1. Beautiful Revenge (part 21)

Hello ! Welcome to part 21...

Raghav gracefully descended the wooden staircase from his bedroom balcony, leading to a picturesque garden gym room. The room was filled with the sweet scent of nature, creating a serene atmosphere perfect for a refreshing workout.

To his delightful surprise, as he entered the room, he spotted Siya sitting in a peaceful meditation. Her presence added a touch of tranquility to the already enchanting surroundings. Drawn to her peaceful presence, Raghav approached with gentle steps and knelt down beside her. A tender smile spread across his face as he observed her, appreciating the sight of her at peace. Yet, amidst the stillness, he noticed a few delicate strands of hair gently caressing her face, dancing in the breeze.

Unable to resist the urge, without disturbing her serenity, Raghav reached out with a tender touch, gently lifting his hand to brush the strands away from her face and as his touch graced her skin, she stirred, her eyes, like two sparkling pools of tranquility , opened and she met Raghav's gaze with a mixture of surprise and warmth.

"Whoa! Crazy doctor," Raghav said, a hint of surprise and delight in his voice, "I didn't know you were interested in yoga as well."

Siya nodded, with a warm smile. "Yes. Yoga has been an integral part of my life. It helps me find inner peace and stay focused amidst life's chaos."

Raghav nodded before moving to another side of the room to start his workout. As he glanced at his reflection in the large mirror, he caught a glimpse of Siya behind him, attempting an intriguing pose.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he asked, turning towards her.

Siya replied calmly, "Shirsasana !"

Raghav : "What ? Shir..."

Siya : "Headstand"

His surprise evident, Raghav cautioned, "You learnt to perform headstand too. Relax , take it easy otherwise you would fall and what if you break your neck ? Performing a headstand requires concentration and practice."

With a sense of calm confidence, Siya assured him, "I have been practicing yoga for a long time now. I have both concentration and practice."

Raghav : "Really ?"

Siya, maintaining her poise and composure even while upside down, calmly replied, "Yes. Regular yoga practice not only benefits the body but also nurtures the mind and soul. It allows me to focus better, reducing distractions and improving my ability to concentrate on the task at hand. It's a beautiful journey of self-discovery and inner growth. You don't need to worry about me because I don't get distracted so easily."

Raghav : "Hm... Good. Impressive !"

He walked closer to her, picked up a water bottle kept nearby, and took a refreshing sip contemplating his next move.

Raghav : "(in mind : Let's see how good her concentration is.)"

He raises the bottle and pours the water over himself , in a daring move, he playfully shook his head, allowing a few droplets of water to fall over Siya's face while also showering himself.

The unexpected sensation caused Siya to open her eyes in surprise, momentarily losing her balance in the process. Her eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of Raghav drenched in water and his playful expression. For a fleeting moment, she seemed flustered, but then she immediately looked away composing herself , focusing on getting back into her headstand determined to regain her calm and concentration. She steadied herself and resumed her pose with poise, ignoring the distraction.

In the meantime, Raghav took off his drenched tank T-shirt , revealing his toned physique. The sight did catch Siya's eye, but she chose to maintain her focus and concentration, proving her dedication to her practice , she closed her eyes shutting out any external distractions, and continued her headstand with grace and determination.

But none the less , Raghav continued his playful antics by turning on the music system , filling the room with energetic beats which added a new layer of challenge to Siya's practice, testing her ability to concentrate amidst the lively rhythm.

Unable to maintain her focus due to loud music, She opened her eyes and saw Raghav who now began doing weight exercises with dumbbells, showcasing his well-built muscled body as he moved gracefully that spoke of hours of hard work and dedication.

Siya, determined to prove her dedication to her practice, tried her best to ignore the distraction, but her eyes couldn't help but sneak glances at Raghav , his biceps flexing with each repetition. Caught between the peaceful serenity of her headstand and the allure of Raghav's impressive physique, Siya found herself momentarily struggling to maintain her poise.

Raghav, seeing her determination, decided to push the boundaries a bit further. He walked over to her, and began doing push ups beside her. As she glanced at him, trying her best to remain focused, her equilibrium wavered slightly, but she quickly steadied herself.

