1. Beautiful Revenge (part 12)

Hello ! Welcome to part 12...

Recap ;

Servant : sir ! There's a cab waiting outside for Siya Madam.

R/m : cab for siya! Where is she going ?

Raghav : i dont know let's see... Come!

Saying this they both went downstairs and we're surprised to see siya standing there with her luggage.

R/m looks at siya and her bags then looks at Raghav. Raghav looks at her.

Continuation ;

R/m : siya ?

Siya : I'm sorry maa , but the purpose for which I was brought here is fulfilled. You've got your son and he has got his mother. Now , there's no reason for me to stay here.

R/m : why are you saying like this , siya ? This is your home. 

Siya : no , maa. There's no place in this city that I can call my home. My maternal family broke all ties with me. And I never had relationship with your son. We only hated each other , he wanted to take revenge from me but now I think that feeling has also died. Then why should I stay here and relive my bad memories ? So , I'm leaving. 

R/m : But siya where will you go ?

Siya : from where I started , Nashik! 

R/m : Nashik ?

Siya : yes ! Nashik is my birth place. Maa baba brought me here from nashik only. My train is there in half an hour. I need to leave now.

Don't worry , maa.  I will definitely try to come to see you again.

Saying this she hugged her and r/m also hugged her back.

After a minute they parted away.

Siya : take care of saumya and yourself. Don't forget to take your medicines on time and don't dare to eat any kind of heavy or oily food especially from outside. I have told vikas (cook) about your diet , what he will prepare only that food you'll eat. And if you bribed him then remember I have my eyes on you. My secret agents are there.

R/m chuckled tearfully listening her and nodded positively.

R/m : you also take care of yourself. I know how self respecting you're. So , I won't stop you despite wanting to. And anyways , I've wronged you once. But I won't do that again. Take care , dear and remember I've always considered you as my daughter not daughter in law , so whenever you need me just come to me without any hesitation. I am always there for you. Okay ?

Siya nodded smilingly and touched her feet and took her bag , she doesn't looks at Raghav and leaves from there...

You just stood still. You couldn't stop siya. Said r/m to raghav who was standing there like a statue seeing siya going...

R/m : But don't worry , saumya and I aren't going.

Raghav looked at her...

Raghav's mother: Believe me, I am telling the truth. Siya made so many sacrifices for us. This is the least we could do for her.

Don't ever forget what I told you sometimes back. If you've shattered someone's life, then it's your duty to bring it together.

Saying this, she left, leaving behind Raghav battling with his own thoughts. Suddenly, he groaned in frustration.


He shouted throwing the glass from the table on floor breaking it into pieces.

Azaad who was watching him from door walked towards him...

Azaad : sir ! There's no use of yelling and breaking the things... It's not the time to show your anger but to take right decision. If siya madam goes to nashik today then you're going to be biggest loser. The money in your bank will keep multiplying but when it comes to humanity , you'll be a zero. There's still time sir , please go and apologize to her. Bring her back home. You always go with your mind but This time go with your heart. I believe you'll not regret.

Raghav looked at him while he nodded positively in assuring manner.



Raghav shouted coming out from the house followed by azaad , security guard ran towards him listening his voice...

S.G : what happened , sir ?

Raghav : where's siya ?

S.G : madam just left in the cab !

Raghav : agh!!! What was the colour of the cab ? 

S.G : it was white , sir.

Raghav : (looked at his watch) 30 minutes. Siya's train will leave in 30 minutes. Azaad ! Bring the car key. Fast!!!

Azaad nodded and went to bring the car key.

Raghav sighed out and looked up in the sky...

Raghav : Dear Lord ! We have no connections. But I've watched movies. The more the hero's throw attitude at you the more you help him. And I swear no one in this whole city has more attitude than me. So listen to me carefully , stop siya from boarding the train so I can bring her back to this house. Understand !

Siya ! You can't leave like this. I am coming to get you back.



Saumya came in the hall calling her mother and saw her sitting at the dinning table making laddoo...

Saumya : maa! I just got to know that raghav has gone to stop siya... But , maa you should've stopped him from doing that. I wonder which new drama he'll create with siya now.

She looked at her mother who was smiling while making laddoo...

