1. Beautiful Revenge (part 17)

Hello ! Welcome to part 17...

Mahesh : I want to take my daughter from here.

Everyone was shocked hearing him... Raghav looks at siya who was looking at her father.

Mahesh : I can't let her ruin her life by being with him.

Saying this he held siya's hand , Raghav clenched his fist. He was getting angry but didn't said anything.

Mahesh : Let's go , Siya.

He takes siya along with him , siya looks at Raghav who was looking at her then recalls their yesterday's shower moment , his words and stops.

Mahesh looks back at Siya who removed his hand from hers...

Siya : I'm not going anywhere , Baba !

Saying this she goes and stands with Raghav which shocks everyone.

Mahesh : (walk towards her) Siya , I knew...

Siya : Enough , Baba ! My husband didn't do anything.

Hearing this , Raghav looks at her being surprised.

Siya : Mother in law , do you really think that raghav did all this ?

R/m : Yes. Because Raghav has done so before as well. And he's done that to you , Siya. Yet you're supporting him ?

Siya : Yes , Maa ! Because so far whatever he's done , he's done that openly from front. Not from behind like this !

R/m : But siya , try to understand...

Siya : (cuts her) Maa ! We shall talk about this later. (Looks at her father) Baba , I agree whatever happened with you was wrong but whoever has done this to you , did it from hiding and Raghav never does that. If he'd to do something , he would've done so openly. He wouldn't have fought here like this rather accepted his mistake proudly. He's not afraid of the truth.

And as far as this letter is concerned , even a 10 year old kid can write this for just 100 Rupees. Baba , Raghav had gone to that house in order to unite us. He wants to remove the distance between us not add to our troubles. He might be helpless before his nature and fights with you but this time neither his cause of fighting is wrong nor his intentions.

I'm sorry baba , Once again I'm going against you for Raghav because I know that I'm right this time. Raghav hasn't done anything. No witness or evidence can turn me from this belief.

Mahesh : I knew you would do something like this. I was fool to have hoped that this time you will support your near ones. You will support your family. But I'd forgotten we're no longer your dear ones. For you , Your husband is your family. You've forgotten about all your relations before this. 

Siya : Baba , you're misunderstanding me again. I'm supporting my husband only because I know this time he's not wrong.

Mahesh : Enough , Siya ! I don't want to hear your any explanation. I'd thought that I would save you from this demon and give you a new and better life but if you so want to live in this swamp then it's up to you.

And You , Mr. Raghvendra Rao , Don't think you're safe because she's with you because this shall not happen now. You won't be spared this time. You'll go to jail !

Saying this he leaves from the house followed by Rupal and vikram... 

Here , R/m and raghavi also went from there... While Siya looks at Raghav...

Siya : Raghav , I apologize on behalf of my father. I know you did nothing.

Raghav : Why do you trust me so much ? What if I had done this ?

Siya : I know you can never do that and I will prove it.

Raghav : But your father was here to take you home , Siya. He had forgiven you. You have been waiting to ho home. So why didn't you go ? Why did you lose this chance ?

Siya : I cannot subject you to injustice , Raghav just so that I can be with my family. I cannot take your family away from you. Especially when you have done something from pure heart. How can I lead this great sweet change to a sour memory ?

Saying this she went from there leaving behind an emotional raghav shocked to see her trust on him.


Raghav in his office room was thinking about Mahesh's words and throws the things kept on the table...

Azaad was about to enter inside but stopped at door seeing his bad mood and turned to go , Raghav stops him...

Raghav : Wait ! What is it ?

Azaad : I'll come later , it's nothing.

Raghav : Tell me now that you are here.

He walked inside...

Azaad : The order of Mr. Shetty's family. We need your signature.

Raghav takes the file and pen from him and sign the papers. He thinks of how his mother didn't believe him and gets overwhelmed.

Raghav : Fantastic , Mom !

Azaad : Everything will be fine , Sir. Please Calm down !

Raghav : Aazad , Your mother loves you.

Azaad : Every mother loves her children.

Raghav : Why am I the only exception to this rule ? Often mothers are close to children even when apart. And my mother is far from me even being close. I thought that with everyone together all will be fine. But no ! 

And today I found out that I was deeply mistaken. It didn't even take a second for maa to believe the Behl famil as if she has already judged everyone. Maa even thought that I did it to stop Siya from leaving. Such a foul act ! Maa hates me so much ! Is the punishment for one mistake so grave , Azaad ? She never values the good work that I do. For her , her son has become the most cruel person in this world. I am sure that I can never win her trust and love.

And Siya , whose trust I have broken so far whom I had troubled and hurt so much , instead of taking revenge from me , she took a stand for me. I cannot understand what's happening , Azaad. Should I cry that mom doesn't trust me. Or should I be happy that Siya is supporting me ?

Azaad : Sir , you should be happy that Siya mam is supporting you.