The sight of him performing push-ups with ease and grace was undoubtedly captivating, The way he moved with such fluidity and control was captivating, and Siya couldn't help but be in awe.

Yet, amidst all the physical attractiveness, Siya couldn't ignore the genuine passion he exhibited for his workout. The determination and focus in his eyes showed that he was not just working out for vanity, but because he truly enjoyed the process of pushing his body to its limits and striving for continuous improvement. His dedication to fitness was evident in the way he effortlessly performed each repetition with grace and strength.

Caught in the moment and momentarily losing her concentration, Siya got disbalanced and sat down, catching her breath.

Siya: "Listen, Mr. Raghavendra Rao!"

Raghav stopped and looked at her

Siya: "I-I know that you're doing all this deliberately. Look, I won't get distracted by your cheap tricks."

Raghav stopped his push-ups and looked at Siya, who was catching her breath after losing her balance. He got up, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and knelt down close to her, staring right into her eyes, making her breath hitch.

Raghav: "You are distracted. You failed in both concentration and practice."

Siya's heart raced, and she tried to maintain her composure despite the close proximity and the intensity of his gaze.

Raghav : "I know that girls can't take their eyes off me, and now you being caught red handed are too included in that list. Congrats."

Saying this he got up and went from there leaving siya puzzled and intrigued.

Siya : "K-Kuch bhi bolta hai ye... M-Main un ladkiyon mein se bilkul bhi nahi hun."


Azaad : "Boss I've mailed those sheets , please check."


R/m came in the office room...

R/m : "Raghav I've to discuss something important with you."

Raghav : (working on his laptop) "Maa,  I will talk to you in sometime. Right now I'm doing very important work."

R/m : "I'm also doing important work only... Next week we have Teej Pooja."

Raghav : "So , what should I do about that ?"

R/m : "Idiot ! First of all you close this laptop and listen to me carefully."

Saying this she closed to his laptop.

Raghav : "Maa..."

R/m : "Shut up ! This is Siya's first Teej Pooja. You have to make this pooja special for her. You have to buy a nice saree for her."

Raghav : "What ! Now I, The Raghvendra Rao have to buy a saree."

R/m : "for Siya."

Raghav : "Nonsense!"

Azaad laughed... R/m glared at him making him stop.

R/m : "I just asked you to buy a saree not drape it."

Raghav : "But maa..."

R/m : "No if's and but's. Go and buy a nice saree , bangles , vermilion and other makeup items for Siya. Here's the list Mr. The Raghavendra Rao, I need all these items for pooja."

Raghav : "Maa , That crazy old man..."

R/m : "Hm !"

Raghav : "I mean my father in law and Siya's father owns a saree shop. She'll wear whichever she likes and I'll pay for the remaining items."

R/m : "OMG ! How come my son is such a fool !"

Azaad laughed out but immediately shut his mouth gaining a glare from Raghav.

R/m : "Listen ! Siya wears the saree of her choice daily and for atleast one such days every wife expects her husband to do something special for her. Understand ?"

Raghav : "Understood! But I don't know what Siya likes so I'll ask her friend Keerti to buy all these things then I'll give it to Siya."

R/m : "Who's her husband? Keerti or you ?"

Raghav : "Me."

R/m : "Then who will buy all these things?"

Raghav : "Me ?"

R/m : "Yes ! You and that's my order. Azaad !"

Azaad : "Yes ?"

R/m : "You also go with him. I don't trust him. He is going to buy a saree but might end up buying a Dhoti!"

Saying this she got up and walked out mumbling - "Can't even buy a saree and got married and he says..."

Raghav : "Fine, Maa ! I'll bring Everything!"

He saw azaad looking at him...

Raghav : "What are you looking at ? Do your work. We've to go to buy a SAREE!"

Azaad : "Sir , I'm telling you, we're getting trapped. Buying a saree for wife is no less than death. Whatever husband brings wife has a full right to say no. It won't make a difference."

Raghav : "You're saying as if I'm enjoying doing all this. Didn't you heard it's mom's order. I'll have to do it."


Siya was in the kitchen when a house staff came there...

