Chapter 20, I've Missed You So Much

Dear Nessa

I understand you are upset about the situation but you need to know what really happend. I was waiting for you when I saw Sarah come in. I was really confused and then she pulled me in and kiss me... I understand how you feel and I have been giving you space but I miss you. You know you are the only one I want to be with so please I hope you can understand.

I will make it up to you I promise



" So what are you going to do V?"Michelle says while sighing

" I don't no" I reply while shaking my head, I raise head at her. I honestly don't no what I am going to do I believe everything that he has said in this letter but who knows? 

" I believe everything in the letter but remember how much he wanted to be with her I know things have changed and he has told me he wants to be with me and doesnt like her anymore but who knows he could be lying to me." I look down at the ground and slowly crouch to lying on the floor.

"Ok honey no, as your best friend it is my duty to protect you at all costs but seriously.." I hear her get up from her spot and walk towards me.

She stood behind me and picked me up from the ground and sat me on her couch.
" You need to pull yourself together look at you, you look like someone just ate all of your cookies without asking" she slapped my face lightly trying to get me out of my trance.

" HEYY" I look up at her with slight anger. " what was that for?" 

" V, I did it for your own good. You need to snap out of this trance your in and go to him, he misses you and you obviously miss him. A good friend will tell you to do whatever you want and what feels right but I'm your best friend and I'm telling you to go back to him please, you were so good together and made eachother so happy, so in the morning we are going over to his house and we are going to get him back. GOT IT!" I look back at her with rising smirk on my face. She immidiatly starts to laugh, I started laughing as well and before we knew it we were crying laughing.

The rest of our night was spent dancing around to new songs and to watching movies and stalking people from back home on facebook seeing how everyone was.


In the morning ,we both got up around 12 in the afternoon, it was Saturday so it didn't really matter. 

"Mich come on are you ready I want to go shopping?" I shout back at her. She always took the longest to get ready 

"YEP, COMING!" she yells back and me as she was coming back out of her room.

* outside waiting for the uber * 

"Hey whatever happend to Damond?" I ask curiously while looking down at my feet as I was playing with some pebbles on the ground.

"Oh ah you know usual you dated someone then you brake up with them and life goes on" my head shot up immediately.

"MICHELLE!!! Why didn't you tell me this its been like 3 weeks and you haven't said a thing about him, when did you guys brake up?" I plead for an answer.

"Hecheatedonme" She quietly mumbled.

"I didn't quite catch that."

 "Hecheated onme"she says a little bit more clearly but I still didn't understand what she said.

"A little louder please"

"HE CHETED ON ME OK!" Michelle said with frustration.

"WHAT! WITH WHO?" I was so shocked. Damond was one on the nicest guy I know.

"Rebekah Michaels."She replies sadly looking down at her feet.

"THAT BITCH!" I yell.

"Sssshhhhh. Keep it down would ya!" She shushes me.

"How long ago was this." I asked.

"About a moth and a half ago." She mumbles.

"Over a month!" I say shocked. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!" The Uber then pulled up out at the front of the house.

"Look I'll tell you all the details later but for now lets go get your man back." She say opening the Uber door.

"Fine. But you have to promise to tell me every thing." I say sliding into the black car.

"Promise." She says this on hand on her heart and the other in the air. Michelle then slide into the car and we drive off to Bradon's house.


As the uber breaks out side of Bradon's house I feel my stomach drop because of how nervous I was.

"You can do this V" Michelle pats my shoulder and opens the car door. We both get out of the car and just stand out side for like 5 minutes. "Take your time, but you need to do this sooner or later." Says Michelle

"You're right." I start to walk up to the front door. "But what if he's not home?" I say running back to Michelle.

"There's only one way to find out. I'll wait outside for you." She turns me toward the door and gives me a little nudge.

"Ok here I go." I Say walking towards the door.

"Good Luck." I hear Michelle shout behind me.

"Thanks!" I shout back..

I finally reach the front door and I slowly put the door bell. I Hear the little tune of the door bell which only makes me more nervous. I can hear a pair of foot steps coming form inside the house, and then the front door swings open.

"Vanessa..." Before I could let Bradon say another word, I jump onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist starting to kiss him. Bradon gladly accepted my kiss by kissing me back. 

he turns us around and closes the door behind him without braking out kiss. We continue to kiss as we stop up against the wall. suddenly all of the sad and nervous feeling have disappeared, I am just so happy to be with Bradon right now. Our kiss becomes more passionate as our mouth move in sync. Bradon places me back down wrapping his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. after what feels like 5 minuets we finally pull away. 

"I've missed you SO MUCH." I say smiling up at Bradon.

"I've missed you miss you moor than you can imagine." He smiles back then kisses me once more."


OMG OMG OMG!!!!! That was SOOOOOO cute. I got nervous even writing that. They make such a cute couple. 

Any way I am so sorry that It has taken this long to update but it is purely because Jacinta and I have had a bunch of test going on at school.......... And because we're lazy and procrastinate. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Yes Vanessa and Bradon are finally back on good terms. lets just hope it stays that way. If you did like this chapter please give it a vote and comment down below. Please share this with your friends. I sure they would like the story as well. Ok bye my lovelies. see you in the next chapter.

- Nina & Jacinta xxx
