1. Beautiful Revenge (part 23)

Hello ! Welcome to part 23...


Siya stepped out of her house, engrossed in a phone call.

Siya: (on call) "What? How is she right now? Don't worry... I'm coming to the hospital only... Yeah."

She ended the call and continued walking, but as she approached the main gate, the guard intercepted her.

Siya: (exasperated) "Not again... What happened? Why are you stopping me now?"

Guard: (apologetic) "Raghav Sir."

Siya: (confused) "Raghav... But didn't he tell you yesterday that I can go out with the security ?"

Guard : "He did... But today while going out, he ordered me that no one is allowed go out without his permission..."

Siya : "Yes... But it's for others not me..."

Guard: "He included your name, too, ma'am, and mentioned that if anyone has any issues with this, they can contact him directly."

Siya : "Kya musibat hai..."

Frustrated, she decided to give Raghav a call.


Raghav sat behind his imposing desk, engrossed in a conversation with one of his trusted employees who stood before him, discussing a new jewellery design.

Raghav: (authoritative tone) "This new jewellery line needs to be perfect. I need it to be executed flawlessly."

Employee : (Nervously) "Don't worry, Sir. We've hired the best designers and craftsmen for this project. The pieces will be unique and unmatched in quality but it's taking longer than expected due to the intricacy of the design."

Raghav : (leaning forward, his eyes sharp and unwavering) "You know I don't tolerate delays, especially when it comes to work. No excuses. Ensure that those artisans work day and night if necessary. If you need more resources or manpower, get them. Money is not an issue." 

As they continued discussing the intricate details of the jewelry design, Raghav's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and realized it was Siya.

Raghav : "Okay, so you continue with the preparations, and keep me updated. Leave."

Employee : (Respectfully) "Sure, Sir."

Raghav answered Siya's call, "What happened?"

Siya : "Raghav, I have to go to the hospital and this guard of yours is not letting me go. He says you have forbidden. Can you please say him to let me go!"

Raghav : "No"

Siya : "Wha- What do you mean ?"

Raghav : "I mean exactly what I am saying... You can't go out !"

Siya : "But why... wait ! You're doing all this because of our yesterday's argument, right ?... Will you say something now ?... Listen Raghav, I.. I apologise to you for my behaviour but please now let me go... It's very urgent and important for me to go hospital today, It's very serious... I..It's about a small girl's life... I need to be there for her during her surgery... I request you. I promise I'll obey all the precautions , all your rules."

Raghav : "Hm.. That I saw yesterday how obedient you're. Listen.. I'm very busy right now, We'll talk later."

Saying this he ended the call and got back into his work but the next moment he sighed thinking about siya's words and dialled another number...

Raghav : "Get the car ready."


Siya: "Busy... Seriously!"

Siya, feeling frustrated, stared at her phone in disbelief after Raghav hung up. She clenched the phone in her hand, took a deep breath...

Siya: "It's my fault only... How can I even expect empathy from a heartless person who doesn't have F of feelings in him."

She looked at the guard...

Siya : "And there is no hope of sympathy from you, because no one here is more helpless than you."

He bowed down...

Siya muttered to herself, "No problem... If Raghav won't let me go, I'll find my own way."

Saying this she went inside...


Raghav walked through the corridors of the hospital and noticed a distressed lady talking to a doctor.

Lady: "Doctor, how is my daughter? How much more do I have to wait? Is Dr. Siya coming?"

Doctor: "Don't worry. We've completed all the tests. She'll be fine after surgery."

Lady: "How will I not worry, doctor? My daughter's life is in danger... Anything can happen to her. She can even die... I can't see her in this condition."

Saying this, she burst into tears.

Doctor : "See... If you will go in front of your daughter like this, then it will have a bad impact on her... She needs to be strong during the surgery."

Raghav walked ahead and entered the room where a small girl was lying on the bed, connected to several wires. She looked at him innocently...

Girl : "Where's my mom ?"

Raghav : "With the doctor."

Girl : "Did Dr. Siya came ?" 

Raghav took a pause then asked in a calm voice, "Your mom and your doctor is outside then Why are you waiting for her ?"

Girl : "She's my grandma's doctor. I used to come here with grandmother. One day I fainted here, and when I opened my eyes, Dr. Siya was talking to my mom and another doctor. Then She'd told me that... There's a ball in my head which the doctor will take out. But I was scared so she'd given me the courage and promised me that.. she'll be with me that's why I am waiting for her.. when she'll come then only I will let the doctor take out that ball. Do you know her ? She's the best doctor here.. I and Everyone here loves her. If you will know her, you will also fall in love with her."

As Raghav absorbed the child's innocent admiration for Siya, a subtle change flickered in his expression, revealing a softer side beneath his tough exterior that few had the chance to witness. He softly stroked her hair and left from there...


Siya paced through the backyard, her mind racing as she scanned the surroundings. The guards present there greeted her respectfully as she surveyed the surroundings, realizing that the entire area was heavily guarded.

Siya, pondering her options, muttered to herself, "Everywhere the guards are stationed... I can't even use the backdoor... How will I go out ?" 

"No... No... I have to go. I made a promise to that little girl.  It's the matter of her life, Even if I have to climb this wall, I'll do it for her."

"Oh, Wait... The Wall ! This idea isn't bad. But how will I do it? Guards are everywhere, and if I manage to deal with them, how will I climb this high wall in a saree? And what if I fall... No, no, it's too risky."

"Wait a minute! It's risky, so what? I have to do it. Life is full of risks. Even if I fall, I'll still end up in the hospital. That's where I need to go! If I don't know how to climb walls, I'll learn today. As Baba says, life gives us opportunities to learn something new every moment, and we shouldn't let them slip away. Who knows when this skill might come in handy? Yes! But now, I've to do something of these guards."

She looked around and spotted a tree near the boundary wall, its branches extending just close enough for her to reach where the guards were less vigilant. Determination gleamed in her eyes as she devised a plan.

Siya : "Where there is a will there is a way... I will climb the wall with the help of tree without getting attention of guards. Perfect !"

(A/n : Siya reaped the benefits of climbing mango trees in her childhood. Now, how about you? Have you ever scaled a tree for the delight of devouring its sweet fruits? Personally, I have fond memories of both breaking branches for juicy mangoes and occasionally breaking bones during those carefree childhood adventures amid the foliage.)

She discreetly made her way toward the tree, staying in the shadows to avoid the guards' attention. She swiftly took off her footwears opting for barefoot agility, then she gathered the pleats of her saree, securing them to avoid any hindrance and tugged the hem of her saree near her waist and her bag on her shoulder.

With a deep breath with God's name, she began to climb the tree, carefully choosing her footholds and maintaining her balance.

The guards, engrossed in their duties, remained oblivious to Siya's unconventional escape plan. Undeterred, Siya steadily climbed the tree, her focus unwavering.

With a focused gaze, Siya skillfully ascended the tree, her agile movements guided by sheer willpower. As she reached a branch at the right height, she paused to ensure no guards were watching. The coast seemed clear.

With nimble movements, she reached a branch close to the top of the wall. Summoning all her strength and determination, Siya made a bold leap from the tree branch, landing on the top of the wall. 

However, in the process, her bag slipped from her shoulder and fell down, catching the attention of the guards below. In a swift attempt to catch it, Siya lost her balance and fell with a yelp left from her mouth, bracing herself for impact as she shut her eyes tight, ready to meet the ground.

Yet, instead of the harsh collision she expected, she felt strong, secure arms wrapping around her. Opening her eyes, she found herself cradled in the protective embrace of a familiar figure—those hazel eyes, full of depth and concern, belonging to none other than her husband, Raghav. his piercing gaze revealing a mixture of surprise and concern, held Siya securely in his arms. The air was filled with a tense silence as their eyes locked in a silent exchange, emotions swirling beneath the surface.

Siya, momentarily forgetting the gravity of the situation, felt a strange warmth in Raghav's protective hold. His hazel eyes, usually stern and commanding, softened for a fleeting moment as he looked at her.

However, their silent exchange was abruptly interrupted by the approaching guards. He set Siya down but maintained a stern composure.

Guard: "Sir, everything alright?"

Raghav, his face now a canvas of controlled annoyance, dismissed the guards with a stern nod. Siya quickly adjusted her saree and composed herself, glancing at Raghav, who seemed to be on the brink of exploding.

Raghav : "What the hell are you doing ? You disobeyed my orders again, Siya. Do you understand the consequences of your actions ? Do you have any idea how risky and foolish this was?"

Siya, slightly breathless from the unexpected turn of events, "I had to go to the hospital. You weren't listening, and I couldn't wait."

Raghav: "Like This ! You think pulling stunts like this is going to solve anything?"

Siya: "Raghav, it's an emergency. there's a little girl, waiting for her surgery. I promised her I'd be there. Your guards wouldn't let me go. What was I supposed to do?"

Raghav's jaw clenched, "You could have waited. You could have talked to me. But no, you decide to climb a damn wall like you're in some action movie!"

Siya : "I tried asking, remember? You were too busy being 'busy.' If you would've simply let me go at that time, I would not have had to do all this."

Raghav : "That's not the point, Siya. You don't get to just break the rules whenever you feel like it. I have responsibilities, I have enemies, and I can't afford any lapses in security, especially from my own wife. Why don't you understand that I have my reasons for restricting your movements."

Siya: "And Why don't you understand my reasons, I can't stand by when a little girl's life is at stake! You may be the boss but that doesn't mean you get to control everything."

Raghav : "You're stubborn, Siya. Too damn stubborn."

Siya, unyielding, met his gaze. "Yes I am And I won't apologize for doing what I felt was right. If you want to punish me, go ahead."

Raghav's expression darkened, torn between his duty as a powerful figure in the underworld and his concern for Siya's safety.

Raghav: (with a stern expression) "You don't get to decide what's right in our world. You're playing with fire, There are consequences for your actions, Siya, and you're not exempt. And This recklessness won't be tolerated again."

Siya: (meeting his gaze) "I'll face whatever consequences there are. But I won't compromise my principles, Raghav, not even for you."