H.S : "Ma'am, Maa has called you urgently in her room."

Siya : "Alright." (To cook) "You boil these potatoes , I'll just come in a while."

Cook : "Okay , ma'am."


Siya opened the door to R/m's room and found the lights off.

Siya: "Why is it so dark in here? Mom, where are you?"

She turned on the lights and was surprised to see the bed adorned with a colorful array of wrapped gifts. 

Siya : "What's all this?"

R/m walked inside...

R/m : "Siya !"

Siya : "What's all this, Maa ?"

R/m : "Next week there's Teej Pooja, right ? So , Raghav himself brought all these gifts for you !"

Siya : "What ? Raghav brought all this !"

Just then, Raghav's voice rang through the room as he walked in, accompanied by Azaad.

Raghav : "Yes !" 

Siya's heart warmed as she met Raghav's gaze. "Thanks," she said softly with a smile, her voice reflecting her appreciation.

R/m : "Siya ! What are you standing? Come open all these and have a look."

Raghav : "Ofcourse ! I bet that the saree and everything else is so good that no one else can get them !"

R/m : "Really ! Then even I also want to see what raghav has bought , come on siya !"

Siya nodded and picked up one of the gifts, and unwrapped it revealing a heavy embroidered  violet saree... Her eyes darted to Raghav, a mix of surprise and uncertainty etched on her face.

Raghav : "This saree is for you , Siya !"

Azaad shook his head and face palmed himself meanwhile Siya and R/m looked at each other making wierd faces. 

Raghav : "What happened ! Isn't it fantastic ?"

Siya mustered a hesitant smile, "Y..Yes , it.. it's fantastic!"

Raghav : "I know that my choice is world class !  Whenever I select something, people have no words to praise it !"

Siya : "Right , I have no words."

Raghav : "Today I shopped for a saree for the first time. I was a bit nervous in the beginning and azaad scared me too. But you know what I am The Raghavendra Rao, I can do anything. nothing is difficult for me. Infact , Whatever I do that's the best. And I know what you like, It's your favourite colour , right ?"

Siya blinked, momentarily taken aback, then quickly gathered herself, "F..Favourite colour ?... Y..Yes... It's my most favourite colour!"

Raghav : "I have one more gift for you."

Siya : "One more Saree !"

Raghav : "No , Bangles."

Siya's eyes widened as Raghav opened another box, revealing a collection of colorful bangles.

Raghav : "These bangles are for you."

Siya looked at the bangles and then at the saree, a mix of colors that didn't quite match.

Raghav : "Aren't they good ?"

Siya : "Yes , very nice."

Raghav : "Azaad ! See I'd told you that my choice is the best."

R/m : "It's the best ! Wonderful! I can't believe he's my son. Now I understood how 'Ratna Sagar' is doing."

Raghav : "Yes , Anyways , I've brought everything according to the list , you both can check. I've some important work so I am leaving."

R/m : "Sure , we will"

As Raghav and Azaad left, Siya and r/m looked at each other and burst out laughing...

R/m : "Oh no , God ! What kind of saree he has brought. The design is so gaudy, isn't it ? And it's also quite outdated. I think the one who designed this saree must have gone outdated by now."

Saying this she laughed...

R/m : "Siya , I'm telling you Raghav is lying to both of us."

Siya : "What?"

R/m : "Yes , his choice is so bad, I can guarantee you he doesn't finalises the jwellery designs of 'Ratna Sagar'.

Siya : "No maa... Raghav's choice in Jewellery is quite good infact not only jwellery but his choice is really nice in everything. Woh toh us bechare ne ye sab pehli baar khareeda hai or use meri pasand , na pasand bhi kaha zyada pata hai." 

R/m : "Bechara ?"

Siya : "ha... Bechara mere liye ye sab kitne mann se laya hai... Mai pooja mein yahi pehnungi!"

She picked the bangle box and went from there while R/m smiled seeing her happiness.


With a contented smile, Siya entered her room and softly closed the door behind her. She moved gracefully toward the mirror and kept the bangle box on the dressing table.