Raghav : Yes , She supported me. But I am the reason for her sorrow. I had promised her that I will give her family back to her. Today , she had a chance to return to her family but she left everything and came back for me.

Raghavi was probably right , Azaad. I don't deserve anybody , because the one who stays with me never prospers in life. Never.


Siya was sitting in the living room lost in her thoughts...

Siya : Why didn't mother in law trust Raghav ? Why did I trust him ? All the evidences were against him. Despite that , I supported Raghav and stood against my family. What has happened to you , Siya ? Why do you think that he won't repeat the previous incident ? He is The Raghavendra Rao. He never follows any rules. He can do anything. But I why do I have so much confidence in him ?

'Because you are listening to the voice of your heart.'

Siya turned listening the voice and got up seeing keerti standing at the door..


Riya : What ! Siya supported that Raghavendra Rao ?

Mahesh : Yes. I was stupid that I agreed with you and went to save Siya from that marriage , which is not wrong for her !

Riya : But how can she do this ? She was the most sensible person , right ? How can she support that criminal over her family ?

Rupal : Riya , Stop it now !

Mahesh : Why should she keep quiet ? Earlier you had problem when she used to talk nonsense things but when she's sensible this time you are having problem with that too ?

Rupal : Mahesh ji , It's not about the problem but why are we arguing about something that doesn't have a solution ?

Mahesh : Nothing has happened to you , right ? That is why you're saying it so easily. I had gone to jail , Rupal. I am tolerating the taunts and humiliation from others !

Rupal : What are you saying ? Won't I be affected if you're in trouble ? How can you...

Mahesh : (shows her hand) The truth is that only Siya matters to you. You have always supported her , you still support her and you will support her in future too.

Rupal : Yes. I'm supporting my Siya. She's my daughter. Its my right to support her. Will you punish me for that too ?

Mahesh : How can i punish anyone , Rupal ? I'm a common man who doesn't even have right to say anything to his daughter too. 

Rupal : No , right ? We can't say or do anything. Why are you arguing and increasing your worries ?

Riya : Do you have a problem with Dad's worries or siya's truth being exposed ?

Rupal : Riya , I am saying Stop it now or else...

Riya : Mom , let it be. She's not as great as we think. You had made her independent that is why all this happened. If you would've kept her in her limits like an orphan , Then she would not have had the courage to do such a thing. As she got a chance to lead a luxurious life after marrying Raghavendra Rao , she didn't even thought about us or our favors even once and immediately got married without informing and now she's leading a happy life as Mrs. Raghavendra Rao.

Vikram : Riya , Don't talk about the things you aren't aware about.

Mahesh : The truth won't change by silencing Riya. Siya has moved on in her life. We don't exist for her anymore nor does she matter to us any more. Both of you Vikram and Rupal accept this truth now.


Keerti : Did my words hurt you , Siya ?

Siya : No keerti your words can never hurt me... (sighed out) Am I making a mistake by listening to my heart's voice ? The mind is usually right in such situations , in this battle between mind and heart. But this time , my mind is seeing what this world is showing while My heart is seeing the truth in Raghav's eyes. And I know that...

Keerti : (cuts her) Siya... The matters of heart are confusing but honest. The heart focuses on truth not logic. And when you are already listening to your heart like always move forward without any hesitation. I'm sure that you'll win because the heart never loses. Btw , Shall I say something ?

Siya : Yes.

Keerti : I'm happy to see that your heart is thinking about somebody else apart from your family.  

Siya : That's not true. I don't love him. 

Keerti : But I never spoke about love. I'm just saying that your heart is thinking about him.

Siya was abashed...

Keerti : (in mind : Siya's heart is thinking about Raghav. This means it will start beating for him soon.) Anyways , You might have a lot of work at home. Complete that. I'll handle everything at the hospital.

Siya : Thank you , keerti. (In mind : I need to talk to mother-in-law first)


Siya came in her room and saw r/m packing her clothes. 

Siya : Maa ! What are you doing ? My stuffs...

R/m : (cuts her) I am packing your luggage. I want you to go back to your house. You father wanted to take you home , right ? He has even agreed now. So , it would be better if you live with them. Siya , you were supposed to leave after Raghav failed in this one chance. Then , today is that day.

Siya : But Maa , I know Raghav hasn't done anything, he still has this chance... Then why should I go ?

R/m : Because I want you to be happy. But as long as Raghav is in your life you can never be happy.

Siya : Maa , Sit.

She made her sit on the bed and herself sits in front of her.

Siya : Firstly , you acted stubborn with Raghav and got him married to me. Now that I am trying to accept this truth you're sending me from here again. Maa , this is my life. Let me take some decision independently.

Maa , I want to ask you something today. What had happened that you hate Raghav so much ? My family is not trusting him because he has given them a reason. But why are you not trusting him ? Why aren't you believing him when he's saying that he's innocent ?

He loves you alot , maa. But you don't want to even look at him with love. Why maa ?

R/m : Because he doesn't deserve it !