Raghav's jaw tightened as he absorbed her words. His gaze intensified, a complex mix of frustration and concern evident in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to rein in the storm of emotions within him.

Siya : "Why are you being like this, Raghav? I understand your life is totally different, but that doesn't mean you control every aspect of my life. I just can't believe you are being so heartless, That little girl is counting on me."

Raghav, His eyes, a stormy mix of emotions, bore into hers, voice low and controlled, retorted, "Heartless? Siya, you have no idea what I deal with on a daily basis. You're not understanding,  This world isn't a fairy tale where emotions take precedence over everything. This world is unforgiving. It's ruthless, and actions have consequences. It doesn't care about promises or good intentions. It devours weakness, and I won't let it devour you."

Siya, maintaining her resolve, countered, "And I won't let it devour my humanity. I can't turn a blind eye when someone needs my help especially when it's the part of my job. That little girl, her life, her hope, her trust, her family—I can't let them be shattered because of some rules. Our lives may be entwined with the underworld, but because of that I can't let innocent lives suffer for it. I won't apologize for caring about people. I won't apologize for being human. That's a choice I've made, and I won't back down from it."

Raghav's expression remained stoic, his internal struggle evident. The delicate balance between his responsibilities and his personal emotions was a battle he fought daily. For now, he decided to do what he came for.

He sighed and picked her fallen bag and handed her, "Let's go."

Siya : "Where?"

He didn't say anything, just walked ahead, his pace brisk and determined.

Siya : "I'm asking something! Raghav? Will you speak up... Oh Godd..This mannn..."

He didn't say anything; instead, he continued walking briskly, leaving Siya to follow intensifying her exasperation, she hurriedly caught up with him.

Siya: "Are you going to remain silent the entire time?"

Raghav finally halted, turning to face her with an unreadable expression.

Raghav : "You want to help that little girl, right?"

Siya : "Of course, I do. Why do you think I went to such lengths to get out?"

Raghav : "Then follow me."

She followed him, the silent tension between them palpable. Raghav's strides were purposeful, and Siya had to quicken her pace to keep up.

They reached the parking area, where Raghav's sleek black car awaited, Raghav opened the passenger seat door without uttering a word.

Raghav : "Get in."

Siya: "Raghav, atleast answer me. Is the hospital the destination, or are you planning to lock me up in one of your secret underworld hideouts?"

Raghav : "You can either get in, and let me handle the things or you can keep arguing here. Your choice."

With a sigh, she got into the car, realizing that arguing further might not yield any answers.

The drive was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Siya stole glances at Raghav, trying to decipher the storm of emotions within him. The car pulled up in front of the hospital, and Raghav finally spoke.

Raghav : "Go. Do what you came here for."

Siya, slightly taken aback by his unexpected behaviour, still processing the rare display of understanding from Raghav, nodded.

Raghav : "But remember, this doesn't mean you can defy my orders whenever you please. This is the last time I am letting you go."

Siya: "I know you have your reasons for the rules, but sometimes, we need to bend them for the greater good, btw, you said no earlier. What changed your mind?"

Raghav : "I may be 'heartless', Infact that's what I am, but I do understand the weight of promises. You are right about one thing – in this world, sometimes you have to bend the rules to do what's right."

He said blankly, his thoughts a tempestuous sea. The conflict within him was palpable – torn between the harsh reality of ruthless world he operated in and the undeniable impact the woman who refused to let it define her, had on him.

Siya : "You might call it recklessness, but I call it compassion."

Raghav : "Compassion can be a dangerous luxury in our world, Siya." 

Siya looked at him for a minute then opened the car door, "Thank you."

Raghav: "Don't thank me. Just keep in mind, your actions have consequences. I can't always shield you from its harsh realities."

Siya, undeterred, spoke with unwavering determination, "I don't want to be shielded, Raghav.  I need you to understand that I won't be a puppet in your orchestrated world. Let me be who I am, Please."

As she hurried inside the hospital, Raghav remained in the car, his mind undoubtedly grappling with the delicate balance between his underworld responsibilities and the undeniable humanity within him.

Raghav, his usual air of authority momentarily softened, spoke with an undercurrent of vulnerability, "This world, Siya, it's not forgiving. There are no guarantees, and every action has repercussions. I can't lose you to it. I'm trying to protect you in the best way I know. I can't change who I am or what I do. The choices I make are for everyone's sake, your sake, even if you can't see it."

Siya, walking inside whispered, "I can't lose myself, Raghav. There has to be a middle ground, a place where your world and mine intersect without suffocating one another."

The worried mother looked up as they entered, her face lighting up with a mix of surprise and relief.

Lady: "Dr. Siya! You came!"

The lady hugged Siya, tears of gratitude streaming down her face. 

Lady: "Thank you so much. I didn't think you'd make it."

Siya: "It's my duty. And I had promised her. Now, let's ensure your daughter gets the best care. You please sit here in the waiting area and pray that I come out with a positive news."

Lady : "My daughter will be fine, Dr. Siya, right ?"

Siya : (rubbing her back)"Of course she will be, she will be perfectly fine, she will smile, laugh, talk, play and go to the school like before. Don't worry just have faith on God."

The doctor approached, ready to initiate the surgery preparations.

Doctor : "Thank you for coming, Dr. Siya. We're ready for the surgery. Your presence will mean a lot to the girl."

Siya, now fully aware of the stakes, nodded with determination. She followed the medical team. 

Meanwhile, outside the hospital, Raghav assisted one of his trusted henchmen in keeping an eye on Siya and monitoring the surroundings. 

Raghav : (stern) "Keep an eye on the surroundings and ensure her safety. This place should remain secure. And if anything unusual feels or happens you will inform me immediately. Understand ?"

The henchman, acknowledging the gravity of the task, replied, "Yes, boss."

Raghav, with an imperceptible nod of approval, instructed, "Go!"

With a swift nod, the henchman moved towards the hospital entrance, seamlessly blending into the background while maintaining a vigilant watch.

While Raghav with a final piercing glance at the hospital entrance, wore his goggles and drove away.


As Siya stepped into the operation theater, a surge of determination fueled her. The sterile environment, the hum of medical equipment, and the collective focus of the surgical team resonated with the gravity of the situation.

Siya to the surgical team: "Let's do everything we can to make sure this little girl gets a chance at a normal life again. I'm counting on each one of you."

The medical team, inspired by Siya's dedication, nodded in unison, their shared goal to bring healing to the small patient.

In the waiting area, the mother anxiously clutched her hands together, silently praying for a positive outcome. 

Inside the operating room, The medical team worked seamlessly, each movement a choreography of expertise.

After what felt like an eternity for those in the waiting area, the doors of the operating room swung open. Siya stepped out, her face carrying a mix of exhaustion and relief.

Lady: (anxiously) "Dr. Siya, how is my daughter? Is she okay?"

Siya, offering a reassuring smile, replied, "The surgery went well. Your daughter is in recovery now. She's a strong girl, and with time, she should make a full recovery."

The mother, overwhelmed with gratitude, hugged Siya tightly, tears of joy replacing the earlier tears of worry.

Lady: "Thank you, Dr. Siya. You're like an angel. I don't know how to express my gratitude. You've given my daughter a second chance at life."

Siya: "No need for thanks. It's not me. It's the team of the surgeon, and most importantly, your prayers and your daughter's strength, seeing her recover will be the best thanks you can give me. Make sure she follows the post-surgery care instructions, and she'll be back to her lively self."

Lady : "Can I see her for once... please.."

Siya : "Actually, She's kept under the observation for now. It will take some time, but she should be waking up soon. You can see her once she's stable."

Nurse came there...

Nurse : "Excuse me, Doctor wants to meet you."

Lady : "Okay."

Grateful, the lady thanked Siya once again and followed the nurse. As they walked away, Siya turned to leave but stopped in her tracks upon hearing a familiar voice.


Siya turned around to see Keerti approaching, and their faces lit up with genuine joy as they shared a warm hug.

Siya : "Keerti !"

Keerti approached her and they shared a hug...

Siya : "How are you ?"

Keerti : "Much better than before."

Siya : "You here.. You didn't told me that you're coming. Weren't you on sick leave?"

Keerti : "Yeah, but I couldn't stay away for too long. Missed the chaos of the hospital too much, I guess."

They both chuckled, the camaraderie evident in their smiles.

Siya : "It's good to see you back. But seriously, Anything specific brought you here?"

Keerti, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, replied, "Well, besides the fact that I missed the hospital, I missed the events happened in past two days."

Siya, slightly taken aback, laughed, "News travels fast, doesn't it?"

Keerti : "Oh, in this hospital, faster than you can imagine. So, spill the details. What actually did happened that day, you just scolded me for not realising raghav on the call but didn't tell me anything."

Siya shared the events of the day, from the goons to raghav's strict security measures and today's incidents. Keerti listened intently, shaking her head in a mix of amusement and disbelief.

Keerti : "Only you, Siya. I swear, your life is like a movie sometimes. And your actions just amazed me."

Siya : "Well, it would be a pretty dull movie without a bit of action, don't you think?"

Keerti laughed, "True. So, what's the aftermath? Is the formidable Raghav upset with that ?"

Siya sighed, "Let's just say, I've earned myself lectures and probably a few more restrictions."

Keerti : "Ah, the joys of being married to a Mafia King. I can't relate, but it sounds like a unique set of challenges."

Siya : "You have no idea."

Keerti : "Well, at least you're back here doing what you do best – your job and adding a bit of drama to the hospital routine."

Siya : "Someone's got to keep things interesting around here."

Keerti : "And I can't miss those interesting events."

Siya : "Yeah... I know that. How much you're fond of watching dramas ! But for now, if you don't want to become a lead part of it let's get into our work before Naik Sir see us. You know this time he's here for seven days ! 

Keerti : "Wha- That Grumpy ass is going to be here for whole damn week !"

Siya : "Shh ! Lower your voice... And don't say like that he's our senior!

Keerti : "Yeah and just for that sake I'm unwillingly going to tolerate him for freaking seven days otherwise i would've shown him his place long back !"

Siya : (shook her head) "Sure... But for now let's see our place first ! Come on !"


