Chapter 7, He likes me?

"YOU WHAT!?" Lana's jaw was on the floor after I told her what happened between he and Braedon in the kitchen

"We just kissed. It's no big deal really." I said, closing my locker door then turning to walk away dodging all the questions that I'm about to be bombarded with.

"What do you mean it's no be deal?!?" Carla said as the chased me down the hall.

"It was just a kiss. That lasted like a minute." I ducked my head down in my books and turned the corner.

"This is a big deal. You made out with one of the HOTTEST guys in school." Lana squealed aloud making heads turn our way.

"Could you be any louder? we're gonna be getting death stares all day now because of you. anyway, it doesn't mean anything. Nothing is gonna happen between us."

"Why not?" They said in unison.

"Because he's a player and I don't date players." I replied.

"At least you got to kiss him." Carla giggled then turned into her homeroom class and Lana and kept walking until we reached our Homeroom class.

We sat in our usual spots and I got out my laptop to check my school emails. We really don't do anything in home room. Like legit Zero, zip, nada. We just sit there for 20 minute and wait for the bell to ring. My morning was going pretty well. Well... it was until Braedon walked in. I ducked behind my laptop hoping that he wouldn't sit next to me, but for some reason the world hates me.

"Hey." He said with a big smile on his face, sitting down next to me.

"Hi." I replied coming up from hiding behind my laptop and kept looking through my emails.

A few minutes later the bell went and I headed to geography. I walk out of the classroom with braedon following behind. I tried walking ahead of him to avoid any conversation about last night.

"Nessa wait." He shouted behind me but I kept walking. "Why are you ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you I'm just trying to get to class." I said as he managed to catch up with me.

"Can you slow down."

I stopped and turned around to face him.

"Look. That kiss was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened. You're a player and I don't date players. And since you haven't won the deal yet I don't have to talk to you. I'm sorry but I need to get to class." I turn back around and headed for the classroom at the end of the hall.

We had all lesson to do our assignment, so I worked on the rest of the power point. Braedon had finished his part so he just watched YouTube for the whole lesson. I finished early so I decided to read a book that we just started reading for English called 'Year One'. At the end of the class the teacher reminded us that the assignment was due tomorrow.

Next we had art and yes it's another class with Braedon. This lesson we had to draw a picture of the person next to you and I was going to draw Miya until Braedon asked her to swap spots.

"You don't have to ignore me." He said plopping his stuff down on the desk.

"And why is that." I asked picking up my pencil, connecting it with the paper.

"Because you like me." he smiles.

"No I don't"

"Then why did you kiss me?" He said in a sing song.

"I didn't. You kissed me." I snap back

"That's true, but you did kiss me back." I rolled my eyes and continued to draw him. "look, you will fall for me. I will win that deal and I will go on a date with you and you will go to homecoming with me."

"Why do you even want to go out with me?" I lowered my pencil and turned towards him.

"Because I like you." He does the same.

"But why? You hated me in year 7."

"I don't know. There just something about you. something special. "I started to blush when he said I was special. I hid my face behind my drawing book and continued to draw.

It got to the end of the class and the teacher told us to show each other our drawings. Braedon's was amazing it looked just like me. I never knew he could draw. Mine on the other hand was not so good. Let's just say I need a few more drawing lessons.

*At Lunch*

I went to my locker to get out my lunch. I jumped again when I closed my locker door only to see Sami waiting behind it.

"So I heard you were going to homecoming with Braedon. Is that true?" She said folding her arms over her chest.

"Where did you hear that from?"

"Bianca." Bianca is Sami's little minion. She tells Sami any gossip that she hears and Bianca just so happened to be sitting behind me in art class, listening into me and Braedon's conversation.

"I thought I said for you to stay away from him." She snarled.

"I'm trying to, but he's persistent. What's it to you anyway? You're not even going out with him anymore."

"That's not true." she stomped her foot and her fists tightened.

"Oh really. Then when was the last time you two hung out. Just you and him. And why would he tell me that you were to clingy and obsessive over him?"

She gave me a bitch stare, humffed, whipped her hair in my face then stormed off.

"Gosh. She need some help." I say to myself.

"Who needs help?" I jumped when I suddenly hear Ty's voice behind me.

"Ugh, Sami. Her little minion, Bianca, told her that me and Braedon are going to homecoming together and she just had a go at me."

"Wait. You're going to homecoming with Braedon? You know he's like a player right."

"Yeah I know. I'm not going to home coming with him. Well unless I lose." I say rolling my eyes.

"Lose what?" He had a questionable look on his face.

"We made a deal That if whoever gets the higher marks on our assignment wins. And if I win he has to leave me alone and never bother me again, BUT if HE wins He gets to talk to me whenever he wants and I go on a date with him Saturday AND I have to go to home coming with him. But there's like no way he's going to win."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Broadens pretty smart. He had all A's on his report card last year. Well except for a C- in maths."

"You're telling me this now!" Panic runs through my voice. Is it true? Does Braedon have a chance of winning this bet? I don't wanna go out with him let alone homecoming. And my first homecoming at that.

"How was i supposed to know that you were going to make a deal with him?" He said raising his hand in defence.

"Ugh I'm screwed." I say leaning back against the lockers.

"Haha sorry. Hey are we still on for Friday?" He asks.

"Yeah." I simply reply.

"Cool there's someone I want you to meet." He then walked off without saying goodbye, to go find his friends and so did I.


Ok. Today's the day that our assignment is due in geography. We should get our marks back tomorrow which is good. I can get this bet over and done with.

"Excited for today." Braedon says sneaking up behind me.

"Yeah. I can't wait." I answered in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes. He then laughed and sat down.

We were the last group to present our assignment. I stuffed up in the middle of our presentation and saw the teacher shake her head. I hope that doesn't bring down my mark. otherwise I'm screwed!

"Oooo. A bit of a slip there. Hope you didn't lose marks." He was mocking me. God he's so annoying.

*Friday, Mark day. *

So today we get our marks back. We got given our marks back last, and OH MY GOD! I can't believe it...


Wait! who won? who got higher marks? You can't just leave it at that? where's the rest?

Heyyyyy!!! hoped you like part 7 of 'The Boy in LA.' Who do you ship Tanessa OR Vraedon? leave a comment down below. Question time!:

Who will win the deal? Will Vanessa beat braedon? Will broaden and Vanessa get together? Who does Ty want Vanessa to meet. find out in the next chapter of 'The Boy In LA'. Ok. Byeeee xxxxx