Siya : What as such has happened that a son lost his mother's affection ?

R/m : A son for whom his father...

She stops and got up... Siya also stands...

R/m : I have my own reasons to hate Raghav. He can only ruin people's lives. He can't make it better. I'd brought Raghav into your life. Now I am saying as soon as possible go away from Raghav's life.

Saying this she goes from there wiping her tears...

Siya : What can be the reason that mother in law hates Raghav so much ?

While she was wondering... She heard Raghav's loud voice...

"I said and It's final. You'll do as I said. Understand ?"


 Siya came in the office room and saw Raghav was talking on phone -

Raghav : (on call) I don't care ! I want to shut down the Malabar Hill's showroom today itself. Theft took place over there so people working there will get punished.

Loss ? I own 14 other showrooms in mumbai ! I'll recover my loss from there. Also , shift the inventory to other showrooms from the Malabar Hill's showroom. Understand ?

Saying this he cut the call.

Azaad : But sir why are you...

Siya : (walks in) Are you shutting down the Malabar Hill's Showroom ?

Raghav : Yes. They committed theft. They should suffer.

Siya : Are you mad ? In anger, you start doing anything without thinking and then you repent later. How can you punish yourself and 30 people for the crime committed by one person ? I'm sure you know how much loss you'll incur.

Raghav : I don't care. I've 14 other showrooms in mumbai and 49 showrooms all over maharashtra excluding this Malabar Hill's showroom. I'll recover my loss from there.

Siya : But those 30 people don't have 14 jobs. Perhaps they are the only breadwinner in their family. Why are you depriving them of their livelihood because of your anger and impulsive decision ?

Raghav : Now you're going to teach me business ?

Siya : You're not doing anything sensible that you'll get demeaned if you take my advice.

Raghav : Advices are taken from experienced people.

Siya : And who told you that I don't have any experience in such things ?

Raghav : Oh... Really ? Then share your invaluable experience with me.

Siya : A boy used to work in Baba's store before. He often used to commit thefts.

Raghav : So did you honour him ?

Siya : No. I showed extra trust in him. I made him realize his mistake patiently.

Raghav : I don't want to show such nobility. You're great. You can do this. When I do any noble deed people blame me and judge me. So now I'll do what I'd deem fit. Because after that I won't feel guilty.

Azaad ! Shut down the Malabar Hill's showroom today itself.

Saying this he went from there...

Siya : He ! He is an icon of the business world. My colony's vegetable vendor is a better businessman than him. Atleast he doesn't act against his own interest.

Azaad : Mam , Now only you can do something.

Siya : I know. I'll have to.

Azaad : But what will we do ?

Siya : We need to find the culprit as soon as possible. Only then will Raghav agree. Have you found out something ?

Azaad : I've only got to know that this theft has been committed by an employee. We've questioned everyone but didn't found out anything. We would have known about that thief a long time ago, but We can't do anything much to find him , because the more secretive this investigation is, the better. Otherwise, if this news leaked even by mistake then media and public would come to know and our reputation will get spoiled and you know the anger of the Boss.

Siya : Hm... You're right Azaad ! I need some information about Malabar Hill's showroom.

Azaad : Sure.


Siya : (checking the vouchers) Jewellery that is taken out of the showroom , it's record is kept in these vouchers and then these vouchers are submitted to the security.

Azaad : Yes , Mam.

Siya : Then there must be a voucher of that necklace as well.

Azaad : That's the problem , Mam. Two vouchers were made for this necklace.

Siya : Means ?

Azaad : It means that perhaps it was taken out of the showroom twice.

Siya : Then perhaps two sets were made.

Azaad : Perhaps. But they can't have the same serial number. Same serial number is mentioned in these two vouchers. And most important thing is that both of them have Raghav Sir's signature. It means he took the necklace both the times.

Siya sees the vouchers...

Azaad : And mam we got one voucher made at the lawyer's behest which proves that Sir went to your uncle's house with the jewellery and left it there by mistake. But when I checked the entries I found out that one voucher has already been made in his name.

Siya : It means someone else took that set in the name of Raghav and kept it at my uncle's house.

Azaad : Yes , mam.

Siya : It means someone intentionally framed Raghav and defamed him in front of my family. Someone has forged his signature too because he knows the rules of the showroom. It means whoever he/she is , is an insider for sure. We'll have to find him/her.


Evening ;

Siya came in the hall and saw Raghav talking with his employees there... She went to Azaad who was also present there...

Siya : (slowly) Azaad ! Is one among them our culprit ?

Azaad : (slowly) Yes , mam. They have access to jewellery's locker too. One among them has done this !

Siya : (in mind : But who ? I need to find it out.)

She was thinking how to find out the culprit among them when she heard Raghav...

Raghav : I was planning to shut down the showroom but I decided not to punish everyone for one person's mistake.

Listening him , Siya and others look at him being surprised...

Azaad : (slowly) I can't believe that Raghav Sir changed his decision and that too on someone's advice. After his mother, you are the only one who can do this.

