1. Beautiful Revenge (part 22)

Hello ! Welcome to part 22...

Siya tiptoed downstairs, her eyes darting around the house to ensure no one was watching. With a quick, hushed pace, she slipped out of the door, her sigh of relief echoing in the open air.

Approaching the main gate, Siya's path was abruptly blocked by the guard.

Guard: (firmly) "Sorry, ma'am! You can't go outside. It's Raghav Sir's order."

Siya : "I understand, but I really need to step out for a moment. It's important, my patients need me at the hospital, they're counting on me. I will be back within few hours, Please, Let me go."

Guard: (apologetic) "I sympathize, but Mr. Raghav's instructions are crystal clear. No one is to leave without his approval. It's for everyone's safety."

Siya: (exasperated) "Look, I appreciate his concern, but he can't just keep us all locked in here. I have patients relying on me for their recovery. I can't just sit at home when they require treatment."

Guard : "I understand, ma'am, but my hands are tied."

Siya : "But my hands are free."

Saying this, she started opening the lock. Just as the gate began to creak open, a strong hand suddenly grabbed her arm...

Turning around, she met with a pair of fierce eyes, her heart racing with a mix of surprise and apprehension as she found herself face to face with Raghav. His brows were furrowed in a mixture of annoyance and concern.

Raghav: (sternly) "What do you think you're doing?"

Siya: (startled) "Raghav, I... I need to go to the hospital."

Raghav: (angry) "Siya, we've talked about this and I've made it clear that it's not safe for anyone to leave right now."

Siya : (defiantly) "And what about the people who need medical care? Should they just suffer because you said so?"

Raghav : (raising his voice) "You think I'm doing this for no reason? There's a lot going on that you're not aware of. This isn't easy for me either but my orders are for family's protection."

Siya: (voice rising) Protecting us doesn't mean cutting us off from the world! We have lives, responsibilities outside of your..."business."

Raghav: (raising an eyebrow) "Life? You mean your patients and those little exercises?"

Siya: (sarcastically) Yes, Raghav, those "little exercises" are important to the people who need them. Unlike you, I'm not in the business of breaking bones.

Raghav: (leaning in, his tone dangerous) "Do you think I'm just making this up for fun? There are dangers out there that you can't even imagine."

Siya: (matching his intensity) "And what? You think keeping us locked up here like prisoners is going to solve everything?"

Raghav : (taking deep breath) "Siya, this isn't about being a prisoner, These measures are temporary, just until things settle down. I'm doing what I believe is best for all of us. I understand your dedication to your work, but you need to realize the risks involved."

Siya: (with determination) "Raghav, I understand the risks, but my patients are also a part of my responsibility. I can't ignore them."

Raghav : "I didn't ask you to ignore them ! Your friend keerti is there, She can manage your patients for a few days, right? I suggested this earlier."

Siya : "And i took your suggestion but Keerti is on leave due to her health, so I'm covering for her patients too. It's vital that I go. None of my team members can step in because they're unfamiliar with our patients medical needs and also  they're responsible for other aspects of physio services. Their work is different from mine."

Raghav fell into deep thought as Siya continued to plead her case.

Siya: "Raghav, please try to understand my position. I know you're concerned for our safety, and I appreciate that, but I am concerned for my patients too. I need to be there, especially when Keerti is on leave, today our senior will also be present there and you know what he has already warned me for not coming to the hospital regularly, if today I will not be present there then surely I will be terminated. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't absolutely necessary."

Raghav: (sighs) "Siya, you know I'm not used to showing vulnerability, but seeing you put so much passion into your work reminds me of what's important. Fine, you can go to the hospital, but under certain conditions."

Siya: (hopeful) "What conditions?"

Raghav: "You'll have a security personnel to accompany you to the hospital and back. Don't dare to step out of line, you'll  cooperate fully with the security arrangements. No arguments. And I want communication with you as you reach and leave the hospital. The moment anything seems off, you'll inform me and return home."

Siya: (grateful) "Okay. Thank you, Raghav. I promise I'll be careful and come back as soon as possible."

Raghav: (serious) "Just make sure you do. You'll leave in 30 minutes. I'll arrange for your escort. And one was more thing, Siya. I want you to be extra cautious about who you talk to at the hospital. Avoid any unnecessary conversations especially with the strangers, understand?"

Siya: (resigned) "Yes, Raghav, I understand. I won't push my luck any further."

Raghav: (stern) "It's not about luck, Siya. It's about protecting what's mine. Our safety is my responsibility, and I won't tolerate any recklessness. Don't forget that."

She nodded positively...


Siya: "Yes, I know I got late today..." She quickly signed the attendance register at the reception counter, but her heart sank as she heard a familiar voice.

"Ms. Heroine!"

Siya closed her eyes for a moment, muttering to herself, "Oh God, Naik Sir! He's already here for the regular weekly visit."

She thanked the receptionist and turned around, putting on a polite smile as she faced a man in his forties.

Siya: "Siya, my name is Siya, Sir! Good morning."

Naik: "Good morning? What's so good about this morning? It's Friday, and you're 20 minutes late. Plus, Ms. Keerti is on leave, so you have overtime duty today. Do you remember, or have you forgotten?"

Siya: "No, Sir! I do remember, and I'll perform my duty very well. You won't have any reason to complain."

Naik: "I won't let you do that, anyway. But I like your confidence today. You didn't argue with me like usual. Seems like you're having a good time at your in-laws' place."

Siya: "Excuse me, Sir, you're making personal comments again."

Naik: "Well, I assumed you'd come to me today with some excuse to leave early, like you usually do, and I was ready for an argument or pleading. But you surprised me today."

Siya: "I take my work seriously, Sir. If I ever ask for leave, it's for a genuine reason."

Naik : "Really ! It is said that first impression is the last impression, Ms. Siya Behl... sorry sorry..  Mrs. Siya Raghavendra Rao , right ? You have proved it to me in the beginning itself that family is more important for you than being a doctor. And let me tell you one thing that homely people can never become top class professionals. You better get it in your mind. Yes, if you use your husband's power then that's another thing."

