Chapter Thirteen- PERCY

Chapter Thirteen~ Percy 


Percy paced around the Argo II. He was a terrible boyfriend. Seriously terrible. First his girlfriend wanders through Tartarus and now she's, once again, gone and to who knows where. Percy shook his head, "where are they?" He hissed. "She can't be gone." Percy groaned and flopped onto the nearest chair. "What do you mean they just left?" He turned towards Frank, who was nervously biting his lower lip. "How can they just leave?" Percy threw his hands in the air, obviously frustrated. "I mean, come on!"  Percy could not believe Annabeth was gone. After enduring Tartarus, he made the promise to never, ever, ever leave Annabeth's side again- and now she had disappeared. Oh fantastic. 

Frank shook his head. "I don't know. One second they were there and they next- boom gone. Just like that." The poor guy looked like he was going to cry. "I hope Hazel's alright." He whispered. Frank's brown eyes were watery and his posture was hunched. 

Jason groaned. "It's not your fault, man. We just wished we knew where they went." He cradled his head in his hands. "Please go over the story again." 

"Well, Hazel and Annabeth were out on the deck and they were talking. So I went and got a sandwich because I was hungry and when I came back they had disappeared. Then it was just me and Piper and we were in the middle of a card game when this gust of wind blew in and then Piper disappeared. Her mom showed up was all mystical and creepy said something about only girls and then poof she was gone, and I was asleep." Frank shook his head, "I just don't get it." 

"Sheesh you guys are too uptight." Leo piped up, he wiped the chip crumbs off his face. "Relax. They probably went to a spa or whatever girls do." Leo shrugged and continued to be intrigued in his bag of chips. "Did you guys know that these chips are the best! Here try one!" He offered the bag to the group.

Percy declined. "I'm going to go find Anna-" 

Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel came racing onto the ship. 

Annabeth's blonde hair was tied into a messy ponytail and her face was covered in soot. "Hit it, Leo." She commanded. "We need to go now and no more stops." 

Leo scrambled to his feet, "someone's pushy," he mumbled. "Nice to see you too!" He called to Annabeth as he walked over to the controls. 

"Where were you?" Percy blurted out, unable to control himself. "I was worried." He pushed his dark hair away from his eyes and looked at Annabeth. 

The Argo II started up. 

"Leo, put the ship on autopilot." Annabeth said, ignoring Percy's question. "Come join us." 

Leo walked over and joined the group. "So, what happened to you guys? Oh you look horrible... I mean no offense or anything. And man, you guys smell horrible too! You smell like... like old people." Leo crinkled his nose and shuddered. 

"Leo..." Jason warned. His eyebrow cocked, giving Leo the shut-up-unless-you-want-to-be-fried-Leo look.

"Sorry, man." Leo gave an impish grin. "Anyways, what's so important that Captain Leo needed to join?" 

"Why don't we go to the dining hall, we can all sit and grab a bite to eat." Piper suggested. 

Soon the seven were seated at the table and food was being distributed. 

Percy sipped his blue coke. "What happened to you guys?" 

Frank nodded, "yeah. I mean one second you guys were here and the next you guys just... left." 

Annabeth sighed and rubbed her temple, "long story short- we have three new lifesavers." Annabeth's voice dripped with sarcasm. Her slender fingers toyed with the scroll that was tossed carelessly on the table. 

"What?" Percy asked in confusion, "what do you mean by lifesavers and what are those scrolls?" His green eyes were crinkled and his eyebrows knitted together. Percy was really confused.

Hazel sighed, "long story short- apprentice to Hecate had us go on a mission to save the Temple of Athena and in reward we got three scrolls." She pulled out the scroll that Mormo had given her and set it on the table next to Annabeth's. 

Frank grumbled, "Temple of Athena? I didn't know Croatia honored the Greek gods." His voice was deep and like Percy, Frank was utterly confused. 

Piper brought out the third scroll, "It's complicated but the Romans didn't actually take over the Greeks- some other group did. But that's beside the point, what we need to focus on is getting to Greece and figuring out when we need to use these scrolls." She sighed, "we have three scrolls: one for knowing the future, one for a time of despair, and the last to defeat Gaea."

"Uh wait," Leo spoke up, his fingers tapping nervously on the table, "what do you mean the Romans didn't defeat the Greeks. That's like common knowledge." Leo pulled out a strange device from his tool belt and started fidgeting with it. 