Siya's eyes shimmered with a mix of emotions as she held the saree, feeling the weight of Raghav's intention behind this thoughtful gesture. Raghav's choices might not have been conventional, but they were uniquely his, a reflection of his unwavering affection and his willingness to step outside his comfort zone.

She Gently draped the saree over her arm, imagining how it would drape and flow and reached for her mangalsutra around her neck, carefully placing it atop the saree, 

Siya's fingers brushed over the intricate embroidery, tracing the patterns as if seeking to understand the story they held. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, a soft smile gracing her lips. It wasn't about the color or the design; it was about Raghav's effort to make her feel cherished and special.

Amidst all these thoughts , her eyes were drawn to the reflection of framed photograph of Raghav on the back wall. The captured moment displayed his charismatic smile, a reminder of the man who had taken a step beyond his comfort zone and embarked on a journey of surprises and genuine efforts.

Siya : "Mr. Khadoos Rao , You have no idea about the sarees yet you brought one and that too for me. I must thank you , right ?"


Siya entered in the guest room and found raghav engrossed in some work...

Siya : "Raghav ! I want to talk to you."

Raghav : "Not now, Later, I'm busy right now."

Siya : "It's urgent , Raghav."

Raghav : (joined his hands) "For God Sake ! Please All the urgent home works are completed for today. Now let me do my work peacefully. Since morning I'm trying to complete this work, it's evening and still it's pending. Because of that teej shopping my whole day schedule has messed up. I don't want to hear anything else now. Please, Don't disturb me !"

Siya : "All right , Don't talk to me !"

Saying this she turned to leave but stopped looking at her reflection in the mirror...

Siya : "I'll talk to this mirror , only. Anyways, there can't be a better talking partner than this."

Raghav shook his head in disbelief seeing her then continued his work...

Siya : "It's Teej Pooja Next week. Someone has done the shopping but neither knows it's meaning nor its value. So, I'll only tell , The Teej Festival honours the devotion of Goddess Parvati who underwent severe penance for many years to become the consort of Lord Shiva.

Raghav : "Oh... Katha Vachak (Hey ! Narrator) if you love telling stories, go on the terrace. The moon and the stars will hear your stories. Just don't disturb me."

Siya : "That's why, During the festival, women observe the fast and bow their heads to the goddess in reverence to seek her blessings for a happy married life while The unmarried girls observe a fast during the festival to get an exemplary husband like Lord Shiva."

Raghav : "There's no need to observe a fast !"

Hearing this , Siya turned towards Raghav who was now standing infront of her.

"Why", Siya managed to ask.

Raghav : "Because, we don't have such kind of relationship between us that you would observe a fast. You don't need to do all this out of the pressure of the society."

Siya : "Wow ! We can marry under the pressure but not observe a fast. You men's have no logic in your life."

Raghav : "What logic ? It's simple, I did wrong with you right from the beginning , I troubled you even forced for this marriage yet you want to observe a fast for me and for our married life."

Siya : "Yes, but along with that you also did good things and as far you are concerned about our marriage then Mr. Raghav Rao let me tell you that It also had my consent..."

Her words faded as she looked at raghav and realised what she spoke... He took few steps close to her looking straight in her eyes.

Raghav : "So , it means that you want to keep this fast ?"

Siya : (maintaining the eye contact) "I don't know. Maa said that if I really feel something for you then I should keep this fast."

Raghav took another step, reducing the space between them to mere inches, his eyes never leaving hers,"So, Do you really feel something for me, Siya ?"

Siya's breath caught in her throat. Her voice faltered, the intensity of their proximity leaving her momentarily speechless. Their eyes locked in a magnetic connection. Time seemed to slow, and the room around them seemed to blur, leaving only their shared gaze.

Just as the tension reached its zenith, Siya's phone buzzed loudly in her hand, startling them both. The spell was broken, and they pulled away, both slightly flustered by the sudden interruption. Siya hastily glanced at her phone, the momentary distraction allowing her to regain her composure.

Siya: (clearing her throat) I-I'm sorry, I should check this, It's from Maa. R

Raghav : (nodding) No problem, Go ahead. Take your time.

Siya dialed her mother's number, walking out of the room as she engaged in the conversation. While Raghav turned back to his work, seemingly immersed once again.


