1. Beautiful Revenge (part 20)

Hello ! Welcome to part 20...

Siya stood by the table, arranging plates and cutlery, a gentle smile gracing her face as she glanced up, noticing R/m coming there...

Siya : (smiling) "Good morning , Maa !"

R/m : (returning the smile) "Good morning , Siya !"

Siya's eyes sparkled with joy, appreciating the bond they had formed over time. She invited R/m to join her at the table, the aroma of freshly prepared food filling the air.

Siya : "Breakfast is ready , please come."

R/m nodded, her smile reflecting the gratitude she felt towards Siya. Just as they were about to sit down, Raghav entered the room, his gaze fixed on Siya. Siya's smile widened, lighting up her face. 

Siya : "Raghav, breakfast is ready. Come and have some..."

Raghav approached her, a mysterious glimmer in his eyes.

Raghav : "This is for you."

With a gentle gesture, he handed her an envelope, leaving Siya puzzled yet intrigued.

Siya : (confused) "What is this ?"

Raghav simply gestured for her to open it, his eyes filled with anticipation. Siya opens the envelope, her curiosity growing with each passing second. Her eyes widening in surprise as she discovered its contents.

Siya : (astonished) "A train ticket ? For whom ?"

Raghav: (gloomily) "For you."

Siya's heart skipped a beat, a sudden rush of emotions flooding through her. Confusion and disbelief mingled with a sense of foreboding. She searched Raghav's face for answers, hoping to understand the unexpected turn of events.

Siya : (puzzled) "For me ? Where am I going ?"

Raghav's gaze held a weight of unspoken emotions, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Raghav : "Nashik."

Siya stood there stunned , her mind raced, trying to make sense of Raghav's words...

Raghav : "Whatever I did to you till date , I sorry for that. I have wronged you. From now there will be no conditions , no coercion. You are free from our relationship and family responsibilities. Now you can live your life the way you want."

Siya slowly nodded tears brimming on the edge of her lashes, a whirlwind of emotions churning within her. Her lips trembled as she attempted to find the right words to express her thoughts -

Siya : (overwhelmed) "Wow. The train is going to leave in three hours. I'll pack the luggage."

Saying this she leaves from there...

As Siya disappeared from sight, Raghav's emotions overwhelmed him , unable to contain his emotions any longer, Raghav embraced his mother tightly, tears streaming down his face. In that tender moment, R/m's gentle caress on his back provided solace and comfort to his troubled heart , her own tears mirroring his.


Raghav entered in the living room, where Siya sat engrossed in a book. His gaze shifted to the luggage neatly placed nearby, and he motioned for one of the house staff to take it to the car.

R/m also arrived in the living room, her gaze filled with a mix of emotions as she observed the weight of their collective emotions palpable in the air.

Raghav: "Siya, the train is scheduled to leave in an hour."

Siya: (looking up from her book) "Oh, yes. Let's go."

She rose from couch , her eyes meeting Raghav's with a mixture of gratitude and understanding. Siya wrapped her arms around him in a heartfelt embrace, cherishing their final moments together before embarking on a new chapter of her life.

Siya : "Thanks for everything , Raghav. But you don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine. Take care of yourself."

Raghav : "You too..." 

Raghav hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on Siya.

Raghav : "Now, let's go."

Siya : "Yeah."

Raghav turned to walk away but noticed Siya still standing there, a determined expression on her face.

Raghav : "Come on..."

Siya : (firmly) "Should I accompany you to the station too?"

Raghav and R/m exchanged confused glances, not comprehending Siya's sudden change of plans.

Raghav : "You are supposed to catch the train. You are going to Nashik."

Siya : "No ! You're going to Nashik. Your luggage is in the car because you're leaving this house, not me."

Saying this , She handed him the ticket. Raghav and R/m stood there, stunned by Siya's sudden revelation. The room filled with a heavy silence as they tried to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. Siya's eyes shimmered with determination, her voice resolute. 

Raghav : "What ?"

Siya : "Ise kehte hain zor ka jhatka zor se lagna ! Bade aaye mujhe mere ghar se nikalne wale !" (This is what they call a hard hit actually feels harsh. Who are you to oust me from my home)

"For the crime of ousting me from my home forcefully I can send you to jail."