Later in the day, a mysterious figure clad in a black hoodie stealthily entered the hospital, pausing to survey the surroundings with a sense of caution. The person then proceeded to the reception area.

Stranger : "Excuse me!"

Receptionist : "Yes?"

Stranger : "Actually, I want to meet Dr. Siya Rao, she's a physiotherapist here! Can you please help me?"

Receptionist : "Sure, sir. Do you have any appointment with her?"

Stranger : "No, I'm here for the first time."

Receptionist : "Oh... Then you need an appointment for that first."

Stranger: "Okay, I want today's earliest available appointment."

Receptionist: "Today's... Let me check the schedule for you."

The receptionist swiftly typed on the computer, scanning through the appointments for the day.

Receptionist: "Well, it seems Dr. Siya is quite busy today, there isn't any slot available for today. Sorry. You can go for tomorrow or meet her on Friday every week in the OPD."

Stranger : "Fridays? That won't work for me. I want today's appointment."

Receptionist: "I understand, sir but Dr. Siya's schedule is quite packed today, and we prioritize patients with pre-scheduled appointments. However, if it's urgent, you can try waiting in the OPD waiting area. Sometimes there are cancellations or she might have a few minutes between appointments."

The mysterious figure, veiled in a black hoodie, leaned in with a subtle air of mystery. "I appreciate your diligence. But meeting Dr. Siya is crucial for me today. You see, someone as bright and intelligent as you can surely find a way. There must be some solution, Please, give it a try." the stranger hinted, accompanied by a charming smile.

The receptionist, momentarily caught in allure of flattery, offered a faint smile, "Well, I do understand the urgency. Let me see if there's anything I can do." With a determined look,  She discreetly placed a call to Dr. Siya, explaining the situation.

As the receptionist explained the situation, the mysterious figure watched with anticipation. After a brief conversation, the receptionist smiled, "You're in luck! Dr. Siya has agreed to spare a few minutes. Nurse will guide you to the Physiotherapy department."

The mysterious figure nodded in appreciation, acknowledging the receptionist's efforts, "Thank you so much for your help. I knew someone as understanding as you would find a way. I appreciate it." With that, he followed the nurse.

The nurse guided the hooded stranger to the physiotherapy department. As they approached, the stranger caught a glimpse of Siya engrossed in her work, providing therapies to her patients with utmost dedication. Her genuine care for each patient was evident in the way she approached her work.

Patient : "Thank you, Dr. Siya. I feel much better already."

Siya : "You're welcome. Remember to follow the exercises at home, and we'll continue progress in our next session."

As the patient left, stranger stepped forward, catching Dr. Siya's attention.

Nurse : "Dr. Siya, this gentleman would like to see you."

Siya, with a warm smile, directed her attention toward the stranger.

Siya : "Hello, how can I help you?"

The stranger forwarded his hand...

Stranger : "Hello, Doctor. Myself Max ! 

Siya, with a warm smile, shook her hand with him then excused herself from the ongoing session and they move towards her cabin...

Siya : "Please, have a seat. Tell me what brings you here."

They engaged in the conversation, the stranger's gaze occasionally wandered around the cabin, ultimately falling on a framed photograph on Siya's desk. 

The stranger, somewhat distracted by the glimpse into Siya's personal life, refocused on the conversation, But again and again, his eyes traveled to the picture. Something about it seemed to captivate his attention.

Stranger, unable to resist, interrupted the conversation, "That's a lovely picture. Your family?"

Dr. Siya, smiling warmly, "Yes, that's us."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as a nurse entered, holding a patient file.

Nurse: "Excuse me, Dr. Siya, sorry to disturb but Dr. Prapti needs your specific consultation on this patient's case. It's urgent."

Siya, excusing herself from the stranger, addressed the nurse's request. 

During Siya's absence, the stranger continued to observe the picture, a contemplative expression on his face. 

After a short while, Siya quickly returned in her cabin...

Stranger: "Sorry about that...."

She found no one there; the stranger had vanished, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery.

Siya : "Where has he gone?"

She stepped out of her cabin, scanning the bustling corridor to find any trace of the mysterious visitor.

Siya : "Listen, Nurse !"

Nurse : "Yes mam ?"

Siya : "Have you seen any man going from here ?... Um.. he was in a black hoodie ?"

Nurse : "No... I haven't !"

Siya : "No ? Okay... Thanks !"

The nurse left, and Siya, still puzzled, shrugged and went back to her duties, wondering about the enigmatic encounter that had just unfolded. Meanwhile, Raghav's henchman, who had observed everything, swiftly dialed his number to update him on the peculiar situation at the hospital.


Raghav entered Siya's cabin abruptly, catching both Siya and Keerti off guard. Siya, engrossed in a discussion with Keerti, looked up with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Siya : "Raghav, you here?"

He looked at keerti...

Keerti : "You both continue... Prapti is with the patients, Let me see if she needs any help and siya you read this file once, we will discuss it later.

She excused herself, leaving Raghav and Siya alone. Raghav's expression turned serious as he focused on Siya.

Siya : "What happened now ?"

Raghav : "Who was that man?"

Siya, momentarily puzzled, inquired further.

Siya : "Man? Which man?"

Raghav clarified, his impatience evident.

Raghav : "The man who has come here as a patient sometimes before."

Siya : "There were man 'patients' whom I've attended sometimes before. Can you tell me clearly whom you are asking about?"

Raghav sighed in annoyance and retrieved his mobile and dialled someone...

Raghav : "Come inside !"

Siya : "Wha-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Raghav's henchman entered the cabin, holding a mobile phone. He handed it to Raghav, who turned the screen towards Siya, revealing a picture he had captured.

Raghav : "This man!"

The image displayed on the phone showcased the mysterious visitor in the black hoodie. 

Siya : "Oh, him. He was just a patient. What about him ?"

He handed the phone back to his henchman, who left the cabin. Siya, now filled with curiosity, demanded answers.

Siya : "Wait a minute! First of all, you tell me what is happening? What are you doing here, and who is that man? How do you know about that patient? Are you spying on me?"

Raghav : "That's not the point! The point is the man whom you're considering a patient wasn't a patient."

Siya's confusion deepened.

Siya : "Huh? He wasn't a patient? Then who was he?"

Raghav : "That's what I am asking you. Who was he?"

Siya : "How do I know? You should know that."

Raghav: "How will I know? He has come here as your patient!"

Siya: "But right now, you only said that he wasn't a patient!"

Raghav: "Yes... He wasn't a patient, but he had come here as a patient!"

Siya's expression shifted from confusion to frustration as she tried to make sense of Raghav's cryptic statements.

Siya : "Raghav, you're not making any sense. I don't have any interest or time in your useless talks. Now, if you're here to discuss something relevant, do it. Otherwise, I have patients to attend to."

She turned to take the file from the table, but he held her hand, turning her around and pulled her close.

Holding Siya's hands, he looked into her eyes with an intensity that left no room for evasion...

Siya taken aback, "R..Raghav, leave me..."

Raghav : "Quiet! Listen to me carefully... That man was not just an ordinary patient. He had come here with some motives. I need to know who he is and why he's here. So, tell me everything you know about him."

Siya : "First you leave my hand... It's hurting !"

Raghav, realizing the discomfort he was causing Siya, immediately released her hand. His usual air of authority softened for a moment as he took a step back, allowing her space.

Raghav : "I..I'm sorry... I didn't meant to.. hurt you."

He took a pause composing himself meanwhile Siya looked at him puzzled...

Siya rubbing her arms slightly, "I..It's okay... Let me recall !"

She gathered her thoughts before continuing.

Siya: "So, according to my observations, he appeared to be quite young, around your age, 30 types."

Raghav, with a hint of offense, interjected.

Raghav: "Excuse me! I'm 27!"

Siya: "Should I continue?"

Raghav: "Hm..."

Siya: "He was looking regular only. He was wearing casual jeans and a black hoodie. And yes, leather gloves too. His name... What was that ?...Yes... Max !"

Raghav : "Max ?"

Raghav intrigued at the mention of the name "Max," his mind seemingly racing through a mental catalog of connections.

Siya : "Yes.. Do you know him ?"

Raghav, deep in thought, nodded, trying to connect the dots.

Raghav: "Max... Max... It sounds familiar, but I can't place it. Did he mention anything specific? Any reason for his visit or did you notice anything unusual about him ?" 

Siya, watching Raghav's contemplative expression, continued her description.

Siya: "He inquired about an appointment with me, claiming to be a patient. No specific health issue mentioned. Just a general appointment."

Raghav's curiosity grew as Siya recounted the encounter.

Raghav: "Did he behave unusually during the conversation? Anything that struck you as odd?"

Siya: "Not particularly. He seemed like any other patient, a bit insistent on getting a same-day appointment, but that's not entirely uncommon."

Raghav: "What did he say during the conversation? Anything that stood out?"

Siya : "As for the conversation, it was ordinary. In between, I left him waiting in the cabin as I got an urgent caught up with a patient. When I returned, he was gone."

Raghav, his brows furrowing in thought, questioned, "Gone? Just like that ? This doesn't add up, There's something off about this whole situation. Try to recall, I need to know what he talked to you about, what he asked, and why he was here."

Siya, growing more exasperated, retorted, "Well, I don't have a crystal ball to tell me the hidden motives of every patient I treat. He came, asked for medical attention, I provided it and he abruptly left. End of story."

Raghav : "Siya, don't play games. you can't be this naïve. It's not as simple as it seems. People don't just come and go without a reason. There's more to this, and you need to be vigilant."

Siya : "Raghav, this is ridiculous. I'm a physiotherapist, My job is to treat patients. People come, discuss their issues, get their therapy, and leave, that's where my responsibility ends. I can't read their minds or predict their motives. Nor do I judge them or interrogate them about their personal lives or motives. It's against my professional ethics."

Raghav, unyielding, his gaze probing for any hint in her expression, "Professional ethics or not, there's more to this than you're telling me."