Raghav : I own 14 other showrooms in mumbai but you guys don't have 14 jobs. And most of you're the only breadwinner of your family. Why should I fire you because of my anger and impulsive decision ? I've decided that the Malabar Hill's showroom will not close down.

Saying this he looks at Siya who smiles hearing this...

Raghav : You all can go now. This time be careful with your work. Remember that.

They nodded while looking down and one by one started to leave from there when Siya immediately looked at Azaad and said a little loud -

Siya : What ! Really ! Azaad you really got to know about that necklace thief ?

Listening her , The Girl who stole the necklace was leaving , stopped there. Siya looked at her suspiciously as she stood there looking all nervous , fear and shock was clearly visible on her face and her hands fidgeting.

She hurriedly leaves from there while here Raghav and Azaad were looking at Siya in confusion...

Azaad : Mam what...

Siya showed him hand and immediately went out behind that girl and stops her..

Siya : Wait !

The girl stops and hesitantly turned towards siya trying to be normal...

Girl : Y-Yes mam ?

Siya : What do you think all of us are fools ? We will never know about the person who stole the necklace ?

Girl : (cries) N-No I-I am s..sorry... mam... I-I didn't steal that necklace i-intentionally , Trust me !

Siya : Are... Are... I haven't even taken the name of the thief yet and you yourself have confessed. I didn't really know who the thief was I just shot an arrow in the air and after seeing your gesture there I thought maybe it hit the target so I just came to check my suspicion... And yes it was right ! You had only stolen the necklace.

Now when you have confessed that you have only committed this theft, then tell me the reason also behind this , honestly ! If you don't want to go to prison.

Girl : (while crying)N-No i-i don't want to go to p-prison... M-Mam... I-I am s-saying honestly... I-I have no enmity with Raghav sir, I-I didn't commit this theft on purpose but someone forced me to do it.

Siya : Who ?

Girl : (crying) M-My E..Ex-Boy..friend... P..Pratik ! H..He blackmailed me. He got me drunk and taking advantage of my intoxication , clicked my photos and threatened me that he would make it viral. I was forced to give him that necklace. I couldn't even tell anything to anyone nor I could complaint against him because he still has those photos.

I am telling the truth , mam I was helpless , I did not do anything intentionally... I don't want to go to jail , please. I'm sorry.

Siya : Fine ! But now you will do as I am telling you... Call him and say...

At night ; 

The girl who stole the necklace was waiting for pratik standing on the roadside when she saw him coming towards her and immediately gave a missed call to someone...

Pratik : Tell me , What was so important that you couldn't say on the phone call and called me here to meet ?

Before she could speak something they heard a voice -

"Hum batate hai"

He turned around while she smiled seeing Siya and Azaad standing there... Azaad immediately took out his gun in one hand and grabbed Pratik's collar with other hand...

Azaad : What did you do with the necklace she gave you ? Say it !

Pratik looked at the girl angrily...

Azaad : What are you looking at her , Tell me or else...

He pointed the gun at his head and he gulped in fear...

Pratik : N-No I-I am t-telling... I am telling everything... I'll tell the truth... A man with beard and curly hair came to me. He asked me to blackmail Ishita (the girl) and get the necklace out of the showroom. He had to get that necklace to Mahesh Behl. Hence , I got Ishita drunk and clicked those obscene pictures and made her get me the necklace.

Siya : How did that man look like... His name ?

Pratik : I don't know his name. I couldn't see his face properly. He just paid me and asked me to do this work.

Siya : Do you have his number or any address ?

Pratik : Yes , but it's switched off. He asked me to get a letter typed by Ishita a sometimes ago.

Siya : It means that letter was sent by that mysterious man too. Who is this man ? Why's he after Raghav and me ? Btw , Where did you met him?

Pratik : In a cafe. 

Azaad : Mam I think we should go there we might get some information.

Siya : Yes. We'll certainly find a clue in the CCTV footage of the cafe.

Pratik : Maybe ! And I know the manager there , I can help.

Azaad looks at him coldly...

Pratik : I-I mean if you want... Sorry , I forgot that Your identity is more than me.

Siya : Azaad , Take him as well. I don't want to tell Raghav anything without any solid proof.

Azaad nodded...

Pratik : N-No...No... No... I-I'm sorry mam, I-I did this only for m-money, I have no enmity with Raghav Sir , nor do I want to take... Please leave me.

Siya : Give me the original photos with which you were blackmailing Ishita , right now!

Pratik : w...woh

Azaad : Give means Give !

Pratik : Y..Yes Y..Yes I am giving.

He gives her a pendrive... And siya gives it to Ishita...

Siya : Apologize! To Ishita!

Pratik : S-Sorry Ishita !

Siya : And from now on, for money or at any cost, if you even think of doing such cheap and vile acts with Ishita or any girl, then it will not be good for you !

Pratik : I promise , I'll not do any such thing from now...

