1. Beautiful Revenge (part 11)

Hello ! Welcome to part 11...

Riya opened the door and got shocked seeing the person standing...

Riya : Raghav Rao!

Siya's father who was about to take a sip of tea stopped listening her , he looked at the door and got up seeing raghav... Siya's mother also came there and saw the same...

Raghav walked inside...

S/f : (walked towards him) son in law you ! How come you're here ? Please come , have a seat. Your wife didn't come along ? She was also coming right ?

It's all right we are happy that you came. If you had told us earlier , we would have made arrangements for your hospitality... We would've kept the veneration plate ready , right ?

Rupal , why are you simply standing ? Our son in law is here , get some tea and snacks. Would you like some water ?

No... Rich people like you won't have water at poor people's house. I'm so silly. You are the master of this city and we are all your servants. A master doesn't drink water at his servant's house , right ? 

Am I right master ? You rule this city. You can do anything to anyone. Nobody has the capacity to stop you. So , what are you waiting for ? Do whatever what you want to do with us. We will bow our heads in front of you. Come on , everyone , bow your head in front of the master.

Enough! Shouted raghav making s/m and riya flinch back.

Raghav : enough of your drama ! What are you saying ? Son in law , boss , servant ? Good. Say these dialogues in front of a movie director , he will give you the role of complete drama dad. That's what suits you.

Now listen to what I'm going to say very carefully.

S/f : I don't want to listen anything just get out of my house.

Raghav : whatever I have come to say , I won't leave without saying it.

S/f : so , whom have you come to spew venom about ?

Raghav : on that day , whatever your daughter said about our marriage , it was all a lie. Your daughter has always been good. It was not her fault at all. I stained her character. I was the one who did all this in anger and forced her to marry me so that I can complete my revenge from her. I had made a deal with her... (He told them everything)

S/f : (clapped) wow... Very good... Rupal , riya please applaud for his wonderful story... Are you done with the story ? Or do you have some more to say ?

Get out of my house!

Raghav : (ordering tone) I am rectifying the mistakes I made. The truth about your daughter is revealed. She is innocent. At least call her now and say that what you did with her was wrong.

S/f : So , you'll stand here shamelessly until I throw you out of the house by myself. Is this what siya told and sent you ?

Raghav : (shouted in anger) You stupid old man ! I am The Raghavendra Rao , who never does anything on anyone's advice. I came here by myself to tell you the truth. So , listen to what I have to say and stay within your limits.

S/f : You listen to me. My family and I aren't interested in listening anything from you. Because the things that you wanted to prove wrong and the thing that you called a lie was proven true when siya married you. And none of your reasoning have any value infront of the truth. And Now I don't trust that girl even a little bit. Because , except you Mr. Raghavendra Rao I can trust anyone in this world and now that girl has also become Mrs. Raghavendra Rao.

Raghav : ok , I understand that you can't trust me You can't trust my wife but you won't agree even if your daughter , Siya Behl comes here and tells truth ?

There was a silence for a minute...

S/f : Get. Out. From. Here.

Raghav : I don't believe this. Siya can sacrifice her life for her family and her family is doing this for her today , they don't even trust her. And since I've met her , she only talks about her family. I swear that siya is really crazy that she's going through all the troubles for her family. You know what ? You don't deserve her. None of you. crazy bunch of egoistic people. 

Anyways , i came here to tell you the truth. Agree if you want to or don't. I don't care.

Saying this he left from there...


Siya came downstairs and saw r/m there...

Siya : (went near her) Maa! 

R/m : why have you come downstairs ? Are you all right ? Look , if you need anything you should've told me... Doctor has advised...

Siya : maa , I spoke to the doctor... I'm fine.

R/m : really ? Thank God!

She saw siya lost in her thoughts...

R/m : siya , what are you thinking ?

Siya : maa ! Is raghav okay ? He fell sick some times back. He was not able to breathe.

R/m : if his acts are like that , that's what will happen , right ?

