Chapter Twenty- Two- NICO

Chapter Twenty-Two ~Nico


Today was the day; the Romans had reached Camp Half- Blood. Nico saw the Ares cabin line the boards with barbed wire and carefully plant explosives around the edges. The Apollo archers were stationed on top of the all the cabins, ready to shoot. The camp buzzed with energy and activity, Athena kids ran around making last minute technologic changes, Hephaestus campers handed out weaponry and extra armor; even the Aphrodite kids were decked out head to toe in celestial bronze, although they were just staring at their own reflections.

"Are you ready?" A girl's voice chimed next to him.

Nico took a deep breath a nodded; it was too late to chicken out now. "Let's do it." His hand gripped the sword hilt, and Nico's face was set in grim determination.

It had been decided that Reyna and Nico were to first try the peace talk with the Romans; if all were to fail, Camp Half-Blood was prepared to battle.

Reyna looked at Nico, her black hair flowing behind her in the wind. "I have no trouble believing that the Roman legions will stand down upon my command; however, I fear that Octavian will be the issue." Her dark eyes narrowed at his name. "Octavian is stubborn to begin with and now that he's possessed by Tartarus, well," she sighed, "he might as well be impossible to defeat."

Nico diverted his gaze from Reyna. Everything was so confusing. First off, he had thought that he liked boys; boys named Percy Jackson to be exact. But recently Nico had other feelings, feelings towards the female gender. The female gender being Reyna to be exact. Nico growled; he could figure out his sexual orientation later, but right now he needed to concentrate on the advancing Roman troops. "They're almost at the border," Nico stated, keeping his eyes trained on the advancing demigods.

"Then it's now or never," Reyna replied, her voice rough. She pushed her hair back and tied it into a tight ponytail.

And the two began walking down the hill towards the enemy.


Nico stood at the border of the camp and watched the Romans approach. Octavian stood at the front, commanding the legions.

 "Romans stand still," Reyna called at the advancing legions. "The Greeks mean no harm; it is time that the two forces unite and for the truth to be told."

 Just like Reyna predicted, the Roman Legions yielded at her command; however, Octavian only sneered. "Siding with the Greeks, what have you come to Reyna?" He hissed, his dark red eyes narrowing.

Nico never thought he would ever feel threatened by a scarecrow, but standing in front of Octavian was more unpleasant than spending time with his stepmother, Persephone. "What have you come to?" Nico grumbled, staring at Tartarus or maybe Octavian or whatever.

"And you," Octavian turned to face Nico, "you have been double playing the Romans and the Greeks the entire time." He growled, clenching his white fist. "You knew from the very beginning that Perseus Jackson was trouble."

Nico shrugged his shoulder, "I have nothing to do with Hera or Juno's plans. But you, however, are siding with that evil dirt face." Nico didn't know what got him so fired up, but right now he felt like punching Octavian and sending him even farther down than Tartarus.

The Roman Legions grew uncomfortable and began shifting around and out of their formation.

Reyna's hand moved slowly to the hilt of her sword. "It is true." Her voice was steady. She looked at the mass of demigods behind Octavian, "follow Octavian and you shall follow Gaea, the earth mother; however, join forces with the Greeks and victory will be at the hands of the gods, whether it be Roman or Greek."

A group of Greek demigods stood formation behind Reyna and Nico. They seemed to be studying the Romans, and the Romans seemed to be staring warily looking between Octavian and the demigods of Camp Half- Blood. Finally, the Fifth Cohort stepped forward and stood next to Reyna.

"We shall fight beside the gods, even if it means siding with the Greeks," Dakota said gruffly. "After all," he straightened his armor, "Percy Jackson did lead us well."

One by one the Roman legions began shifting sides. 

Octavian sneered. "I always knew demigods were weak minded." His eyes began glowing bright red, and over the hills came marching giants, centaurs, and ogres. "Prepare to lose, demigods." He cackled as the monster army approached.



dun dun dun- Octavian brought a monster army- gasp

okay guys I'm really sorry for the short chapter- I know it's lacking a lot of plot and stuff and the whole Nico bisexual thing is annoying but I still feel like crap after getting my wisdom teeth out and I can't sit still and think more than 30 minutes at a time. I apologize. I promise I shall make the next chapter better and longer to compensate (:

anyways thanks for all the amazing feedback given to me last chapter- my head is spinning again so I'm going to do a quick characters chat and post this chapter- HAVE FUN READING!!

Nico: why the hell did you make me bi?

Reyna: I think I'm a little too old for you, sorry Nico

Tiffany: oops. Make this character chat quick though- I'm about to pass out

Dakota: make sure to vote and comment and we are owned by rick riordan bye

Tiffany: thanks- make sure to answer this question for a dedication


And if you watch the world cup- Germany or Argentina? (:

Go Germany!

Holy smokes when I went to search The Blood of Olympus, mine made the first page! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH THIS IS INSANE! Like really, I'm very shocked and honored because all the other books have so many reads and votes and my book is so small and stuff... but thank you to everyone who has voted, comment, and read my fanfic- you make me happy (:
