Chapter Eighteen- NICO

Chapter Eighteen- Nico 


Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge stood in the middle of the Hermes table. The shocked faces of the campers weren't helping. "Um... hi?" Nico laughed nervously. "We found the Athena Parthenos." He laugh was weak as he motioned towards the giant statue. 

Reyna stepped down from the table. Cherry pie stained her shoes. "Well, what a nice way to enter." She murmured. 

"She's hot." Connor Stoll nudged Trevor as he ogled Reyna. Despite being covered with scratches and bruises, Reyna was beautiful. 

"I am not hot." Reyna seethed. Her eyes darkened and her nostrils flared. She looked like she was about to deck Connor right there and then, and she probably would have if Chiron hadn't appeared. 

"Nico Di Angelo, nice for you to join us and Hedge, nice to have you back." He offered a curt smile to the boys and turned his attention towards Reyna. "And you must be Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, the Roman praetor. It's a pleasure for you to be at our camp." He smiled down at a red-faced Reyna. "I am Chiron." 

"Even her name is hot." Connor muttered.

Reyna dipped her head towards Chiron, "sir. My apologies." However, the second Chiron directed his attention towards the gigantic statue, Reyna gave the death stare to Connor. 

"How did you recover this, and where are the others?" Clarrisse asked, her voice loud and clear. Anticipation ran through the silent mess hall, waiting for Nico's answer. 

"I don't think now is the time, we should give our guest some food and let them properly rest. It has been a long journey, no doubt, and they are tired." Chiron's voice was steady. "I shall move the Athena Parthenos to the big house. When our guest are rested, I will call for a meeting of the counselors." Chiron put one of his hands on Nico's shoulder and the other on Reyna and directed them out of the mess hall.  

Reyna and Nico settled comfortably in the Hades cabin... well at least Nico was comfortable.  After a nice long shower, he felt refreshed and back at home in his Father's cabin. Sandwiches, pizza, and fruit covered the table. 

Reyna took a bite of her pizza, "what will we tell them?" She asked, her eyes darted nervously around the room. 

"The truth." Nico grumbled as he picked at his sandwich. No tomatoes, no lettuce, no ham, no cheese- when  Nico was finally satisfied with his sandwich... all that was left was a piece of bread with a little bit of mayo. 

"And if they don't believe us?" 

"They will." Nico took a bite of his bread, "we need to tell them about Annabeth as well." 

"Annabeth?" Reyna asked, her face twisted into confusion. "What about her?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Nico shook his head and reached for an olive. "Annabeth's memories are gone. Apparently, according to Percy, she fell off the Argo II, and they asked me to see if she was still alive. And she's alive all right, but she's not Annabeth. It's hard to explain." He popped the olive into his mouth. 

"What do you mean she's not Annabeth?" Reyna absent-mindly started twisted her black hair. 

"I don't know. Remember how Jason and Percy switched places and Hera or Juno took their memories. Yeah, well Annabeth's memories are gone. Not like someone blocked them like Hera did. But they're actually gone. Like she was dipped in the River of Lethe, but worst. Annabeth is alive physically, but she's not there mentally. She has no identity. I've never really felt anything like how I felt with Annabeth when I tried to find her life force." Nico shrugged and took another bite of his dissembled sandwich.

Reyna swallowed, "you said she fell off the battle ship?" 

"Yup, no explaination why. One second a flash of bright light, the next Annabeth is screaming and falling. Percy said there was no wind or anything." 

"Can they possibly be in Greece already?" She tried to keep her voice steady. 

"They entered a few minutes before Annabeth fell off the ship." Nico replied, "why?"

"This can't be good." Reyna moaned as she covered her head with her hands. 

"What's going on?" Nico asked, "what can't be good?" 

Reyna only looked at Nico with sad eyes, "Celine can't be good." 


Reyna and Nico sat around the ping-pong table with the rest of the head counselors. Cheese whiz flew across the room and ping-pong balls rolled everywhere. Connor was still staring at Reyna, and Reyna was,of course, ignoring Connor. 

"Attention." Chiron called, banging his hooves. "Order." 

The room quieted down. 

Chiron cleared his throat, "Reyna and Nico, you said there was something wrong with Annabeth, correct?"

Nico nodded, he felt naked without his long bangs covering his eyes. He coughed uncomfortably, "Reyna, well I guess she should just explain."

Chiron nodded and picked up his glass, taking a sip of water. "Reyna," he gestured towards her.

Reyna tucked a piece of hair behind her ears, "it's Celine. She's back." 

Chiron dropped his glass. 

The shattering glass rang around the quiet room. 


Nico: What a perfect place to stop.

Connor: wait, who's Celine?

Reyna: you have to wait until the next chapter to find out- dun dun dunnnnn

Chiron: We are all owned by Rick Riordan

Celine: besides me. I'm a proud single woman.

Tiffany: Actually, you're owned by me... oh.

Celine: SHUT THE FU-

Reyna: keep it PG

Nico: well um... this is awkward. so vote and comment? thanks.


hey guys it's tiffany! i'm so sorry for this crap ass chapter but i promise i'll fix it up soon! life has been crazy- i had two research papers and debate project so i'm so sorry for not updating ._. 

anyways, how are you guys liking this so far? (be honest i can take a few critics) 