Siya : what do you mean ?

R/m : siya , actually....


Raghav while driving the car on the way to his house was thinking about s/f words and thinks about siya's words...

Raghav : siya talks so much about humanity and manners to me. But if she did a little bit of the same to her own selfish family she wouldn't be in this condition today. Rather than calling such a selfish person her dad it's better not consider him a person. He didn't take a second to call me a liar. How dare he!

His inner voice : you feel bad for this ? For the first time , The Raghavendra Rao lost his cool for someone else. 

Raghav : (in mind) what are you saying ? Siya is none other than my wife. When I can fight the world for my maa and raghavi then why not for her ? Siya is a part of my life now. 

I/v : impressive. Very impressive. But what will you do for siya now ?

Raghav : (in mind) what else ? I'll go and tell that crazy doctor... (He took a pause) I mean siya... The truth about her family. She too must know that her father whom she worships all the time is not even worthy of being considered a human.

I/v : you feel that your anger is justified , but did you think why her family is reacting like this , suddenly ? Because of whom do you think that the old man has lost his cool ?

Raghav : what do I know ? I understand that the mistake is mine and I went to fix everything but what can I do if they think of me as a liar ? What is my mistake here ?

I/v : are you convincing me or yourself ? Anyways it doesn't matter what we think or understand , it's important that siya understands. Think what to do if she doesn't understand. Raghav talk to siya once with a pure heart. It takes a while for truth to set in but the problem surely does get solved. 

Talking with his innerself Raghav thinks to be good with siya and decides to tell her about her family's wrongdoings.


Raghav reaches home... He enters the room and saw siya standing near the window gazing at the moon... then today's incident came in his mind and he goes back outside and knocks the room door...

Raghav : siya.

Siya : (looking at the moon) it's your room. There's no need to knock... 

He enters inside...

Raghav : siya , forget that behl family. They don't deserve your love and hard work. You cried and worried so much after getting apart from them. But it doesn't matter to them at all. I went to them now and told that I made a mistake. Because of my anger , i...

Siya : (cut him) thought that I am guilty for your mom's condition.

She turned and walked towards him...

Siya : but today when you found out that I saved your mother's life you went to tell my family the truth behind our marriage.

Raghav : who told you all this ?

Siya : what do you think ? You're the only smart person ? Maa told me about all this before going you met her and told her everything or i should say... You wanted to confirm from her that whatever information you got was true or not whether I was the one who saved her life or not because I am your enemy , right ? How is it possible that I would save her life when you think that I was responsible for her condition ?

Raghav : I know that I have done wrong to you and that's why I went to your family to tell them the truth. But you know what ? Your dad didn't even want to hear me out. He told me to my face that he doesn't trust you one bit. I just can't understand , when I am telling the truth then you should've been forgiven.

Siya : Are you shocked ? You live in the bubble that you're God. When the bubble burst weren't you shocked ? You're stunned when things don't go the way you planned. And to be honest , it didn't hurt me that much when you snatched my everything from me that day as much this selfish ' I am The Raghavendra Rao' attitude of yours Hurts me today.

But how does that matters to you ? You are The Raghavendra Rao. You don't care if anyone lives or dies or if a relationship or life is ruined. First you ruined a life of a normal middle class girl due to your anger and arrogance and then when you realise your mistake you went to tell the truth to everyone ? Do you think the ruined life will become normal again if you did that ?

Raghav , you have not toyed with a lifeless mannequin of your jewellery store. You've toyed with the emotions , family and relationships of a living girl.

Thanks to your ego , in a blink of an eye you destroyed the desires , dreams , self respect and happiness of a girl who ment more than a daughter to someone without giving it second thought.

Do you know what you have snatched from siya behl ? Something on the basis of which I lived with pride all this while. My family.

Tears started falling from her eyes , pain was clearly visible in her eyes and voice which was making raghav feel more guilty each passing second.