Raghav : "What ? Maa..."

Raghav looked at Siya in disbelief, searching for words to respond, but they eluded him. He turned to his mother, who simply shrugged, equally taken aback by Siya's revelation. The room remained suspended in silence as they grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Siya's voice pierced the quiet room, her words cutting through the tension.


Raghav : "Siya , But how can I..."


Raghav's eyes widened in disbelief, his gaze shifting to his mother, hoping for some semblance of understanding or support, but she averted her gaze, leaving him even more bewildered and at a loss for words. 

Raghav : "Siya you're misunderstanding me... I-I was helping you. I thought this is what you wanted."

Siya : "What ? Say it again ?"

Raghav : "I thought this is what you wanted. You wanted to leave , right ?"

Siya : "Wha...Wait. I'll tell you what I want."

She walked toward a house staff, tucking her saree pallu around her waist, grabbing the broom from his hand. Raghav and R/m watched her in confusion, unable to comprehend her intentions.

The house staff member hesitated, unsure of Siya's intentions. "Ma'am, what are you..."

Raghav: (walking towards her) "Siya, I know you're angry, but you don't need to clean the house in anger. It's their work, they'll do it."

Siya: "I am not going to clean the house. I'm going to clean your brain."

Raghav: "What?"

Before he could utter another word, Siya struck him forcefully with the broom. The intensity of her action left everyone present stunned as they gathered in the hall witnessing the unexpected or unbelievable act before their eyes.

Siya : "Since , Yesterday your brain is working too much. How dare you try to oust me from home ? I'll teach you lesson now. Wait !"

Raghav : (running away from her) "Hey you... What are you doing ?" 

Siya : (chasing him) "Wait ! Where are you running ?"

Desperately, he pulled his mother between them, hoping to find solace or support, but she stood quietly, hiding a smile, equally amused and surprised by the turn of events.

Raghav : "Maa ! Why are you standing quietly ? Where you got me trapped ? What is she talking about ? You only asked me to do this...  tell her !"

Siya : "SHUT UP ! If you involved mother in law in all this , I'll beat you with the wiper ! Look at his audacity , he handed me a ticket to Nashik ! What does he thinks of himself ?"

R/m : "Yes , See !"

Raghav : "Maa , you..."


R/m : "Right !"

Siya : "I'm not going to spare you today , Mr. Raghavendra Rao !"

With her words hanging in the air, Siya swung the broom at him again, prompting Raghav to retreat to the other side of the room.

Siya : "Wait ! Raghav... You want everything in your own way , The way you like ! You're very fond of controlling others life ! What do you think of me ? Is this some kind of puppet game going on ?"

With fiery determination, she continued to strike him with the broom as he frantically tried to escape her wrath, the room filled with a mix of confusion, disbelief, and stifled laughter. Siya's voice rang out, echoing with a fierce resolve.

Siya : "Where are you going , wait !"

Raghav : "Crazy doctor , stop... Don't... What are you doing ?"

Siya : "Wait. I'll teach you a lesson now."

Raghav : "Shubhash , Vikas... Someone stop her... Azaad make you sister in law understand !"

Azaad, bewildered and caught in the middle of the chaos, stuttered, attempting to bring a sense of calm to the situation. "Y-Yes, Ma'am. Please spare him. What is all this going on?" he stammered, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Siya : "Wait , Raghav."

Raghav ran in the garden in an attempt to escape her, but Siya chased after him, hurling the broom at him with precision. It struck him squarely in the back, leaving him momentarily stunned. Everyone came outside as She approached him, gripping him by the collar, and locked her eyes with his, her voice intense.

Siya: "Don't even think of doing this foolishness hereafter. I'm not going anywhere leaving you and this house. Get used to my presence. Understand ?"

Everything seems to fell into a stunned silence as the intensity of the moment sank in. Smiles played across the faces of those present, witnessing the unexpected turn of events. Raghav's expression softened, a smile breaking through as he heard Siya's resolute declaration.

Siya left him behind, walking back into the house. Raghav stood there, looking at her, his mind still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions. R/m approached him, shaking him gently, breaking his trance.

R/m : "Where are you lost ? Till now it was only the trailer, now the picture is starting. The one who went inside today is truly Mrs. Raghavendra Rao. Get used to her otherwise... (She gestured him towards the broom)... Understand ?"

