1. Beautiful Revenge (part 5)

Hello ! Welcome to part 5...

Raghav took out a pistol from cupboard and turned to go but azaad stopped him.

Azaad : Wait , sir! You have a gun , but that doesn't mean you would use it on anyone , anytime. 

Raghav : (in anger) what does that doctor think about The Raghavendra Rao ? If she complaints to my mom I would become her slave ? I will kill her right now.

Saying this he started going out but azaad again stopped him...

Azaad : Stop It , Sir , Enough!

Raghav looked at him bewildered.

Azaad : Enough of your willfulness. I have been watching you since so long ! You just know to react in everything. You neither think about its consequences nor do assume the truth or the lie. You just need a chance to trouble siya. Control your anger , sir. Otherwise  , you will end up losing what's left with you.

And this time , this furious and arrogant The Raghavendra Rao doesn't need to take the decision but that Raghav needs to take the decision who is a loving and caring brother and a son. I can't take your life decisions for you sir. But I would surely say one thing that before doing anything think it through with a cool mind.

Because you also know ,sir that in your life , your mom and your sister means more than your life. That's why , think well and decide that what's important for you , your mom's happiness or your obstinacy.

Saying this , he left from there leaving behind raghav who was lost in his thoughts after listening him.


Siya stepped out, locking her house, and her phone suddenly rang. She answered it.

Siya (on call): Ha, Keerti! Nahi, nahi, bas main aa rahi hoon. Woh baba ki purani reports leni thi, isliye ghar aa gayi. Okay!

After ending the call, she began walking but soon sensed someone following her. Turning back, she noticed a car trailing her. Picking up her pace, she confirmed the car was indeed following. Stopping abruptly, she saw the car come to a halt as well.

Gathering her courage, She went towards the car and saw inside but no one was there , she looked here and there when Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around abruptly and found...

Siya : Raghav ! You !

He opened the passenger seat and forcefully made her sit....

Siya : Raghav... What are you doing ?

He closed the door, settled into the driver's seat, and started the car. Siya attempted to open the door, but Raghav firmly gripped her hand, ignoring her protests, and maneuvered the car with one hand.

Siya struggled to free her hand, shouting at him, but he paid no attention.

Siya : Raghav Leave what nonsense is all this ? LEAVEEEE..... Where are you taking me??? Let me go... Raghav leave otherwise I will jump out of the moving car... 

Seeing him focused on driving, she opened her door, and Raghav noticed. He applied the brakes, gripping her hand more tightly and shutting the door.

Siya continued to shout, but Raghav's loud response silenced her.


Siya : (freeing her hand) Temple ! why ?

Raghav : (held her tightly) To Marry Me!

Siya : (shocked) W..What ! M..Marriage ! Are you drunk! 

Raghav : (anger) It's You who's drunk , who's imagining weird things! You have harassed me and manipulated my family. Is that fine ? So i am fulfilling your dream!

Siya : (freed her hand) Raghav , there's a limit for ridiculous thoughts and actions! How could you even imagine that I'd marry you!

Oh! This is because of that compensation right ? You know that I can't give you 10 crore rupees, that's why you are marrying me instead. Yes! Correct. That's what you assumed right ?

How can I forget, Dealing with people's life is your hobby. There maybe a price tag on everything for you but I'm not for sale! You want your money , right ? Then fine! I will give you anyhow but remember don't dare to say such ridiculous things to me ever again!

Saying this she opened the car door and came out , Raghav also came out from the car and moved towards siya who started going from there...

Raghav : (held her hand and turned her towards him) I am having a personal reason for which I am asking you to marry me or else I hate you to such an extent that another name of hatred is Siya Behl for me.

Siya : (anger) You...

Raghav : Relax! Let me complete , first.

With this deal , you will be at the double profit than me. Let me explain you.

First , you are in need of money and I don't lack money in anyway.          

Secondly , with my name you will get fame , respect and luxurious house for your living.                  

Thirdly , You will get a big hospital whose owner will be you and all the people will work under you, you will not have to work under anyone like this.            

