Chapter 15, Cuddly Braedon

The first things I saw was the sunlight of the morning coming through the windows I woke up with a jolt because I forgot where I was for a second, the second thing I realised was that there was a strong arm around my waist and the feeling of Bradon's breath on my neck. Once I got over the fact that he was holding me close and not letting go I snuggled back into his arms hoping to get a little bit more rest before we had to get up.

Ten min later

I woke up again to the sound of my phone vibrating on the bed side table I went to reach for it not realising that in that short amount of time our legs had tangled together and he was for sure cuddling into my side.. I felt so overwhelmed I forgot about my phone going off, but then it went off again and again I finally picked it up loosening the grip of Bradon's arm significantly.. I checked my phone it was only snapchat, everyone sending me "good morning streaks". I was on my phone for about half an hour with Brandon still asleep next to me I started to get up realising I only had half an hour to get ready for school which was not a long time and I had to go home to re do my makeup so I didn't look like a monster and scared everyone away.
I started to get out of the bed slowly not wanting to wake Bradon up but when I tried his grip around my waist only tightened. I thought to myself, "this is going to be fun". I started to remove his arm from around my waist until his eyes slowly started to peek open, still half asleep he grodgley told me "good morning beautiful" he was so sincere in his words and with his hair all messy I just couldn't handle it. I replied with a cheery " Good morning" and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

" Nessa come on can we sleep a little longer" he said to me all cute looking with his hair sticking up in all places, I told him " no we have to get to school and I have to go home to get ready, I don't want to look like a monster" he chuckled lightly " I think you always look beautiful" I beamed up at him with a blush creeping on my cheeks" you do but not everyone else" I said trying to get up , " NOOO five more minutes" he said pulling me back down onto the bed next to him, I looked up at him his eyes were slowly closing again, I had an idea but I wasn't sure how he was going to react.

I slowly moved my hand slowly down his chest till I found his ribs I started to poke him lightly, he reacted immediately with his eyes jolting wide open, he hit my hand away. I started to giggle like a school girl, he sat up and pulled me close to him wrapping his arms around me and hugging me giving me a kiss on the cheek. " hey I didn't no you would be so cuddly in this morning" I said with a teasing voice, he replied in a sarcastic voice "ok fine then I won't be" unwrapping his arms from around me he started to get up from the bed, once up started to stretch, I got up from the bed after him and wrapped my arms around him from behind " I never said it was a bad thing" he turned in my arms hugging me back.

I thought how wired this was.. we were just standing their hugging until my phone vibrated again and took me out of whatever trance I was in, he unwrapped his arms and went to get his and my clothes from the day before. I looked at the time and started to panic" we are going to be late, quick get dressed we need to go back to my place to get my stuff for school". we were out of his house in 10 min most of the time he was in the shower and doing his hair because he wanted to look " presentable"
Jacinta was out last night with her boyfriend and some of her friends so we didn't see her on the way out. We called and uber which came and picked us up and took us to my place.. I ran inside quickly" can you get my books please they are in my room? I am going to put makeup on and get dressed." he did what I asked while I was in the bathroom getting ready for the day, I was quick with just some foundation and mascara and I did my eyebrows real quick too.

I chose to wear my high waisted white shorts with a striped crop top and a red flannel as it was hot outside and I didn't really need a jumper. as I came out of the bathroom And he was there waiting for me sitting on my bed " I just heard your dad got in.. should we say hi?" I replied " I'm sorry but we can't stay and chat with your best mate as we have 15 min to get to school on time" i said with slight panic in my voice, we starting rushing down the stairs, and then i saw my dad their standing in the door way looking at the mail, "Morning Dad" he looked us at us with a smile spreading across his face " morning honey, hey Bradon, good to see you" i looked towards Bradon and he had a wide grin plastered across his face " morning Mr Hill".

"How was your weekend?" dad asked, " I'm sorry dad we can't talk, we are kinda in a rush to get to school but I'll see you tonight, K?", " ok have a good day" i grabbed Bradons hand pulling him out the door, i feel like if i didn't we would be there for ages with just them two talking about nothing. Once out of the door we called for another Uber because we had already missed the bus. We asked the driver to drop us off about a block away from school so we could talk.

"ok so this is the first time we are going in public as a couple" I turned to him, I saw on his he looked really unsure. " OH! i'm really sorry, we kinda went a little quick with the whole dating thing i'm sorry, if you dont want to be my boyfriend i understand." I quickly started to walk away but he grabbed my arm " Hey! Nessa where are you going, of course i want to be your boyfriend. That was the whole reason i asked you out, and everything." he was smiling at me now. I looked up into his eyes i felt like i could stare at them all day.. so dreamy " Ok yea i'm sorry i don't know whats happening with me right now" she managed to get out while laughing. "Lets go get breakfast and get to school".

After grabbing a coffee and food

(walking towards the school) "Ok anyways i was saying before, do you want everyone to know we are a couple or should we keep it a secret?" I looked up at him, he smiles and grabbed my hands twisted me around so i was facing him and took my other hand holding me close, I stared deep into his eyes, " Don't take this the wrong way Nessa but maybe we shouldn't let everyone know we are together" he started, " it's just everyone wants to no about everyone's  life and i don't want to have to worry about what everyone thinks of us yet" he had a worried look on his face probably thinking i wouldn't agree with him " it's ok i totally understand i feel like if Sami found out that you and I are together she might actually kill me" i laughed. I saw his face light up and then leaned down to kiss me softly, when he pulled away i had a heart warming feeling wash over me. " wait for me after school and we can maybe go to the movies later?" he said " umm i will have to see i have assignments to do", he nodded and gave me a quick hug before we said we would see each other later while I walked in front to avoid suspicion from other students.

Throughout the day i could see him staring at me with love in his eyes (luckily Ty wasn't at school today) it always made me blush looking over and seeing him like this. I think some people noticed because Carla came and found me at lunch saying that she saw us looking at each other weirdly and she wanted to make sure we were getting along and i just laughed at that remark.

My last class that day was unfortunately science and i hated it so much until i checked my email from the year Co saying that there was a 2 new student's coming from Australia next week and to be ready to welcome them into the community. Readying the email i didn't no if i was excited or nervous thinking that it could be someone i know. or worse someone who knows Bradon. My body tensed up and i had to get out of class as quick as possible.

Once i left i quickly got my bag from my locker and met Bradon at the front gate. We both spoke at the same time "HAVE YOU SEEN THE EMAIL" with equal amounts of panic in each others voice, we didn't care if people saw us together. again they both spoke and the same time "WHAT IF WE KNOW THEM"

Ok guys that is the end of this chapter i hope you enjoyed i wanted to write soething a little happy for now as i know drama will come soon, i'm sorry for waiting this long to update i did not know where the story was going for awhile, i will try and update more often as i have some new ideas coming up which i think you will enjoy. So who do you think the new student will be? will they know Bradon or Vanessa? Do you think their relationship should be a secret? leave a comment down below. XOXO