Raghav : "Hm.. Because of your idea only I got beaten so badly."

R/m : "What did I do ? I just gave you an idea. You should've used your brain. If you will try to oust family's daughter In law from her home , then this will only happen."

Raghav : "Wow. You switched sides instantly."

R/m : "When did I switched sides ? I always supported Siya. And sometimes at old age , a slip of tounge happens. Who asked you to take me seriously ? You should've used your brain. I knew Siya is happy in this house."

Raghav : (joined his hands) "You're great , Maa ! I never saw a turncoat like you till date !"

Saying this he also went inside while r/m chuckled...

R/m : (joined hands) "Oh Lord ! Now , When you have decided to keep them together then Always keep this crazy couple happy."


Raghav stood outside the closed door, his knuckles rapping gently against the wood. He could sense the anger radiating from the room, permeating through the air.

"Siya, open the door once. I want to talk to you," Raghav pleaded, his words laced with a sense of desperation.

Inside the room, Siya sat on the edge of the bed, her face etched with anger and disappointment. Ignoring Raghav's pleas, she remained silent, her silence serving as a barrier between them and her anger radiating in the tense air around her.

Raghav's desperation grew as he continued, "I know I made a mistake. I can explain. Open the door, Siya ?.... Please ?"

Yet, the room remained still, devoid of any response. Siya's resolve seemed unyielding, her determination to keep her distance apparent.

Frustration and disappointment etched its way onto Raghav's face as he sighed and turned away, his inner turmoil echoing in his thoughts. "Very good, Raghav," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with self-reproach. "You were so eager to marry, just to appease mom. Now suffer."

Inside the room, Siya mumbled to herself, her voice filled with resolve. "This time, even if you beg me, I won't forgive you."

"I'll also not apologize now," he muttered under his breath, a mix of stubbornness and frustration coloring his voice. "Rote here. Crazy doctor."

With those final words, Raghav walked away...


Raghav entered in his office room , his body aching from the unexpected onslaught of Siya's strength. He winced massaging his sore muscles, and muttered in disbelief.

Raghav : "Ye Siya ka haath hai ki hatoda... Itna zor se jhaadu kon maarta hai?" (Is Siya's hand a hammer? Who wields a broom with such force?)

Azaad, unable to contain his laughter, chuckled at the sight of Raghav's discomfort. However, his laughter quickly subsided when Raghav turned his attention towards him.

Raghav's expression darkened, his tone tinged with irritation. "Do you think it's funny?"

Azaad, attempting to compose himself, managed a hesitant apology. "S...Sorry! I've never seen you like this before."

Raghav : "Because I wasn't married before. And except my mom , no one exerted their rights upon me this way before."

"Anyways , did you hear ? Siya will stay here."

Azaad : (smiles) "Yes. Everyone in the house is very happy. Sir , what now ?"

Raghav : "What now ! We've to wait till her anger cools down."

Azaad : "She won't calm down so easily , Sir."

Raghav : "Then ?"

Azaad : "You need to pacify her."

Raghav : "What ? Does she really expect me to do that ? I'm The Raghavendra Rao. No chance !"

Azaad : "Then even you sulk. No wife in the world so far has been pacified without the husband's pleading."

Raghav : "Is it ? I'm fine with that but The Raghavendra Rao will never do that drama."

"Agh!!! When will I be free from this troublesome marriage ?"

Azaad : "Never !"

Raghav : "Never ?"

Azaad : (nodding) "Never !"

Raghav : "Okay then tell me how to pacify her ?"

Azaad : "How would I know ? I spent half of my bachelorhood with you. You ruined my whole life..."

Azaad feigned a cry, causing Raghav to roll his eyes at the theatrics.

Raghav : "Oh hello ! Just lack of experience doesn't mean you have no brain. Can't you use that brain for once or you have planned to keep your unused brain in a museum !"

Azaad : "Isn't she your wife ? So , you use your brain !"

Raghav wagged his finger in mock admonishment.

Raghav : "Hey !... Let us both think."

Azaad : "Th..That's better."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as Raghav and Azaad tried to untangle the complex puzzle before them. Their brows furrowed, their minds racing to find a solution that could mend the rift between Raghav and Siya.

Suddenly, Azaad's face lit up with a eureka moment.

Azaad : "Boss, I've got an idea!"

Raghav nodded, eager to hear what Azaad had come up with.

Raghav : "Hm... Speak!"

Azaad : "Aren't you good at exercises ?"

Raghav : "Yes, I am."

Azaad : "Well then, you can use that skill. Do push-ups and apologize to Siya Madam until she forgives you."

Raghav : "What rubbish! Who does push-ups to apologize?"

Azaad : "Sir, if you can do sit-ups to apologize, then why not push-ups?"

Raghav paused, considering the logic in Azaad's point...

Raghav : "Yes. You have a logic in your point. I'll also do a headstand and a flip , she will be extra impressed."

Azaad : "Yes!"

Raghav : "Yes!"

They were about to celebrate their ingenious plan with a high-five, but quickly withdrew their hands, shaking their fingers in a negative gesture.

Both : (together) "Bad idea!"

Raghav : "Agar mai aisa karunga na toh woh mujhe bandar samajh ke bhaga degi." (If I'll do that ! She'll shoo me away considering a monkey.)

Azaad : "Correct ! I better search the Internet. I'll get some idea for sure , right ?"

Raghav : "Hm... Do it ! You are talking too much lately."

Azaad quickly retrieved his laptop and started searching for ways to pacify one's wife. After a minute of scrolling, his face lit up with excitement.

"Sir, I got it! '10 ways to pacify your wife,'" Azaad announced triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with newfound hope.

"Hm... Speak!" he urged, eager to hear the suggestions that might pave the way to reconciliation with Siya.

Azaad : "Step 1. Set your ego aside and talk to her nicely."

Raghav : "I did , But her room is locked. Next ?"

Azaad : "Step 2. Apologize to her."

Raghav : "I did , But no response."

Azaad : "Step 3. Listen to everything she says."

Raghav : "I listened and got beaten up too."

Azaad : "Step 4. Hug them tightly and apologise them nicely."

Raghav : "TO HECK WITH YOUR INTERNET ! Tell me how your father impresses your mother ?"

Azaad : "Sir , My father is of a quite poetic mood. When my mother gets angry my father reads poetry to her and my mother cheers up again !"

Raghav : "It may impress your mother but not my wife because I'm not a poet. I don't even know 'p' of poetry so how will I write a poetry ?"

Azaad : "Don't worry boss ! I've an Idea ! I will download a nice poetry from internet , you go to mam and recite it in your style. She will be convinced !"

Raghav : "Yes ! This idea can work. Very nice ! Come on , write it down quickly !"

Azaad nodded eagerly, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he began to materialize their newfound plan. Raghav, a mix of anticipation and nerves, mentally prepared himself to face Siya and recite the poetic words that might just thaw her anger.

Raghav : "Siya , now you see how I'll read you poetry in The Raghavendra Rao's style and your anger will vanish within seconds. Understand ?"


Siya stood in the kitchen, her attention fixed on the rhythmic motions of slicing vegetables. Her hands moved with precision, but her thoughts remained consumed by her lingering anger towards Raghav. The atmosphere was charged with tension, and the clinking of the knife against the cutting board seemed to echo their strained relationship.

In the midst of the culinary symphony, Raghav entered the kitchen, his presence immediately noticeable. With a simple gesture, he dismissed the cook.

As the cook left , He cleared his throat, attempting to gather Siya's attention.

Siya, her focus still fixed on her task, responded with a hint of irritation in her voice , "Gale mein kharash hai toh khich khich wali goli lelo ya namak pani se garara karlo, yaha mere sar pe mat kokhara khao!" (If you have a sore throat, take a cough drop or gargle with saltwater. Don't bother me here!)

Raghav, taken aback by her sharp response, shook his head, trying to convey that his throat was fine. "My throat is fine. I just want to talk to you."

Siya : "But I don't want to talk to you."

Undeterred, Raghav took a step closer, his eyes pleading for a moment of her attention. "At least listen to me, Siya."

Siya continued her work, her movements deliberate and controlled, as if intentionally avoiding his gaze.

Raghav, sensing a flicker of hope, summoned his courage and implored her, his voice softer this time. "Please?"