Saumya : maa ! Why are you smiling instead of saying something ? And what is this for ? This 'Laddoo' and this veneration plate ? What's going on , maa ?

R/m : my prediction is about to come true !

Saumya : what prediction ? 

R/m : didn't I tell you that siya and raghav are made for each other and very soon they'll complete each other's incomplete life. The time has come.

Saumya : what !

R/m : yes ! That's why I am making 'laddoos'. Wait and watch saumya , siya will make raghav turn over a new leaf. And it has already begun. And very soon our family will be united and sweet just like this 'laddoo'.


Raghav sat in the car, deep in thought, as Azaad skillfully maneuvered through the city streets.

Azaad: Sir, don't you worry; we are about to reach the station.

Raghav's mind echoed, "Dear God, hope you haven't forgotten my challenge. That crazy doctor... I mean Siya, can't leave my family. I need just one chance; I will fix everything."

After some time, they arrived at the railway station. Raghav stepped out of the car, scanning the bustling platform for any sign of Siya. Approaching a person standing nearby, he inquired urgently.

Raghav: Listen, the train to Nashik leaves from this platform...

Person: You're late. The train left 10 minutes ago.

The words hit Raghav like a sudden gust of wind, leaving him momentarily stunned. 


Azaad was waiting near the car , he saw raghav coming alone with a sad face...

Azaad : sir ! What happened ? Are you okay ? Bhabhi...Did you find her ?

Raghav shook his head, a mix of frustration and sorrow in his eyes.

Raghav: No. She left, and I could do nothing to stop her. She left me forever. Now, we will have no more arguments. She will not irritate me anymore. And she will never come back to see me again. Though Maa and Saumya will be there with me, it feels like I am alone here.

Azaad tried to reassure him.

Azaad: No, sir, relax. Don't lose your confidence. I am sure you'll find Siya Madam soon. If not here, then we can go to find her in Nashik. And...

Suddenly it started raining heavily...

Azaad: Oh God! This rain had to come now only. Sir, quickly get inside the car, and we should leave from here.

Raghav remained standing, indifferent to the rain.

Raghav: No, Azaad! I am in no mood to go home.

Azaad: But, sir, if you keep getting wet in the rain standing here like this, then you will get cold.

Azaad scanned the surroundings and spotted a nearby cafe.

Azaad: Sir, let's do one thing for now. Let's go to that cafe. When the rain stops, then we will go home.

Raghav: No, Azaad, I don't want to go anywhere. If you want, then you go.

Azaad: But, sir, I can't leave you alone like this. Also, standing here drenched in rain won't change anything. Let's go inside, have a cup of tea, and think about what to do next.

Raghav: It's okay, Azaad, let it be.

Azaad: What let it be, sir? Come on. The whole world knows how much you're fond of tea. Let's have it. Come on.

He takes raghav to the cafe...


Raghav and azaad both were sitting in the cafe sipping their tea... Raghav was lost in thoughts which was noticed by azaad , he thought to change his mood and break the silence...

Azaad : what a tea! I'm glad we came here...

Raghav still didn't reacted...

Azaad : sir , don't get stressed , you'll surely find siya madam. Btw , ek baat kahun... If this was a movie , then i swear siya madam must be somewhere close by. She could've been right behind you in this restaurant.

Saying this he chuckled and took a sip of his tea...


Here , siya was sitting in the cafe drinking her coffee when suddenly her phone rang... She received the call...

Siya : yes , keerti ! No... The train ticket was RAC so it was not confirmed. I have asked agent to book me another one. But it seems like I will not be able to go today. Right now ?... Right now I am in a cafe which is near the station only , it's raining so I thought to have a coffee.

Your house ? No keerti it's alright... I don't want to bother you also aunty and uncle... I know its a matter of today only but... Ok fine !!! Don't give me swears... I am coming.

She ended the call...

Siya : seriously this Girl ! What was the need to tell aunty and uncle that I didn't got train today , they will definitely not let me go tomorrow once I reach there.. And what will I answer if they ask me why I am going back to nashik ? I can't tell them that I am leaving mumbai forever. I can't lie also they are so sweet , if they found out the truth they will be hurt. Kahan fas gyi mai ? I can't say no also...

Suddenly her phone rang she picked up...

Siya : ha keerti , ya I am on my way coming.. bye!