Last and most importantly , you want me to stop following you , fine... Just say yes... I guarantee you I will stop following you. I will leave you alone of you stay in your limits I won't come in your way nor I will ask you to leave this city.

Siya for you , this wedding is a complete win - win situation. You are at no loss till really far. So , just marry me and end this matter.

Siya : (shouted loud in anger) JUST SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!!!


 She started walking straight , away from him...

Raghav : I don't like to hear a no nor I am used to it.

He started going behind her...

Raghav : Till you don't say yes. I won't stop following you. Siya you'll have to marry me!

He held her hand and stopped her again...

Raghav : Siya! You'll have to say yes for the marriage! All the problems in your life will be solved. Just understand! Just say , yes , siya! Just. Say. Yes.


Saying this she fred her hand and turned to go but he came in front of her...

Raghav : unless and untill you say yes for the marriage i won't go anywhere. Say , yes for the marriage ! siya , just say yes! Just say it!

Siya : I won't say yes for this marriage till my last breath! Marriage is not a deal for me , raghav! And even if it had been so then also I would still not say yes to you ! That's why just go away and leave me alone! No matter what you do but I will never say , yes to marry you! I will never become your show piece! So just get lost! If you dare to talk to me like this way ever again then I swear upon God! I will kill myself you'd be held responsible !

Saying this she left from there and here raghav stomped his feet in anger.


Saumya : But , raghav and siya's wedding why maa ? You know how raghav is. He has always tortured siya and you want that poor...

R/m : (cut her) Siya is not weak. She knows to fight for herself. She knows to answer back the world. If Had it been any other girl I wouldn't have asked raghav to marry her. But siya is unlike the other girls. The simple she looks her will power is equally strong. She is the only person who can answer back raghav in his own terms. She never gives up before raghav's stubbornness and his anger instead she makes raghav give up! I have witnessed her passion my self. Siya is the only one who can control raghav. She can face him and she can only take him to the right path.

Saumya : Maa , but what if she doesn't wish to do so? Her wish needs to be valued , too. Without asking her , without knowing her wish how can you give her the responsibility of managing raghav , mom? Why are you torturing her from this marriage ? 

You only tell me what will she get by marrying raghav? 

R/m : protection from the evil eyes of this world. She will get respect. She will get a life of her own. She will get a life partner who will always be with her. You tell what she has now! A burden on her head of being adopted , unfulfilled dreams and wishes for her family , She has a sister who never misses a chance to destroy her or to insult her or to downgrade her  , Who reminds her of alienation all the time! Parents who wants to protect their daughter to support her but falls weak. 

If she marries raghav she can do whatever she wishes for herself for her family for anyone. She will also get a happy life her own house , her own family I just want to bring siya matching to raghav. Once siya matches up to raghav's level then...

Saumya : then what , mom ? How is that going to help maa ? 

R/m : only time and siya can answer this... but its only siya who can change raghav from a beast to a human. 

Saumya : maa! You are thinking only raghav and your betterment! But what about that poor girl ? Why are you ruining her life ? Today for the first time , my mom has taken such a selfish decision , for the first time...

R/m : fine , then... This time I have not taken decision as a women but as a mother , raghav and siya's mother.

And my raghav is not that bad , he has a lot of good qualities also... People may mistake him as arrogant and short tempered but he has a lot of love in his heart . He has never let anyone leave this house , empty handed. Infact he has a old age home where everyone loves him , dearly. 

Saumya : maa! How do you know about all this ? 

She smiled...  Saumya hugged her from back keeping her both the hands and chin on her shoulder. 

Saumya : maa you are definitely Raghav's mom. No matter how angry you pretend to be with him but raghav is your loved one. Isn't it mom ?

R/m : (nodded) yes. 


In hospital ; 

Siya sat beside her mother who was lost in her thoughts...

Siya : (shook her) maa... 

S/m :  ha ?

Siya : I just spoke to the doctor , he said that Baba's health is improving slowly , soon he will be shifted to normal ward from emergency ward.

S/m : sach! 

Siya nodded...

S/m : (joined her hands) thank you very much , God!  Siya thank you ! All this is happening because of you. If you hadn't brought him to hospital on time , I wonder what would have happened. Doctor also said this to me. 

She cupped siya's face...

S/m : We are lucky to have a daughter like you. today so much happened but you are with us.

Siya : Maa ! Why are you talking like as if I am not a part of this family ? Riya never considers me as her sister, so now have you also accepted that I am a stranger?

S/m : no , dear , it's not like that at all. I won't say anything like that again.

Siya : you better don't. Now go and fill the form at the reception and nurse was also saying that she wants to talk you regarding Baba's routine.

S/m : okey dear , I will go and meet her.

Saying this she went from there and here riya came and sat beside siya.

Riya : you deliver such a good dialogues siya ! 

Siya Looked at her...

Riya : you should have been a dialogue writer in movies.

Siya : what ?

Riya : no matter how big dialogues you say in front of mom but It will not change the truth ! You are the one who is responsible for dad's condition.

Siya : Riya , you can think whatever you want. I can't control your thinking.

suddenly her phone rang. She picked up the call.

On call ; 

Siya : ha maa !

S/m : siya! What is Raghav Rao doing outside the hospital ?

Siya got shocked listening her and got up and moved aside , riya was watching her suspiciously.

Siya : maa! Did raghav rao say anything to you ? Is he doing there something ?

S/m : No! He didn't said anything ! Actually , I came down here to fill the form at reception when a nurse came and told me that he is waiting outside and wants to meet me and talk to me. 

Siya : (In mind : if raghav talks about marriage in front of maa ?) Maa , stay there , I am coming right away and until I come don't go to him.

S/m : all right!

Call ended

Siya immediately left from there leaving behind a suspicious riya...

Riya : ye achanak itna bhagte hue kyun gyi ? Zaroor koi toh baat hai! Kuch toh hai jo ye chupa rahi hai , dekhna padega.

Saying this she also got up and went behind her.

Siya came out from the hospital and saw raghav standing at the entrance of the hospital.

He saw her as She went near him.

Siya : you came here also following me and what's this new drama ? 

Raghav : this is not a drama I am rectifying my mistake. Sorry , I forgot that you are a typical middle class cultured girl ! You can't take a big decision like marriage by yourself that's why I I'll speak to you mom and dad first.

Siya : what nonsense are you talking ?

Raghav : what , nonsense ? This is a fact , right ? If your mom and dad will agree then only you will agree , right ?

And I want us to go to them together and tell them. they will like it.

Raghav : (held her hand) let's go...

Siya jerked his hand...

Siya's mom reached the entrance and saw both of them talking outside hospital , she moved towards them.

Siya : I told you right , you can't go inside ! Can't you understand ?

Raghav : you...

He stopped as he saw siya's mom coming towards them.

S/m : siya !

Siya immediately turned listening her mother and saw her standing beside her.

Siya : maa aap..

S/m : (cut her) siya! This man is not even worth talking... You go inside , I'll get your father's medicine.

she went from there and here riya came searching siya...

Riya : kaha chali gyi ye... 

She turned around and saw her with raghav...

Riya : What is she doing with Raghav and why has Raghav come here?

Raghav : (to siya) By the way, you will need me in a while but till then bye!

Saying this he wore his goggles and left from there... 

Siya : mujhe or iski zarurat sapne mein bhi nahi! 

she also turned to go inside riya immediately hide herself and when siya went inside , she came out...

Riya : she gives me great knowledge that Raghav is not good, stay away from him and Look at her, she is meeting Raghav, but the thing to think about is that why is she meeting Raghav even after all this? Surely there is something she is hiding from us.


Here siya walking in hospital lost in her thoughts when her friend keerti came to her...

Keerti : I am really sorry siya , woh actually I had to urgently go to check on some patients...  Waise uncle ki tabiyat ab kaise hai ?

Siya : koi baat nahi keerti! Baba's health is getting better now, soon he will be shifted from emergency ward to normal ward.

Keerti : It's a good thing, but why are you telling sadly ?

Siya : no I am not sad at this it's something else...

Keerti : What is the matter Siya, you are looking very tensed ?

Siya : hm... I'll tell you but not here , let's talk outside I really need some fresh air...

Keerti : okey!

