Chapter Seven- ANNABETH

Chapter Seven- Annabeth

Annabeth felt like she couldn't breathe. The room had the most intricate design she had ever seen or even designed herself. The marble columns were high and mighty, supporting the ceiling of the room. Everything about this room was breathtaking. The walls were marble, the floors- everything was made of marble and thin sheets gold leaf. The ceiling was etched with the patterns of the stars and galaxies. The walls were designed with the most detailed designs that it was impossible for humans to make. It was a place that even Annabeth couldn't imagine in real life. "What is this place?" Annabeth asked.

The dark angel grinned. "Welcome to the Temple of Athena." He turned towards Hazel, "and no," he chuckled, "I am not Thantos, but thank you for thinking so."

Annabeth's face held confusion. Her head was cocked to one side, and the gears in her head were turning but coming up with nothing.

Hazel spoke up, "okay, not Thantos, how can this be a Temple of Athena when no one knows about it." She gestured around the room, "this place is not Athena's... it holds darkness and death." Her eyes darkened, "you're lying to us." Her eyes darkened, and Hazel placed her hands on her hips. "This is no temple of any god. Not even Hades could conjure up this much death and despair. Who are you?"

The angel laughed, "Oh allow me to introduce myself. I am Mormo, companion to Hecate. And you are right Hazel Levesque; this is a place of darkness and death." He flashed another brilliant smile, "but you are also wrong, I am no liar."

Annabeth seemed to regain her senses. "Mormo... you. Mormos are supposed to be vampires; legend has it that they were evil servants and would bite children. What do you want from us?"

Mormo laughed, "silly little legends, mixing up the names- you my dear are thinking of Mornophericshians. People couldn't pronounce their names, so they called them Mormos. And they have no tie to Hecate, mortals mixed us up back in the old days. Silly humans." Mormo shook his head in disgust, "I can guarantee you that I am no vampire and will never be one."

"Then why are we here?" Hazel asked her voice calm and steady. Her hands however, were gripped on the hilt of her cavalry sword.

"My little heroes there are no reasons to bring out weapons. I only want to talk." The angel smirked and gods was he beautiful.

Annabeth stared at him, "you said this was a Temple of Athena, as a child of Athena, I can assure you this is not the place of my mother." Annabeth's voice held a tinge of venom. Her gray eyes were narrowed. "How dare you disgrace Athena?"

"Allow me to explain." Mormo gave a half grin. "It ancient Greece, Croatia belonged to the Greek Empire- this place flourished with wealth and prosperity. Long ago, the patron Goddess was Athena. However, the Greek Empire started faltering. A group- historians neglect and they were never known about, you see... Rome didn't take over Greece." He finished his story and smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Annabeth's voice was hostile. "It's common knowledge that-"

Mormo looked at Annabeth with amusement, "what I'm saying is that a group overtook Greece before the Romans did."

"Now how is that possible?" Hazel asked, "it's logic and a fact that Greece was taken by Romans, it's in every single history book!"

"It's true that every history book says that, but it's not true that it was the Romans who took over the Greek empire." Mormo looked at Hazel, "you can sense darkness here, can't you, Daughter of Pluto?"

Hazel nodded.

Mormo continued telling the tale, "Greece was overtaken by a group called Barrons. The Barrons were evil and did not worship the pagan gods. They worshiped giants, Gaea, and Tartarus. They worshipped evil."

Annabeth swallowed, "how come no one has ever heard of them?"

Mormo only grinned, "because the clan was wiped out. By the time the Romans came along, Greece was deserted. All the Greeks, beside those who went into hiding, were killed by the Barrons, and the Barrons had been destroyed by the gods. Dead bodies were everywhere, so of course the Romans claimed that the Barrons were the Greeks and they had killed them. It was the strategic thing to do." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I can sense he is not lying." Hazel said quietly. "I can feel the spirits here are neither Greek nor Roman. They are something entirely different." 

Annabeth's face was grim, "the temple... what does your story have to do about this temple?" She looked at the room, how was it possible that Greeks weren't overtaken by Romans? She sighed.

"I'm glad you asked," Mormo cleared his throat, "this temple is the Temple of Tartarus." He chuckled.

The temple grew cold and Annabeth could feel the evil of this beautiful place. Annabeth's vision grew clearer, she saw tourist mill around taking pictures... but she also saw spirits- dark, red spirits angrily making circles inside the temple. The spirits looked brutal and mad. They had sharp swords hanging at their sides and some seemed to have shields made from human bones. She gulped.

Mormo laughed, "I see you can see the truth now."

Hazel's face was pale, "why are we here?"

"I have a task for you." Mormo grinned, "it will help you on your journey to defeat the one Hecate warned you about, that is, if you survive."  He gave a smirk, "if you can surrive, not only will you get the item, but you will have Hecate and me beside you on the final battle field."

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Annabeth's voice was hard as steel, "swear upon the River Styx."

Mormo laughed, "very well, I swear upon the River Styx that if you survive, I and my mistress will aid you in the final battle."

Annabeth and Hazel looked at each other, silently agreeing to go on this quest.

"Wonderful," Mormo exclaimed, as if he could read their minds.

"Wait," Annabeth stopped him, "we need a third person."

Mormo laughed, "silly me: but I must warn you, only girls allowed." He smirked. "tick tock, your life is on the clock. Oh look that rhymed!" He clapped his hands in delight.

"Piper." The girls said simultaneously.

"I'll go fetch her, you stay right here." And in a flash of black, Mormo disappeared.

Piper: um there's this weird angel thing asking me to go with him... should I be worried?

Annabeth: NO

Hazel: go with him!


Annabeth: shut up, we need her.

Percy: why can't boys go?

Leo: I know man, I'm so bored.

Frank: uh, aren't you repairing the ship?

Leo: oh right, nevermind, I don't want to go.

Frank: be safe Hazel!

Percy: I really want to go.

Tiffany (that's me): GUYS DISCLAIMER! SOMEONE DO IT!

Frank: we are owned by Rick Riordan

Mormo: besides me. I'm owned by Tiffany.

Leo: owning someone just isn't right...

Percy: man, i agree. Oh wait... I have to read my part okay um it says, "make sure to tove and commit." What?

Annabeth: it says make sure to vote and comment you idiot.

