chapter 18, NESSA WAIT

*a week later ,Wednesday morning*
Bradon had slept over at mine, so when waking up this morning I new he was going to be there with me. I once again woke up to his strong arm around my waist and his legs were tangled with mine, I started to sit up in the bed he rolled over onto his back as I got my phone and checked my msg and snapchat for the day, we sat for about 10 minutes before he woke up, his eyes fluttering open to the world 
"good morning Nessa" he spoke he voice was low and full of sleep as it was every morning, " I'm going to go make breakfast" I spoke as I got out of the bed reaching for my slippers to put on and walk downstairs , he brought his bag of clothes so we didn't have to go past his before school.

" Morning dad" I said extra cheery, there was a lot to be happy about today
" hey honey, where were you yesturday? I know you weren't with Bradon because I saw him before you got home?" he asked his voice full of curiosity
" OH YEA I forgot to tell you.. guess who is in HERE IN LA??" I didn't give him time to respond " MICHELLE IS HERE"
" oh really now, she decided to move up good for her. I'm happy for you two"
Bradon started to come down the stairs all dressed for school and came wrapped his arms around me from behind while i was sitting on the bar stool while dad was making breakfast
" Hey I thought you were making breakfast?" he asked sarcastically
" yea well dad was already making breakfast when I came down so eggs and bacon by dad it is"
he sat on the bar stool next to me and we watched dad make breakfast. After we ate I went to get ready and we left for school

*in the Uber*
" we keeping it a secret right for a while still or are we going to tell some people" he asked me, I had to think about it a bit before I replied " yea well I think I'm going to tell Michelle she is my best friend and we tell each other everything, I know it's only been a week but I hate lying to her, I'll tell her this afternoon, ok?"
" ok yea I trust you and she is your best friend so I'm ok with her knowing"
as the Uber pulled into school and we got out he spoke " hey you wanna meet in the classroom at lunch today?" he pouted his lips at me I started to laugh and I hit his chest with my hand " ok I'll meet you in e25"
first I had English and it turns out Michelle was in that class with me as well, we sat at the back together and when we got the chance talked about what we had done the day before, it was so hard talking about my day without including Bradon, I was with him when I wasn't with her.
spending time with Michelle was the best I had stayed over at her place a few times and it was just like old times, she lived by herself in an apartment a couple blocks away from my house. It had two bedrooms and we have always spoken about living together so I might move in with her soon.

it was now recess, I checked my phone to see a text from Bradon
" some thing is up with Sarah she is actin strange around me, giving you a heads up xx" reading the message made me feel uneasy but I brushed it off and went to eat my food.

Half way through recess I recived a txt msg from Molly
" hey how is it going with Ty, are you guys friend's? he told me what had happened do you want to meet up this afternoon to talk?"
I replied
"yea sure I'll see you this afternoon!xx "
I continued to eat my recess, I thought to myself " everyone is acting strange today?"

* Bradon's POV*
it was finally lunch, Sarah has been acting strange around me, I don't no what her problem is. All day she has been staring at me strangely and won't leave me alone, she keeps following me around and it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable. This whole week has been fine with her until today.

I made my way to the E25 to meet Vanessa.
I walked into the classroom and she was their waiting for me sitting on a desk  in the far left corner of the  room, obviously she spotted my expression change to a frown with a bit of confusion " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I asked with anger laced into my voice
" I saw you heading towards the classroom until you stopped to check your phone so I decided to meet you here to see what you were up to. Why aren't you happy to see me?, we have not had a chance to talk yet." I stayed silent  looking at her my face showing every but angry and unimpressed with her antics "well i have nothing to say to you Sarah, you used me and now I'm better then that so you can leave now." i pointed to the door making it pretty obvious i did not want to talk to her in any way shape or form.

"you certainly scrub up nice these day's" she started walking closer to me, she put her hands on the collars of my shirt to pull me closer to her. I let go of her hands and stepped back to put the necessary space between us.
"what are you doing. I AM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND, I DO NOT LIKE YOU ANYMORE I AM DATING SOMEONE ELSE, WHOM I LIKE A LOT SO LEAVE ME ALONE BITCH!!" i practically yelled at her, i started to walk away from her, but she grabbed my arm and started to kiss me, i tried as hard as i could to push her away until..

The sound of the door opening and the phone falling to the ground made her pull away from me, we both looked back to see...

"OH I'm so sorry, ill go" her face was showing so much hurt, i looked into her eyes, she looked like she was about to cry.

"NESSA WAIT"she ran out of the room before i could explain

Hey guy's I'm really sorry it took me a couple of days to update, i have been busy the last two days and i have not had time to write, but i got the chapter done. I know it is a short chapter but i wanted to start the drama and end of a cliffhanger haha hope you guy's enjoyed. I will hopefully get the next chapter up tomorrow. please leave a comment and vote.

What will happen to Vanessa and Bradon? Does Ty know what has been going on? What will Michelle say? 