On call ;

Siya : Hello , Maa ! How are you ? Are you back from Kolhapur?

Rupal : Yes , dear. I'm fine. I got back just now.

Siya : Achha... How is everyone there ? Mama , Madhu Mami , Manav (madhu's son) , Parul mausi and Pallavi (parul's daughter).

Rupal : Everyone is good. They were missing you alot especially Pallu & Manav. Btw, Your Madhu Mami has sent mango pickles for you.

Siya : Wow,  thank her on my behalf.

Rupal : Yes , but take the pickles first.

Siya : Okay , I'll do one thing, I'll send the driver, you come here.

Rupal : No. I can't come there. You know your baba, right ? Let's do one thing, let's meet in the park nearby to your house.

Siya : All right then, let's meet there.

Rupal : Hm.. okay.

Siya : Bye.

Call ended


Siya and Rupal were sitting in the park...

Siya : I swear maa , no one makes pickle as good as madhu mami.

Rupal : Yes. Siya, it's been so long since we sat together like this and talked.

Siya : Yes, maa. The situation is such like that.

Rupal : Okay , tell me one thing, Raghav is a good man? I mean he doesn't trouble you, right ?

Siya : No, maa. He doesn't trouble me at all. Yes, he's a bit crazy and rude too. He has anger and obstinacy more than blood in his body. And his protein shake ! A normal person doesn't drink water as much as he drinks protein shake. But the best thing about him is that he values his family. He never goes against his mom and his sister's wish.

Do you know ? Today mother in law asked him to bring some gifts for me for teej pooja. And the things he brought for me, My God ! Mother in law and I couldn't control laughter seeing them.

She laughed remembering the moment...

Rupal : You get along with your mother in law ? 

Siya : Yes maa, she's very nice. She's very understanding.

Rupal : Is she better than me ?

Siya chuckled, shaking her head as she looked at her mother.

Siya: (smiling) Maa, you're irreplaceable, you know that. No one can take your place in my heart.

Rupal: Flattery won't get you out of answering my question, Siya.

Siya: (grinning) Alright, alright. Let's just say that you have your unique place, and so does my mother-in-law. I can't compare the two.

Rupal: You're always so diplomatic. Well, I'm glad to hear that you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law. I am really happy for you. 

Btw, it's your first 'Teej pooja', Right ? This fast is very powerful. I know that your relationship with Raghav started on wrong note but time has given you a chance to start afresh. Don't loose this chance.


Amidst the dimly lit room, Azaad's voice cut through the tense air, "Boss, Luca contacted us."

Raghav's sharp gaze snapped up from the documents scattered on his desk. "Did he gather any information about him?"

Azaad's expression grew somber as he responded, "Unfortunately, their efforts to locate him have yielded no results. It's been seventy-two hours since his disappearance in Italy. It's perplexing that despite our best attempts, we've been unable to trace his whereabouts."

Raghav leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him. "Perhaps because he is not in Italy."

Azaad's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What! If he's not in Italy then where is he?"

Raghav's eyes bore into Azaad's, his voice carrying an air of conviction, "India!"

Azaad's tone was incredulous, "How can you be so confident that he's here, in India?"

Raghav's lips curled in a knowing smirk, "If I couldn't discern even that much, what would differentiate me from that fool! I am entirely convinced that he's in India, to be more precise, in Mumbai itself."

Azaad's eyes widened, his mind racing to process Raghav's words.

Raghav's voice held a hint of caution, "Azaad, he's completely a mad creature. And when he's back after so many years, his madness must have increased. He can do anything to take revenge from me. We can't afford any loss, so find out where he is in Mumbai. I want each and every piece of information about him. Understand?"

Azaad nodded solemnly, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

Raghav's tone grew more dark, "I can't take any risk regarding my family's safety. Call the security team; I want to brief them."

Azaad's response was quick and resolute, "Okay, sir."

Raghav's gaze softened slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his features, "One more thing! Don't tell anything to the family members, especially Siya, as she's not habituated to all this. I don't want to give anyone the stress."

Azaad's voice was assuring, "Okay, sir."