Siya : Azaad , leave him !

Azaad : But mam...

Siya : leave him.

He leaves pratik... 

Siya : Ishita, he is your culprit now, do whatever you want to do with him ! Let's go Azaad !

Ishita : Thank you so much mam.

Siya nods and leaves along with Azaad while Ishita slaps Pratik hard...

Ishita : Be Ready To Go To Jail , Mr. Pratik Sharma !

Pratik : Ishi Baby... Listen...

Ishita : Don't baby me , okay ! And don't dare to show me your face again !

Saying this she went from there...

Pratik : Ishita...  At least , Listen to me... Ishita... Damn it !


In the Cafe ;

Manager : The CCTV footage of that day you're asking for is of 11:30 a.m and we don't have that footage really otherwise i would have definitely given it go you. Sometimes ago a man threatened me and took it away.

Azaad : Who was he ?

Manager : I don't know him... And couldn't see his face also because he was wearing a mask but he had a curly hair and was wearing a black jacket.

Siya : oh... He must be that mysterious man. He seems very smart. He thinks a few steps ahead of us. But who is he ? How do we nab him ?


Both walked towards the car...

Azaad : Nothing can happen as of now. Its very late , We must go home otherwise Sir will doubt if you stay out for long and it's not safe also. We shall think about it in the morning.

Siya : Hm.


Raghav was watching something on his laptop when Siya comes there to meet him... 

Siya : Raghav...

He immediately shuts his laptop and takes a file kept aside... Siya saw this and walks to him...

Siya : What were you watching ?

Raghav : Nothing... Just some random videos.

Siya : Of what kind ?

Raghav : Why should I tell you ?

Siya : Because I want to know. I too want to watch...

Saying this she was about to open the laptop but he stopped her...

Raghav : I can't watch with you.

Siya takes her hand back wondering...

Siya : (in mind : Why is he acting this way ? What is he watching that he can't watch with me ?... Oh God ! Is he watching those videos ?)

Raghav : Let's go.

Siya : W-Where ?

Raghav : To sleep. 

Siya : (eyes widened) What ! How dare you to say that ?

Raghav : (confused) How dare... What do you mean ? And you are reacting as if I have asked you not to sleep but don't know what to do?

Siya : Means.. you're asking me to 'JUST SLEEP' only... nothing else ?

Raghav : Aur nahi toh kya ? Sleep means sleep only , Does it mean something else ? And one minute Why are you looking at me like this? You came for that only , right ?

Siya : (nodding her head) Y..Yes..No.. ye...

Raghav : Wait ! Yes or no ?

Siya : a..a..actually I forgot !

Raghav : What !

Siya : Ugh... Y..You leave that and first tell me... Do you watch such videos usually ?

Raghav : No. Only when I need to.

Siya : And... W-When all do you need ?

Raghav : Twice or thrice a week. Watching once won't help. It helps in the office.

Siya : (shocked) OFFICE TOO !

Raghav : Yeah. That's when I need it the most. You wanted to also watch , right ? Come you can watch too. Why am I hiding from you ? You need to watch them more than me.

Siya : N-No.. No ! I don't need it.

Raghav : Let's watch. It will help us both.

Saying this as he opened the laptop , Siya closed it !

Siya : Help ! Oh hello , Mr. Sheikh Chilli Come out if your dreamland ! You are misconstruing my civil behaviour.

Raghav : What ! What did I do ?

Siya : Is it ? How dare you to think that I'll watch such videos with you ? Watch them on your own.

Saying this she turned to leave but stopped hearing his next words...

Raghav : Crazy girl. What's the problem in watching a CCTV footage ?

Siya : (turns to him) CCTV footage ?

Raghav : (looks at her) Yes.

Siya : You mean... (Showing the CCTV camera on wall) CCTV footage !

Raghav : Yes. CCTV footage !

Siya : (sighed in relief) Oh...

Raghav : oh... What 'oh..' ? What did you think ?

Siya : N-Nothing !

Before he could say anything she quickly opened the laptop and sat beside him...

Siya : (seeing the footage) One minute ! This footage... It Is of that cafe where I and Azaad went today to find the real culprit. So , you are that curly hair man ! You had been to the cafe for the footage. I thought that the mysterious curly haired man did this ! All the confusion was because of your curly hair. Cut them off !

Raghav : What's your problem with my curly hair now ?

Siya : Cut them off. You might look a little better.

Raghav : Don't talk about this extra sensitive topic of my hair.

Siya rolls her eyes...

Raghav : Do you want to watch the footage ?

Siya : Yes. But how did you got to know about this ?

Raghav : I am The Raghavendra Rao. I've my own ways. I came to know about this man before both of you left! Not just like that , I have become one of the world's most dangerous Don. Not just like that, I am running such a big business and such a big mafia gang. Not ju...

Siya : (cuts him) Zoom on to him.

He first looks at her with narrowed eyes then did as she said... He zooms on the mysterious man trying to see his face...