Siya, her patience wearing thin, shot back, "And there's more to your interrogation than I'm willing to tolerate. I've treated numerous patients today. I can't recall every detail of every conversation and If you're so much concerned about this man, then you should investigate yourself or maybe you should ask your spy outside or whoever he is to you. I have patients who need my attention."

Raghav: "Fine ! I'll handle it my way then. Come on, Let's Go !"

Siya : "Wha-

Siya, caught off guard by Raghav's sudden decisiveness, could barely utter a word before Raghav swiftly held her hand, leading her out of the cabin.

As Raghav led Siya through the hospital corridor, their intertwined hands became the focal point, drawing curious glances from the hospital staff.

Siya, attempting to diffuse the attention, spoke to Raghav in a hushed tone.

Siya: "Raghav, everyone is staring at us. Can you please let go of my hand?"

As they continued down the corridor, Dr. Naik, her senior, crossed paths with them. His stern expression and disapproving gaze bore into the unconventional scene unfolding before him.

Siya, trying to maintain her composure, repeated, "Raghav... Leave my hand."

Raghav, his gaze fixed forward, responded with unwavering determination, "I don't care. I'm holding my wife's hand."

He continued walking, pulling Siya along, his grip firm but not forceful. As they reached the hospital entrance, Raghav signaled to his henchman who was waiting discreetly.

Raghav: "Get the CCTV footage and information about the man named Max from the hospital. Do it discreetly."

The henchman nodded and swiftly moved to carry out Raghav's orders.

Siya : "Raghav, where are you taking me? Can you at least tell me what's going on?"

Raghav remained firm, "You'll know everything once we're home."

Siya : "Home? Seriously? You drag me out from the hospital, scold me like a child, and now you're taking me home ? What they might be thinking at the hospital?

Raghav : "I'll handle the situation at the hospital."

Siya, not satisfied with his response, persisted, "Handle it how? You're not a doctor, Raghav. You can't just disrupt my work like this. I have responsibilities, and a duty to fulfill."

Raghav finally spoke, his voice edged with a hint of frustration, "Your duty is to stay safe. I can't afford distractions, especially when dealing with rivals and enemies."

Siya: "I'm not a distraction, Raghav. I'm your wife, and sometimes, I need to do what I believe is right."

Raghav : "You've done what you felt right, coming to the hospital, so now just keep quiet and let me do what I feel is right"


The car smoothly glided into the mansion's driveway and halted. Raghav unclasped his seatbelt, glancing at Siya who seemed lost in her thoughts.

Siya's internal monologue echoed, "Raghav is asking for my help; it means the matter is serious."

Interrupting her contemplation, Raghav snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, pulling her back to the present.

Raghav: "Snap out of your thoughts, madam. The house won't come to you. You'll have to go inside yourself."

Siya, with a playful smirk, responded, "Oh, I thought the way the owner of the house came to me, the house might come to me too."

Raghav: "Your sense of humor is rubbish."

Siya, unfazed, retorted, "My sense of humor might be rubbish, but everything about you is rubbish."

With that, she unbuckled her seatbelt and noticed Raghav still looking at her.

Siya: "No need to stare so much. Let's go inside; the house won't come to us."

She stepped out of the car and walked ahead. Raghav shook his head, muttering, "This girl, I swear."

As Raghav exited the car, his attention was drawn to another vehicle parked outside his mansion.

Raghav: "Whose car is parked outside my house? I've never seen it before."

He called the security guard.

Raghav: "Whose car is that?"

Guard: "I don't know, sir. It just appeared a short while ago."

Raghav: "It would not have appeared on its own; Someone must have bought it. Did you not see who arrived or left? What's the use of having security if you can't keep track of such things?"

Guard, stammering nervously, "I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't notice anyone coming or going. It was sudden."

Raghav, his tone sharp, scolded, "Sudden or not, you're here to ensure the security of this place. Find out and get that car away from here."

The guard quickly nodded, rushing off to investigate, while Raghav headed inside.


"See these pictures, ma'am," said the person, showing Siya a series of photographs of different men.

Siya: "No, it's not him."

Person: "This one?"

Siya: "No."

Person: "This?"

Siya: "Um, yeah... It could be him... actually I am not sure... but... No! It's not him."

Person: "See this one."

Siya: "No. This one is also not him."

Person: "What about this one?"

Siya: "No. Not him."

Meanwhile, Raghav paced around in the living room, growing impatient. "Hadn't you slept well last night? Were you sleeping while attending the patients? Can't you identify one man from past one hour ? He's the best private detective in Mumbai. He has the picture of every criminal. Identifying one man is rocket science for you!"

Siya: "Oh hello, Mr. Raghavendra Rao, I'm helping you, leaving my work, and on top of it, you're showing me attitude. Do one thing, get this done from someone else. I've no interest in wasting my time. I have lots of work; I'm not free like you. Tumhara search tumhe hi Mubarak, I'm leaving."

Raghav closed his eyes, whispering to himself, "Cool, Raghav... this is not the time to get angry."

He opened his eyes and saw her leaving, quickly moving to intercept her.

Raghav: "Siya, wait."

Siya looks at him in annoyance, crossing her arms , raised an eyebrow, "What now?"

Raghav, in a composed tone, said, "I won't say anything to you now; you continue."

Siya: "Let me tell you something of general knowledge; the word 'sorry' was invented for such situations only."

Raghav sighed, a hint of frustration etched on his face. He looked around taking moment to collect himself, meanwhile Siya looked at him curiously hiding her mischievous smile...

Raghav whispered, "Sorry."

Siya, surprised by his unexpected apology, teased, "What? What did you say? I didn't hear it."

Raghav, moving a bit closer, whispered, "Sorry, hm? Happy?"

She looked at him, smiling, "Ab itna hi gidagiraa rahe ho toh madad kar deti hun chalo..."

Raghav sighed and followed her as they continued working together on identifying the mysterious man in the pictures.

Raghav: "Show her the photos."

Person: "Sorry, sir, I showed her all the photos I had."

Just then, Raghav's associate entered the room with another man...

Raghav: "Okay, Thanks for your help, Mr. Dev. You can leave."

The person left, and Raghav gestured the sketch artist to sit, then looked at Siya.

Raghav: "The way you explain your moral science to me, the same way explain that man's face to him, understood?"

Siya looked at the sketch artist then back at him...

Siya : "Wait a minute ! Before that I need to talk to you... Come here."

She pulled him aside...

Raghav: "What happened?"

Siya : "What is all this going on ? First that max, that spy, then that detective and now this sketch artist. Look, This is all very filmy and weird. Besides as per your deeds there will thousands ready to kill you in this city. You're not planning to do any illegal task, right ? Kidnapping... Murder and all or anything like that ?"

Raghav: "Ofcourse I am.. Afterall, it's a part of my daily routine. I can't sleep peacefully unless I commit a murder. And guess what... Today you are the victim!"

Siya : "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny ! Bade aaye mera murder karne wale. Mujhe marna hoga na toh aur hazaron options hai mere paas ! Now, Coming to the point, If you will answer me straight, your height will not decrease." 

Raghav : "Okay.. Relax ! It's nothing like that, I know I have lots of enemies but no one can dare to go to that extent. Actually... Someone is there... Who is trying to hurt me and people related to me and I've a strong perception about this person Max that he might be related to him. That's why I need to know who he is and why he's here, understand ? Will you help me now ?"

Siya : "Okay."

Raghav : "Thank you"

Siya : "Very Good, You're learning manners. Come I'll help you."

Raghav sighed as Siya moved towards the couch. 

She began explaining the details of Max's look to the sketch artist, recalling the encounter in the hospital. As she spoke, Raghav's focused gaze shifted between the sketch and Siya, he observed her with a mixture of admiration and concern, realizing how involved she had become in this unexpected situation. The sketch artist diligently worked on capturing the features Siya described, transforming them into a detailed portrait.

Amidst their engrossing discussion, a house staff member arrived with a tray of tea. Raghav exchanged a few words with the staff person, who then left and returned with an ointment. Raghav, with a subtle nod, took it and shifted his attention back to Siya.

Sitting beside her, Raghav gently took her hand in his causing her to glance at him with a hint of surprise. Lifting the sleeves of her white coat, he revealed a red mark that had turned blue, evidence of his unintentional force earlier. With a composed expression, Silently, he applied the ointment, his expressionless face concealing any remorse or acknowledgment of the discomfort he had caused her. 

Siya, torn between the memory of his firm grip and the unexpected tenderness in his current actions, watched him with a mixture of emotions. The contrasting facets of Raghav's personality left her intrigued, pondering the complexities that seemed to define the man beside her.

Siya : (in mind) "What kind of switch is fitted in this man's body that starts and stops anytime... Is it all his pretence or really..."

She winced at the burning sensation caused by the ointment, and Raghav softly blew on it, looking at her.

Raghav: "It's burning, isn't it?"

Siya, nodding, couldn't help but notice the gentleness in his gaze, a stark contrast to the sternness he often exhibited, and smiled slightly.

Raghav: "Shall I book an I.C.U?"

Siya's expression changed upon hearing him, and she immediately pulled her hand back.

Siya: (in mind: It's all his pretense only. This man is arrogant, egoistic, insolent, mannerless, rude...)

Raghav spoke casually, cutting her off, "What you're thinking, I'm all that. Arrogant, egoistic insolent, mannerless, rude... Everything."

She looked at him bewildered and said, "Veda manus."

Raghav replied, "Ragazza Matta."

Siya's eyes widened, "You..."

Raghav : "Is the sketch ready ?"

Sketch Artist : "Few minutes sir, It's almost done."

As the sketch artist completed the portrait, he handed it over to Raghav with a slight bow. Raghav thanked him, dismissing him from the room.

Raghav observed the sketch intently, and Siya peered over his shoulder. However, frustration began to show on Raghav's face. The sketch presented a challenge; The hoodie covered a significant portion of his face.

Raghav, visibly agitated, sighed, "What is this ? How am I supposed to identify someone with just this much?"

Siya : "Look, I tried my best to get the sketch made but.."

Raghav raised his eyebrow, "But ?"

Siya : "But I'm sorry, this sketch matches only thirty percent with the guy I saw."


