Chapter Four- NICO

dedicated to Annabeth3Chase because i love her writing okay? okay.


Chapter Four-Nico


Nico almost ate a boulder... quite literally. The journey to Camp Half-Blood with Reyna and Hedge hadn't been easy, but luckily, the three were still on track. At the pace they were traveling, they should reach Camp Half-Blood before the seven even reached Greece- that was a good thing. Although, it was the one good thing. All the shadow traveling had drained Nico of his energy, and on his third stop, Nico was victim to a freaking mountain. A freaking mountain that could throw rocks. And here's how it all went down-

Coach Hedge had just iris messaged Percy and the rest of the crew back on the Argo II. From what Percy had told them, it seems like Nico, Reyna, and Hedge were in a whole lot more trouble than they could deal with. Everything just seemed so stressful, and Nico didn't want to do stressful at the current moment. So he walked up the hill and leaned against a boulder, contemplating their next move. 

Up until the stupid attacking mountains, Nico had actually thought his third stop was going pretty well. Sure the iris message from Percy wasn't all too reassuring, but at least they landed in an optimal location. They were somewhere in England. The area was green, grassy, and deserted. Perfect for a ragtag group consisting of the son of the underworld, a roman demigod, a half goat, and of course a god embodied in a statue. It was nice and peaceful; everything was going great. A little too great, but Nico wasn't worried about it, all he wanted was a nice nap and then right back on track they would go. That was until they discovered that the hill they were on knew how to throw boulders. Not only that, but flying, demonic squirrels attacked them. So much for a good resting area...

The first boulder crashed a mere inch away from Nico's face. The boulder was the size of a small rowboat and when it landed it created a small crater on the side of the green hill. Reyna instantly was on guard. Her eyes were set in determination, and her hands gripped her dagger. Nico got to his feet; his hands clenched around his Stygian iron sword. The next boulder crashed a few feet away from the giant statue. 

"Great," Nico muttered, "flying rocks." 

"Duck for cover!" Reyna yelled as she sheathed her sword and ran behind the nearest boulder, which so happened to be the one that almost killed Nico. 

Nico followed after her and flattened himself against the boulder. "Hedge!" Nico's voice rang against the sounds of landing boulders. "Come over here now! They're rocks; there's no use fighting! We have to wait them out." Nico watched as the satyr zigzaged his way across the green pasture, dodging boulders left and right. 

"You dumb fawn," Reyna hissed, "you could have gotten killed! Do you really thing a measley wooden club can defeat a one ton boulder?"  

"Awh that's cute cupcake, you care about me." Coach Hedge smiled, "and I'm a satyr, not a fawn. Fawns are Roman and they're helpless." 

Reyna rolled her eyes, while Hedge gave out a hearty laugh.

"I'm glad to see you bonding and all, but rocks are falling out of the sky and we need to shadow travel now." Nico's voice was rock-hard, "we don't have time to lose if we don't want to die. So let's get over to the statue and buckle up."

"But you're not reading to shadow travel again," Reyna looked at Nico. "You're beyond depleated of energy, look at you." 

"For once I agree with the Roman," Coach Hedge piped in. "Reyna is right, we'll just stay put until the sky stops raining rocks and then we can go. We can't travel in this condition."

 But before Nico could argue that he was fine a boulder landed a mere feet away from the tip of his nose, and a face began to form out of the rock.

Gaea's sleeping face appeared. Her eyes were closed and her mouth twisted in a sick smile. "Young heroes," her voice was ancient and gravelly. "Do you really think you can out best me, little heroes? You will never reach New York in time; you see, the two groups can never be together. They will kill each other; only a fool like Hera would play a dangerous game like this."

"DIE EVIL MOTHER NATURE!" Coach Hedge yelled as he charged towards the boulder, his club raised.

Gaea simply smiled and vines grew and wrapped around Coach Hedge, engulfing him. Only his face showed, but his mouth was tied shut. But that didn't stop Gleeson Hedge from shouting insults that no one could really hear. 

"Your satyr is such a bothersome sidekick," the poison dripped from Gaea's voice. "So loud, so obnoxious... someone should teach him a lesson."

Another rock was chucked into the air, but Reyna somehow managed to slice it in half. The boulder turned to mud. Her eyes full of anger, "I think it's time for you to leave." Her voice was cold as ice.

Gaea laughed, "very nice, Roman demigod." Her face shifted in the rock, "however, I did not come here to fight. I came to deliver a message." Nico could swear that the evil earth mother was smirking. 

"We don't want your message," Nico hissed. "you are not welcome here."

"Oh Son of Hades, you're an outcast, a loner, a wanderer between both camps. Neither really want you, so why are you helping them?" Gaea's voice sounded innocent and pure. "Your father didn't really even want you," Gaea continued talking, "and not to mention, you are helping the people who killed your sister."

Nico clenched his fist, "Do not speak of Bianca like that. She chose her own will and the rest had nothing to do with it. She died to correct the wrong she did." His dark eyes turned pitch black, "I think it's time for you to go, Gaea."

"Fair enough, I will go after I deliver my message, little hero." An image of the Roman legion appeared. Their battle armor shined and their swords and shields locked. Their pace was steady, but occasionally, there were small brown objects whizzing around and messing up the orderly fashion. The brown things took swords, shields, pulled down pants, and caused general mayhem in the otherwise coordinated group. Another image showed Camp Half-Blood. The campers were getting ready for war. Greek soldiers lined the outside perimeters of the camp, keeping guard. Chiron had gathered the Party Ponies and there was a small assembly of Cyclopes with Tyson leading.

Gaea spoke again, "failure is inevitable."

The original image disappeared and was replaced with another image. It was of Camp Half-Blood, in ruins. The cabins burned down, Greek demigods laid lifeless on the ground. Everywhere there were dead demigods; however, most of the slain wore orange t-shirts. The place was beyond repair. The Romans stood victorious with Octavian gloating proudly. His eyes were bright red. The image faded.

"Don't you see little heroes; your journey is doomed no matter what." Gaea's rock face formed a tiny smile. "Your friends will die and suffer, Greeks will be destroyed... but Romans, they will succeed. They will succeed under Octavian's rule; a puny demigod neitherless, but a wonderful pawn."

Reyna's face was emotionless.

Gaea turned her attention towards Reyna, "you can join me and succeed..." she tempted. "You could live in the new world, I might even keep Jason Grace alive just for you." 

Reyna growled, "never!" She charged the boulder and sliced it in half.

Gaea disappeared. 

Nico sat down, shell shocked. "Camp Half-Blood," he swallowed.

Reyna looked down at him, "we will succeed. Failure is not an option." She spoke with confidence; her dark hair flowing behind her in the wind. "We will not let Gaea win, and we will most certainly not stop fighting until we make peace with both camps."

At that moment Coach Hedge was freed from his bondage of vines. "DIE!!!!!" He raised his club and then noticed no one was around any longer. "You cupcakes didn't leave a challenge for me? Oh common, just because I'm one hundred and six doesn't mean I can't take on a good fight." 

Nico looked down, "do you really think it'll happen?" He shook his head and looked at Reyna, "did you see Octavian's eyes?"

She nodded grimly. "He's possessed by something powerful and dangerous."

"The dead bodies," Nico choked, "they were mostly Greek." He looked back up at Reyna, "Without the Greek personas of the gods, Olympus will fall. Greece will fall and who knows what will happen to the gods. All their power could be consentrated into their Roman forms... but," 

"But most likely they will die off because there will no longer be anyone who believes in them." Reyna finished. "And once their Greek personas die, their Roman couterparts will likely fall apart as well."

"We can't let that happen. Then Gaea will win it all." Nico sighed.

That's when the demonic squirrels showed up.


Percy: stupid Gaea, dumb ergh, Octavian, pillow pet, kill, mad.

Gaea: be nice little hero or else I will crush you

Reyna: get out of here, Gaea

Nico: we belong to Rick Riordan

Leo: I don't belong to anyone, oh no, Leo is an independent, proud, black woman

Piper: shut up, you belong to Rick Riordan. And you are not black nor are you a woman.

Leo: How would you know?

Frank: that's weird man. 

Hazel: well, make sure to comment and vote (:

Jason: bye 

Coach Hedge: CUPCAKES!

*apologizies for the short chapter. I'm very busy with school and OMG ITS SNOWING THAT COULD MEAN SNOW DAY- HAHAHAHAHHA okay have a nice day and please comment and vote (:*
