Chapter 2, Who is he?

We walked around the school for a tour and Lana helped me find my lock. I was locker number 777. I found that so funny because the number 7 happens to be my lucky/ favourite number. Anyway, I found out that Lana was just a few lockers down which was good because I actually now know someone around my locker area. After I put my bag away and got my books out I headed to homeroom with Lana.

"I never asked you if you had a boyfriend." I say, catching up to Lana

"I do actually, his name's Ethan." She smiled.

Suddenly we heard 3 voices behind us calling out for Lana.

"Hey guys. This is Vanessa the new girl from Australia. She going to be hanging out with us." She says gesturing to me.

"Hey Vanessa I'm Carla. I'm like Lana's bff." She said happily, as she gave a big hug.

"Hey. I'm Matt, Carla's boyfriend. nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand waiting for me to shake it.

"You too." I say, returning his hand shake.

"Hi. I'm Ethan. Lana's boyfriend, but she's probably told you that already." He says while smiling at Lana.

"Haha, yeah. well it's nice to meet you all."

"Well, Vanessa and I were just walking to homeroom, as should all of you it's 8:40 already." Lana instructed.

"Right. Let's go guys. See you at Morning tea Vanessa." Carla agrees and walks off with the boys.

"See you there." I shouted behind her.

Lana and I walk to homeroom and sat down at the back of the class. I saw someone walked in late. It was the guy who looked so familiar. If I don't find out who he is, my head might explode.

"Gooooooodddddd mornnniiiinnnnggggg stuuuudenttssss. My name is Mr Jones, although I think many of you already knew that, But I will be your new homeroom teacher for this year." He said quite cheery.

"Mr Jones is one of the most fun teacher at this school and one of the hottest." Lana whispered to me and I giggled.

"This year I believe we have a new student. Vanessa could come up please and tell us a bit about yourself." He guessers for me to stand up.

"Yeah, Ok, Sure." I agreed as I jumped out of my chair. "Hi, I'm Vanessa. I'm from Sydney, Australia and I hope I have a good time and East Rose High. I'm looking forward to meeting you all."

"Well I think that everyone here would love to meet you too. you may sit back at you seat. "Mr jones said after I finished talking.

I walked back to my desk and I noticed that the Familiar faced boy was checking me out. I just have to find out who he is.

"Hey. who's the guy who walked in here late?" I whispered to Lana.

"Oh that's Braedon Wood. He came to this school 2 years ago in year 8. He's THE hottest guy in school. He's like gone out with every girl in the year except for me, Carla and now you. Only because Carla and Matt have been going out since year 8, and the same with me and Ethan. Why do you ask?" She replied.

"Oh no reason. "I said leaning back into my chair

'Oh no! this can't be happening!' I thought to myself. 'What's wrong?' you might ask. Well believe it or not, but he went to my old school and he was my arch enemy. We met in Year 5, and we hated each other because he was a total jerk and would be so mean to me, so since he was mean to me, I gave him a taste of his own medicine and became mean to him. He left Our school and moved to America, but no one knew why. I just didn't think that he would be at this school.


Hope you like part 2 of 'The Boy In LA'. I bet you weren't expecting him to be from Vanessa's old school did you. Well any way, stay tuned to find out if he remembers her or not. xoxo