Siya : And so ruthlessly that no matter what you do now even you kill yourself you can't give me my family back. But I'm so stupid. why am i saying this to you ?

She turns to leave but Raghav stops her by holding her hand.

Siya looked back at him...

Raghav : I agree that it's my fault. But it's not my mistake alone in what happened , siya. Why didn't your family trusted you ? What kind of family is this who left their daughter broke all the ties with her when it was the time to support her ? If they truly loved you they'd have made an attempt to trust you. But they didn't. The fact is , they never thought you as a family , siya. You were never their daughter or part of that family. You know what , they actually don't deserve you. Forget about them , you'll be very happy. They are just a bunch of crazy people.

As those words escaped from this mouth , siya immidiately slapped him...

Siya : I won't listen to a word against my family. You took advantage of my helplessness and took me away from them but I didn't said anything. But now I won't let you take away my beautiful memories with them. I told you that I mean more than a daughter to them. I accepted them as my family with a lot of love. I didn't forced a relationship on them like you did. Do you think that your family came back to for your sake. Absolutely not. They came back to you because of me. I wasn't lucky like you. I didn't get a mother's love and father's blessings so easily. 

Till 5 years I was in orphanage , I don't even know who are my real parents are they alive or not , why did they left me , I don't know anything. I was helpless without a family. When they both adopted me and I went in that house for the first time , I realised what family is. When riya came in that family their own real daughter then also they didn't forgot about me , they treated both us equally , ignoring the taunts of society. They showed me the new lease of life everyday. Thanks to their courage and support I didn't realize when I became their daughter. And you are saying that an orphan like me should forget this family ? I should abandon them ?

And What did you say ? They are a bunch of crazy people ? It's you who's crazy. I wish you'd put your craziness aside and talked to me. All your misunderstandings would've been cleared. My lovely relationships wouldn't have been shattered. That day , you didn't just took your revenge but you took away half of my life. My family.

So , I request you today. Just kill me. Because I'm nothing without my family. Just kill me. Strangle me to death. Make sure im dead , raghav.

She walked towards the cupboard and took out his gun and kept in his hand...

Siya : here , take your gun , Kill me. Killme! Just kill me!.... You won't , right ? Then Let me do it myself.

She took the gun from him and pointed at herself but raghav immediately snatched it from her...

Raghav : (loud) SIYA , STOP! ENOUGH!!!

Siya : (crying) No... I won't stop! Just kill me! Let's end all this. Do me a favour. Kill me!  End all this!

She fell on her knees joining hands in front of raghav crying...

Siya : kill me , raghav , please kill me , I request you ! I can't tolerate this pain anymore!

Raghav helplessly watches her... He hesitatingly extends his hand to console her but feeling guilty for her condition he leaves from there...


Siya's mother was sitting in her room having siya's picture in her hand...

S/m : Since your marriage, your father is not saying anything but he has become very disturbed, he is not able to distinguish between truth and lies that's why he didn't favored raghav , even though he is angry but he misses you more than me. After hearing the truth from Raghav, his anger increased even more because you sacrificed yourself for him.

I may also not like raghav , I was also upset from your marriage until now but today when I saw your husband fighting for your rights and happiness I felt very good. It felt really nice. Siya , you may have gotten married in the wrong way , in a wrong situation but finally you have found a good family and a good husband. I am relieved now. No one can take away your family, your husband even if anyone wants and I pray that you always be happy with them.


Raghav came in hall feeling guilty thinking about his conversation with siya...

Azaad came there...

Azaad : sir , what happened ? Is everything all right ?

Raghav : (looked at him) you were right azaad! I've committed a huge mistake. It was all my mistake because of me maa was in that condition... But due to my ego and anger , I blamed siya and now because of me she is...(He took a pause) Some where in my heart i used to feel that siya is right , it's not her fault at all but my mind , my egoistic mind it doesn't listen to anyone. It made me make such a grave mistake that I can't even dare to see myself in the mirror. I stained siya's character. I put a question mark on her character. I broke her confidence , her trust , her family , her everything! I broke everything!

Azaad , am I so bad person ? Tell me. You always say , right ? That you see goodness in me. So , tell me , azaad , tell me. Is that goodness still there in me ? Can I fix everything even now , azaad ? j-just tell me , azaad!

Azaad : sorry sir , I wish I could give you false hopes. I wish I could tell you that behind this angry and arrogant raghav there's still kind and honest raghav. I wish it could happen so , sir. This time in your anger and obstinacy you became that evil character , to deny which you are fighting with your mom.

You have done so wrong with siya madam , sir that you've proved it yourself that you're as bad a person as thw world and your mom think you are. And , sir the mire in which you've fallen this time you've created it yourself and you have to get out of it on your own. Neither I , nor your mom , nobody will be able to help you. You will have to help yourself. 

Sorry sir , I said too much , right ? Forgive me. 

Saying this he left from there...

Here with siya , she was sitting on the floor recalling time spent with her family

She then remembers what Raghav did with her. She recalls her wedding. 

And Here Raghav recalls siya's words and cries.

Siya got up and turned to walk out from the room but the very next moment she felt dizzy and fainted on the floor.


Saumya was talking on mobile when she heard her mother's voice...

Saumya... Come , the food is ready.

Saumya :  hey ! Listen I'll call you later , yeah.... Maa is calling. Ok bye! 

She ended the call... And saw her mom who just entered the room calling her...

R/m : come down food is ready...

Saumya : okay.

As they turned to walk they saw Aazad who rushed to them...

Azaad : maa! I think some thing bad has happened between Sir and madam.

R/m : what ?

Azaad : yes....


Raghav : (entered the room) Siya , actually I...

Raghav eyes widened as he sees siya lying unconscious on floor...

Raghav : (shouts) SIYA!

He immediately rushes to her , picks her up and puts her on bed , he gets tensed seeing her and tries to wake her up...

Raghav : (patting her face) siya... Siya.. I'm sorry.. siya , Wake up ! Siya... Please.. wake up.. please.. wakeup!

Tears started flowing from his eyes meanwhile R/m , saumya and azaad came there listening his voice...

R/m : (walks in) Raghav ! What happened... What happened to siya ?

Raghav : I-I don't no maa. Azaad , call the doctor urgently!

Azaad nodded and left...

R/m : (tensed) but , raghav she was fine now , what happened all of a sudden ?

Raghav : Maa ! I don't know what happened. Doctor will come and check.

R/m : Oh god , how much more pain would you inflict on this poor girl ?


Doctor was checking siya who was still lying unconsciously and others were standing there...

Doctor : (getting up) her body had already become weak as she was ill. Now she's under deep stress regarding something because of which she fainted. I'd advise to take care that she doesn't take stress otherwise her condition could get worse. 

R/m : thank you , doctor.

Doctor : Please take care.

R/m : Azaad.

Azaad : come , doctor , I'll drop you.

They left... R/m looks at raghav whose eyes were fixed on siya and left from there followed by saumya...

Here , Raghav hesitates then sits nearby siya then adjusts the pillow and caressed her hair then leaves the room. 

As raghav came out of the room ,  he came face to face with his mother... He turned his face to other side and wiped his tears...

R/m : Raghav , you might get relief from your pain by crying but siya's pain won't go. Looking at the condition of both of you I've understood this very well that what would have happened at siya's home.

Raghav : Maa , please!

R/m : do you know raghav why I couldn't forgive you till now ? Even though I saw guilt in your eyes , because you felt guilty but you never tried to rectify your mistake. And , even today , raghav you're doing the same. You're crying for your mistake. You're crying but you're not taking any step to rectify your mistake. Raghav , If you are really feeling guilty for wrong that you did with siya ,If you really want to rectify your mistake then stop crying and try to make amends with siya. And if you lose this time as well then you will lose your mom.

Raghav looks at her.