Siya paused for a moment, her knife hovering in mid-air as she weighed his words. Reluctantly, she set the knife down and turned to face him, her arms crossed defensively across her chest , a silent signal her reluctant willingness to engage in conversation.

Raghav's eyes glimmered with a hope at this small opening, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a folded piece of paper. He slowly unfolded it, revealing the shayari (poetry) that Azaad had written. As Raghav's eyes scanned the unfamiliar words, his expression shifted from anticipation to confusion, his brows furrowing with each line.

"भूल से कोई भूल हो गई हो तो भूल समझ कर भूला देना । अरे , भुलाना सिर्फ भूल को भूल से कहीं ह..हमें ना भुला देना भूला तो मैं एक दिन की जिस दिन तुम मुझे मिली हो मिलकर भी जा..ना भुला पाया कि..तुम कौन स..सी पर..परी हो पर भूल हुई भूल से की कुछ..."

Raghav : (in mind : What the hell ! What kind of handwriting is this ? )

The shayari began to unravel its mysterious meaning, and Raghav's mind raced to grasp its essence. The unexpected twist in the words caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily stunned, searching for the right words to convey the message hidden within.

His gaze shifted from shayari at Siya, her eyes urging him to speak, to convey what he wanted to say. With a nod and a nervous smile, he glanced back at the paper, a mix of confusion etched on his face.

Raghav : (in mind : Who told Azaad to write in hindi ? Idiot !)

Siya : "Will you simply stare at the paper or say something ?"

Raghav : "Y..Yeah.. I am saying... (In mind : I should've checked for once atleast before coming here. What is written ?)"

Siya : "Speak !"

Raghav : "Y..Yes.. I-I've got a shayari for you... Will you hear it ?"

Siya : "Irshad !"

Raghav began to recite the shayari, his voice a mix of uncertainty and determination. "Bhool se bhool hui... Bhool bhool... Tum mujhe bhool, mai tujhe bhool... bhool bhool... Sabko bhool... bhool mai tumhe mila, tum mujhe mili bhool... Bhool bhool... Sab bhool..." His voice trailed off as he muttered to himself, questioning the coherence of his recitation. "Sahi bola na maine?" he mumbled, seeking confirmation.

Siya, taken aback by the nonsensical words, regarded him with a mixture of bewilderment and annoyance. "Pagal ho gaye ho ? Ye kya bhool bhulaiya gaa rahe ho? Apna dimag kahi bhool gaye ho kya?" (Have you gone crazy ? What kind of nonsense are you reciting? Have you lost your mind somewhere?)

She resumed her work, dismissing Raghav's attempt to bridge the gap between them.

Raghav, taking a hesitant step closer to Siya, attempted to explain himself. "Siya... I was just..."

Siya interrupted, her tone sharp as she brandished the knife in her hand. "Making fun of me?"

Raghav stumbled over his words, panic rising within him seeing the knife as now he understood this much that he can trust his enemies for once to spare him but not on siya. "H...Hey..."

Siya's eyes flashing with anger. She cut him off, her voice laced with warning. "Dekho ek toh mera dimag tumhare wajh se pehle se hi bahot kharab hai isliye ise aur mat kharab karo... Dubara agar mere saath aisa ghatiya mazak karne ki bhi sochi na tumhe toh..." (Look, my mind is already messed up because of you, so don't make it worse. And if you even think of playing such a cheap joke on me again...)

Raghav gulped audibly, his throat went dry as he watched her grip tightening on the knife. She abruptly placed the knife back on the slab loudly , The sound of the knife loudly hitting the slab startled him. Siya stormed out of the kitchen, leaving him in a state of temporary relief. He let out a sigh of relief, grateful to have escaped unscathed.

Raghav let out a trembling sigh, grateful to have escaped unscathed. He whispered to himself, his voice filled with a mix of relief and realization, "Bach gaya!" (I survived!)

He picked up the paper lying on floor and crushed it in anger in his fist... 

Raghav : "Azaad... Stupid ! I wonder What kind of stupid dialogues he's written... Bhool !... Idiot ! Fool !... I lost this chance too !" 


In the evening ; 

Raghav was sitting in the living room , talking with Siya's uncle Vikram and friend Keerti who have come there to help him... 

Raghav : "And now she's angry with me ! I tried everything but she just won't listen."