She ended the call...

Siya : jaana padega hi... 

She got up and took her bag and walks towards the exit.


Azaad : If your story had progressed like in the movies... she would have walked right beside you and went on like that...her sari would sweep your face.

As those words escaped from his mouth , a saree touches Raghav's face. 

Raghav closes his eyes and smiles inhaling the familiar fragrance 

Raghav : Lavender... Siya!

Hearing that , Azaad who was drinking tea coughed... 

Raghav opens his eyes and saw siya going out... He got up from his chair calling her.

Raghav : SIYA!

Siya stops in midway hearing his voice and turns around surprised , raghav rushes to her...

Azaad : (astonished seeing them) I was just talking casually but it looks like their love story is truly like a film.

Raghav : siya! Thank God I found you. Do you know for the first time in my life I prayed to God just for you. 

Do you know I was searching for you , i can't believe that you're still here , I thought that you're...

Siya ignores and leaves... Raghav seeks after her and stops her.

Raghav : siya , stop !

Siya : you're stopping me from going , why ?

Raghav : Because I'm sorry!

Siya : really ? Are you apologizing me ? It's ok Mr. Raghavendra Rao because your sorry doesn't matter to me any more.

Raghav : siya , I know I have wronged you. And my sorry has no value after what I've done. Please siya , listen to me once. Give me a chance. With that one chance I'll become so capable that you'll only come and forgive me.

I know our marriage is a deal. So , if not a good husband I'll prove to be a good Friend of yours. I want to return whatever I took from you , siya.

I want to give you the love , the happiness and the reason to live Which your family used to give you. You won' t have to ask for your rights from today because I will give you all the rights as my wife. Today onwards your smile is my responsibility. Henceforth , all the problems in your life will have to face The Raghavendra Rao first.

Siya :(claps) Wow! it seems that you've got some interesting dialogues written , raghav. But you can only recite them but cannot fulfill them because someone else's happiness doesn't matter to a selfish person like you.

Raghav : siya , my dad taught me one thing when I was a kid. Only one thing remains same in this world that's 'change.' A person keeps changing with the time. And I never had to change for anybody. But today onwards , I'll change for you. From today you will be my first priority , siya. I want to give you every happiness in life , siya. I will give you so much happiness that you'll forget the meaning of pain. I will not let you feel lonely from today. This is my promise to you. Actually , I could never understand you properly. That is why I was trying to convince you with my stupid acts. But now I have understood where your true happiness lies. And I will make sure you get that happiness now even if I have to do anything for that.

Siya : what made you change drastically all of a sudden ?.... Oh! I understood now... Do you want to use me again to impress your mother ?

Raghav : this time not for maa , but I want to do all this only for you. Siya , I really want to rectify my mistakes. Give me just one chance. If I fail this time then I myself will sign on the divorce papers and also not stop you from going.

Siya : not just one chance but even if you take one hundred chances , raghav then also you will not be able to rectify your mistakes. You have not broken and glass or vase which you will stick with glue and everything will be alright. You have broken my relationships and my family. You have broken me too. Let me go now and don't meet me henceforth.

Saying this she turned to leave , but raghav stops her holding her hand and came in front of her...

Raghav : If anyone among your family members would ask you for one chance would you refuse similarly ?

Siya was stunned to hear this.

Raghav : one chance siya , I will change everything. If not for me , do it for your family. Please siya.


"Saumya what happened ? Did call connected , What did azaad say ?" Asked r/m to saumya who was trying to call azaad.

Saumya : no maa... The call is not connecting I think there's some network issue due to rain.

R/m : It's been so late, why hasn't Raghav come yet? will he bring siya along ?

Saumya : maa ! Asking the same question repeatedly will not change what raghav did. After whatever he did I think he will come alone only. Siya won't be coming with him.

R/m gets restless upon hearing this.

R/m : why isn't siya coming home ? Did raghav fail to convince her ? I was under the impression that he will bring her home. And...

Suddenly her eyes fell on raghav who just arrived at the doorstep. Saumya also saw the same...

R/m : hang on !

She picks up the veneration plate and walks towards raghav...

R/m : siya , I knew you would...

She stopped as she saw raghav standing alone , siya was not there with him... 

R/m : raghav ! Why didn't siya come along with you ?

Raghav doesn't answers.

R/m : I am asking you something ! Didn't you bring siya along ? Raghav!

He still remains quiet. R/m gets hopeless.

R/m : Fine! Don't answer me. I got the answer.

She looks at saumya...

R/m : I was wrong , saumya. I thought it's time...

She looks at raghav and turns to go... Regardless, by then a voice makes her stop in midway...


Listening the voice she immediately turns back to see siya standing beside raghav. She gets happy seeing her and thanks god. Saumya is furthermore happy...

R/m very happy walks to siya with Aarti...

R/m : I knew it. Raghav will bring you back for sure.

She performs siya's aarti, and welcomes her home again...

R/m : I welcome you once again into this house. Have some sweets. I made this laddoo. Try them...

She feeds siya and raghav laddoo with her hand... 

R/m : alright , siya... You freshen up. I'll get dinner arranged for all. Saumya come'on help me... I'll be back.

She left from there followed by saumya...  Raghav looks at siya.

Raghav : welcome back , siya.

Siya looked at him...

Raghav : thanks.

Saying this he turned to go but siya stops him...

Siya : wait.

He turns back to her...

Raghav : what happened ?

Siya : Mr. Raghavendra Rao. You have promised to return my happiness.

He nodded positively.

Siya : But you fulfilled your wish and mentioned my family thereby proving that whatever I think about you is right. This commitment is just a time waste for me because I know you will never mend your ways. But it's only I am giving you a chance because you asked for it. Also , you talked about my family with so much attitude , don't utter about them again. Unlike you , they never need such chances because they will never be as mean to me as you have been. 

Staying this she turned to go but stopped hearing him.

Raghav : I am sorry , siya.

She turned to him.

Raghav : I didn't meant to mention about your family and hurt you. I am sorry.

He held his ears.

Raghav : and once again thanks for giving me a chance.

Siya keeps on looking at him , she opens her mouth to say something but words didn't formed and being confused by his behavior she left from there.

Raghav takes his hands down and smiles.


Listening the voice he saw azaad entering with siya's luggage.

Azaad : bhabhi ka saaman ?

Raghav : give it to me.

He takes bag from his hand and walks towards his room. Azaad was just seeing him with a smile on his face when a servant came near him and asked.

Servant : What has happened to the boss all of a sudden? So much change in behavior!

Azaad : It's all because of siya madam. 



R/m entered in the room and saw siya sitting on the bed lost in her thoughts. She walked towards her and kept her hand on her shoulder breaking her thought.

R/m : siya !

Siya : (stands up) maa ?

R/m : you didn't freshen up and came out. The food is getting cold.

Siya : yes. I'll freshen up and be there.

R/m : siya , you came back so it felt like our happiness has returned. That's why I got emotional and.... But I know raghav has hurt you alot. So I want to know if you have come willingly or raghav...

Siya : yes , maa. I came back willingly. Because I know when one doesn't get chance to explain himself to other and to rectify his mistakes... He feels very bad. Raghav asked me for a chance to do that so I couldn't refuse him. He promised to return my happiness to me. But I didn't came back in this house for that happiness. I came back to give raghav a chance to reform. But I am sorry maa if raghav couldn't reform despite all your efforts he won't reform in this once chance either. Hence , I request you to don't have any expectations from me. And after all one day I have to leave because I have the doubt that raghav will mend in this last chance or...

R/m : siya , you're right but I will pray to God that this time he fulfills the commitment made to you. The rest... You never know.

Here , raghav who was listening all this standing near the door promised himself.

Raghav : (in mind : siya , you can doubt me as much as you want. But everything that I took away from you... Love , family , happiness and everything else. I will give it back to you twice as much. Because that's how The Raghavendra Rao is. Siya , the chance that you gave me I know very well where to start from)


To be continued...

Updated after a long , right ? All Credits to dear exams and practicals.

Well , hope you liked the part. Don't forget to vote.

Do share your thoughts in the comments.

Q. What do you think , what will raghav do ? Will he be able to fulfill his commitment made to siya ? 

Q. Did siya do right by giving raghav a chance ?

Thanks for reading...

Stay tuned for the next part...

♥️Lot's of love♥️

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