Raghav : He's very smart. He's sitting there purposely to stay away from the camera. Who could this be ?

Siya : Must be an enemy of yours. You have enemies all around. Even if you throw a stone in any direction while standing on the road, it will only hit one of your enemies.

Raghav : It's nothing like that and such a panchayati joker type man cannot be anyone among my enemies who is fond of instigating a fight between father-in-law and son-in-law like a fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Also , none of my enemies can do this work because there is a problem between me and your family, how can any of them know this ? And what will they get by doing all this , defaming me infront of your family ?

I strongly don't feel at all that this work is of any outsider enemy of mine. This is the work of someone insider , but who ?

He looks at siya who was continuously staring at him only...

Raghav : What happened ? Why are you looking at me like this ?

Siya : Why are you doing all this ?

Raghav : What do you mean ?

Siya : This effort to nab the real culprit. You don't want to prove anything to anyone.

Raghav : Of course , I want to.

Siya : Why ? How does it matter to you what anyone thinks about you ?

Raghav : This time it matters. Because you have trusted me for the first time. I too want to prove that you're right by trusting me.

Siya gets surprised by hearing this...

Siya : (gets up) Good night !

Saying this she leaves from there while raghav smiles and gets back into his work...


Next day ;

Siya enters the kitchen while talking on her mobile...

Siya : (on call) No keerti... I'm coming today... Yeah... Hold on.

She instructs the cook about the luch...

Siya : For lunch cook... Matar paneer , Dal fry , Jeera Rice , chapati along with papad , pickle , Raita and vegetable salad.

Cook : okay mam.

Siya : (on call) Yes , keerti... I was saying that... One minute keerti , Hold on.

(To cook) Vikas , Get some fruit cut for Raghav.

Cook : Okay mam , I will give him the fruits along with the protein shake.

Siya : No need. Throw the protein box out.

Cook : But mam , That's his main food. Without Tea & protein shake , his day doesn't begins.

Siya : Main food is Roti , Sabzi , Dal , Rice. If he needs protein I'll give him that in normal food.

Cook : But , sir...

Siya : Do as I say. If he asks or gets angry tell him that I have replaced his protein box with staples and if he wants have too much protein then he can have guava.

Cook : Okay.

Siya : (on call) Hello , keerti !

Keerti : Wow , amazing Mrs. Rao. Full wifey mode on !

Siya : Don't talk rubbish ! Yeah... I'm in leaving in a while... Okay , bye.


Raghav was combing his hairs when he thinks about Siya's words about his hairs... He tries to make his hairs straight and looks in the mirror...

Raghav : Straight hair is also not bad. And anyway , I have not changed my hairstyle for a long time, I should get it done now.

"What are you doing ?"

He saw siya standing behind him from the mirror and turned towards her...

Raghav : I was thinking to change my hairstyle.

Siya : (scolds) Why ? You look so good with this curly hair. You carry it so well. If you even dare to think about cutting your hair. I won't look at your face...

She stops realizing what she said... Raghav was looking at her with his raised eyebrow and a sly smile...

Siya : I-I mean... Y-Your f-female friends... They won't look at your face ! You look good in this hairstyle.... Um... I-I'm getting late , I need to go.

Saying this she hurriedly leaves from there while he chuckles and looks in the mirror and combs his hair...

Raghav : By the way, there is no such hurry to change hairstyle , let it be for a some more days.


Siya : (while getting her handbag ready) Tu bhi na Siya... bina soche samjhe kuch bhi bolti rehti hai... Are , uske baal uski marzi jaise rakhna hai waise rakhe tujhe kya itni padi hai ?... What is this ?

She finds laddoos wrapped in a piece of paper -

Siya : Oh... Now I remembered , These are the laddoos that maa had made and that day when I had gone there , uncle had given me a few , wrapped in this paper. I forgot about this totally. God ! They have all gone stale. Let me throw it away.

As she wraps them again , she sees the paper and gets shocked...


Vikram : (while reading the paper) But siya... I just picked up a random paper. I didn't knew that it was a part of the property papers. Hold on. How did the property papers surface ? I remember brother was to sign on the loan papers. Raghav came here then and tore up the loan papers.

Siya : Loan ?

Vikram : Yes. For the saree business and paying up property tax.

Siya : Aunt brought these Loan papers , right ?

Vikram : Yes.

Siya : I already had a hunch. But now I am sure.

Mahesh , Rupal and Riya came there and saw her...

Mahesh : What is she doing here ?

Vikram : Brother... actually...

Siya : (cuts him) The day you and Raghav had a tiff , he didn't tear up the loan papers but property papers of our house. Aunt had got fake documents made.

Everyone was shocked by hearing this...

Riya : Wow , Siya ! We blamed your husband so now you are accusing Aunt ! Have some shame ! She's not present here to give you a befitting reply.

Siya : I don't need anyone's explanation on this ! I've proof or else I won't accuse anyone.

Mahesh : What rubbish is this ?

Siya : This is not rubbish ! Look at this. I found them because of the 'Laddoos'.

Rupal takes the paper and reads it...

Siya : Baba , I know that you won't trust me. You might feel that I'm doing all this to save my husband. But that is not true. If I can fight for my husband's sake then I've the right to show the truth , as a daughter. You can't stall it.

The man who took you out of such grave trouble will he trap you in a theft case ? Think about it.

Saying this she turned to leave and saw Raghav standing there... Everyone gets shocked seeing him... She walked towards him...

Siya : Raghav , you don't have to come here anymore. I wanted to come back to my family. I wanted to mend my relationships. But not at the cost of your self respect.

She looks at her father...

Siya : Baba , If you still feel that Raghav has done all this , then I'm sorry. You're not able to see clearly because of your anger. Real , fake , Right , wrong... You're loosing the sense to identify the people. I will pray to God that I get my good old father back. Let's go , Raghav.

Saying this she holds his hand , Raghav looks at her then they both leave the house.


Raghav stops the car somewhere making Siya confused...

Siya : Why did you stop the car here ?

Raghav : Why did you stop me from staying there ?

Siya : I'd told you , right ? Didn't you understand ?

Raghav : I understand... I understand your big words. But I've also promised you that I'll unite you with your family otherwise...

They looked at each other...

Raghav : I-I'll get something to drink.

Saying this he removed his seatbelt , opened the car door and went out while Siya thinks about his promise... 

She also opened the car door and got off the car and stood there looking around lost in her thoughts when she heard someone's voice -

"Siya , Beta !"

Siya : Hassan Chacha !

She smiled and goes to him...

Siya : Hassan chacha ! How are you ?

Hassan : I'm fine , dear , how are you ?

Siya : I'm good.

Hassan : Ever since you've stopped coming to the store , the market has become dull.

Siya : Why ? Baba comes to the store , right ?

Hassan : Yes , he comes but joking and gossiping with you , it was something else.

Siya : (chuckles) Okay , Then I'll visit your store someday.

Hassan : Sure , why not ? I'll be waiting for you. Take care of yourself , okay ? God bless you.

Siya nods and was about to go but he stopped her...

Hassan : Siya , dear... one minute... I forgot to ask you something.

Siya : Yes ? 

Hassan : How was the fancy dress party at your house ?

Siya : (confused) Fancy dress party ?

Hassan : Yes , your Aunt Amrita had come few days ago. She took male dress... Curly Wig , beard , coat from me. She said that she needs for a party at home. 

Siya : Party ? At my home ?

Hassan : Yes , party.

Siya recalls everything and connects the dots...

Siya : (shocked) (in mind : That means aunt committed this theft in disguise) 

Hassan : Dear , tell your aunt to return the stuff , it's been long. I think she forgot.

Siya : Hm...

Hassan : Take care.

She nods and he leaves from there... She turned around and saw an angry Raghav who heard everything.


Siya and Raghav entered in the room...

Raghav : What the hell ! Which planet does your aunt come from ? Who does such things ? Fancy dress , she disguised as a man and committed theft with the help of my staff to trap me ! From which research lab does she brings such ideas ? 

Siya : I don't know myself. Uncle told me that aunt has gone Solapur to visit her brother.

Raghav : It's no use calling up and asking her. If she finds out she'll start a new game plan to save herself.

Siya : Exactly , if it's aunt's plan , we would need a solid proof. Just by finding about rented clothes won't make any difference. No one will believe us.

Raghav : Especially to that crazy old man , who doesn't believes me at all.

Siya crossed her arms and looks at him -

Raghav : Yes , I mean... Father in law ! He'll not believe me.

Siya : I don't know how to find aunt. She's in mumbai but it's such a big city , how will we search for her ? 

But one minute , this work is just like snapping the fingers for you , right ?

She looks at him who was lost in his thoughts...

Siya : (shook him) Raghav !

Raghav : Yes ?

Siya : What happened ? Where are you lost ?

Raghav : Nothing. I was just thinking about your aunt. I won't spare your aunt she'll definitely go to jail.

Siya : Look , I agree that aunt has committed a big crime... Even I want to prove you innocent in front of my family , but...

Raghav : But what ?

Siya : But aunt is our family , Raghav. Sending her to the jail...

Raghav : So , you don't want me to send her to jail ? Are you out of your mind ? Siya , she has done a crime and she's trapped your father , because of her your father went to the jail and you're saying that I shouldn't send her to the jail !

Siya : Look , I understand. And I accept that she should be punished. I'm not saving her , But right now , more than her punishment I'm thinking about uncle's reputation. Aunt does such things often and ruin's uncle's reputation. She's unscrupulous , she won't mind! She used to do these things in the past against me and will continue to do the same in the future but If she goes to jail it'll ruin uncle's reputation. He's a nice man , he doesn't deserve all this.

Raghav : Wow , for you , this entire world is nice. Your Mom , Dad , Uncle , Aunt , Sister , Watchman , Gardener , Milkman , that Ishita and Pratik also you feel for everyone. You're Great , You're Goddess. Your photo should be kept in a temple and revered. But I'm not like that and I don't wish to be like that. I won't spare anyone involved in this crime , not even your aunt because for me she's a criminal ! I'll teach her a lesson.

Siya : Yes , but is it necessary to send her to jail ? Can't we do something else ?

Raghav : Of course , we can. Let's send her to Dubai for shopping. She's done such a rewarding job !

Siya : Raghav , Don't talk nonsense.

Raghav : I'm not talking nonsense , you're showing tantrums.

Siya : Look , Raghav , I...

Raghav : (cuts her) I won't think about your uncle , or his uncle , or his great uncles. Your aunt has committed a crime and she'll go to jail and that's final !

Siya : Think of others for atleast once. Is it necessary to be stubborn ?

Raghav : Yes , It's necessary because that's now I am.

Siya : But I'm not like that , Aunt won't go to jail.

Raghav : I said , She'll go to jail.

Siya : No , she won't !

Raghav : Yes , She'll !

Siya : No !

Raghav : Yes ! 

Siya : No ! 

Raghav : Yes !

Siya : No !

Raghav : Yes !

Siya : Tumhare paas dil nahi hai !

Raghav : Tumhare paas dimag nahi hai ! 

Siya : Tum... Tum na... Ek number ke Khadoos Ho !

Raghav : Achha ! Toh tum bhi... Khargosh Ho !

Siya : Kya ! Khargosh ?

Raghav : H..Ha khargosh !

Siya : Kuch bhi mat bolo !

Raghav : Mai kuch bhi nahi , sach bol raha hun ! Ek number ki khargosh ho tum ! Drama queen !

Siya : Achha ! Aise baat hai toh Mai bhi sach hi keh deti hun... Tum bhi na... Tumm.. Don nahi ho... Donkey ho ! Donkey ! Bade aaye sach kehne wale...

Raghav : (shows his finger) Hey !

Siya : (shows her finger) Hey !

You know what , I don't want to talk to you !

Raghav : Don't talk to me , even I don't want to !

Siya : Fine !

Raghav : Fine !

Both turned around facing their back and looking away from each other...

Siya : (in mind : What does he thinks of himself ? He never listens to anyone.)

Raghav : (in mind : What does she thinks of herself ? She never listens to anyone.)

Siya : (in mind : Who asked him to interfere ? I was solving the things on my own.)

Raghav : (in mind : If she would've solved everything on her own , I wonder what she would've done. She thinks herself as the relative of detective Sherlock Holmes.)

Siya : (in mind : He may have interfered but this case is mine. So , the final decision will be mine. I'll also see how he sends my aunt to jail.)

Raghav : (in mind : I'll send her aunt to jail at any cost. I won't let her support a wrong person in her emotions.)

Then they both started thinking about each other's point of view...

Siya : (in mind : Am I really taking a wrong decision by being too emotional ?)

Raghav : (in mind : Am I really being too heartless and stubborn ?)

Siya : (in mind : Aunt has actually made a grave mistake.)

Raghav : (in mind : Whatever it is , it's her family. Vikram Behl is really a good man.)

Siya takes a glance of Raghav who was facing other side...

Siya : (in mind : If I directly tell him that I am ready to listen him , he'll start acting pricey. I should say it indirectly.)

Raghav also takes a glance of siya was looking other side...

Raghav : (in mind : If I directly tell her that I agree with her then she'll make fun of me for lifetime. I can't tell her directly.)

Then both atonce turned towards each other and said -

Both : (together) Well , I...

They stopped...

Raghav : Go ahead.

Siya : No , You say it first.

Raghav : I said you to say first.

Siya : I told you to go first. 

Raghav : (sighed) I was thinking , your aunt is also a part of our family... And your uncle is a good person as well.

Siya : Yes , But Aunt committed a grave mistake too. We can't spare her by consideration of uncle.

Raghav : Correct. But don't you think that sending her to jail is a bit too much ?

Siya : No. If she stays in jail for a few days , she'll realise her mistake.

Raghav : But you were only saying that she's a member of our family. So , I shouldn't send her to jail.

Siya : Yes, But in such situations you should think practically , not emotionally.

Raghav : Great ! Just a moment ago this practical person was heartless to you.

Siya : I didn't say that.

Raghav : You'd said that.

Siya : No !

Raghav : Yes !

Siya : No !

Raghav : Yes !

Siya : No !

Raghav : Yes !

Siya : No , I didn't said that !

Raghav : Yes , You'd said that ! Next time I'll record it ! You backtracker !

Siya : No one can talk to you !

Raghav : Even I don't really enjoy talking to you !

Siya : Fine !

Raghav : Fine !

They again turned away...


To be continued...

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Thanks for reading...

❤️Love you all❤️

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