Keerti : "Look , Siya doesn't get angry so easily but once she gets angry then pacifying her means moving a mountain."

Raghav : "I'm The Raghvendra Rao , I can do anything , you just tell me." 

Vikram : "Btw , There's one way but I don't think you'd be able do it."

Raghav : "Arey... Fine ,  I promise , I'll do it you just tell me what I have to do."

Vikram : "Do you listen old hindi songs ?"

Raghav : (scoffed) "Who listens that ?"

Keerti : "Leave it , uncle. I don't think The Raghavendra Rao can do what you're saying."

Raghav : "Hey Crazy friend , Don't challange The Raghavendra Rao !"

Vikram : "Oh hello ! Mr. Attitude Rao. First of all , stop praising yourself."

Keerti chuckles silently...

Vikram : "And for what I'm asking you to do put your attitude in a box and until Siya is pacified , just do as I say."

Raghav : "I'm trying but what should I do ?"

Vikram : "You have to pacify Siya in filmy style."

Raghav : What ! Filmy style ! means ?

Keerti : "A song ! You'll have to sing a song."

Raghav : "Song ? And me ?"

Keerti : "Yes !"

Raghav : "Agar mai gana gaunga na toh aas pados ke log mere peeche chappal leke bhagenge jinmein sabse aage woh crazy doctor hogi !" (If I sing, the neighbours will chase me with slippers, especially that crazy doctor!)

Vikram : "Ye iska confidence hai !"

Keerti : "But atleast try , I'll teach you !"

Raghav : "Crazy friend , I've to sing not make 'Halwa' that you would teach me. I've no sense of tune. And on the top of that old hindi songs !"

"Tum mujhse gaane ki aise insult karwoge na toh government mera citizenship cancel kardegi or woh film industry wale... Unse bachne ke liye toh mujhe plastic surgery karwani padegi !" (If you'll make me sing , the government will cancel my citizenship, and I'll have to undergo plastic surgery to escape those film industry people!)

Vikram : "And he boasts that he is The Raghavendra Rao when he can't even sing a song."

Keerti added, her tone dramatic - "Hm... Duniya mein agar ye khabar fail gayi na toh aapke saath saath hum bhi kahin muh dikhane layak nahi rahenge ! Duniya bhar mein Log kahenge ye dekho , Itne famous , itne bade businessman aur mafiaking ko ek gana gaana nahi aata aur siya toh aapko seedha goli hi maar degi !" (If this news spreads, along with you, we won't be able to show our faces anywhere! People around the world will say, "Look at him , such a famous big businessman and powerful mafia king can't even sing a song!" And Siya, she'll shoot you right away!)

Raghav brushed off their dramatic reactions. "What rubbish! Gana gana nahi hogaya hai pata nahi kaunsa crime hogya hai jo tumlog itna react kar rahe ho!" (What rubbish! It's just a matter of singing a song. I don't know what crime I've committed that you're overreacting!)

Keerti : "Ha..."

Vikram intervened, putting an end to the banter - "Okay... Fine ! Let's end that topic here. And Look , Raghav you don't worry , just learn the lyrics. I'll arrange a karaoke so , you won't have to worry about the tune. Let's have a karaoke session after dinner , today."


Everyone was having the dinner...

R/m : "We're happy to have you here. Someone has come to our house for dinner from Siya's house for the first time."

Vikram : "Ms. Jaya don't worry at all. In a few days the entire Behl family will come here for dinner."

Keerti : "Btw Aunty... Where is saumya ?"

R/m : "She's not well... She's in her room. I've sent her dinner there itself."

Keerti : "Oh..."

Siya : "Well , I'm done and I'm also having a headache , so I'll go."

Vikram : "Abhi na jao chhod kar k dil abhi bhara nahi..."

Siya : "Dhal gaya din ho gayi shaam , Jaane do jaana hai..."

Both chuckled and did a hi-five...

R/m : "These are old songs , right ?"

Siya : "Yes , I and uncle talk like this often , through songs."

R/m : "I love old songs too."

Siya : "Do you also listen to old songs ?"

R/m : "Yes"

Vikram : "That's it , With a special filter coffee let's have a session of old songs."

Everyone except Siya : "Yes , sure."

Vikram : "Siya ?"