Siya : "Faltu reaction dene ki zarurat nahi hai... You have to understand, recognizing someone based on a glimpse, especially with a hood covering their face, It's difficult to capture all the details accurately. This sketch is our best shot for now."

Raghav, reluctant but understanding, put the sketch aside, "Fine. We'll figure this out. This guy can't stay hidden for long. Come on, let me drop you to the hospital."

Siya : "No need. I'll go with the driver. You carry on with your work."

Raghav was about to speak but she continued, "I know, I'll take the guards along and I'll be careful and safe. If I will feel anything off I will inform you, hm ?"

Saying this she leaves from there before he could stop her...

Raghav : "Stubborn Girl ! She doesn't even care about her life,  if someone else had been at her place then out of fear... she isn't afraid at all, She loves taking the risks like she's experienced in dealing with such situations. And here, I am crazy to leave all my work behind, doing all this and getting so worried for her."

*Phone rings*

Raghav took his call moving upstairs in his opulent mansion. Meanwhile, Siya stood near the entrance gate as the driver prepared the car for her departure.

Engrossed in the conversation, Raghav stepped onto the balcony that offered a panoramic view of the front. His eyes followed Siya, ensuring her safe departure.

Suddenly, a disconcerting sight caught Raghav's attention – Siya, who had been fine just moments ago, started coughing. A sense of concern crept into Raghav's mind as he observed her, and he couldn't shake off the unease building within him.

Amidst her coughing fit, Siya looked around and instinctively covered her face with a handkerchief, raising alarms in Raghav's mind. His thoughts raced, questioning the abrupt change in her condition.

Raghav: (in mind: she was fine just now... Wha-)

His attention heightened as he noticed the unknown car still parked nearby, adding a layer of suspicion to the situation.

Meanwhile, the driver brought the car to a stop beside Siya who got inside, and as it smoothly glided out, the guards closing the gate also started coughing. 

Raghav, observing all this, ends the call and swiftly moves downstairs.

As he reached the gate, he notices the guards coughing vigorously.

Raghav: "What's going on? Why are you coughing?"

Guard 1, struggling to speak: "Don't know, sir. Something in the air..."

Guard 2, nodding, "Yes, sir. There's a strange smell."

Raghav narrowed his eyes, sensing the lingering peculiar smell in the air, his gaze shifts to the unfamiliar car parked nearby the gate.

Raghav: "And what about that car? Why is it still here? I had told you to get that away."

Guard 1, nervously: "Sir, there's no one inside. It's just parked there. We are keeping a close watch, but no one has appeared till now."

Raghav's expression tightened with a mix of annoyance and suspicion hearing him.

Raghav, speaking more to himself than the guards: "This doesn't make sense. If no one is inside, who left this car here? And why? Something is off !"

The guards, recovering gradually, looked at each other in confusion.

While he furrowed his brows ; he wasn't one to dismiss his instincts easily. He glanced around, trying to make sense of the situation.

Raghav : "Check the CCTV footage. I want to know who parked this car here and when."

Guard 2 quickly nodded, rushing towards the security room to retrieve the necessary information. Raghav's gaze remained fixed on the peculiar car, contemplating the series of events that unfolded.

Raghav, his instincts on high alert, examined the surroundings and noticed an unusual aura in the air. As he approached the mysterious car, he could sense a faint, lingering scent increasing.

The guard trailing behind him began to question, "Sir, what..."

Raghav silenced him with a raised hand, his focus consumed by the mysterious yet familiar smell as he moved closer to the car.

The car's windows were tinted, making it impossible to see inside. Raghav circled it cautiously, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement or disturbance. The guards, now fully alert, exchanged glances, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

Guard, hesitatingly: "Sir, should I call for backup?"

Raghav, his focus unwavering: "Not yet. Let me check this first."

Retrieving his gun from the back, he signaled to the guard to stay back.

With a swift motion, he opened the door, his gun ready. To his surprise, the car was empty.

Raghav, in a low voice: "What the..."

His sharp gaze scanned the interior and discovered a powdery substance scattered throughout the car. Intrigued, he touched it, rubbing slightly, bringing it close to his nose.

His eyes widened, realization setting in, "Gunpowder!"

The guard quickly moved towards him.

Guard: "What happened, sir?"

Raghav: "There's gunpowder spread all over inside the car!"

His attention was drawn to a small note inserted between the seats. Entering the car, he retrieved it and read, "Welcome to my trap, The Raghavendra Rao."

For a fleeting moment, a flash of frustration and annoyance crossed his face. This was not a man who was accustomed to being outmaneuvered or lured into traps. 

His jaw clenched and he crushed the note in his fist as his eyes caught movement in the side-view mirror. He saw a man on bike coming towards the car holding a burning flame torch in one hand. However, quickly regaining composure, he masked his emotions with a controlled expression.

Raghav's reflexes were as quick as his mind, as the biker from the distance aimed to throw the flaming torch, half-hung out from the open car door, he caught the flaming projectile mid air in his hand with astonishing precision. His eyes locked onto the biker, a glint of lethal determination in his gaze.

The bike person, taken aback by Raghav's swift response and realizing his failed attempt, hastily tried to retreat. But The guards, on high alert, immediately aimed their guns at the figure trapping him. The bike person, sensing the imminent threat, froze in fear. 

They waited for raghav's order to shoot, their trigger fingers itching with anticipation. Raghav, still holding the extinguished flame, observed him with a cold and calculating gaze and to their surprise with a calm yet commanding tone, ordered the guards-

Raghav: "Let him go."

The guards lowered their guns, looking at each other puzzled by Raghav's unexpected decision.

Raghav's voice, laced with a chilling undertone, cut through the air, "Tell your boss he needs to up his game."

The bike person, sensing the unexpected mercy, sped away...

With a calculated calmness, he extinguished the flame and tossed it aside getting off the car...

Raghav: "Get this car out of here now!"

The guards, accustomed to swift and decisive actions, nodded, albeit with a hint of confusion and Raghav, with a stern expression, walked back into the mansion, his mind already at work, unraveling the threads of this unexpected twist.

The guard turned to his companion, a perplexed expression on his face.

Guard 1: "Why did the boss let him go?"

The other guard, offering a nonchalant shrug, responded, "Who knows? No one can decipher what's going on in his mind or understand his thoughts. But every move he makes, there's undoubtedly a purpose behind it."

Raghav, stepping into Siya's cabin, noted its emptiness with a raised eyebrow. Unfazed, he retrieved his mobile from his pocket and dialed his henchman, his commanding tone cutting through the air.

Raghav, on a call, expressed his annoyance, "Hello... Where are you? Outside the cabin... Alright! And where is Doctor Siya ?... In the cabin, that's great! Make her talk to me ! Hm?  Idiot! I'm standing here in her cabin... There's no patient! Wha-"

His words trailed off as Siya walked in, visibly upset, followed by an irate Keerti. His henchman lingered by the door, avoiding eye contact with Raghav who glared at him.

Keerti, fuming, expressed her frustration, "That man thinks he can say whatever he wants... If it were up to me, I'd cut off his tongue..."

Raghav interrupted her, "What's the matter, and where are you coming from? You should be in your department, right? Do you work here or somewhere else? Your duty time is over for today, isn't it? I was waiting outside for you, tried calling you, but you didn't answer. Where's your phone? And when I came to check on you, you weren't here, and this fool was lying! Will you tell me the reason?"

Raghav waited for an answer, but Siya remained silent, her face expressing frustration.

Raghav : "I'm talking to you, Siya! Are you listening?"

Siya retorted with frustration, "I'm listening! I've just been listening! Sometimes it's you, or sometimes someone else... I'm just listening!"

The room fell into a tense silence.

Raghav broke the silence, demanding answers, "Will anyone tell me what is happening here? Harman!"

His henchman looked at him hesitantly and started to explain, but Siya intervened.

Siya, "No need! Raghav, I am in no mood to give you any reasons or tell you anything, nor am I bound to. It's better you mind your own business and let me do mine. Don't interfere in my work, please!"

Keerti, sensing the situation escalating, tried to mediate, "Raghav, I'm telling you..."

Siya intervened, "Keerti..."

Keerti expressed her frustration, "Siya, please let me tell it's enough now !"

Keerti continued, "Dr. Naik, our senior and the head of the physiotherapy department, is a big jerk, mannerless, eccentric, insolent, imperious, shameless..."

Siya interrupted to diffuse the situation, patting Keerti on the back, "Let it be. I will tell him..."

Keerti persisted, "No, I'm telling... You sit."

Siya, "No, please, you sit. You must be sadder than me. Your emotions are pouring out in abundance. You won't be able to control yourself."

Keerti nodded letting her continue...

Siya addressed Raghav, "Raghav! Due to irregular attendance at the hospital, I've received a warning. You know that. But the spectacle you created today by grabbing my hand and taking me away in the middle of duty in front of everyone might cost me my job."

Keerti interjected, "And on top of that, he scolded Siya so much. He even blamed her for the goons who came to the hospital that day, simply because she is the wife of a dangerous mafia king. Seriously? Despite the fact that he was as scared as everyone else and Siya had bravely taken charge of the situation."

Siya, "Keerti..."

Keerti insisted, "No, let me speak. Dr. Naik has always had issues with Siya, but it escalated since she became your wife, he can't resist targeting her!"

Siya : "Keerti stop..."

Keerti : "No, I won't stop... This has to be said..."

Siya : "Fine, go on..."

Keerti : "I can't understand whether he has a problem with her professional life or her personal life and today, he took it to a whole new level. He even threatened that he might get Siya fired. We all know how honest she is about her work, how dedicated she is. Patients come here because they've trust on her, because of her good behavior, hardwork and kind nature. After firing her from her job, We will see how many patients will come to that insolent person. I was so angry after hearing his words that what should I say... I wish you wouldn't have stopped me siya !"

Siya : "Hm.. So that you would have been fired from the job before me, right ?"

Keerti : "Yes, it would have been better to get a break from this forever. He thinks himself as a don and us his puppets, Raghav if you would've been there, then I would have seen how he would have been able to say all this..."

Raghav: "So now see..."