As Azaad turned to leave, a sudden buzz cut through the tense air. Raghav's mobile phone illuminated on the desk, indicating a new message. The room's tension heightened as both men exchanged a quick, knowing glance before Raghav reached for his phone, his fingers hovering over the screen.


R/m entered the hall and noticed a courier box on the table. She called a house staff, her voice tinged with curiosity, "Subhash! Where did it come from?"

Subhash's shrug was nonchalant, "I don't know."

Raghav arrived, his expression taut as he surveyed the scene. His eyes locked onto the box, a sense of foreboding settling in as he glanced at the message on his phone,

"These days couriers are very dangerous and bombs are too small"

He threw his mobile aside and ran towards them...

Raghav : "Maa ! Step back !"

R/m : "What happened ?"

He pulled them both behind the couch.

R/m : "What's the matter , raghav?"

Raghav : "Maa ! There's a bomb in the house."

A tremor of disbelief quivered through R/m's voice as she stood up again, her fear surfacing, "A-a bomb? Where?"

Raghav's protective instinct flared, and he gently tugged her back down to the safety of the couch, whispering urgently, "In that box. Stay here."

Azaad entered, "Sir what happened ?"

Raghav : Azaad ! Get the detector from the security ! There's a bomb in the house !

Azaad : What ! Bomb ?

Raghav : Go Fast !

He nodded and rushed out, as Siya entered the house, bewildered by the sight of Azaad's hasty exit, and found others in similar states.

Siya : (approaching the table) What's happening?

About to place a jar on the table, Siya froze as Raghav's urgent voice halted her.

Raghav : Stop!

In an instant, he closed the distance between them, pulling her away. The jar slipped from her hand, shattering on the floor, as they both stumbled and ended up on the ground. She on the floor, and he over her and his one hand automatically went under her head preventing it from getting hurt.

For a moment, their eyes locked, emotions swirling in the charged atmosphere, threatening to consume them. Yet the urgency of the situation shattered the spell as R/m's voice cut through.

R/m: "Raghav! Siya! Come quickly!"

As they attempted to rise, the chain around his neck got tangled with her mangalsutra. In the urgency of the situation, their fingers fumbled as they tried to free it...

Siya's voice was a mixture of confusion and frustration, "What are you doing?"

Raghav's tone was urgent, his voice slightly breathless, "It was an emergency, Siya. I had to do it."

Siya's confusion deepened, "What emergency?"

Raghav's words were laden with a gravity that matched the tension in the room, "There's a bomb in the house."

Siya : "Oh, it's just a bomb, you're reacting as if..."

Her casual tone evaporated and her eyes widened as she finally comprehended the gravity of the situation, As Raghav managed to free his chain from hers, he sat up, and she followed suit, shouting "Bomb!" Her hand instinctively gripped his arm, drawing herself closer to him for safety.

Siya : "W-Where is the Bomb ?"

Raghav : "Will you stop the loudspeaker? Look over there , there's the bomb in the box."

Siya : oh wow ! You're such a weird man ! People get things in courior but you get bombs. You think yourself such a big hero that you've turned your entire life into a movie.

Raghav : Oh hello ! I am not interested in such kind of movie but you're quite a movie buff so If I get such a package next time I will send it to your house. Enjoy it with your family.

Siya : You're on the brink of death but you won't stop taunting Me.

Raghav : Same to you !

Siya : Really ? Now will you call the bomb squad or you just want to sit like this ?

Raghav : Yes , By the time they'll come we'll die in the blast.

Siya : Oh you understood now ? Didn't you understand then, when you were rolling on the floor !

Raghav : See ! I have other important work then arguing with you so don't provoke me. We have to throw this box out !

Siya : What ! Have you gone mad ? Who will take this risk ?

Raghav : You !

Siya : What ! N-No ! It's not my parcel , it's yours, you throw it !

Raghav : I will do it only if you'll leave my hand !

R/m : Are you both sitting in a garden ? Come here !

Siya left his hand and they both got up while azaad came there with the metal detector...

Azaad : Sir , Who will take this risk ?

Raghav : You go !

Azaad : M..Me ! B..But sir... I... I am not even married yet !

Raghav : Oh... it means I am married so bomb will not explode seeing me , right ?