Naik's comment struck a nerve with Siya, but she knew he was intentionally provoking her so tried to remain calm, she smiled and replied "You're absolutely right about the first impression, Sir. But I've not come here to impress people. I've come here to learn and do my work well. As for using my husband's power, I respect the boundaries between my personal and professional life. I assure you, I've never done that and never will."  

"Because I value your guidance, which is why I'm here to learn from experienced professionals like you. And you as our senior will always be my side to guide me, won't you? If there are any concerns or improvements you think I should make, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm here to listen and improve. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to join my duty. Have a good day, Sir."

She smiled warmly then walked away, leaving Naik who was taken aback by Siya's professionalism and composed and mature response.


In the hospital corridor, chaos erupted as a group of intimidating figures stormed in. Their voices echoed off the sterile walls as they pushed through the bewildered staff and patients.

"HEY! MOVE ASIDE!" one of the goons bellowed, his voice a thunderous command that demanded immediate attention. "JAY BOSS IS COMING!"

Nurses and doctors scurried out of their path, patients in gurneys were hurriedly wheeled to the side, and the air was thick with tension. The goons, with their imposing presence, seemed to cast a shadow over the entire corridor.

As they advanced, the sound of hushed whispers and nervous murmurs filled the air. Hospital staff exchanged worried glances, not daring to confront these unwelcome intruders.

"HEY! CLEAR THE WAY, YOU IDIOTS!" another goon shouted, shoving a gurney aside as he barked "Boss, don't worry, you'll be fine! I'm looking for the doctor. I'm on it!"

"IS THERE ANY DOCTOR ? MY BOSS IS INJURED !" One of the goon shouted.

Fearing the repercussions of getting involved in this ominous situation, The hospital staff, unsure of what to do, retreated into nearby rooms, leaving behind abandoned medical carts and scattered papers.

"WHERE'S THAT DAMN DOCTOR?" one of the goons shouted, his impatience palpable. The rest of the gang scanned the corridor, their eyes narrowing as they tried to locate any medical personnel. They pushed open doors and barged into examination rooms, startling patients who were in the middle of treatment.

"IS THIS A HOSPITAL OR A GRAVEYARD?" shouted Jay, whose arm had a deep cut with blood oozing down his fingers. He glared at the empty corridor, realizing that the hospital staff had disappeared in fear, leaving him and his gang to fend for themselves in this chaotic and eerie environment.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE DOCTOR ?" His frustration was evident, and he kicked a stretcher, sending it hurtling forward toward a small girl who stood in its path.

Just as disaster seemed imminent, a figure emerged, stopping the stretcher in its tracks just inches away from the small girl – it was Siya.

She looked at the girl, her face reassuring as she gently said, "It's alright, sweetie. You're safe now." Siya then guided the terrified girl to a nearby nurse, ensuring she received the care and comfort she needed.

Siya turned her attention back to Jay, her eyes now filled with determination and a hint of anger.

Jay stared at Siya with a mix of surprise, In the midst of the chaos, Siya stood her ground, her expression unwavering despite the intimidating presence of Jay and his gang.

Siya : "Hey! What's going on here ? The child could've been hurt."

Jay : "Aey, madam ! Can't you see my injury ?"

Siya : "Just because you're hurt, you would hurt others too ! Look, Such insolence won't be tolerated here."

Jay : "Khare ! Bhushan ! I asked you to take me to a hospital, why did you brought me to a school ? This teacher is giving me lessons on moral science !"

Bhushan : "Wonderful Boss, you can crack jokes in such pain too."

Jay : "I can crack bones in such pain too. If i won't get treatment soon, neither you'll be here nor the jokes. Tell me madam, will i get the treatment or not ?"

Siya : "Nurse ! Take him to the OPD!"

Khare : "Com'on, boss !"

They proceeded to the OPD, only to find all the beds occupied.

Jay : "Huh ? All the beds are occupied. Khare ! Bhushan ! Get this old man out of the bed !"

Both nodded...

Khare: "Hey, old man! Get up! You're discharged!"

They forcefully removed his mask and yanked out his drips...

Old Man: "What are you doing? This is my bed!"

Bhushan: "It was your bed, but now it's my boss's bed."

With a rough shove, they tossed him off the bed...

Old Man: "You're not doing good. This is hooliganism..."

Khare: "This is our style, now get out!"

They aggressively pushed him toward the door, not caring for his protests... However, Siya stepped in, catching the elderly patient safely before he could fall.

Siya : "Aap theek toh hai ? (Are you okay?)"

Ward boys helped him to sit on a chair while Siya's gaze shifted towards the goons, her eyes blazing with anger.

Jay : "Hey you, Nurse ! Come on, now call the best doctor, fast ! Tell that Jay Mhatre is waiting !"

Saying this as he was about to sit on bed, Siya swiftly pushed it back, causing Jay to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

The room fell silent for a moment, with everyone in the ward, including Jay's henchmen, taken aback by Siya's bold action.

Siya: "In this hospital, we treat patients with respect, regardless of who they are. You'll get medical attention, but you won't dictate how we do our job."

Khare and bhushan made Jay stand, who was startled and slightly embarrassed by the fall, he glared at Siya, but her determination was unwavering.


Siya : "Stay down Mr. Mhatre, Barking here like street dogs won't give you special attention, your injury will be treated with the same care and attention as anyone else's in this hospital. We follow medical ethics here, not threats. You can't just barge in and demand things."


Dr. Naik was sitting in his cabin studying reports... when suddenly he heard a knock...

Naik : "Come in !"

A lady doctor entered impatiently...

Doctor : "Sir... Sir please come to the OPD immediately. A patient named Jay Mhatre and his men are creating ruckus over there."

Naik : "Siya is over there, right ?"

Doctor : "But sir..."

Naik : (cut her) "She's Siya Raghavendra Rao. Don't you know she has so much of attitude ? How long she'll show the attitude to an kind doctor like me ? Let her show some attitude to the goons too."

Doctor : "But sir, Siya cannot handle them alone and other senior doctors duty hours are over. No one is available Sir, it's about hospital's reputation please come."


Siya : "Your bed is over there, go and sit there, okay ?"

Jay : "But i want this bed."

Siya : "Alright ! Either take the bed or the treatment ! Your treatment shall began only if you go to that bed."

Jay : " HEY! Who brought her here ? Someone call the other experienced senior doctor."

Siya: "No other doctor is available right now, and those who were here, you already scared them away with your behavior. No one else is willing to treat you. That's why I have been appointed for your treatment. Now the choice is yours. Do you want treatment or not?"

Jay grumbled but eventually made his way to the designated bed, realizing that his tactics wouldn't work here. Siya instructed the ward boy to shift the old man back on his bed and resumed her professionalism, preparing to provide him with the medical care he needed, just like any other patient.

Jay : "I wonder where do such doctors come from ? Who made them doctors ?"

Siya : "Look, please be quiet ! Otherwise the bleeding won't stop."

Jay : " Hey doctor, please stop this pain first, give me a painkiller !"

Siya : "I'm the doctor, i'll decide whether to give you the painkiller or not. Let me examine the wound first, i want to see how deep it is."

As she took his hand to inspect the injury, Jay yelped in pain and pulled away getting up.



Dr. Naik was standing at door observing everything...

 Doctor : "Did you see that, Sir ?"

Naik : "Yes, Dr. Siya's arrogance is still intact. She's going to learn a lesson today. Now i'll show her who is the real boss here ?"

He walked inside...

Naik : "Dr. Siya move aside. What's going on here ? I heard that you're creating ruckus in my hospital. You're misbehaving with my staff. Who the heck are you ?"

Jay : "So you're the senior doctor here. You're acting smart with me ! Khare !

Khare immediately pointed the knife at Naik...

Naik : "Y..You're trying to scare me with the knife ?"

Jay : "If anyone shows me the attitude, I show them the knife. And I don't just show it, I can stab too. Would it look nice to become a patient in the same hospital where you're working as a doctor, to stich your own wound by yourself. Do you know who I am ? Who was my dad ? Who was my uncle ? Half of the mumbai still fears by my dad's name." 

"Give me an effective painkiller right away otherwise, I swear, i shall burn this entire hospital down."

Naik : "What am I hearing ? Why hasn't the patient been given painkiller yet ?"

Siya : "Sir...

Naik : (cut her) "Get the painkiller right now ! Mr. Mhatre please sit down. And Dr. Siya prepare for his treatment."

Siya : "Sorry Sir, par mai aise badtameez patient ko treat nahi kar sakti. And also its not the part of my job, Dr. Jhanvi is incharge for OPD patients and now when she's present here she will do her job."

Naik : "What are you saying, Siya ?"

Jay : (shouted) "AEY LADKI !"

Siya : (shouts back) "AEY ! LADKI NAHI, DOCTOR SIYA, SAMAJLA ?" (Hey ! I'm Dr. Siya, UNDERSTAND?)


Khare : "You don't know how to talk to boss ?"

Bhushan: "Should I tell you how to do it ?"

Siya : "HEY ! JUST SHUT UP ! We doctors keep our eyes open for 24 hours so that you patients eyes doesn't get closed. In return, if not anything, you can give a little bit of respect. You can atleast behave well. And this entire city might be under your father. But this hospital is neither under your father or uncles nor anyone else. Keep this in your mind."

"And if you've so have so much arrogance then go, Go and get yourself treated in some other hospital which runs under your father's control. Don't show your hooliganism to me, it won't work. And for your kind information it's illegal to threaten a doctor. So, If I want I can file a complaint against you and have you put behind the bars. Then you can choose your painkiller in the jail. UNDERSTAND ? YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND."

Jay : "Hey... Bhushan.. khare... Look, This doctor is threatening me in my language. I'm impressed, I like it. Now, I want to get treated here in this hospital and by this doctor only."

Siya : "You.."

Naik : "Siya ! No more arguments now, please. You will do his treatment meanwhile Dr. Jhanvi you look at the other patients."

Siya : "But sir..."

Naik : "Dr. Siya It's my order !"

Siya unwillingly agreed, "Okay, Sir."

Dr. Jhanvi : (to nurse) "Siya fought back with the goons so well , right ?"

Nurse : "Yes, She taught them a good lesson and that too without revealing her identity that she's Mrs. Raghavendra Rao. It was so fun to watch."


Siya : "I've injected the painkiller, it will work faster. The pain will be reduced."

Jay : "I don't know about the painkiller but your attitude is working on me."

Siya ignoring his nonsense, "I have to do the dressing, Please remove the bracelet and rings."

Jay : "And What If I don't remove it ?"

Siya, undeterred, gave him a stern look, making it clear she wasn't in the mood for games.

Jay : "Madam , Don't stare at me like this, my heart might fail. Bhushan !"

With a smirk, he extended his hand, allowing Bhushan to remove his rings and bracelet

Jay : "See I removed the ornaments, Btw, If you say, Shall I put one of the ring in your finger."

Siya, choosing to ignore his comments, stayed focused on her task at hand. "Dr. Kanchan, We've to take an x-ray of his forearm."

Dr. Kanchan : "okay."

Jay : "Fine, If not today then some other time. I will surely do it."

Siya continued the dressing, her professionalism unwavering. Jay couldn't help but admire her composure and determination. His hand moved to brush away a few strands of hair from Siya's face, an action that crossed line. Siya, with a swift and assertive motion, jerked his hand away and slapped him hard rising up from her seat in anger.

Bhushan : "Hey doctor !"

The unexpected slap left Jay momentarily stunned, his gaze locked on Siya, who had finally made it clear that her patience had its limits.

Siya : "How dare you to touch me ?"

Jay : "Madam I touched your face so lovingly and you slapped me, isn't it wrong ?

Siya : "Stop your nonsense and apologize" 

Jay : "You slapped me but I liked it. Atleast you touched me. I swear, I loved it. Thankyou but if you say then I'll apologize for it."

Siya : "You are trying to act oversmart, aren't you ? But don't think that I'll get scared of cheap goons like you. I know very well to set people like you straight. So, better stay in your limits. Understand ?"

With that, she walked out of the room, leaving Jay to ponder her words...

Jay : "Is she a doctor or a chilli ? Now I want her only. What do you both say ?"

Bhushan : "Boss your choice means, top of the world."

Nurse : "Do you even know who she is ?"

Jay : "My would be wife."

Nurse : "Mrs. Siya Raghavendra Rao !"

Jay and his henchmen looked at her in shock...

Khare : "Siya Raghavendra Rao... m..matlab.. ye uski biwi hai... Woh Raghavendra Rao."

Kanchan : Ha ! Wahi Raghavendra Rao... jiske aage tum jaise gunde paani Kam chai hai ! Isliye behtar yahi hoga chup chap apna ilaaj karwao aur yaha se chalte bano... Aur bhool kar bhi uske taraf dekhna bhi mat"

With that, Kanchan walked away, tending to her duties, leaving Jay to grapple with this newfound knowledge. Bhushan and Khare exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Bhushan : "Boss aap toh use mirchi bomb samajh rahe the... Woh toh dynamite nikli !

Khare : "Boss forget that doctor, we will find a better girl for you."

Frustration surged within Jay, and he grabbed Khare by the neck in anger, choking him momentarily.

Jay : (shouted) "AEY ! DON'T YOU GET IT ? I WANT HER ONLY AND I WILL GET HER. The whole world might be afraid of him but Jay Mhatre is not afraid of that Raghavendra Rao. Did you get it ?"

He released Khare, who fell back, coughing, as Jay's determination to win over Siya burned fiercely within him.

Bhushan : "But Boss, Raghavendra Rao is a powerful and dangerous man. Going after his wife could lead to serious consequences. Are you sure about this ?"

Jay's expression remained resolute. "I've made up my mind, and I don't want to hear any more objections. I will get her at any cost."

Both : "How ?"

Jay : "There's is someone special who can do this and i'll show the world that even the mighty Raghavendra Rao can't protect what's his. Siya will be mine, and I'll make sure of it."


Siya entered the house, her mind consumed by the events at the hospital. R/m passing by, saw her and approached her with a warm smile...

R/m : "Siya... you came back... how wa..."

She paused when she saw Siya walking past, seemingly lost in her thoughts...

R/m : "Siya ?"

Siya finally snapped out of her reverie, she turned around her eyes refocusing on concerned r/m. She walked towards her...

Siya: "Oh, Maa, I'm sorry. I didn't even notice you there."

R/m: "Is everything alright, dear? You look quite preoccupied."

Siya: "It's just been a hectic day at the hospital, Maa so I am feeling tired, nothing else."

R/m: "Okay, you go and freshen up. Dinner is ready, you must be feeling hungry, right?"

Siya managed a faint smile, appreciating her concern and went upstairs. Meanwhile as r/m turned to go, Raghav entered the house busy on his phone, clearly agitated. R/m noticed the frustration in his face.

R/m: "Raghav, what happened?"

Raghav : "Maa, Siya isn't answering my phone calls. I've called her numerous times. I told her this morning to stay in touch with me, but this girl is so stubborn, she doesn't listen to me. I had explicitly asked her to return early, and now it's 8 pm. I have no idea what she's up to..."

R/m : (cuts him) "Calm down, Raghav. Siya just got back from the hospital."

Raghav: "What?! She's back? This girl... I swear... I had strictly told her that she would only come and go with the security I arranged for her. I don't understand why she can't follow a simple instruction. I do all this for her safety, and she just..."

R/m: "Raghav,she did come back, but she looked really tired and lost in thought. She said it was a hectic day at the hospital. You know how dedicated she is to her work. Maybe she lost track of time, but I'm sure she didn't mean to worry you."

Raghav: "Maa, I understand her dedication, but I can't have her disobeying my orders like this. It's for her safety."

R/m: "You're right... Okay you do one thing, Let her freshen up, then talk to her calmly, Give her a chance to explain, Raghav. You know she's not one to act recklessly."

Raghav : "But she did acted recklessly, maa. Atleast she would've informed me before leaving."

R/m: "I know, Raghav. But she's responsible. Let's hear her side of the story first. Come on now go, you also freshen up then come downstairs for dinner. Go !"

Raghav nodded reluctantly and headed upstairs...


Siya stood in front of the open wardrobe, her thoughts swirling with the events of the day, Suddenly, Raghav's voice broke through her reverie...

Raghav : "Siya !"

Siya turned around and saw him walking towards her, clearly not in a good mood.

Raghav : "Si...

Before Raghav could say anything more, She reached out and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug, ignoring his furious exterior. 

Raghav was taken aback, his anger momentarily replaced by a mixture of surprise and confusion. He wasn't used to this side of Siya, and her embrace caught him off guard. She clung to him as if trying to convey a sea of emotions through that single gesture, there was a longing for comfort and reassurance that had surged to the surface when she saw Raghav. He hesitated before slowly wrapping his arms around her, offering her the comfort and support he felt she needed at that moment. 

As Siya held Raghav in a tight embrace, She could feel his strong heartbeat beneath her ear, a rhythmic reminder of his presence and the bond that was slowly forming between them. In Raghav's arms, she felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and security that she never felt before with anyone. It was as if the chaos of the day, the challenges at the hospital, and the worries had all faded away.

Raghav, while still somewhat perplexed by Siya's sudden hug, couldn't ignore the fact that something had shifted in her demeanor. Siya had always been fiercely independent and had an ability to handle any situation. Her embrace felt filled with a sense of vulnerability he hadn't seen in her before. He felt that something significant had occurred, something that had affected her deeply.

Raghav: "Siya, what's going on? Is everything alright?"

Just as the words left his mouth, Siya realized what she was doing and pulled away abruptly, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of her emotions and the events of the day pressing upon her...

Siya: "N... Nothing... I... I just..."

Siya's eyes darted away for a moment as she struggled to come up with an explanation. She knew she couldn't reveal the chaos at the hospital and the unexpected encounter with Jay Mhatre and his goons to Raghav.

Siya : "I..It's just been a long and exhausting day at the hospital.. so.. I-I was j..just pr..pre occupied a..and didn't realised when I..I s.suddenly..."

Raghav : (cuts her) "Siya, don't dare to hide anything from me. You're not one to suddenly hug me like that for 'nothing'. What's bothering you?"

Siya: "Raghav, it's really nothing. Just a tough day at work, that's all."

Before he could inquire further, she excused herself, mentioning that she needed to freshen up.  As Siya closed the bathroom door behind her, she leaned against it, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart. The hug had been impulsive, a rare moment of vulnerability she hadn't expected herself to show especially to Raghav.

She opened her eyes, and walked ahead looking at her own reflection with a mixture of surprise and confusion. She couldn't help but replay the moment when she had hugged Raghav in her mind. It was an unexpected display of vulnerability that had surprised both of them.

Siya: (whispering to herself) "What's happening to me? Why did I hug him like that? I don't know what got into me... I've never done anything like that before."

Raghav standing in the bedroom, although somewhat puzzled by Siya's weird behaviour, couldn't ignore the sense that something was amiss. His instincts, honed by years in the world of business and organized crime, told him that there was more to her actions than met the eye.

Raghav : "There's something, she's hiding from me... but what ? I need to find out..'

Saying this he turned to leave but paused, realizing the absurdity of his actions. He had originally entered the room with the intention of addressing her defiance, but now he found himself embroiled in a different, unexpected situation.

Raghav : "Wait, what the hell am I doing ? I was here to confront her about violating my rules and here she caught me in some thing entirely different. Let her come out."

Saying this he took out his mobile and sat there on the bed scrolling it... When Suddenly siya's phone kept on the bed rang grabbing raghav's attention , it was her friend Keerti.

He swiftly pressed the power button to silence it, The call ended, only to be followed by another call from Keerti a few seconds later, which he also silenced. The phone went silent, only to ring again a few seconds later, once more displaying Keerti's name. Raghav, growing more annoyed, silenced the call again. Yet, the calls from Siya's friend Keerti continued, making him increasingly agitated. 

Growing increasingly annoyed, Raghav decided to answer the call, muttering to himself, "Women and their impatience. What's so urgent that she can't stop calling for a while?"

He picked up the call, but before he could even say hello, Keerti's voice burst through the phone, filled with concern and questions...

Keerti : "Finally you picked up my call! Where are you? Why weren't you answering? Do you know since I heard about the goons at the hospital, and that they misbehaved with you, I was so worried for you Siya."

Raghav was taken aback, His expression hardened as he listened to her, realizing that there was something much more serious happening that he had been unaware of. Just then, he saw Siya emerging from the bathroom...

Keerti, still on the call, continued, "Thank God you're fine! They didn't harm you. You really fought back well my lioness but still I can't believe all this. I think they weren't aware of your identity that you're Mrs. Raghavendra Rao otherwise they wouldn't dare to behave like that with you even in their dreams and... 

Raghav's grip on the phone tightened as he heard Keerti's words. His eyes remained locked on Siya whose expression had shifted from confusion to surprise as she noticed her phone in Raghav's hand.

Keerti, on the other end of the line, continued to speak, unaware of the brewing storm at the other end.

Keerti : Why aren't you saying anything? Hello ?... Siya ? Are you there ?... Hel.."

Raghav ended the call and turned his full attention to Siya, who stood before him...

Siya: "Raghav, wha—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Raghav's demeanor shifted abruptly. He pinned her against the wall with a sudden intensity, leaving Siya startled and breathless. His intense gaze bore into hers, and for a moment, the room seemed to hold its breath. Siya, feeling the weight of his scrutiny, swallowed nervously, her heart racing. His voice was calm yet his tone laced with a dangerous edge that sent shivers down her spine.

"When were you planning to tell me about this?" he demanded, his eyes searching hers for answers.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about. Please, let me go." she managed to utter and evade the topic, her eyes darted between Raghav's intense gaze, taken aback by his knowledge of the situation.

Raghav's voice remained firm as he confronted her, "So, you aren't getting anything? Fine."

With that, he released his grip on her hands and turned away, creating a momentary sense of relief for Siya. But before she could fully comprehend the situation, he swiftly turned back and blocked her between him and the wall, his hand slamming against it with a resounding thud sending shockwaves through her. Siya's eyes snapped shut in response, her heart pounding.

Raghav's voice, although dangerously low, was filled with an unsettling mixture of anger, concern, and frustration,"Don't play games with me, Siya. I'm not a fool. Your phone was ringing off the hook with calls from Keerti, I heard everything she said on the phone. Those goons at the hospital, their behavior towards you. And you kept this entire thing hidden from me. I don't appreciate being kept in the dark."

Siya bit her lip, feeling a growing sense of unease. She hadn't expected Raghav to discover the events of her day so quickly, and now she found herself struggling to explain her actions. Her eyes filled with trepidation.

Siya: (nervously) "Raghav, I can explain..."


Siya: "Raghav, I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. It was just a chaotic day at the hospital, and I thought it was better not to burden you with it."

Raghav's expression remained unreadable as he processed her words. He had always been protective of Siya, and now he felt a mixture of anger, concern, and frustration at her decision to keep him in the dark.


His voice grew more intense as he continued, reminding her of the specific instructions he had given her before she left.



Siya tried to comfort him when he started yelling at her, "Raghav please, calm down."


Siya : "I..."

Her voice was cut off by knock at the door, they saw Azaad standing there...

Azaad : "Sir, sorry to disturb you both but it's very important thing I need to tell you."

Raghav : "Go ahead"

Azaad hesitated for a moment, glancing at Siya, "But sir, here..."

Raghav's patience was running thin, and he demanded, "Azaad, just speak. We don't have time for formalities."

Azaad, recognizing the urgency in Raghav's tone, finally divulged the information he had come to share, "Sir, it's about him, you were absolutely right, he's here in Mumbai itself."

Raghav : "Did you find him ?"

Azaad : "No sir, we didn't found him but yes Our men had an encounter with some of his goons, resulting in a scuffle where unfortunately they managed to escape. According to our other sources, they were last seen around the hospital where Siya ma'am works and they were three."

Siya, connecting the dots, whispered, "It seems they were those three only."

Raghav's anger surged at the confirmation. His expression hardened and his clenched fists and jaw reflected his determination to take action.

Raghav: "Who were they?"

Azaad appeared momentarily confused by the question, "Sir ?"

Raghav: "Siya! Who were they?"

Siya, feeling the gravity of the situation, provided the names.

Siya: "One was Jay Mhatre, and the other two were Khare and Bhushan."

Raghav: "Azaad, get my car ready, and I want to know the whereabouts of these three within ten minutes!"

Azaad, although initially confused, nodded in agreement and quickly left to carry out Raghav's orders. 

As Azaad departed, Raghav retrieved his gun from his back, loaded it with a determined expression. 

Siya looking at the gun in his hand then at him, "Raghav ! What are you going to do ?"

Raghav, however, remained focused on his mission and his anger was palpable. He began to leave the room, ignoring Siya's inquiries. But her determination matched his own, and she reached out to stop him, holding onto his arm.

Siya: "Where are you going?"

He glared at her and removed her hand from his arm, ready to depart. But her words stopped him in his tracks.

Siya, her voice filled with a mix of emotions, couldn't help but express her frustration, "You know what, because of this anger of yours, I wasn't telling you anything."

Raghav's anger was still simmering, and he turned to Siya with an intense expression, Siya, however, stood her ground, her eyes unwavering as she held his gaze. 

Siya: "Yes, I knew that if I told you, you would react in the same way."

Raghav's frustration was palpable, his grip on the gun tightening as he replied, "So, What do you want? How should I react? Should I give them a bravery medal for this daring act?"

Siya: "I just want you to cool down."

Raghav remained adamant, "Cool down, seriously ? You want me to cool down after knowing that some goons that too of my rivals came and misbehaved with you."

Siya: "Yes, I want you to cool down because they've already faced the consequences of their actions. They won't be causing any more trouble. Reacting impulsively won't change anything; it might only make things worse. I handled the situation there, and the matter has ended."

Raghav : "No way ! The matter hasn't ended there ! What do you think of yourself, Who are you ? You aren't any girl whom they'd messed up with. You're my wife. You are Mrs. Raghavendra Rao not someone to be trifled with. They dared to cross the line with you, It's not something I can simply ignore. They will pay for what they did ! 

Siya : "Lekin Raghav, har problem ka solution gun nahi hoti !"

Raghav : "Jab paani sar ke upar nikalta hai toh gun uthani padti hai !"

Siya : "Why don't you think with a cool mind ? If someone makes a mistake then it is not necessary that he should be killed, there are other ways also."

Raghav's dark eyes blazed with an intense possessiveness as he countered her argument, his voice laced with aggression, "So now, you're showing sympathy for them too?"

Siya : "Yes, I am, but not for them—for you! You know what ! Your problem is your anger ! You need to learn to control it, for your own sake. Your anger is your biggest enemy. Whenever you're angry, you lose your senses, and you don't listen to anyone, not even yourself. You don't realize what you're doing, or what the consequences could be."

Raghav : "Yes I'm aggressive ! And that's why I keep telling you, don't test my patience, stay away from me and my business, because when my anger flares, there's no limit to what I can do. Do you understand?"

With that, Raghav attempted to leave the room, but Siya, refusing to yield, took a step forward, and snatched the gun from his hand.

Raghav's dark eyes bore into Siya's determined ones as he growled, "Siya, just now what I said! Give me the Gun back !"

Siya stood her ground, unwavering in her resolve. Her voice remained remarkably calm in the face of Raghav's escalating fury, a determined edge in her tone.

Siya: "I won't!"

Raghav clenched his jaw, his temper flaring. He took a step towards her, his voice laced with frustration.

Raghav : "Give my gun back, I said ! I don't like to repeat my words ! "

Siya : "Wow, Same pinch ! I also don't like to repeat my words and I said No !"

Raghav : "Siya ! I am serious!"

Siya : "What a coincidence, Raghav ! I am also serious."

Raghav, his temper a boiling cauldron of emotions, couldn't believe that Siya had dared to snatch the gun from his hand.

Raghav: "Siya, this is not a joke. Give me the gun immediately!"

Siya boldly pointed the gun at herself, her expression unwavering. For a brief moment, his anger seemed to freeze in place as he processed the gravity of her actions. His aggressive demeanor shifted to one of disbelief.


Siya : (cuts him) "No need to shout ! I know you are very angry so I just thought to give you some peace. According to you, this is the punishment for the one who commits a mistake, Few minutes before you said that I've also comitted mistakes that too three. So I also deserve this right ?"

Raghav : (gritting teeth) "Siya last time I'm saying... Give.it.back.to.me."

Siya : "Last time I'm also saying, Raghav. Either you calm down or If you want to act aggressively then I will be the first victim of your anger. Choice is yours."

Raghav : "Give me the gun, and we'll talk about this."

Siya: "No, Raghav. We'll talk about this first, and then I'll consider giving you the gun."

Raghav : "Fine, You will not agree so easily..."

He walked towards her to snatch the gun from her but before that she moved to other side...

Siya : "No.. I will not give."

He followed her all over the room trying to catch her as she ran away from him...

Raghav: "Siya, this is not a game!"

Siya : "I'm not playing games, Raghav. I just want you to listen to me.". 

Finally, in a swift move, Raghav managed to corner Siya near the bed. As Raghav closed the distance between them, Siya held the gun tightly behind her back, but her resolve began to waver. His proximity was overwhelming, and she found herself trapped, both physically and emotionally. Their eyes locked in an intense, unspoken battle of wills..