And they both went from there...


You think that from tomorrow everything is going to be alright like before we are going to live like a family ?  Asked saumya to raghav who standing in front of her...

Raghav : yes.

Saumya : why do you feel so ? Have you forgotten mom's condition ?

Raghav : I have not forgotten but I am fulfilling her condition.

Saumya : what ? Did you propose siya for marriage ? And has she agreed to marry you ?

Raghav : she has not agreed yet but she will agree by tonight .

Saumya : oh that means you must have put siya in such a situation that she doesn't have any other option than agreeing. Otherwise without a compulsion she won't even see your face , marriage is out of the question , Raghav.

Raghav : Everything is fair in love and war , Saumya.


Raghav : (loud) BUT THIS IS A WAR FOR ME. It is the biggest fight of my life , to get my family back , saumya and in this fight I don't care what's right or what's wrong. I want to win this war at any cost. And I don't care if someone gets hurt in this. I want my mom and sister back , that's it.

Saying this he left and here Their mother came listening their voices...

R/m : what's going on ?

Saumya : mom , I am saying please think about it again . because of your obstinacy two lives could ruin. Raghav doesn't even care about siya , he's compelled because of your condition. He hates siya and also It's not a matter of few days but it's a question about his whole life . 

R/m : I know that , their hatred is temporary but their relationship is eternal mark my words saumya this time around raghav's love for us will surely defeat his hatred! Siya and Raghav's marriage will surely happen because they are made for each other!

Saumya : I don't know all these maa but I am sure about only one thing , he must have put siya in such a situation that she would be compelled to agree this marriage.


What!!!  He wants to marry you ! But why ? Asked keerti who was shocked after listening everything from siya.

Siya :I don't understand the same thing, Kirti, till yesterday the person who did not want to see my face , who was sending me out of the city. He is suddenly talking about marrying me today.

Keerti : But...

She was cut off by ringtone of siya's mobile..

Siya : maa ka phone hai !

She took the call... 

Siya : (on call) hello !

S/m : (on call) siya... Y-your father...

Siya : what happened to baba and maa why are you crying ?


Siya ran towards her mom followed by kirti.

Siya : maa... Maa what happened ? How is baba ?

S/m : (crying) siya... He.. he gained consciousness few minutes ago , I was with him , he was talking to me.. and.. and su.. Suddenly he felt shortness of breath. I called the doctor and now doctor is inside and asked me to go out...

Riya : mom...Mom please calm down nothing will happen to dad... Get a hold on yourself he will be absolutely fine.

S/m : siya.. siya what do i do now ?

Siya : (made her sit) first of all you relax , sit down... Sit... Now take a deep breath and calm down nothing will happen...

They saw doctor coming out from the room , they quickly went near him...

Siya : doctor what happened to my father ?

Doctor : he had an anxiety attack. It happens sometimes in such cases. You must keep him away from stress. Stress is not at all good for him in this condition , keep him calm and let him rest as much as possible. 

Siya : he is fine now ?

Doctor : he is stable for now but there is one problem...

Siya : what is it ?

Doctor : The last dose of the medicine we were giving him was left and we have given it to him , we would need more of that medicine.

Riya : so what ! Get it more...

Doctor : that is Problem only , we don't have that medicine here We get it from outside and at this time the shortage of that medicine is going on all over the city, so you have to arrange that medicine for him. All the requirements and  places where you can get this medicine are in this list please make it quick.

Saying this he went inside the room again...

Kirti took the list from siya..

Kirti : (giving it back) dont worry siya , i'll try getting it... 

she went from there...

Siya : maa! You be here with baba , I'll try to arrange this medicine for baba...

Saying this she left from there...


Raghav : and now the plan begins ! Azaad you know what you have to do now!

Azaad : really sir! Do You want to go to that extent! At least think about her family.

Raghav : I won't! What will you do ?

Azaad : you have lost your senses in the facade of revenge. It's not too late sir we should stop all this...

Raghav : quite! Keep quite and just do as you are told !

Azaad took out his mobile and dialled a number...

Azaad : (on call) hello! I have a tip for you...


Chemist : sorry madam stock is over...

