Chapter Nine- FRANK

Chapter Nine- Frank

Frank was alone aboard the Argo II. He sat in his cabin wondering what had just happened to Piper. One second she was here, the next she was whisked away like the wind. Frank sighed and decided not to worry too much about it. After all, Piper disappearing wasn't the strangest thing that has happened. Frank wished that he had agreed to go shopping for supplies with Leo and Jason; he also wished he went with Percy to go find food. But no, Frank was alone on the war ship- aka "guarding" it. He got up with a groan and remembered Coach Hedge and Millie and the baby. What was that old goat up to? Frank decided to try Iris Messaging him, although he was Roman and did not understand how it worked. "Alright, let's give it a go." He found a gold drachma and a spray bottle. Walking onto the deck and into the sun, Frank sprayed the water and threw the coin in, "Dear rainbow goddess of messages, show me Coach Hedge."

Nothing happened.

"Common, cut me some slack! I'm Roman; I don't get how this Greek thing works!" Frank yelled in frustration.

Some curious tourist turned to look his way.

Frank gave them a small smile and wave. "Please," he whispered at the puddle of water with the coin.

Nothing happened.

Frustrated, Frank went back into the ship.

All of a sudden, an iris message appeared. Coach Hedge was in the middle of chowing down a tin can.

"Coach Hedge!" Frank exclaimed.

The satyr jumped half a mile. "Zhang! What do you think you're doing?"

"Sorry," Frank mumbled. "How are you and the ba-"

"Frank?" Reyna's voice interrupted. "Is that you?"

"Yah," Frank replied with a weak smile. "How are you guys?"

Reyna's face popped up, followed by Nico's. "We're doing alright. Although the monster attacks have been high lately, it's okay." Reyna looked like she had aged ten years. Her dark hair was tangled and her bright eyes had lost some of their spark. Her clothes were tattered and blood stained. Under her eyes were dark bags, and she looked tired and drained.

Nico wasn't much better. His dark hair was messy and his clothes were torn and muddy. He looked tired and skinnier than usual, which was to say Nico looked like the living dead. "We're on track though." Nico's voice rumbled, "we should be able to get to camp on time and stop the Romans."

Frank coughed, "be careful, Octavian is uh-" Frank searched for the right words.

Reyna sighed, "I know, he's a traitor. He has sided with Gaea."

"Actually," Frank began, "it's much worst than that." He gave an awkward chuckle. "He's, kinda sorta, yah, he's Tartarus."

"Excuse me?' Reyna asked, her voice strained yet poised and her face remained unreadable.

"Yah, Octavian is Tartarus." Frank sighed.

"You sure, cupcake?" Coach Hedge asked, rubbing his temples.

"Pretty sure, I mean both Percy, Hazel, and Leo had dreams about it, and Hecate came and warned us, so-" Frank nodded.

Nico groaned, "this is not good. Not good at all, especially if Hecate gets involved." Nico's pale skin seemed to get paler as the earth shook.

Frank's iris message started to blink in and out; he could see the sky getting darker and the hill shake up and down.

Reyna gave Frank one last look, "BEWARE OF THE-"

The iris message dissolved.

Frank was once again alone on the ship. "Beware of the what?" He mumbled as he paced. Frank crashed into Buford.

The magic table gave a puff and waddled off.

Frank flopped onto a chair. "Beware of what?" He groaned. "What can possibly get worst?"

"A lot my dear child." An elegant voice floated through the air.

Frank jumped a mile. Standing a few feet away from him stood a woman, a goddess no doubt. She was the most gorgeous person Frank had ever seen. Her eyes seemed to shift colors and her hair seemed to changed shades. Her face was a timeless beauty, "Venus?" Frank mumbled.

"I prefer Aphrodite." The goddess laughed. Her voice sounded like tinkling bells.

Frank stammered, "uh what are you-" Frank didn't want to be rude so he shut his mouth. "Your daughter disappeared." He blurted out, instantly regretting it. "Of course, you're daughter disappeared is a GREAT conversation starter, way to go Zheng." Frank thought, mentally slapping himself,

The goddess only smiled and took a seat across from Frank. "I was in town and decided to visit." She didn't seem to be fazed with the news that Piper was gone. Tea appeared out of thin air and she poured herself a cup. She offered some to Frank, but he politely declined. "I was looking for my daughter Piper, but I can see that she has already traveled to the Temple of Tartarus." Aphrodite sipped her tea.

"Temple of what?" Frank nearly choked. He did think he heard her right, did she say...temple of Tartarus? He shuddered at that thought.

"Why yes," Aphrodite smiled. "Temple of Tartarus, oh and you're girlfriend is there too." The goddess smiled, obviously enjoying playing the game of love.

"Hazel's at the Temple of Tartarus?" Frank yelped. "I- I have to save her!" He got up so quickly that he nearly flipped the table.

"Oh no," the goddess grinned. "you can't go. Girls only, that's the rule." Aphrodite stood up. She looked Frank straight in the eyes.

All of a sudden, Frank felt dizzy and tired.

"Sweet dreams, Frank Zhang." Aphrodite disappeared just as Frank fell into deep sleep.

Frank was back at his grandmother's house. The crisp, Canadian forest surrounded the huge mansion. The surrounding was quiet and comforting, Frank wanted to stay here forever. But of course, he couldn't. Frank's dream shifted. He was no longer in Canada; in fact, he was in New York. He saw the Roman troops marching towards Camp Half-Blood, drawn and reserved, ready to fight. Frank wanted to reach out to his fellow comrades and tell them to stop and how evil Octavian is, but of course, he couldn't, His dream shifted once more. He was now in Greece. He saw troops of monsters standing in a circle. Then his dream shifted one last time. He saw the seven demigods arriving in Greece. The Argo II was hit by a rock and was split in two. He saw the demigods, his friends and him, falling forever. He saw Gaea's secret army waiting to kill them. He saw their fate.

Death. Frank saw his own death.

Frank: so i die?

Leo: man this is intense

Jason: yah i agree i mean really shopping for supplies is a lot more intense than i thought

Leo: i was talking about Frank dying...

Jason: oh

Percy: i thought this was suppose to be a long update...

Hazel: be thankful she even updated now hush.

Annabeth: we are owned by Rick Riordan

Piper: this temple of tartarus is really giving me the creeps. ew

Tiffany: ok enough chit chat- make sure to vote and comment: i love you all and will update soon (:
