Chapter One- PERCY

DISCLAIMER: RICK RIORDAN OWNS PERCY JACKSON (don't sue me I'm poor and need to go to college) 
dedicated to think_inspiration because so perfect i cannot even 

Chapter One~ Percy


Percy woke up to the sound of the ship's alarm bells ringing. He was in the middle of an awesome dream about him and Annabeth eating blue pancakes, random but awesome. The bells rang loud and clear, and Percy stumbled out of his cabin dressed in pajama pants and nothing but a celestial bronze armor plate covering his upper body. His dark hair was styled into a mess and his green eyes were still adjusting to the bright light. 

"Duck!" Jason yelled as he tackled Percy to the ground. A fiery ball of flames whizzed pasted them. Jason quickly jumped up and back on his feet, "sorry, man." He brushed himself off and looked at Percy. "Nice fashion choice," Jason stated, raising an eyebrow. 

Percy looked down to see what he was wearing, "oh right." He mumbled and shrugged sheepishly, "what's going o-" A ball of fire hurled towards him. He quickly distinguished it mid-air with a stream of water.

"Fire shooting monsters," Jason shrugged as if saying- no biggie, it's the usual, "sent from Gaea, no doubt." Another fire ball whizzed through the air, but Jason managed to deflect it using a gust of air.

The fire ball crashed into the war ship's wall and left a black scorch mark. "Oh gods, Leo is going to be totally pissed," Jason shook is head and scrunched up his nose, "sorry, Leo!" Jason yelled toward the helm. 

Back at the helm, Leo frantically controlled the Argo II, turning left to right, slicing through the chaos. He yelled random phrases while trying to dodge the monsters and steer their way out of the raging terror. "Die you fire-breathing-no-good-ugly trolls! DIEEEE!"  The ship lurched to the left.

On the other side of the ship, Frank turned into a huge dragon and began... swallowing the balls of flame? No, he was simply swallowing the fire, freezing it into ice and then shooting it back at the monsters. Cool.

Annabeth was shouting commands as she maneuvered around the ship, dodging the deadly fire. "Behind you!" She shouted at Hazel, who barely managed to deflect a fire ball. Her blonde hair whipped around her determined face as she jumped over chairs and tables, dodging the balls of death. Percy thought she was totally hot when she was fighting.

Out on the deck, Piper was charm speaking the monsters into shooting the fire at themselves instead of the ship. "Shoot at yourselves! He said you suck at shooting fire!" Her voice was steady and convincing, Percy almost wanted to jab Riptide into his nearest companion, who at the moment was Jason. 

While the rest of the crew dodged and destroyed monsters from left to right, Percy stood in the mist of the chaos, looking mystified. He felt pathetic. At that moment, a ball of flames hurled towards him and in the last second possible, he managed to douse it in a nice heap of water. 

Something hot hit Percy in the back, and he stumbled and fell.

"PERCY!" Annabeth's voice was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.


Percy instantly fell into a terrible dream. He was in a dark cavern, and a misted figure stood before the dirt face of the Earth mother. "Fantastic," Percy mumbled, "of course I get to dream about the evil dirt face lady."

Gaea's eyes were closed but her mouth moved, "I sense the seven are moving forward towards Greece with increasing speed. Are your forces ready to intercept?" Her voice was ancient and gravelly like the ground. Her lips were twisted in a malicious grin. She sure was menacing for a pile of dirt.

To those who thought the Earth was a kind, sweet, old lady.... they were wrong. She was mean, ugly, and worst of all, out for blood- specifically the blood of Percy and Annabeth, or Jason and Piper, or really just blood. 

"Yes, mistress. They are ready to defeat the demigods." The shrouded figure answered. The voice was high and squeaky, yet strangely familiar. "I have gathered the best and bravest, and I will be willing to lead them at all cause." The figure's dark robes pooled at it's feet. The fabric seemed to be made of the darkest corners of Tartarus.  

Percy was intrigued. Who was the shrouded figure? He crepted a little closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of the face behind the darkness. The voice... who was it?

"Wonderful," Gaea replied. Her laughter was a terrible sound. Her face shifted in the mound of dirt. Her eyes began to flutter. "I am almost strong enough to awaken. And once I do, I will make you a hero worth living." Gaea's ancient face looked evil and terrifying; the mere thought of Gaea awakening sickened Percy to the stomach. 

"Thank you, mistress." The shrouded figure bowed it's head. The robe shifted and became even darker. "You will not be disappointed," the figure squeaked. 

Gaea's lips formed into a twisted smile, "kill them all, besides Percy and Annabeth. Their blood shall awaken me!" A deep, malicious laugh bounced off the dark walls, "bring them to me."

The scene turned dark, and Percy's dream was transported to a different location.

In the distance, Percy could hear a dragon roar and a giant shout. 

"Die!" Bob the Titan jabbed at an oncoming giant. "Bad giant! You need to be taught a lesson!" He smashed his broomstick on top of the giant's head and the giant disintegrated. "You should learn to be good." Bob hissed as he bashed at the ashes left by the giant. 

Small Bob, the saber tooth tiger, growled at an oncoming demon and snatched it out of the air, breaking it in half. 

The demon turned into a pile of ash and nothing more. 

A group of oncoming giants charged at the duo, screaming war cries in the name of Gaea. 

In the distance, Percy saw Damasen and his dragon holding back a group of advancing earth borns. Percy could see Damasen's strength faltering and his dragon fell to his knees. Damasen let out one less battle cry before falling with the dragon. 

Bob was growing weaker, his face was drawn and he looked up to the dark sky of Tartarus above, "say hello to the stars for me, Percy." 

An oncoming ogre raced towards Bob. 

Bob gripped his broomstick, ready to strike- maybe for the last time. "FOR PERCY AND ANNABETH," Bob charged with his broomstick, slashing Percy out of the dream.

There was nothing but darkness. 


"Percy?" Annabeth's voice floated around in his head, "Percy are you okay? Percy wake up." Annabeth prodded him. "Come on!" She shook him a little harder, her face masked with anxiety.

Percy groaned. "Bad dream, monsters, Bob, Gaea. Traitor." Percy muttered and then fell back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Hazel handed Annabeth some ambrosia, "here give this to him." Hazel brushed back a piece of her caramel hair and looked at Percy with a worried expression. "You think he's going to be alright? He got hit pretty hard." 

Just then, Leo came in. "What's the big-" Leo stopped talking when he saw Percy on the floor; his bronze breast plate had scorch marks all over it, and Percy's complexion was pasty. "Whoa. What happened to him?" Leo questioned, scratching his messy, curly hair. "Looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Frank sighed, "Fireball straight in the back. He blacked out and seems like he's had a dream." Frank's voice had gotten deeper and his build was much more muscular- he was like a panda bear on steroids. 

Leo chuckeled nervously. "Man, that has got to hurt." Leo studied Percy. "Well if anyone is interested, the good news is that the fire monster thingies are gone, Buford is making pancakes, and we are ready to kick some mother earth butt!"

Annabeth looked up at Leo, "well that's good. We should put Percy back into his bed, and we can take turns keeping an eye out for him." She brushed her worn jeans as she slowly stood up. "I can watch him first while you guys eat; I'm not hungary anyways."

"I wonder what his dream is." Jason spoke softly. Piper was at his side, studying Percy with an anxious expression. "He didn't seem to happy about that dream." Jason's brows crinkled and he shook his head. 

"And he said traitor." Piper shot a worried glanced downwards at Percy. "Who could be a traitor?" She tugged on her braids instinctively. 

Percy suddenly woke up. "Bad news." He looked around. "Have to tell, right now." He groaned and abruptly fell back. "Ouch," he groaned, trying to prop himself up. "Gaea is almost strong enough, and we've got major trouble," Percy wheezed, propping himself up momentarily on his elbows before promptly flopping down once more. 

Annabeth helped him sit up. "Slow down, Seaweed Brain and start from the beginning." 


Percy: YES THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER WAS ABOUT ME! Wow am I cool or what?

Annabeth: Shut up, Seaweed Brain. 

Leo: Dude when do I get my chapter?

Frank: Yeah...

Tiffany (that's me, the writer!): someone just do the disclaimer and you all get your own chapter. 

Jason: YES! okay we belong to-

Piper: Rick Riordan. Ha.

Dylan: do i get my own chapter?

Hazel: go away, you aren't even in this chapter. Anyways Tiffany apologizes for the bad cover- she'll make one soon! 

Dylan: well I'm in the next one!

Piper: I wish you'd just go away and leave me alone. 

Percy: Is this the part where I tell everyone to vote and comment and read or not yet?

Annabeth: I think so, um make sure to vote and comment- whatever that means. 

Leo: yeah what are we voting on? because I think I should win the ladies- man award. 

Frank: ha. You wish, Valdez.


Tiffany: okay bye guys. Jason and Piper did the disclaimer and make sure to comment and vote! (:

