Chapter 8 Movies


"I WON! I WON! Who won? I WON!" I cheer with a little celebratory dance.

"Nessa, Nessa. Clam down. Look. The essay got 14/15 and the power point got 13.5/15." Braedon interrupts my dance.

"Nooooo. The essay got 13.5 and the power point got 14." I say shoving the paper in his face.

"I think you need glasses. It clearly says the essay got 14/15 not the presentation." He hands me back the paper and I take a closer look.

"OH NONONO! That means you won." I say dropping the marking paper, burying my face in my hands.

"Yeah. So, I'll pick you up at 7?" He teases.

"This can be right. I should have won!"

"Well you didn't so that means I can talk to you whenever I want AND You're going on a date with me AND you're going to homecoming with me." I rolled my eyes and put my head down on my desk. Moments later the bell went and it was time for second period.

*Lunch time*

I went to My locker and get my lunch out, and I jumped again only to see Carla and Lana waiting for me behind my locker door.

"What is it with people hiding behind my locker door." I shout.

"Hahaha. sorry." Lana giggles

"Sooooo?" Says Carla dragging out the word.

"So what?" I simply ask

"Who won?" Lana was inpatient to find out.

"Ugh don't remind me." I say rolling my eyes the head down to the cafeteria.

"So he won." Carla says as they start following me.

"So what are you doing with him tomorrow." Asks Lana. Just then, I felt an arm rest on my shoulder.

"I was thinking movies, or a picnic, or dinner at a fancy restaurant." It was Braedon.

"You're really loving this aren't you." I flicked his arm off my shoulders.

"No. I'm just glad I finally get to go on a date with you." He says patting my head.

"It's only one date I don't need to get on another with you." I say as I swat away his hand.

"Oh don't forget homecoming. That'll be our next date. well that is unless you want to go on another one sooner."

"Awww you're going to homecoming together." Carla says in awe.

"CUTE!" Lana squeals. Carla and Lana, both looked at each other and laugh.

"Ok well I've got to go bye." He says running off ahead of us.

*Braedon's POV*

I walked back to the end of the hall where my locker was and my friend came up to me and caught me looking at Nessa.

"Hey braedon! Who's the girl you checking out?" Jake says nudging me in the arm.

"That's Vanessa Hill. The only girl in this school that's not into me."

"Why not? Any girl would kill to be seen with you." he asks

"She thinks I'm a player and she doesn't date players."

"But you are a player." He laughs

"I know." I closed my locker and kept walking with Jake. "We made a deal and if she won, I would have had to leave her alone and never talk to her, but since I won, she has to go on a date with me tomorrow."

"That's my boy. She'll be falling for you in not time. Right?" He says patting me on the back

"Wrong. She doesn't want to go out with me. I want her to want to go out with me. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do." I says as I start to head down the hall to get lunch.

"Why her though? You can have any girl in this school but you choose the one that wants nothing to do with you."

"I don't know. There just something about her." I smile and she pops into my head.

"Yeah she pretty hot." He agrees. "I think it's going to be hard for you to get her because other guys may ask her out as well. I've seen her talking to Ty."

"Ty? No, she'll never go out with Ty. He's such a nerd." I respond.

"I don't know man. They seemed pretty close."

I then saw Ty and squinted at him. He was walking past nests table and gave her a friendly wave and she returned it. I think I may have some competition.

"Any way man I'm going to go find Jacinta. Maybe she could put in a word for you." He says as he ran off towards Jacinta's table.

"Yeah thanks man." I shout after him.

*Vanessa's POV*

It's now the end of school. I went home to get ready for the movies with Ty and his friends. When I got home, I went straight up to my room and got ready. I wore my ripped blacked jean and a plain white top with a leather jacket. I heard the door bell and it was Ty. He came to pick me up.

"Hey. Oh, I like you're out fit." He gestures to my clothes.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." We both laughed and we went into his car. I would have driving myself, but I have yet to my licence. I know, I know. "Vanessa you're 17 turning 18 and you still can't drive?" YES, OKAY! I'm lazy i haven't been bothered to go out and book lessons. My dad is too busy to teach me so I need professional lessons. Ty's Mom is also in the car because she needed to get some shopping done so while we're in the movies she'll be out and about in the mall

"Hi Vanessa. I'm Jamie. Ty's told me a lot about you." She smiles and offers her hand.

"Really? I've only been here for a few weeks. It's nice to meet you, by the way." I say shaking her hand.

Mrs Mayer: "Nice to meet you too. From what Ty says, you seem like such a nice girl."

"Aww. Thanks, Ty." I say simile at Ty.

"Haha no problem. Ok let's go." He smiles back at me through the RV mirror.

We arrived at the movies and went to go get my tickets for How to be single. I've been wanting to see this movie for a long time now. When turning around I see a whole group of people walking towards us.

"Oh Vanessa these are my friends, Tim, Claudia, Elisha, Mia, Jack and Molly my girlfriend." Ty says point to each friend as he says their name.

"Nice to meet you." Molly says with a warm friendly smile.

"You too." I smile back. I suddenly felt a wave of sadness and jealousy fill me. Do I have feelings for Ty? Am I jealous of Molly? "So how long have you been together for?"

"About 4 moths." Molly and Ty say in unison.

"Oh. I don't think I've seen you around school before." I say with a confused look on my face. I mean, if Ty was seeing someone, surely I would have seen her around school.

"Oh I don't go to your school. I go to an all-girls school a few blocks away."

"Oh ok. Well we better get moving or we will miss the movies." I say, handing Ty his ticket.

We walked Into cinema 4 and watched the movie. Molly sat next to Ty and Ty sat next to me. I saw them holding hands during the movie. That just made me feel more jealous.

*After movie*

"How did you like the movie?" Ty asks us, with an arm around Molly's shoulders.

"It what so funny. I loved it?" I say with a lot of playful energy.

"Yeah it was good." Molly says as if she wasn't satisfied with the movie. Is she out of her mind? That movie was amazing!

"Well anyway I've got to get going. I'll see you Monday."

"Yeah ok. See you then." Ty says waving me good bye.

"Nice meeting you." Molly says calling out as I leave.

Vanessa: "You to. Bye."

I get a lift home with my dad, and as soon as I got home, I put on my black and white polka dot pjs and read my book in bed. I finished my chapter then turn out the light to fall into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I check my phone and saw a text from Braedon.

The Devil: "Hey dress for cold weather tonight."

You: "Why it's supposed to be hot today."

The Devil: "Just dress for cold weather."

You: "Fine."

The Devil: "Cool. See you at 7. Bye x"

You: "Bye. -_- ."


Are you guys ready for the date?

Heyyyy! Hope you like part 8. If you do don't forget to vote for it. Question time.

Where is, Braedon taking Vanessa? What's wrong with Vanessa jealousy?
Will Vanessa fall for Braedon?
Find out in the next chapter. Byeee xx