Saying this, he walked out, leaving Siya bewildered.

Siya: "What does this mean?... Raghav!"

She looked at Keerti, "That's it... done... have you spoken? At least, think once before speaking, when, where, what to say? You don't even listen to others when you start speaking!"

Siya picked her bag and hurriedly followed Raghav, her steps quickening to catch up. "Raghav! Stop... Listen to me... Where are you going?" 

Raghav barged into Dr. Naik's cabin, his intense gaze locking onto the Dr. Naik who was in the midst of a discussion with another colleague. Siya, with a mix of concern and frustration, entered the cabin after Raghav, closely followed by Keerti and Harman. 

Raghav: "You! Get out."

The other doctor hesitated, looking between Raghav and Dr. Naik, unsure of what was unfolding.

Raghav, raising his voice, "I SAID, GET OUT!"

Frightened, the doctor hastily exited the cabin, leaving Naik, Raghav, Siya, Keerti, and Harman inside.

Dr. Naik, trying to maintain his composure, asked, "Siya, what is the meaning of this?"

Raghav, his tone thunderous retorted sharply, "SHUT UP! If you dare to take my wife's name again, the consequences will be very bad, do you understand ? My wife works here as a doctor. You will address her professionally as 'Doctor'. If you ever take my wife's name disrespectfully again, I'll rip your tongue out and wrap it around your neck. Am I clear?"

Dr. Naik, taken aback, nodded nervously in agreement. 

Raghav, taking a seat with an air of authority, commands, "Now, take a paper and pen. You're going to write what I say."

Dr. Naik, trembling, reached for a paper and pen, sweat forming on his forehead. He leaned back, his eyes still locked on the trembling doctor.

Raghav, his eyes piercing through Dr. Naik with an air of authority, dictates, "I, Dr. Naik, hereby resign from my position at this hospital, effective immediately. I acknowledge my disrespectful behavior towards Dr. Siya Raghavendra Rao, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I apologize for tarnishing the professional environment of this institution, Signed, Dr. Naik."

Dr. Naik, still shocked, scribbles down reluctantly the words while Raghav glares at him.

Siya, concerned, tries to intervene, "Raghav, this might be too much. Please let it go-"

Ignoring her plea, Raghav continues, "Now sign it."

Dr. Naik hesitates, but the piercing gaze from Raghav pushes him to sign the resignation letter.

As Dr. Naik finished writing, Raghav snatched the paper from him, glancing at it with a nod of satisfaction.

He tossed the paper back across the desk, watching as Dr. Naik fumbled to catch them sneered, "Submit this to the administration. Consider this your exit ticket from this place. And remember, this is your only chance to walk away from this unscathed. Don't make me regret being this generous."

As Raghav stood up to leave, Dr. Naik, got up and rushed towards him, desperation etched on his face.

Dr. Naik : "Mr. Rao, I-I am truly sorry for my behavior. I have no excuses. I was out of line. I have let my ego cloud my judgment. I curse myself for disrespecting your wife. Please, forgive me."

Siya and keerti were stunned seeing Naik like that while Raghav, unmoved, continued to stare ahead...

Dr. Naik, turning towards siya, pleaded, "Si-"

Raghav looks at him sharply and he gulps in fear and immediately corrects, "S-Sorry...I am sorry, Dr. Rao, please forgive my foolishness and convey my sincere apologies to Mr. Rao. I promise to rectify my behavior and learn from this mistake. I am truly sorry."

Siya : "Raghav !"

Raghav, with a controlled yet intense demeanor, continued,  "Listen carefully, Doctor. I don't appreciate you threatening my wife's job and creating unnecessary chaos in her professional life. Your personal issues with her are your problem, not hers. It should not affect her work. Keep your issues to yourself, and never drag her into them again."

Raghav's spoke with a dangerous calmness, "This is your last warning. If you dare to utter a word about her job again or if you create any trouble for her, I'll personally ensure that you regret it. Remember this, I don't like to repeat my words, understand?"

Dr. Naik, visibly shaken, stammered, "I...I understand."

Raghav: "Good. Now, I suggest you focus on your work and not meddle in things that don't concern you. If I ever hear about you disrespecting anyone here, especially my wife, you won't need a resignation letter."

He then turned to Siya, "Let's go, Siya," pulling her gently by the hand, leaving Dr. Naik bewildered in the cabin.

As they reached the car, Siya, her gaze fixed on Raghav all the way, abruptly pulled her hand back, causing them to come to a halt.

Siya: "What was that? What do you think you did?"

Raghav, maintaining his composed demeanor, looked at her.

Raghav: "I showed him his right place."

Siya, a mix of frustration and concern in her eyes, retorted, "By barging into his cabin like that? You've made things more complicated, Raghav. This isn't how you handle these situations."

Raghav, "Sometimes, Siya, people need a dose of their own medicine."

Siya : "You were behaving like some street hooligan; you know that?"

Raghav, with a calm yet determined expression, replied, "He disrespected my wife. I won't tolerate that. And I haven't even done anything yet—just explained to him, warned him. If he crosses his limit again, then..."

Siya raised an eyebrow, "Then? What will you do?"

Raghav leaned in with a smirk, "Do I really need to tell you?"

Siya looked at him for a minute then shaking her head spoke, "Looks like you've gone completely mad."

Raghav, "That's what I have been since childhood..."

Siya, "You think all this is a joke ! You need to understand that this kind of behavior can have serious consequences, not just for me but for you as well. What if he reports this?"

Raghav, unfazed, stated, "I don't think he's that foolish."

Siya looking at him, sighed out in frustration and crossed her arms.

Raghav : "Okay.. If you think he's then I'll deal with whatever consequences come our way. Don't worry, hm ? But he can't talk to my wife like that."

Siya confronted Raghav, her eyes filled with defiance. "Did I ask you for help, Raghav? I don't need you fighting my battles in the hospital. I'm mature and independent, capable of handling my problems alone. Stop pretending to be a protective husband."

Raghav, wearing a smirk that betrayed a hint of amusement, responded calmly, "Siya, I'm not pretending to be your husband. I am your husband, and it's my duty to protect you."

Siya : "In the name of protection, you are strangulating me... just one rope is missing..."

Raghav : "Well, it's around your neck..."

Siya followed his gaze which landed on her mangalsutra.

Raghav, with a sly smile, continued, "It's a reminder that you're mine, and I'll go to any lengths to keep what's mine safe. I'll always protect you, whether you like it or not."

As Siya locked eyes with Raghav, she found a complex mix of emotions within them.. determination, dominance, possessiveness, and a hint of something unspoken. 


Siya entered the kitchen and found her r/m in the kitchen...

Siya : "Maa, what happened? You haven't slept yet. Do you need anything?"

R/M: "No, dear. I don't want anything. I was just taking dinner for Saumya and Raghav in their room. Saumya's important meeting is still ongoing online, and Raghav is also busy with his work. Both of them are alike when it comes to this matter, They might end up sleeping without eating, so I need to ensure they have their dinner."

Siya : "Maa, you don't need to trouble yourself so much. I'll take Raghav's dinner with me. You go and take care of Saumya."

R/m, with a grateful smile, replied, "That's so sweet of you, dear. But you've had a long day at the hospital. You must be tired already. You go and take rest in your room. I can manage this."

Siya, determined, insisted, "Maa, it's nothing like that, It's my responsibility. Besides, Today, he's in our room as the guest room AC isn't working. I'll make sure he properly has his dinner."

R/M, nodded expressing her concern, "Alright, dear. Raghav is so immersed in his work sometimes; he forgets of himself. And today it seems to me that he hasn't eaten anything since morning... He left early morning and didn't appeared at lunch time during the day... I don't know whether he'd something in the office or not? I thought of asking Azaad, but even he was not seen today, I don't know where he is ?"

Saying this she sighs and then continues...

"Just make sure he doesn't give you a tough time. You know how he is when engrossed in work. You don't overexert yourself. Hm ?"

Siya, nodding, assured, "Don't worry, Maa. I'll make sure he doesn't skip his meal from now."

R/M, smiling warmly, responded, "You're so caring, Siya. Take care, I'll go check on Saumya now."

Siya, nodding: "Of course, Maa. I'll handle it. You go take care of Saumya. And don't stay up too late yourself, it's not good for your health and If there's anything else you need, let me know."

R/m : "Okay, Good night!"

Siya replied with a warmly smile, "Good night!"

As R/m left, Siya prepared a tray with Raghav's dinner...


Siya reached the room and saw Raghav still engrossed in his work...

Siya : "Raghav !"

Raghav gaze fixed on screen, "What ?"

Siya, in mind, "What's so important that he can't even look away for a moment ?"

Maintaining her calm, she says, "I brought dinner for you. You should take a break now and eat."

Raghav, still glued to his work, scoffed, "I'm busy, Siya. I don't have time for dinner right now."

Siya, raising an eyebrow, retorts, "Really? What's so important that you can't spare few minutes for dinner? Is it more crucial than your own well-being?"

Raghav remains silent, engrossed in his tasks. Siya, sighs being frustrated, places the tray on the table, muttering to herself, "Fine, starve then."

As she observes his peculiar behavior, she reflects on the events of the day – his protective actions, the curiosity about Max, and the unexpected caring gestures.

Her chain of thoughts is interrupted by Raghav, who finally, breaking the silence, abruptly exclaims, "YES! I KNEW IT!"

Siya looks at him, perplexed and slightly alarmed, as his expression transforms into sinister, mad and strange, the unsettling intensity in his eyes, almost monstrous. She wonders what revelation has stirred such a reaction from the usually composed and stoic Raghav.

Confused, Siya approached him, asking, "Knew what? What's going on ?"

Siya, worried, called out to him, shaking him from his trance, "Raghav! I'm asking you something. What happened?"

Raghav, appearing unyielding, dismissed her inquiries with a curt "Nothing" and attempted to walk away. However, Siya's persistence halted him,

"Mayank Desai !" she uttered, her gaze fixed on the laptop screen.

The mention of the name triggered a visible reaction in Raghav. Clenching his fists and closing his eyes, he stood like a statue, revealing the gravity of the situation. Siya, determined to unravel the mystery, looked at him and questioned, "Who is he?"