Just as Raghav's fingers grazed the gun, Siya's resistance faltered. In an unexpected twist, her foot caught the edge of the bed, and she stumbled backward, unintentionally pulling Raghav along with her. Their combined momentum led to an unceremonious tumble onto the soft bed, with Siya landing beneath Raghav, both of them breathless from the chase and the unexpected fall.

Their eyes locked once more, but this time, the intensity was different. The room seemed to hold its breath as the seconds stretched on. Raghav's intense gaze softened meeting hers and his hands, which had initially reached for the gun, now rested on either side of Siya, supporting his weight while her's one arm wrapped around his neck and other on his shoulder holding the gun. Neither of them made a move to change their position, as if caught in a spell.

Raghav : (looking in her eyes) "What is your problem ? Why don't you understand anything at once ?"

Siya : (looking in his eyes) "Do you understand ? I'm also saying something but you aren't even listening to me !"

Raghav : "Listen to what ? Your Lies ?"

Siya : "Do you have the patience to hear the truth ?"

Raghav : "Listen Siya..."

Siya : "No you listen !"

Raghav : "LISTEN TO ME I SAID !"

Siya : "NO, YOU LISTEN TO ME FIRST ! I didn't tell you immediately because I knew you would react impulsively, and that could have made the situation worse. That hospital would have become a battlefield. I handled it as a professional at the hospital, and the goons left. I'm not defenseless, Raghav. I can protect myself, too."

Raghav: "Siya, you should have told me. You can't handle everything on your own. What if the situation had worsened ?"

Siya : "Then there are other ways to handle this, Raghav. Violence isn't always the answer. We can involve the authorities, let them handle it."

Raghav: "Authorities? Siya, you're naive if you think the authorities can handle these people. I've dealt with them long enough to know that they're beyond the reach of the law. The only language they understand is the one I speak. We need to take matters into our own hands to protect what's ours."

Siya: "I'm not an object from your jwellery showrooms to be protected. I'm your wife, and I can handle myself when needed. Your concern is appreciated, but it doesn't mean you can control every aspect of my life, especially my work. And you only tell me, if they had come as your enemy then they would've just harmed me, they wouldn't have created so much ruckus at the hospital. It's just a coincidence that they were your rivals. They didn't even know that I am your wife. They assumed me like any other doctor over there and misbehaved with me, and in return, I gave them a befitting reply, and the matter ended. It has nothing to do with me being your wife."

Raghav: "So, why did you need to get into this mess, who told you to go and fight with those goons? Before going, I had also told you not to, but no, madam wants to become a hero everywhere."

Siya: "So what should I do, watch the show like everyone else? Did you know what kind of terror that goon created? No doctor in the entire hospital could muster the courage to go in front of him."

Raghav: "Yes, because they were all sensible, not like you."

Siya : "What do mean by not like me ?"

Raghav : "I mean..."

*Door knock*

Raghav's mother's voice followed by the door knock pulled them out of their intense exchange, They quickly separated and got up from the bed, siya quickly hid the gun behind her.

Raghav's mother standing at the door entered the room, her eyes moving between her son and daughter-in-law, sensing the tension that still hung in the air.

R/m : "What's going on here? Why were you two shouting? I could hear your voices from downstairs. Is everything okay?"

Siya and Raghav exchanged a quick, meaningful glance. Siya, replied, "It was just a small argument, nothing serious. We're fine now."

Raghav nodded in agreement, not wanting to worry his mother further. Raghav's Mother studied their faces for a moment, her maternal instincts telling her that there was more to the story than they were letting on. However, she chose not to press further and decided to give them their space.

R/m: "Alright, as long as everything's fine now. Just remember, you two are a team, and you should always support each other, not fight like enemies."

Siya and Raghav both nodded, silently acknowledging her wisdom. 

R/m: "By the way, Raghav, your car is ready outside. Azaad mentioned that you're going somewhere?"

Raghav : "Actually Maa..."

Siya's quick interruption surprised Raghav, 

Siya: (firmly) "No, Maa! He isn't going anywhere."

Raghav's mother accepted this without further inquiry, knowing that whatever had transpired between them, they needed some time to settle their differences.

R/m: "Alright then, dinner is ready. Come downstairs, both of you."

Siya : "Yes, Maa, we'll be down in a few minutes."

With that, she turned to leave but added a lighthearted comment before exiting the room.

R/m: "Remember to close the door next time."

Hearing her words they looked at each other awkwardly then looked away...

Raghav : "Why did you say that I'm not going anywhere?"

Siya, still reeling from their argument, sighed and replied, "So, what should I say? That you're going to commit murders ?"

Raghav was momentarily taken aback by her bluntness...

Raghav : "Listen, you're crossing your limits now and I won't..."

Siya : (cuts him) "Shhh! Now stop it ! How much will you shout ? Do you know that people's blood pressure increases due to excessive anger? And seeing your anger, I feel as if you might have a heart attack. Learn to control your anger a little, it will be good for you and everyone else too."

She looked around then taking a step close towards him, said "Sorry ! I shouldn't have disobeyed you, Raghav. I know your anger is just a reflection of your concern for me, and I appreciate that. I admit that I made a mistake, and I won't repeat this again."

Raghav was somewhat surprised by Siya's unexpected apology, Still processing her words, he found himself at a loss for words. 

Raghav finally found his voice, "I..."

But Siya gently cut him off, her understanding nature shining through.

Siya: "It's okay, Raghav. I know you want to apologize for your behavior, and I appreciate that too. I know that you go out of your mind in anger, it's okay. We both have our flaws, but that's what makes us human. We both made mistakes today, but we'll learn from them, right ?

So there's no need to feel guilty. Just remember to control your anger from next time because not everyone is like me who can handle you. If it had been someone else, might have fainted out of fear."

As she finished speaking,  she noticed Raghav gazing at her with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

Siya: "What are you looking at me like this for?"

Raghav: "Tumhe bolne ki bimari hai kya?"

Siya back questioned him, "Tum gangsters ka humesha ye sadu face expression aur behavior compulsory hai kya?" (Is it compulsory for you gangsters to have this serious facial expression and behavior all the time?)