Azaad : No... I mean...

Raghav : Leave it ! Give it to me I will go.

Azaad : But sir..

Raghav : okay so you go...

Azaad : No.

Azaad hesitated before Raghav finally handed him the detector. Meanwhile, Siya looked at Raghav with concern...

Siya : Raghav...

Raghav : Don't worry I am not scared , I'll throw the bomb away.

R/m : Careful Raghav.

As Raghav cautiously approached the box, Siya and R/m clasped their hands together, offering silent prayers. The room's tension was palpable as Raghav gingerly reached for the box...

The metal detector in his hand beeped softly, adding an eerie undertone to the already tense atmosphere. Siya's grip on R/m's hand tightened as they watched Raghav lift the box with utmost care. His jaw was set, determination etched on his face.

With a fluid motion, Raghav moved towards the doorway, his fingers wrapped tightly around the box, he paused for a moment. The seconds stretched, the room itself seemed to hold its breath. Then, with a resolute exhale, he swiftly hurled the package out of the door, aiming for a patch of open space in the garden.

The box hit the ground with a thud, its impact sending a ripple of tension through everyone in the room as they all quickly moved behind the couch shutting their ears. 

But when seconds ticked by, and no explosion followed, Siya asked Raghav, "Did it blow up?"

Raghav : No.

Siya : Now ?

Raghav : This is a real bomb not a damaged fire cracker that if it blows up there wouldn't be any sound.

Siya : What kind of bomb is this ? It's not blowing up.

Raghav : It's good , right ? My house won't blow up.

Siya : So , you should've thrown it far away , why did you threw it in the garden ?

Raghav : My wish, my house , I will make a new room over there.

Siya : (mumbles) Vichitra manus.

Raghav : What ?

Siya : It's such a weird bomb, it doesn't take that long. In movies, the bomb blows up the moment it is thrown.

Raghav : This is not a movie, this is the real life.

Siya got up and moved towards the garden...

Raghav : Hey ! Where are you going ? It's the real bomb. 

Siya turned to face him, "I know."

R/m's voice added to the discussion, "Siya, come back inside! We shouldn't take any risks."

Siya held up a hand in reassurance, her gaze still fixed on the box. "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Raghav's voice was tinged with urgency, "Siya, don't be foolish. We can't predict when it might explode." 

Ignoring their warnings, Siya reached the garden and approached the spot where the box had landed. 

Raghav : "Maa I am telling you if anything happens to her then I'm not responsible , she loves to die, it seems."

She crouched down, her gaze fixed on the mysterious package. Raghav and R/m exchanged worried glances, their hearts pounding in tandem. 

Raghav's voice was a mix of incredulity and frustration, "Siya, don't touch it! It's dangerous!"

Slowly, she extended a cautious hand, her fingers trembling slightly as she hovered them over the box while everyone shut their eyes and ears close.

After a minute, Raghav's eyes snapped opened, catching the sound of an alarm, and his gaze shifted to Siya, who was now standing beside him, holding up an alarm clock in her hand.

Siya : "It's quite an innovative bomb."

Raghav blinked in confusion, disbelief written all over his face as he got up. The others too opened their eyes, their expressions shifting from fear to disbelief as they echoed together, "Alarm clock?"

Siya : "Reality check , Mr. Raghavendra Rao ! You don't have that quality of don anymore in you. Gaya woh wakt jab 11 mulkon ki police tumhara peecha karti thi. Ab toh sirf shaadi mein log tumhare peeche aate hai, jalebi ke liye."

Raghav's irritation flared up, "You..."

Siya : (angry) Shut Up ! Tumhe kya lagta hai , Tum kise desh ke President ya Prime Minister ho jo tumhe maarne ke liye koi bomb bhejega ! 

Raghav : okay fine ! I admit that I was wrong. But this was a good training for everyone. What if next time it's a real bomb? It's better to take a precaution then dying."

Siya crossed her arms, and everyone looked at him in disbelief. 

Raghav : "What ! Why are you all staring at me like this ? I don't fantasise about dying in a bomb blast. I have a reason to do this. And yes , one more important thing ! No one will go outside for next few days."