Raghav, trying to maintain composure, sternly replied, "Its none of your concern. Stay out of this."

Siya persisted, "Don't shut me out. I want to understand what's happening. Who is Mayank Desai, and why does it bother you so much?"

Coldly, Raghav turned, stating, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!"

Siya firm, "Fine! If you don't want to tell me, then don't ! But remember, from now on, my professional life is also none of your business. If Anything happens, You won't interfere in my professional matters."

Raghav, his jaw tense, glanced at her with a mixture of frustration and reluctance...

She moved towards the door, and as she passed by, Raghav, tense-jawed, caught her hand, stopping her.

Raghav, tone softened, "Siya, some things are better left unknown. It's a part of my world, a world you weren't meant to be a part of."

Despite the tension, his words carried a mix hint of determination and vulnerability, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

Siya turned around, looking into his eyes, replied, "You're right. I wasn't meant for this netherworld. But, you're the one who brought me into it—willingly or unwillingly."

Raghav, holding onto her hand, looked into her eyes, a trace of regret shadowing his features.


Siya's eyes widened in shock as she processed the revelation.

Siya: "WHAT! He's the son of Jitendra Desai!" exclaimed Siya, sitting on the bed before Raghav.

Raghav just hummed in response before continuing, "After his father's death, he's the one continuing his legacy."

Siya, concerned, asked, "What does he want from you?"

Raghav, clenching his jaw, admitted, "Revenge!"

Siya: "Revenge for what?"

Raghav: "His father's death!"

Siya, trying to process things, questioned, "Revenge for his father's death from you? But you had told me that when you went to seek revenge from Jitendra Desai, he was already killed by someone else."

Siya nodded, prompting Raghav to continue, "And there was no one, neither his associate nor his guards, which made me feel very strange. By the time I was pondering this, Mayank Desai, who was out of the country, entered followed by the associates and guards and witnessed it all."

Siya, absorbing the gravity of the situation, asked, "So, he holds you responsible for a death you didn't cause?"

Raghav, with a hint of frustration, replied, "Exactly. And now, he's seeking revenge against me for a crime I didn't commit."

Siya: "So, didn't you tell him that you didn't kill his father?"

Raghav, sarcastically, said, "Yeah... He is my childhood friend; I will tell him, and he will agree."

Siya: "I'm serious, Raghav!"

Raghav: "I'm also not joking! His father was lying there in the pool of his own blood, there was no one else except me, that too with the gun in my hand. So, he would feel that only, that I killed his father to avenge my father's death. But I did try to explain countless times, and as I expected, he refuses to believe anything else.

And when someone does not understand even after explaining, he has to be punished because the ghosts of kicks do not believe in word. He has been getting kicked for ten years and become habituated of it, if God has given him some wisdom then after getting kicked for a few more years for sure he will understand. I hope so."

Siya sighed out, "He and his Logics !"

Raghav : "What ?"

Siya, empathetic, said, "That's unfair, Raghav. You're being blamed for something you didn't do. And you both are fighting all these years out of a misunderstanding."

Raghav, with a bitter smile, responded, "Nothing in this world is fair, Siya... It's the biggest lie, that everything is fair in love and war. Because neither the war is fair nor am I."

Siya gazed at Raghav, his eyes took on a darker intensity as rhe revealed the weight of his past.

Siya: "But there must be a way to clear your name. Witnesses, evidence... something. Maybe we can find something if we dig into the past, gather information."

Raghav sighed, a mix of resignation and frustration evident in his expression.

Raghav: "There's no use of it; the one who killed Desai has erased any traces that could absolve me. I've tried, but nothing worked. Also, Max is deeply entrenched in his belief, fueled by anger and vengeance..."

Siya interrupted, "Max? You mean Mayank Desai!"

Raghav, taking a glass of water from the side, said, "What difference does it make, whether you say Max or Mayank Desai?"

Siya pressed on, "No, Raghav, Max is..."

Her eyes widened in realization as she looked at Raghav, who was calmly drinking water.

Siya: "Y..You mean.. M..Max and Mayank D..Desai.. is..."

Raghav completed for her, "Same!"

Siya, shocked by the revelation, exclaimed, "What?"

Raghav: "Hm... Max is Mayank Desai's another name in Italy or other foreign countries, which he rarely uses here. That's why it took me some time to recall it; he intentionally used that not to get caught by you."

She recalled her today's meet with Max and got panicked. 

Siya: "I..It m..means t..today.. at... the h.hospital... I..."

Raghav forwarding the glass, "Relax... Here, have water..."

Siya took the glass, "Shut up! You're taking all this as a joke!... That enemy of yours has reached me today in order to get revenge on you... and you are saying relax? What if he'd done something to me today ?"

Raghav, with a touch of sarcasm, said, "Wow! You understood this very quickly! When I was explaining this thing to you, you thought yourself the queen of Jhansi, then what happened now, hm?"

Siya, frustrated, retorted, "This is not a time for sarcasm, Raghav! Understand the seriousness of this situation. He even reached the hospital to kill me, so imagine what he could do..."

Raghav, "Imagine... He could send a car filled with gunpowder to burn me alive... He could send a parcel to our home with a bomb..."

Siya intervened, "Alarm clock!"

Raghav, "Hm?"

Siya: "There was an alarm clock in it, which everyone thought was a bomb..."

Raghav: "Whatever! But that's what he can do to us. He can try to instill fear, offer warnings, or attempt blackmail, but nothing much beyond that."

Siya: "Means he'd sent that parcel and what was that other... Car filled with gunpowder. When did that happen?"

Raghav: "It happened when you went with the driver today. Remember you started coughing while standing near the gate; that weird smell was of gunpowder."

Hearing all this, Siya, gripping the glass tightly, felt a surge of fear.

Siya: "What... what should we do now?"

Raghav, noticing Siya's distress, gently held her hand, bringing the glass near her mouth, encouraging her to take a sip of water.

Raghav: "Firstly, you should drink water."

Siya, feeling the weight of the situation, gulped down the remaining water in one go. Raghav took the glass from her hands and placed it aside with a quiet understanding.

Raghav: "Secondly, you should take a deep breath and calm yourself."

Siya, still visibly shaken, inhaled deeply, trying to center herself as Raghav's steady presence provided a sense of reassurance.

Raghav: "And thirdly, you should leave everything on me, I'll handle it. you relax and sleep peacefully."

His voice, though firm, carried a comforting undertone, attempting to ease the weight of the situation for Siya.

Saying this, he was about to get up, but she held his hand.

Siya: "But Raghav..."

Raghav: "That's why I wasn't telling you anything earlier. I knew you would get scared unnecessarily, but you were adamant to know. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you; I'm there, nah."

He patted her head like she's a small baby, she puffed her face in anger and immediately jerked off his hand.

Siya: "Yes, I'm scared... Not of that Max or Mayank Desai or whosoever it is. But I'm scared of you. Because whatever he has to do, he will do it later, but today, you haven't eaten anything since morning, and being a monster, what if you attack me in the midnight out of hunger."

Raghav, taken aback by her words, replied, "Your level of nonsense is increasing day by day."

Siya: "I'm living with you, that's why!"

Raghav shook his head while she got down from the bed...

Siya, with a determined demeanor, stated, "Now, if you're done with your work, have your dinner!"

Saying this, she approached him with a tray, ready to place it before him. However, Raghav's curt "No" stopped her in her tracks.

She looked at him, raising her eyebrows in question, "What did you say?"

Raghav, momentarily tearing his gaze away from the laptop, responded, "What? I don't want to have food."

Siya, with a stern expression, retorted, "Really? You're not going to eat after an entire day?"

Raghav, avoiding direct eye contact, mumbled, "I'm not hungry."

Siya, with a disapproving tone, stated, "Don't lie. You may fool others, but you can't fool me. Now, eat!"

Raghav, with a hint of irritation, replied, "Siya, I have more important things to deal with right now."

Siya, undeterred, insisted, "And I have an important task of ensuring you don't starve. Eat!"

Raghav, still resistant, declared, "I won't!"

Siya, unfazed, responded with a casual demeanor, "Okay then."

Raghav's eyes remained fixed on the screen as he mumbled, "She agreed so easily?"

She closed the laptop with one hand, catching Raghav off guard.

Raghav: "What the-"

As he opened his mouth to protest, she decisively stuffed a morsel in.

Siya, with a mischievous smile, asked, "What? Were you saying something?"

Raghav, attempting to regain control of the situation, began, "Listen---"

But before he could finish, she swiftly stuffed another morsel into his mouth, playfully asserting her determination.

Siya: "What do you want to say? Say it clearly!"

Raghav, slightly defeated, managed to ask, "Will you let me speak?"

Siya, playful, replied, "Nope, it's bad manners to speak when you're eating."

Raghav: "Now, you will teach me ma---"

As he attempted to speak again, she playfully stuffed another morsel into his mouth.

Siya: "Just enjoy your food, don't speak much!"

Raghav sighed, realizing that arguing with Siya could be more exhausting than dealing with his underworld issues. He reluctantly took the plate from her and started eating, while Siya watched with a satisfied smile.

Siya, with a triumphant smile, "See, that wasn't so difficult, was it?"

Raghav, with a mouthful, grumbled, "You're too persistent for your own good."

Siya, teasingly, responded, "Someone has to be when dealing with a stubborn monster like you."

Raghav, rolling his eyes, continued his meal, secretly grateful for Siya's unwavering care.


Siya was seated on the bed, deeply engrossed in her book. The rhythmic turning of pages held her attention until a resonant thud signaled the closing of the door. She glanced up to find Raghav emerging from the bathroom, clad in his comfortable attire—only a pair of track pants, his nightly preference sans a shirt.

As their eyes met, a subtle discomfort washed over Siya, causing her to avert her gaze pretending to be engrossed in her book, Intent on making her feel at ease, Raghav, perceptive as ever, reached for his t-shirt resting on the couch. He smoothly slipped into it while making his way to his side of the bed, allowing the room to return to its tranquil ambiance.

