Chapter Fourteen- LEO

dedicated to seaweedbrain1112- i totally agree with you, sleepy percy is basically me 24/7 haha thanks for the comment love and i promise i will be editing this chapter!!! 

Chapter Fourteen- Leo


Leo was thigh deep in a boatload of unicorn poop. Literally. Leo Valdez, mechanic extraordinaire, was wadding through a field of unicorn poop, in his dream, of course. But still, the stench was real enough to wipe out a whole herd of Party Ponies. "This sucks, man." Leo mumbled, "can't I dream of rainbow and lollipops instead." Leo sighed as he continued to walk aimlessly around the poop covered field. "I mean, come on, this isn't fair." He groaned as he trudged forward, swatting flies here and there. 

"It isn't fair, is it, little hero?" A woman's voice spoke from behind him; it sounded strangely familiar, as if it was a distant memory. The voice sounded soft yet harsh.

Leo blood turned cold, "Nemesis," he growled. He wasn't particularly happy to see the goddess at that very moment; the last time Leo encountered Nemesis she had given him an evil fortune cookie that probably ruined his life. "Whoa, you look different." 

"Miss me, Leo Valdez?" Nemesis smirked. Her appearance had changed since Leo last saw her. Instead of the motorcycle chic look with the pac man motorcycle, Nemesis looked like a Greek goddess...well she was a Greek goddess, but still. She wore a simplistic, long, white dress with intricate gold designs. Her dark hair was piled on top of her head and her lips were painted a deep red. And not to mention she happened to be ten feet tall and looked a lot more intimidating, as if she wasn't intimidating before. 

"Ha, no way, woman. Not even in your dreams would I miss you." Leo's voice still held a hint of anger. 

"You shall not address me by woman, Leo Valdez." Nemesis's voice turned cold, "Do you understand, hero?" She sneered at the word hero as if it was an insult, a joke. 

The back of Leo's throat made an angry growling noise. "What do you want? Haven't you already destroyed my life?" Leo turned his back on Nemesis and continued to walk through the field of poop. "And the next time you decide to bless me with your visit, put me in a candy shop or somewhere!" He yelled over his shoulder. 

"Don't be so crass, you used the fortune cookie at your own will." Nemesis called.

"You used the fortune cookie at your own will." Leo mimicked in a high voice. "Blah, blah, blah. You still ruined my life." He continued to walk further away from the goddess, not knowing where he was going and hoping that when he would wake up, he wouldn't smell like unicorn waste. 

"I appeared for a reason, and I don't intend to waste this visit. Especially since the gods are not in a good position currently." The goddess's voice rang loud and clear. "Don't walk away from me, Leo Valdez. I might remind you that I am the Goddess of Revenge and I don't appreciate it when demigods waste my time." 

Leo slowly turned around, "What do you want?" He raised an eyebrow, waiting for the goddess's reply. He could feel like squishy substance seeping into his shoes and the disgusting smell was starting to give Leo a headache. "And make it snappy, this field of poop is not my thing." 

The goddess smiled, "I know your plans to retrieve Calypso from her prison of Ogygia. You also have in your possession an astrolabe." She cocked an eyebrow and a broad smirk crept across her lips, "you know it is dangerous to make empty promises on the River Styx, Leo Valdez." Nemesis stared at Leo, "you're not going to get Calypso back." 

Leo groaned. "You didn't need to interrupt my dreams and place me in a field of unicorn poop to tell me that." Leo grumbled, "I will get her back as soon as I can get the astrolabe to work." 

"Oh, but you don't know how the astrolabe works, my dear."  Nemesis swirled her fingers in the air, "however, I do know." Her eyes glinted with mischief. "Do you want my help, Leo Valdez?" She smiled, "Oh wait, you don't have a choice. You need my help in order to retrieve the girl."

Leo swallowed, contemplating his decisions, "what's the cost?" His voice was deep. Leo would do anything to save Calypso, "name the price, Nemesis." Leo's headache became even worst; bargaining with Nemesis was like selling your soul to Hades- don't do it. 

Nemesis laughed, "you know me so well." Her smirk was plaster across her face. "very well, the price is simple." The dark gleam in her eye made Leo realize that the price was going to be anything but easy. "I have a price to settle with Calypso. I'll help you rescue her but once I do, I need to pay the child a nice little visit." 

Leo gulped, if he declined Nemesis's offer, he was never going to get Calypso off her island, but if he accepted, Calypso was going to be in deeper unicorn poop than Leo was in now. "I-" Leo started but then clamped his mouth together. "How do I know you won't hurt her?" He blurted out. 

Nemesis grinned, "I swear on the River Styx that I won't hurt her... too badly." Her grinned broadened into a wide smile, but her eyes remained cold and calculating. 

The clouds above rumbled. 

"Oh shut up Zeus, you don't need to be here." Nemesis growled at the sky, "This is my territory, you over dramatic baby." Then she turned her attention back towards Leo, "tic tok little demigod, the time is running out." 

"Fine." Leo spat. "Now can you just tell me so I can get out of this disgusting place?" Leo gagged a little as he felt the poop rub against his leg. "Oh this is so gross, even for me." He shuttered. 

She laughed, "placed the crystal in the back, turn right three times, turn left six times, shake the astrolabe four times. It'll take you to where ever you desire. Good bye little hero, you chose well." 

The scene was dark and Leo felt like he was just dunked in a pool of water. He could practically feel like water droplets run down his skin. Wait... there were water droplets running down his skin. "What in the name of Zeus?" Leo mumbled. 

"Wake up!" A voice yelled. "WAKE UP LEO VALDEZ! FOR THE SAKE OF GODS WE'VE ARRIVED!" Was that Piper's voice? 

Leo sat up, sputtering with water dripping down his body. "Wha-" Leo sputtered. His wet, white t-shirt clung to his skin and his curly hair was matted.

Piper and Jason stood over Leo. "Good morning and get dressed. We're entering Greece." Jason held an empty water bottle and Piper looked deathly pale. 

Leo quickly scrambled up, "go, go, go away and protect the ship! I need to get dressed."  


sorry short update i will be editing and re-fixing this stupid chapter i just omg i hate writer's block. ok comment below what you think will happen later SO I CAN GET IDEAS BECAUSE IDK


Jason: dude, not fair. I wanted to say it.

Percy: you got to say it last time, shut up. In fact, YOU STOLE MY LINE LAST TIME.

Jason: oh quit whining you baby.


Annabeth: I'd like to remind everyone that this story is PG and that this isn't a chat room, it's a disclaimer.

Frank: uh, make sure to vote and comment. 

Hazel: do you ever wonder what voting is? Like what are they voting for?

Leo: yeah.... 

Piper: okay, okay GOOD BYE (: 