Next day 

Siya wakes up in tears in morning after her alarm went off and she see her phone wallpaper of her and her mother's and starts crying and shouts in pain

Then her eyes fell on the mirror , she looks at herself in the mirror , she wipes her tears and got down from the bed and walked towards the dressing table seeing herself in the mirror.

Siya : What have you done to yourself , siya ? What will you gain by crying all the time ? Life has tried to fail you multiple times. It and tried to fail and break you emotionally. If you didn't gave up then , and tried to find reasons to live then how can you give up today ? And especially in front of that person for whom you risked your life , to fail him.

She smiles looking herself in the mirror...

Siya : the pain behind this smile is only yours. You don't have to show this to the world. You don't want anyone's sympathy. You always solved your problems. You have always risen above all those problems. And today also , you'll do the same. When you see the difficulties ahead you should rise above them. Fight back hard and never back down until you attain victory!

I can , I shall and I will.


Siya was getting ready in front of the mirror... After doing her little makeup , she chooses the light jewellery , instead of the gold bangles she wore the plain bangles then she sees the mangalsutra kept on the dressing table... She picks it up and ties around her neck then stands up adoring herself in this simple look as she likes.

She smiles and went downstairs...


Siya came down and saw saumya sitting on the dinning table , she walked towards her...

Siya : good morning , Saumya !

Saumya : Good morning , siya!

R/m came from kitchen and saw siya...

R/m : siya! Good morning , how are you ?

Siya : I'm feeling much better now.

R/m : really ? Hm.. you're looking like that... Good! Come , sit down...

She made her sit on the chair...

R/m : I have made a nice breakfast today for you. 

Siya : maa ! Why did you took trouble ?  I'll help you...

R/m : no... I don't need help , everything is ready , sit down have it...

She serves her breakfast and also gives her juice...

Siya : maa ! Why are you doing all this ? I can take by myself...

R/m : so , what happened ? You sit comfortably and have breakfast... Take it , You should drink juice so that you get strength.  Come on have it!

Siya started having her breakfast when they heard raghav's voice...


She stops as she saw him walking in with tray in his hand , he keeps the tray on the table looks at her...

Raghav : Good morning , siya !

He waited for her to reply but siya was quietly having her breakfast as if she didn't  heard anything , getting no response from her he sighed out and continued...

Raghav : maa ! Siya will not have this breakfast , today I have brought her favorite pav bhaji specially for her. Next time , I'll also learn to cook all these... Shall I serve you , siya ?

As Siya is angry , she stands up...

Raghav : what happened , siya ? If you don't want to eat this then I'll get you something else.

Siya : maa ! I don't want to eat anything. I have taken the juice , i am going to take my medicine.

Saying this she leaves from there... Raghav feels sad. R/m looks at him but doesn't say anything.


Siya in her bedroom looks for water to eat tablets...

Siya : there is no water in the room , I need to go downstairs again...

Saying this she turned to go but stopped seeing raghav standing there with a glass of water in his hand. 

Raghav : siya , I got this for you. I will scold sateesh that he didn't kept water in the room. Have this take your tablets.

He forwarded her the glass but siya ignores him and leaves...


Raghav was walking to and fro in the hall when azaad came there...

Azaad : sir!

Raghav : I do not understand siya , azaad. I accept that I made a mistake. Now I am trying to rectify my mistake. I got her favorite dish for breakfast and gave her water to have the medicine. But still she's ignoring me as if I am Mr. India. I always wanted her to stop lecturing me. But now when she has stopped I am not feeling good. The initial her , the crazy doctor was much better. I don't know azaad how to bring her back in her normal mode ?

Azaad : I came to tell you about that only , sir. I have talked to bhabhi's friend Dr. Keerti , she gave me an idea and she's sure that this idea will make her normal.

Raghav : really ? what is the idea ?  Tell me fast.