Jason nodded. "Piper, I think we need to know before we decide anything." Jason looked worn out and like the rest of the boys, he was confused. 

Annabeth groaned, "Barrons, evil group of women warriors overthrew Greece and worshipped the primordial gods. However since they were all women they never reproduced and died off. When Romans came along, they saw Greece destroyed and overtook it, stating that they were the ones who killed off the Greeks." She looked around the table and the bewildered boys, "can we move on now?"  

 Percy nodded slowly but gave Annabeth a look that said this-isn't-over-and-we're-talking-about-this-later. 

"Wonderful." Piper clasped her hands together.  "Now are we going to use these scrolls or not?" 

Jason seemed to finally come to his senses, "We should wait and see. The scrolls are our last resort." 

Frank nodded, "seems reasona-" 

Before Frank could finish what he was saying, the ship veered to the right, throwing everyone across the room. 

Leo stumbled to his feet, "OH COMMON ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He yelled at no one in particular. "I just repaired this!" 

"Run!" Percy yelled as a boulder came swooshing past his head. "MONSTER ATTACK!" 

"Well, no duh." Annabeth mumbled. 

Leo quickly ran to the helm and tried to steer them away from the attacks. "Die you stupid beast! DIE! I JUST REPAIRED THIS BABY! DIE!" 

Frank turned into a gorilla and began catching the flying rocks and chucking them back out at the monsters. 


Percy was having a bad day, not only was he attacked by stone throwing monsters, but his girlfriend got kidnapped. And on top of that, Leo was now banging and yelling while Percy was trying to sleep. Great, just great. "SHUT UP!" He yelled, flopping back onto his bed. 

Leo yelled a few colorful choice words but stopped banging. 

Finally, Percy could sleep. He pulled the covers over his body and before he knew it, he was fast asleep. 

"Percy? Percy? Oh common," Grover's voice nagged Percy. 

"Go away I'm sleeping," Percy mumbled and swatted at nothing. 

"You're dreaming!" Grover's voice insisted. "Come on, man, you're in a dream, now focus- I need to tell you something." 

"How can I be in a dream, you stupid goat?" Percy rolled over and pulled the covers even tighter around him. "Leave me alone I'm tired."

Grover sighed, "remember that thing I put on you before I left for the Sea of Monsters? Yeah, now focus." Grover snapped his fingers near Percy's ears. 

"What?!" Percy roared and saw Grover. He realized that he seemed to be sitting at a cafe table beside a busy road. Cars zoomed by, but no one was around them. 

"Wonderful." Grover smiled, "now remember that you are in a dream and try not to wake up." 

Percy gave him a confused look, "just get on with it." He studied Grover, "and where have you been? You look terrible." 

"Well, the Romans are coming," Grover picked up a random napkin and started nibbling on it. "And we aren't ready." Grover shrugged and laughed nervously. 

"What do you mean you aren't ready?" Percy groaned. "I hate dreams." He muttered. 

"What I mean is that the Romans outnumber us by five to one, or even more." Grover's was panicked. "Not only that but the scarecrow guy Octavian is seriously giving me the chills. I've been having these dreams about him and man they're creepy." Grover shuddered. "I mean that guy is housing Tartarus!" Grover whisper hissed. "We don't stand a chance!" 

"Help is on the way. Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge are coming with the Athena Parthonos and the apprentice to Hecate, Mormo is on his way to delay the progress of the Romans. Hang in there, you guys can do it." Percy hoped that he was right, because if he was wrong... Greece was going to fall. 




Leo: That was my line. Common man, you do it every time. 


Piper: keep it PG kids. 

Frank: So when is the action going to begin like when do we get to Greece and kick a-

Piper: Frank...

Frank: butt, I was going to say butt. 

Hazel: Well according to my statistics we should be getting to Greece in a couple of updates (maybe 5 chapters away) 

Leo: When do I get to go back to Calypso? 

Percy: What?

Leo: ... ... ... I mean California? 

Jason: Leo what's going on? 

*Annabeth comes running in, late and out of breathe*

Annabeth: What did I miss? 

Leo: Oh nothing...

Annabeth: um okay, well make sure to vote and comment- that's what i'm suppose to say right? No? I'm so confused...


I will be some serious editing on this chapter, I just wanted to post in now because I feel bad about not updating in a long time- thank you guys so much for reading and commenting I appreciate it a lot <3 

so yeah, comment for a dedication?? 
