Chapter Five- LEO

Chapter Five- Leo


Leo sat on his the chair that he had pulled up to the helm. He spun around in his chair, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. Ever since Annabeth and Percy had been rescued from Tartarus, Leo had been working nonstop. He barley rested and always kept his eye on the controls; the seven could not risk any time or loosing any demigods. Leo sighed. He examined the astrolabe and the tiny piece of crystal. He remembered the Cercopes and his promise he made to Calypso. He was going to get her off that island... somehow.

"You should sleep." Jason's deep voice made Leo jump half a mile.

"Sheesh, you scared me. Don't go around doing that to people, man. I nearly had a heart attack." Leo played it off cool and flashed an impish smile, turning around in the chair to face his friend. But inside he felt empty- he had remembered what Nemesis, the goddess of revenge had told him. He was simply the seventh wheel, not a valuable member to the crew. But still, Leo put on a smile and looked Jason in the eyes, "but nah, I'm good. Besides, I'm not that tired."

Jason cocked an eyebrow. "Leo, you haven't slept in three days, of course you're tired." He shook his head and pulled up a chair next to Leo. "You get some rest." Jason's blue eyes looked dull and his hair had grown shaggier. He looked more like a surfer dude than the clean cut, prep boy he once was.

Leo shrugged his shoulders, "I have been sleeping, small naps here and there." But Jason was right, Leo was beyond tired. "It's no big, bro." Leo tried to shake the sleepiness off but his eyelids felt heavy.

Jason rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You sleep, and I'll watch. How about that?"

Leo shook his head, meaning to say no, but he could feel his eyes already sagging, "okay." He yawned, "but wake me up if anything too bad happens." Leo got up and trudged towards his cabin. He placed the astrolabe and piece of crystal in his tool belt. He flopped onto his bed and fell into deep sleep.


Leo's surroundings changed until he was back on Calypso's island. The beach was tainted black and the once green areas were yellowed and dying. Leo walked around until he arrived at the destination he was searching for. The crystal cave had been destroyed and inside sat a girl crying. It was Calypso.

Her hair was in a tangled mess and her eyes were red. Her perfect face was stained with tears. "She destroyed everything I had." Calypso murmured. "She took everything- my plants, my garden, my beach, my home... she took Leo." Calypso wiped her eyes. "Why did you do this Zeus, why do you send boys here and then take them away from me? And Leo? Why did you send him here? He was different from the rest, you know. I didn't like him at first, but of course I always end up falling in love. Why is this my punishment?" She yelled and continued rambling, "and you Gaea, you're worst. You destroyed my island; you plan on killing Leo Valdez. You, you are worst than Zeus." She hissed and threw a rock against the cave wall.

Leo wanted to touch her shoulder and tell her that he's right here, but he knew that she couldn't see him. Could it really be that Calypso liked him? Leo stood by the entrance, unable to move.

"She stole everything from me." Calypso growled. "And for that, Gaea will pay." Her face morphed from sadness to anger. Her eyes burned a fiery red, her hair seemed to neaten and her simple clothes: jeans and a plain t-shirt, unwrinkled. "You hear me out Earth Goddess," She spat out the word goddess like it was a joke, "the second I can get off this stupid island... you will be the first to feel my wrath." Calypso's anger fell and misery filled her face once again. "Please hurry, Leo Valdez." Calypso whispered into the cave, "please find Ogygia and get me off this terrible, cursed place."

Leo wanted to reach out and assure her that he would come back but before he could even take a step his dream began to shift.

He now stood in a dark cavern with Octavian. Octavian's eyes were still red and when he spoke, steam drifted from his mouth. "This body is a considerable host." Octavian spoke.

The voice of Gaea answered, "my dear Tartarus. I apologize for now having a more... presentable body. But, with Octavian as your host, you can destroy the Greek gods forever."

Octavian, who was really Tartarus or whatever, laughed. "I will enjoy watching the gods fall."

Gaea's terrible laughter filled the room, and then the cavern was quiet. "I sense an intruder." Gaea's voice rumbled.
Leo froze in terror. Could Gaea actually sense Leo or was she talking about someone else?

"Leo Valdez," Gaea growled, "I know you are here, and I have a message for you to send to your fellow demigods. Be prepared, your journey will only end in failure."

Leo sucked in a big breathe and closed his eyes, when he opened them he could tell that his dream had changed once more. He now stood somewhere in England. The sky was hazy and the fields were green. Leo saw Reyna, Nico, Coach Hedge, and the scary statue lady.

The Athena Parthenos seemed to look at Leo and say, "if you dare grace my presence, I will shoot you."

Leo shuddered, he had no urge to meet Annabeth's mother.

Reyna's voice cut through the still air, "we are on track." Her voice was soothing and calm, "we have to make it to Camp Half-Blood in time and stop this mayhem. Octavian, or whoever possesses him, will destroy the Greeks." Her face was grim.

Nico sighed, "yes I know. I'm trying to get us there as fast as possible but, I don't know how we are supposed to cross the ocean. I don't have enough strength or power to carry all three of us and the statue to New York." His eyes darkened and he sighed.

Coach Hedge sat on the field, grazing on a flower. "Well cupcakes. There has got to be a way. My papa always use to say-"

"Wake up. Wake up." Nico began talking in Piper's voice.

Reyna joined in, "Leo, WAKE UP!"

Leo shot straight up in bed, Piper stood by his side. "Come on Valdez, get dressed. We have a visitor." She urged. Piper was dressed, and it even looked like she was wearing a little bit of makeup.

"Visitor?" Leo mumbled. "Are you wearing makeup?" He asked, confused. Rubbing the grogginess from his eyes.

"Yes. Dear gods, will you just get up already! And who cares if I'm wearing makeup." Piper hissed, "just look presentable, emphasis on presentable." Piper left his room and walked down the halls. As she walked away she called, "and if you truly want to know, I am not wearing makeup, I just brushed my hair."

Leo quickly changed into a fresh, or seemingly fresh pair of jeans and a not stained shirt and went to the dining hall.

There, at the table sat Hecate, goddess of magic and the controller of the mist. Wonderful.

Hazel sat next to the goddess, looking rather uncomfortable. "Hi Leo, did you sleep well?" Hazel asked in a polite manner.

"Uh, yah," Leo stared at the goddess.

"It's not polite to stare Leo Valdez." Hecate smirked with amusement. A little rodent thing hissed at Leo and passed gas.

"Not to be rude or anything, but lady, why are you here?" Leo started at the weasel or whatever it was.

Hecate pointed at the empty chair. "Why don't you sit down, and I'll tell you."


Percy: I am owned by Rick Riordan.

Annabeth: Actually, we all are.

Jason: that's weird. I mean just think about it... how can someone own a human being?

Tiffany (that's me!): shush up and don't question it.


Frank: Actually it's only the fifth chapter.

Hecate: is this a chat room or?

Hazel: well, it's actually a disclaimer.

Hecate: What is a disclaimer?

Leo: I dunno but we just say that this Rick dude owns us and then tell people to vote or whatever.

Piper: So make sure to vote and comment! It makes Tiffany happy and makes updates come faster.

Hecate: what is voting and commenting?

Piper: I'm not sure, but my script says I should say that.

Hecate: interesting... what are we voting for? Is this a democracy?

Tiffany: okay. Shoo. This is not a chat room. BYE!!

comment for a dedication??

*gets no comments because unloved*