Siya : it's ok.


Siya : (on call) hello ! Kirti did you find the medicine ?

Keerti : (on call) no siya , I am trying...

Siya : ok call me as soon as you get the medicine.


Siya came out from the pharmacy...

Siya : here also they don't have this medicine. I hope I get In BRK medicals.

Suddenly her phone rang...

On call

Siya :  Hello!

Keerti : ha siya did you got the medicine ?

Siya : no. They said that i might get in BRK medicals. So i am going there.

Keerti : that place is quite far siya but yeah I am sure you will get there , even I am also coming there only. 

Siya : I just hope we get there otherwise we dont have any other option only that place is left where we can get that medicine.

After one hour ; 

Siya was waiting outside the store... Kerti came there..

Keerti : siya ! What happened do they have the medicine ?

Siya : they are checking. People said that if we don't get the medicine here we won't get it anywhere.

they saw a man coming out from the store.

Siya : oh god! Keerti he is coming empty hand it means they also don't have the medicine.

Keerti : let me ask...

They person came near them.

Keerti : don't you have the medicine ?

Person : we had the last stock but few minutes before a man came and he purchased the medicine.

Siya : what !! See, this medicine is very important for us, you can check again and it may be left.

Person : sorry madam but we have checked everywhere we don't have this medicine.

Saying this he went from there...

Siya : keerti! How can it be like this, he had said that medicine will definitely be available here, but they do not even have it.

Keerti : ha.. what a coincidence today everyone needs the same medicine and today everywhere stock is also over.

Siya also started thinking the same...

Siya : yes keerti ! Even in Every shop where i went to get the medicine , it was out of stock but how is it possible that at the same the time , same medicine's stock got over in each shop.

"few minutes before a man came and he purchased the medicines."

'sorry madam stock is over...'

"By the way, you will need me in a while but till then bye!"

'a nurse came and told me that raghav is waiting outside and wants to meet me and talk to me. '

Siya : Raghav !

Keerti : raghav ?

Siya : yes keerti , Raghav is behind all this. Woh hospital bhi isliye aaya tha ! Usne baba ke baree mein nurse se saare information le li thi ! Or usne mujhe kaha bhi tha ki thode der mein mujhe uski zarurat padegi iska matlab use pata tha ki mujhe is dawa ki zarurat padegi or is dawa ki shortage hone ka fayada uthaya usne jin bhi shops par ye dawa available thi usne sabhi shops par se pehle hi medicines khareed li taaki mai na khareed paun! Hona ho ye sab use ki chaal hai !

💯 marks for you Doctor !

Both of them turned listening this voice and saw raghav standing , he walked towards siya and stood in front of her.

Raghav : I told you na that you will need me , still you didn't called me for the help but see I came her for you and will be there for you , forever siya.

Siya held his collar with her right hand in anger.

Keerti : (shocked) Siya...

Raghav showed her hand indicating to stop.

Raghav : (looked at siya) Don't you know how to behave in a public place ? (He removed her hand from his collar) hasn't your mother taught you any manner? It's okey , I'll forgive you today. You have forgotten your manners in the worry of your father. Btw , I can help you to find this medicine !

Siya : JUST STOP IT !  I know you are doing all this so just Stop your drama raghav otherwise the police station is not too far.

Raghav : (chuckles) Along with manners it seems you have also forgotten that who Raghav Rao is that's why you said such a useless thing! I keep everyone in my pocket. Btw , you find out my plan , right ?  very nice , intelligent siya. And I'd heard that intelligent people catch hints very Soon. So , you must've understood that if you want this medicine , you need to agree my condition you have to agree for marrying me.

Siya : You have done all this on this purpose , Raghav ! Why ? Why do you want to marry me ? For you , Siya Behl is another name for hatred and for me , hatred is very small name in front of raghav rao. So why do you want to punish both of us for this hatred ? Wait a second. You had said that this marriage is a deal for you. What are you getting in exchange of this marriage , raghav ? 

Raghav : its none of your business. And don't think that this marriage is an achievement for me . The destruction and problems you will face , I have to face equally. As much as you are compelled for this marriage , I am also compelled the same.

Siya : you have compelled me , not made me weak. And I won't give up due to my helplessness , get out of your misunderstanding raghav! You want to make me agree for this by targeting my father , right ? Then forget it , I will get the medicine for my father at any cost. A daughter can go to  any length for her father. But I am expecting this understanding from whom , whose own family...

He covered her mouth with his hand stopping her.

Raghav : (gritted teeth) Don't Dare! Don't dare to speak anything about my family , understand ! I will wait for your phone call because i am sure you will call me. Unfortunately , you will have to marry me , siya behl. And yes , dont dare to tell anything to my mother or sister otherwise the consequences will be very bad for you.

Saying this he left from there...


Siya's mother was sitting tensed when a nurse came to her.

Nurse : Have you got the medicines ?

S/m : No we are still finding.

Nurse : The dosage of medicine is about to end and we have to give them a new dose immediately, if the medicine is not found then there will be a big problem, We are also trying to find medicine, please do something soon.

Saying this she went from there.


Siya was sitting on a bench lost in her thoughts and keerti was walking too and fro talking on mobile with different chemists about the medicines.

Suddenly siya's phone rang , she took the call.

On call 

Siya : hello!

S/m : hello! Siya did you got the medicine ?

Siya : no maa , I am still trying to find out...

S/m : beta , I am sure , dear , you will try your best to find out that medicine but beta please do it fast as doctor said that he needs the medicine urgently otherwise it would be a big problem...

Siya : (tear fell from her eyes) hm...

Saying this she ended the call...

Keerti : siya , I have tried searching some more places but they also don't have this medicine .. what will we do now ?

Siya : now! There is only one way...

She took out her mobile and dialled a number...

Siya : (on call) hello! I want to meet you...


Raghav came out from the car and walked towards siya who was waiting for him...

Raghav : so finally , you have came to say , yes to marry me , right ?

Flashback ; 

Siya : now ! There is only one way to fix everything!

Keerti : what ?

Siya : by marrying raghav rao!

Listening her keerti was shocked...

Keerti : siya , what are you saying ? You can't do that , that man will ruin your life!

Siya : keerti if I won't take this decision now the my family will be destroyed. You know how scared maa was ? Baba's health is falling badly , if he doesn't get the medicine on time , it will be difficult to save him. And right now the happiness of my family is in the hands of only one person. By marrying him all my problems will end.

Keerti : your problems won't end , they will increase manifold. Once you calm down , you will know how wrong this decision is !

Siya : I can't wait till that time , the risk to Baba's life is increasing every minute.

Keerti : this marriage is a suicidal mission siya and you are the fighter , and you are always ready to fight then why you are you giving up today ? 

Siya : because I am tired of fighting right way , keerti! And with this man no fight can be fair. Because he has the hold on the entire system of the city. So , how do I fight him and for how long ? 

Keerti : you are tired but that doesn't mean to give up !

Siya : This marriage is not as bad as you think! Raghav is doing this marriage to control me but who has the real control he will know after marriage. By putting nuptial chain around my neck he wants to strangulate me. Now he will see how I make that same nuptial chain the noose around his neck. Biwi abla ya bechare nahi hoti agar woh apne pe utar aaye na toh bade bade rakshason ko seedha kar sakti hai ye toh phir bhi tedha insaan hai !

Flashback end

Raghav : you wanted to meet me for this only , right ?

Siya : you're right , raghav , I am ready to marry you. 

A marriage is that pure relationship , raghav , which makes one forget themselves and live for their love. But for you marriage is just a deal. All right , so be it I am ready for your deal.

So Mr. Raghav Rao as you had said when I will agree for this marriage you will give me the medicines.

Raghav : all right! Medicines will reach to the hospital but remember don't try  wasting your energy to run away or show any kind of over smartness as you won't be able to.

Siya : don't you have some trust on your would be wife ?

Raghav : it would be an idiot who would trust person someone like you.  See you tomorrow. Ms. Siya Behl.

They both turned and walked away from each other in opposite directions..


To be continued...

Updated after a long ,  Hope you liked the chapter...

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❤️Lots of love❤️

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