"Life is too short to be serious all the time, Mr. Rao. Thoda haso, muskurao, normal behave Kiya Karo. Humesha 'Angry Bird' bane rehne ki zarurat nahi hai." (Laugh, smile, try to behave normally. There's no need to always be an angry bird.)

Raghav raised an eyebrow, Siya, realizing she had pushed her luck a bit too far, quickly made an excuse about feeling hungry and dashed out of the room, leaving Raghav behind...

Raghav let out a sigh, partially exasperated and partially amused by Siya's straightforwardness. He couldn't help but feel a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips, despite his earlier anger, which was a rare sight for those who knew him primarily as a fierce gangster. He often found himself torn between irritation and admiration for her ability to confront him so directly. She could challenge him when needed, calm his anger, and make him smile, all in the span of a few minutes.

"Ahaan! There it is! That's the smile I wanted to see." Siya couldn't help but revel in her little victory. Her playful demeanor shone brightly as she stood at the door, gazing at Raghav with a sparkle in her eyes.

Raghav, caught off guard by her persistence, had allowed a brief smile to grace his lips, but he quickly reverted to his usual stoic expression.

Siya confidently walked closer, closing the distance between them.

Siya: "Arey, Raghav! Come on, Smile na... it really suits you."

Raghav remained stoic, his expression unchanged.

Siya sighed theatrically, rolling her eyes in mock frustration. "It's Okay to smile sometimes. It won't ruin your reputation. You know, they say a smile a day keeps the stress away. Anyways, Here you go, Mr. Gangster, your precious gun. I promise I won't snatch it from you again... unless absolutely necessary."

Siya handed him the gun and stood there, looking at Raghav's stoic expression for a moment longer. She couldn't resist one last attempt to break his facade but before Siya could make another comment, he turned to leave the room abruptly.

Siya watched him go with an amused grin, shaking her head. She knew she had managed to crack his tough exterior for a moment, and that was a small victory in her book. She understood that Raghav's tough exterior was a shield he had built over the years, but she was equally determined to peel those layers away. She had glimpsed the man with a pure heart behind the mask, and she knew that he was more than the feared gangster everyone perceived him to be.

With a soft sigh and a hint of a smile playing on her lips, Siya muttered to herself, "One day, Mr. Khadoos Rao, I'll make sure that this genuine smile of yours becomes a permanent feature, not just a rare sighting."

But Little did she know that beneath Raghav's tough exterior, he was already smiling, albeit inwardly, at the woman who had managed to bring moments of lightness into his otherwise intense life.


"Siya Raghavendra Rao!" Spoke a shadowy figure from the dimly lit room.

Jay Mhatre leaned in, his face half-covered in darkness but his eyes gleaming with an unsettling obsession.

Jay Mhatre: "Yes. Imagine how much easier your work will become if we got her."

The mysterious enemy of Raghavendra Rao, hidden in the shadows, couldn't help but chuckle darkly at the thought.

Mysterious Figure: "Jay, you've shown promise by causing chaos in their lives. But tell me, why this sudden obsession with Siya ? You don't have any enemity with him ?"

Jay Mhatre: "Enmity happened at that very moment I came to know that she's his wife. She's not just any woman. She's... mesmerizing. The way she carries herself, her defiance, it's like a challenge. And I love challenges. You know, she's not scared of me or anyone else. She stood her ground when we confronted her, and that fire in her eyes... it's driving me crazy."

Mysterious Figure: "And how do you plan to use this to our advantage?"

Jay Mhatre: "Simple. We exploit his weakness. We get to Siya, and we can control Raghavendra Rao. He'll do whatever it takes to protect her, even if it means betraying his own principles."

Mysterious Figure: "Hm... But You're playing with fire, Jay. Do you even know him ? Raghavendra Rao is not someone to be underestimated."

Jay Mhatre: (smirking) "That's where you come in. I need your help to get my obsession and in return you get yours, your enemity with Raghav. This can be a perfect chance for you to take your revenge. He is your biggest enemy and you yourself know this very well that there can be no one better than you in this world who can compete with Raghavendra Rao.

When our enemy is one then why don't we also become one, We can work together as a team to get what we want and make sure Raghav never suspects a thing until it's too late."

Mysterious Person: "I'll consider it, Jay. But think for the last time, I don't team up with anyone easily because no one dares to stand in front of Raghav, Even if one does, he either runs away in between out of fear or is killed at last. Raghavendra Rao won't be an easy target. Only do it if you really think you can. Because if you ran in between or loose and by mistake survived then I'll kill you. There is no chance of survival."

Jay Mhatre: "Oh, I'm well aware of that. But I'm sure with Siya as our pawn, we can bring the mighty gangster to his knees."

Mysterious Person : "Alright then, Continue with your obsession. But remember, the ultimate goal is to bring Raghavendra Rao to his knees. Siya Raghavendra Rao is just the catalyst."

Jay Mhatre: "As you say, my Ally."

In the dimly lit room, Jay Mhatre extended his hand and mysterious figure clasped it firmly with his gloves hand, Their unholy alliance had been forged, driven by their shared desire to bring Raghavendra Rao down.

Jay Mhatre: "You won't regret this decision, my ally."

Mysterious Figure: "I better not, Jay. make no mistake. This alliance is purely for our mutual benefit. If you falter, if you show any sign of weakness, there will be no mercy. Remember, our motives might align for now, but we are still on opposite sides of the coin. Don't ever forget that."

Jay Mhatre: "I won't and I assure you, we will not fail."

Their alliance was shrouded in darkness, hidden from the world. Jay's obsession with Siya and the mysterious figure's deep-rooted enmity with Raghavendra Rao had woven a dangerous web of deceit and intrigue. The stage was set, and the game had just begun.


To be continued...

Hope you liked the part, don't forget to vote and comment...

'The mysterious enemy of Raghav has now aligned with Jay Mhatre, setting a perilous plan into motion leaving Siya & Raghav unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon their life.'

Stay tuned to know what will happen next...

Thanks for reading...

❤️Lots of Love❤️

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
