in the dishwasher. Then he walked in.

"Vanessa Hill. The biggest nerd in school and the most un-attractive girl in school." Braedon say as he walks into the kitchen.

"And Braedon Wood. Also the biggest nerd in school and the most un-attractive boy in school." I say turning around.

"You've changed so much." He smirks.

"So have you." He did a cute little laugh and came closer to me.

"You know, me finding out who you are isn't going to change our deal." says Braedon.

"Why would you still want to go out with me when you hated me." I questioned. 

"That was two years ago. We've both changes since then." He came even closer. 

"You mean, we both gotten more attractive since then." I correct him.

"So you think I'm attractive." He smirks.

"I didn't say that." I frown. 

"Yes you did." I could feel his soft breath on my skin and before I knew it, we were staring into each other's eyes...again.


Awwwww. Vanessa thinks Braedon is attractive. How CUTE! Question time:

What's going to happen between Vanessa and Braedon? Who will with the deal? Will Braedon tell people about Vanessa's past? I don't know. Find out in the next chapter of 'The Boy In LA'.

Hope you are enjoying the book so far. I you do enjoy it, don't forget to follow me and vote for my book. Ok Byeeeeee. xxxx
