Chapter 1, A New School

The holidays Just ended and it's the 1st of February. Dad and I spent the holidays driving around California, getting to know the place and finding the best restaurants arounds. My favourite was chipotle. I always saw them in American TV shows of in American YouTube videos but never saw them in Australia. I think they should get one in Australia.

It's the he first day of school. The start of a new school. Start of a new life. I was such a nerd at my old school, and I definitely was popular. I got called fat, ugly, nerd, loser and a nobody. This year I have changed all that. well I've tried to. I did some shopping for a new look, I've been working out and I've been eating better. I really don't want to be a nerd any more.

The only good thing I like about this new school, is that you can wear your own clothes. In like every Australian school, you have to wear THE ugliest uniforms EVER.

So, I've just gotten ready for school and packed my bag. Dad has made me the biggest stack of pancakes I have ever seen. I didn't finish all of the so I brought some with me to eat at morning tea.

I left the house and walked to the bus stop. Well I ran because I was just about to miss my bus. I got on the bus and I sat alone. A few stops after a girl called Lana came on the bus and sat down next to me. "Hi. I'm Lana. Nice meet you." She said sitting down.

"Hey. I'm Vanessa." I said as I shook her hand.

"You must be the new girl, Right?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

"Yes. How did you know?" I asked curiously.

"Well I've never seen you on this bus before or at school."

"Oh, right, Yeah," I chuckled.

"Oh, and because My friend Carla was saying that there was gonna be a new girl back at school this morning." Lana continued.

"How did she know I was coming?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh well her dad is our school principal." She said it like it's a fact the everybody should know

"Oh cool." I turned around and looked out the window to see that we are almost at my new school.

"Can I see if we have any classes with me" She stuck her hand out waiting for me to hand her my timetable.

"Yeah sure. Here you go." I handed her my school diary and she opens it with excitement."

"Ok Looks like we have English, science and Drama together today, but not maths, because you in the higher maths class and not Geography because you have miss Myers and she hates me so I'm not in her class. So, we basically have all the same classes but, Maths, Geography and Food Tech." She says reading over my time table.

"That's good. at least I'll know someone is class." I commented and she chuckled.

The bus arrived at school and started to walk off.

"You're like REALLY pretty. You'll fit in here just fine." As soon as she said that, guy walk past and whistled at us. He looks so familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well thank you. But I think you WAYYYY prettier." I replied with a wide smile.

"Aww Thank you. You're so nice. Hey I have an idea. How about you hang out with Carla and me." She offers

"I would love that. I like know no one here." I smiled back with a giggle.

"Cool! Now Let's go find Carla. she's probably making out with Matt somewhere." We laughed before we went walking around looking for Carla. I hope I make a good impression on the first day. I don't want to be a ' no body ' any more.

"So, do you have a Boyfriend back in Australia? Is he cute?" Lana asks as we enter the school.

"Uh. No, I don't have a boyfriend."

"Aw, Why not?" She pushed.

"Well I used to but he was a total jerk and cheated on me." I answer.

"Aww. That's too bad. Maybe you'll find someone here." She says as she looks at all the guys we walk past.

"Yeah. Maybe" I said doubtfully, looking down at my feet.


Hope you liked part one of 'The Boy In LA'. and stick around to find out who that familiar face was. xoxo