Siya : "What ? I cannot accept that ! I have my duty , I need to go to the hospital !"

Raghav : "Tell your friend Keerti to handle your patients for next few days, but you or any other family member must not go outside. And that's final !"

Siya : "But Raghav..."

Raghav : "Understand ! In your rooms !"

They all went from there except Siya who was looking at him...

Raghav : "Now should I write it for you."

Siya : (turned to go) "Bada aaya Don..."

Raghav : "Wait !"

 She turned to him -

Siya : "Ab kya hai ?"

He closed the distance between them with purposeful steps, his eyes locked onto hers. Raghav's playful smirk danced on his lips as he leaned in closer, his voice a low murmur that sent a shiver down her spine, "I behaved nicely with you, so you thought I don't have the qualities of a 'don' anymore, right? Are you missing the don version of me ?"

Siya felt her heart rate quicken, her breath hitching at the intensity of his gaze. She took a step back instinctively, but her retreat was met with the soft cushion of the couch. Her legs collided with it, and just as she was about to lose her balance, Raghav's arm shot out, wrapping around her waist. In an instant, he pulled her close, their bodies pressed together.

Her heart thundered in her chest, and her breath seemed to have deserted her. His nearness was intoxicating, his warmth seeping through the thin barrier of space that separated them. Her gaze flickered from his intense eyes , her lips parting slightly in a mixture of surprise and she found herself speechless.

His fingers brushed a strand of hair away from her face placing it behind her ear , his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. Siya's breath hitched as the space between them seemed to shrink even further.

Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the soft press of his lips near her ear. His voice was a velvet whisper,"You underestimate the depths of my versatility."

Siya's voice was a mixture of annoyance and a rapid heartbeat, "Oh, please, Raghav. Don't think your 'versatility' is going to impress me."

Raghav's chuckle was low and husky, sending shivers down her spine. "You're right, Siya. It's not about impressing you. It's about reminding you that there's more to me than what meets the eye."

Siya's fingers involuntarily curled against the fabric of his shirt, her resolve faltering under his magnetic presence. She attempted to regain her composure, "I-I'm not s..scared of you , I had told you I know Karate. And you're not a God that I would like to see your different versions , Understand?"

Raghav suppressed a chuckle, his lips curling into an amused smile. "Hm... Understood!"

His grip on her waist loosened as he stepped back slightly, creating a comfortable distance between them. 

Siya : "Here's your so called bomb."

She handed him the alarm clock and went from there... Raghav watched her retreating figure with a mixture of amusement and something else he couldn't quite put into words. As she moved away , he looked at the alarm clock in his hand.

Raghav : "Bomb !"

He noticed a small folded piece of paper nestled in the folds of the alarm clock. With a curious expression, he retrieved it, unfolding the paper to reveal a message -

"Keep this alarm clock always with you, because it will always remind you that your bad period in life  has begun , The Raghvendra Rao. I'm back !"

Raghav's brows furrowed as he read the message. The message was ominous, and Raghav's eyes darkened with a mixture of anger and unease. His jaw clenched, and he crumpled the note in his hand, his fingers closing into a tight fist.

A memory resurfaced, one that had been carefully locked away. A time when adversaries had plotted his downfall, when challenges had mounted and dangers had loomed around every corner. Raghav's mind raced, connecting the dots as he realized that his past might have come back to haunt him, woven into the fabric of his present.

He glanced at the alarm clock, a feeling of foreboding settling within him. The innocuous object now held a weighty significance. It was a stark reminder that his past, his enmities, and his unfinished battles were far from over. 

Little did his enemy know that they had just awakened the sleeping lion. Raghav's past might have been murky, his actions shaded by a darker side, but one thing was clear: he would stop at nothing to ensure the safety of his loved ones and The message was a challenge, and he was more than ready to accept it. The game was afoot, and he was prepared to play it on his own terms.


To be continued...

Hope you liked the part , don't forget to vote and comment...

Now , It will be interesting to see how the elements of enmity will bring major twists to the story so stay tuned for the upcoming chapters.

Thank you for reading...

❤️Lots of love❤️

🙏Radhe radhe🙏