He laid down, facing his back towards her, and closed his eyes. While Siya, continued her reading.

As time passed, she began to feel a little cold and instinctively pulled the blanket from her feet covering herself to waist. However, a glance at the AC unit made her realize the source of the chill. She picked up the remote from beside her on the bed, increased the temperature, and placed it back.

As the room gradually warmed, Raghav, opened his eyes. Observing the change in the temperature, he reached behind him, picked up the remote, and decreased it.

Siya, noticing this, remarked, "The room has cooled down; the temperature can be increased."

Raghav, still with closed eyes, retorted, "I'm not feeling cold!"

Siya: "But I'm feeling cold!"

Raghav, eyes still closed, replied, "So, wear a sweater!"

Siya mumbled, "Khadoos!" under her breath.

As she reached for the remote to adjust the temperature, Raghav swiftly turned and laid on his back, strategically placing himself over the remote, preventing any further adjustments.

Siya mumbled again, "This man is absolutely stubborn."

Just then, her mobile on the side buzzed with notifications.

She picked it up and saw the notification, "Keerti ?"

Raghav, with his eyes still closed, remarked, "There's someone else in the room as well, so keep your phone on silent."

Siya was about to apologise but suddenly a mischievous idea sparked in her mind..

Leaning closer to Raghav, Siya held the mobile to her ear and spoke in a loud voice, pretending to be on the phone, "Hello! Yes, Keerti?"

As Siya continued her fake conversation, Raghav, with his eyes still closed, frowned slightly, clearly annoyed by the disturbance, and turned sideways. Siya, still leaning towards him, maintained her playful act.

Siya: "Yes... I'm absolutely free. We can talk all night!"

Raghav, unable to ignore the charade, finally opened his eyes while Siya immediately got back into her place. He shot her an irritated look. Siya, suppressing a smile, continued her imaginary call.

 Raghav visibly annoyed, spoke, "Can you go out and talk! Please!"

Siya, maintaining her imaginary call, argued, "Why? It's my room too. And we're talking about something very important. It's an important discussion."

Her voice trailed off as her phone rang, revealing the playful prank which reached its climax.

Raghav, raising an eyebrow, inquired, "You were talking to Keerti, right? So, how did your phone ring?"

Siya, trying to cover up, nervously responded, "Well... It's my phone. It can ring whenever it wants. I don't think it needs your permission."

Raghav, unimpressed, retorted, "Really? Stop your nonsense! You..."

Siya, seizing the moment, interrupted, "W..Wai..Wait a minute! I..I'm really getting a call. Let me answer it!"

As Siya answered the call nervously, Raghav observed her...

Siya: "Hello? Home loan?"

She glanced at Raghav, who eagerly awaited her to end the call, seemingly like a lion waiting for its prey. Intentionally, she continued the conversation.

Siya: "Yes, I want the home loan!"

Raghav furrowed his eyebrows hearing her...

Siya : "How much? Um... 70 lakhs! Give me a home loan of 70 lakhs! Do one thing... I'm giving you my manager's number... Please talk to him. Yeah... Note down his number..."

Siya looked at Raghav with a smirk and said, "91XXXXXXXX!"

Raghav, bewildered, exclaimed, "What the heck are you doing?"

Siya, enjoying her mischief, continued, "Yes! See, my manager is a very busy man. So, call him at least a few times in a day. And he'll say no for the home loan but pressure him. Yes!"

Hearing her instructions, Raghav facepalmed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Siya: "So, call him right now, just like you called me."

Raghav, bewildered, as Siya continued her amusing charade.

Siya: "Yes, call him... Alright, okay, bye!"

Ending the call, Siya looked at Raghav, who was glaring at her.

Raghav: "Are you out of your mind? You gave my number... My personal number to a bank guy!"

Siya, maintaining her composure, teased, "If you'll mess with me, this is what will happen!"

Raghav, frustrated, warned, "You crazy woman..."

*Phone rings*

Siya: "Pick up! Pick up! It's an important call! You want the home loan, right?"

Raghav, with a hint of frustration, muttered, "You'll pay for this!"

Siya, undeterred, quipped, "We'll see!"

Raghav : "Questa ragazza è incredibile! giuro che morirò se vivrò con lei." (This girl is unbelievable! I swear I will die if I live with her.)

Siya : "What ? Iṭāliyānamadhyē baḍabaḍa karū nakā, maraṭhīta bōlā, mī tumhālā yōga uttarā dinā." (Don't mumble in Italian, speak in Marathi, I'll give you a befitting reply)

Raghav : "Non costringermi, se inizio a Marathi impazzirai." (Don't force me, if I'll start Marathi you will go crazy.)

Siya : "Tumhī iṭāliyanamadhyē māphī māgatā, barōbara? Tē karā, tē tumacyāsāṭhī cāṅgalē āhē." (You're apologising in Italian, right ? Do that, that's what better for you.)

"Vēḍā māṇūsa (crazy man)", saying this she turned to her side and laid down covering herself with quilt.

In response, he called her "Pazza (crazy woman)", turning to his side and peacefully closing his eyes."


In the dimly lit, nearly deserted bar, Max/Mayank Desai and Jay Mhatre sat across from each other, surrounded by the heavy silence that often accompanies the clinking of glasses. Intoxication lingered in the air as both men brooded over unspoken grievances.

Jay, his brow furrowed with a mixture of anger and frustration, finally broke the uneasy silence. "You had a golden opportunity, Mayank. Why did you let it slip away?" His words hung in the atmosphere, carrying the weight of missed chances and the consequences of Mayank's choices.

Unfazed, Mayank raised his glass, gulping down another drink, as if seeking solace in the amber liquid. Jay's eyes bore into him, demanding an explanation for the choices that had led them to this desolate moment.

Jay continued, his voice carrying a poignant tone, "If you hadn't done this, we would be celebrating our victory on a grander scale. And my Siya would've been with me." The unspoken consequences of Mayank's decisions echoed in the hollow spaces of the bar, a haunting reminder of what might have been.

Amidst the heavy atmosphere, a mysterious figure approached, bowing respectfully. "Boss! We've got the information. Your guess turned out to be absolutely correct."

Mayank, momentarily halting the spin of the ice in his glass, was captivated by the news. Jay, however, looked at him in confusion, the unfolding revelation adding a layer of intrigue to their intoxicated encounter in the empty bar.

As Mayank's lips curled into a chuckle, gradually evolving into an echoing evil laughter, the bar seemed to come alive with an unexpected twist. Jay and the informant exchanged puzzled glances, witnessing a side of Mayank that added an unforeseen dimension to their shared predicament.

Amidst the laughter, Jay questioned, "Hey! What happened?" He turned to the informant, seeking clarification, "What joke did you tell him?"

The informant shrugged, equally perplexed, and Jay, shook Mayank, "Hey! Has the intoxication of failure taken over your mind?"

Mayank, still chuckling, leaned back, looking above with a newfound respect. "Oh God, today I acknowledge your brilliance. What a game you've orchestrated! You are truly clever!"

Jay, growing more perplexed, insisted, "Mayank, what's going on? Why are you laughing like this?"

Mayank, composing himself, leaned back with a sly grin. "Jay, my friend, you always underestimated the power of fate, You see, I've just learned something."

Jay, perplexed by Mayank's sudden change in demeanor, leaned in, "What are you talking about?"

The informant, sensing the gravity of the situation, discreetly handed Mayank a file. As Mayank skimmed through the contents, a glint of determination sparkled in his eyes. Jay, impatient, demanded, "What did you find? What's so amusing?"

Mayank passed him the file and Jay scanned through the file with a mix of disbelief and realization. As the weight of the information settled in, he looked up at Mayank in shock, who had a sly grin etched on his face, "What? How is that even possible? And How did you find out?"

Mayank continued, "Fate works in mysterious ways, my friend. I had my suspicions and just now those suspicions are confirmed."

Jay, still grappling with the revelation, stammered, "So, What will you do now ? Will the deal we made be fulfilled or..."

Mayank, fueled by a resolute gaze and a thirst for revenge, assured, "Of course! Emotions won't cloud our victory. Nothing matters more than bringing Raghvendra Rao down. I will avenge my father's death, regardless of the cost."

"But how?" Jay inquired.

Mayank, now focused on the strategic game ahead, explained, "It doesn't matter how, Jay. What matters is what we do next. And to discuss that, today we're here."

Jay nodded, understanding, "Hm... Well, I have one plan in my mind..."

Mayank, nodding in agreement, added, "Go on."

Jay, wearing a calculated grin, leaned forward to lay out the intricacies of his plan. The dim lights cast shadows on his face as he outlined each detail, creating an air of suspense and anticipation.

Mayank, still processing the unfolding strategy, voiced his concern, "But will this work? Will she come?"

Jay, exuding confidence, replied with a touch of assurance, "Why not? When that Siya had come, then why would this Siya not come?" A subtle glint of mischief played in his eyes as he raised his glass, declaring, "Just need a company!"

Mayank, a mix of uncertainty and newfound determination coursing through him, hesitated momentarily. Yet, fueled by the fire of revenge, he engaged wholeheartedly in the strategic discourse. With a clink of glasses, Mayank and Jay acknowledged the unity forged by their shared pursuit of vengeance, sealing their commitment to the unpredictable journey ahead. 


To be continued...

Hope you liked the chapter... Don't forget to vote and comment...

"I know I'm late but, firstly, A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ! May this new year 2024 bless you and your loved ones with good health, wealth, and happiness."

Secondly, I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates in the past two months. As a newly enrolled college student, adjustment to the new academic environment, balancing responsibilities especially during semester exams, became particularly challenging during this period. I appreciate your understanding and patience, and I look forward to resuming regular updates soon. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.

Note :- I've changed one of the character's name in the story i.e 'Raghavi' to 'Saumya' because of the typing issue. So, please Don't get confused. And now a important news, The next chapter is going to be super duper interesting, and also the story would be taking a twist so please stay connected and don't forget to read. It might take a little bit of more time to write it but I'll try to post as early as possible.

Stay tuned for the next part...

Thanks for reading...

❤️Lots of love❤️

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