Azaad : sir ! She told me that it's not easy for siya mam to forget everything that happened with her few days back also these days she's just sitting in her room , not doing anything that's why again and again she's thinking about the same things which is making her more sad and she's crying which is affecting her health also. so we should make her busy with her old routine. As she is missing her old self and once she will get back busy with her work  , she will slowly get normal.

Raghav : hm.. idea is good azaad infact siya also asked maa that if she can go back to her work but maa denied as she's unwell , and doctor has also advised her to rest so how will she go there and work full day ? But once she will be fine she can go.

 So there's no use of this idea for few days. 

Azaad : oh...

Raghav : leave it. I need to do something else to cheer up her mood.


Siya came downstairs holding a bucket in her hand and saw darkness there in the hall , she got confused...

Siya : why are the lights off here ?

Then her eyes fell on the TV in front...

Siya : Movie time ?

As those words escaped from her mouth , lights were on...


She heard raghav's voice who walked towards her...

Raghav : I know that you must be feeling bored , so I arranged this for you. You are very fond of watching movies , right ! You can sit here comfortably and watch any movie which you like  along with these chips , popcorns and soft drinks.  Ok ? What's the matter ? Will you not speak up?

Are you not happy ? Do you need anything else ? Hello , siya ?

Siya turned her face towards him...

Seeing her angry look Raghav smiled nervously and turned around facing his back to her....

Raghav : I- it's o..okay ! You don't need to thank me. You know i am The Raghavendra Rao. I can arrange anything anywhere. You were getting bored so I arranged this movie time for you. But if you're thanking me then it's okay. I will accept that. But You know that...

He turned towards her but she was not there... Then he looked here and there and found her going out...

Raghav : Siya! Listen to me...

He ran behind her and stopped her...

Raghav : siya , where are you going ? I'm talking to you. For god sake , talk to me. I know I made a mistake. You can scold or lecture me for that. I will listen to all of that. Say something. I've been trying to make you feel good since morning. If you did not like then atleast say something.

Siya saw a house staff there... She called him.

Siya : Excuse me! 

Servant : yes , madam ?

Siya : where I need to do my laundry ?

Servant : mam courtyard is on the left.

Siya : Thank you!

Saying this she left from there...

Raghav : we have a washing machine , dryer and  servants. Why are you doing? Middle class mentality.

He sighed out and sits on couch holding his head... R/m was seeing all this...

At night ; 

Raghav was in the guest room working on his laptop... When he heard his mother's voice...

Raghav !

He looked up and saw his mother standing there...

Raghav : maa!

He got up and went near her...

Raghav : What happened ?

R/m : break this.

She forwards him a stick.

Raghav : what ?

R/m : break it.

Raghav does so.

R/m : now , mend it.

Raghav : what ! Are you okay ? What are you saying , maa ? How will a broken stick be mended ?

R/m : Exactly. If a broken stick cannot be mended then do you think by giving pav bhaji , water or gifting small surprises will please siya's broken heart ? You've always misunderstood her and now also you're doing the same. These useless things are of no importance to siya. She really cares and lives for her family so until she gets her family back she will be living only half heartedly.

Raghav : I am trying to explain this to siya. But she does not understand this. Who cries for a crazy family...

R/m : if they are crazy then what about you , raghav ? Try to understand what I am saying. They're siya's family. It doesn't matter how they are. And this is what siya wants. If you think that you've done wrong to her and want to rectify your mistake , then you should return siya her family. Return her.

Raghav : maa , I...

A house staff comes there...

Servant : sir ! There's a cab waiting outside for Siya Madam.

R/m : cab for siya! Where is she going ?

Raghav : i dont know let's see... Come!

Saying this they both went downstairs and we're surprised to see siya standing there with her luggage.

R/m looks at siya and her bags then looks at Raghav. Raghav looks at her.


To be continued...

Hope you liked the part , do share your reviews...

Q. So , what's next ? Any idea ? Where is siya going ? Is she leaving them ? If yes, then what will raghav do ? 

Stay tuned to know...

Thanks for reading...

♥️Lots of love♥️ 

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