Siya : "Y-Yes , why not ?"


Everyone was sitting in the living room enjoying the musical atmosphere , Vikram while singing motioned Siya's attention towards Raghav - 

Dil ka bhanvar kare pukaar
Pyaar ka raag suno
Pyaar ka raag suno re uu uu uu
Uu uu uu uu uu uu...

Siya's gaze unintentionally met Raghav's, and she quickly averted her eyes, her heart racing with an unexplained mixture of emotions. The room erupted in applause as Vikram finished his song.

Keerti : "Wow , uncle , very nice."

Vikram : "Thank you."

Siya : "It's quite late , I am going..."

Saying this , She got up to go but Raghav stops her -

Raghav : "Siya , wait ! I want to say something to you."

Siya : "But I don't want to hear it."

Keerti : "Siya , Atleast listen to him once , please. He is going to sing and say it to you." 

Siya : "What ? He'll sing a song ?"

Keerti : "Yes!"

Siya : "Leave it keerti , he won't be able to do it."

Saying this , As Siya turned to leave , she felt a gentle yet firm hold on her wrist , surprised by the unexpected touch she turned around and saw Raghav, who was now holding her hand pleading with his eyes for her to stay.

"Please," Raghav's said with a sense mix of pleading and determination. 

Siya's brows furrowed, her initial resistance wavered as she gazed at Raghav, his determination evident in his eyes. She was torn between her desire to leave and the curiosity of witnessing Raghav's attempt. Keerti, sensing the internal conflict, chimed in, adding her voice to Raghav's plea.

"Siya, come on. It won't hurt to listen to him. Let him sing and express his feelings."

"Yes , Siya If he's requesting you , stay for sometime. Do you know ? I also have a track." Vikram added.

Siya's gaze shifted from Raghav to Vikram and Keerti, considering their words. She sighed, reluctantly relenting to their persistence. "Fine, but make it quick."

Raghav's face lit up with a mix of relief and anticipation as Siya agreed to stay. He released her hand, his mind racing to remember the lyrics he had painstakingly learned. The room fell into a hushed silence, all eyes on Raghav as he prepared to sing.

Raghav : (softly) "Siya , I just want to see you happy that's why , I said all that. I didn't want to hurt you. But now that I have made a mistake , I'll only rectify it. I know I may not be the best singer, but I want to sing this song for you, to convey what words alone cannot express."

Siya's heart skipped a beat, her skepticism giving way to a flicker of anticipation. She settled back onto the couch, her eyes fixed on Raghav, waiting to see what he had in store.

With a deep breath, Raghav took the mike from vikram , his voice quivering with emotion as the karaoke machine began to play a soft melody. The familiar tune filled the air, setting the stage for his heartfelt rendition.

Just as Raghav began to sing, the lights suddenly went out, engulfing the room in darkness...

R/m : "Oh ! There's a power cut. RAKESH ! START THE GENERATOR !"

Siya : "Perhaps , There's no truth in your words that's why even God is not supporting you."

Saying this she got up to go , However just as she was about to leave, the darkness was pierced by a soulful voice that echoed through the room, captivating Siya and freezing her in place.

Raghav : "Tum aa gaye ho... noor aa gaya hai..."

The power outage had transformed this simple karaoke session into a poignant moment of emotional revelation. Siya, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, still rooted in her spot, felt a tug at her heartstrings, pulling her closer to Raghav.

Keerti lighted the candles kept on the centre of the table creating an intimate ambiance that complemented the moment perfectly.

With the darkness partially lifted, Raghav continued to sing, It was as if he was pouring his heart out in front of everyone, baring his soul to the woman he cared deeply for.

"Tum aa gaye ho noor aa gaya hai
Nahi to charagon se lau ja rahi thi"

Siya turned her gaze back to Raghav, his figure outlined by the faint glow of a nearby candle. The wavering flame cast dancing shadows on his face, enhancing the intensity of his expression.

"Jeene ki tumse wajah mil gayi hai
Badi bewajah zindagi ja rahi thi
Tum aa gaye ho noor aa gaya hai"

Raghav's voice, soft yet resonant, filled the darkened room. The melody flowed through the air, intertwining with the flickering candlelight, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Siya froze in her tracks, unable to tear her gaze away from Raghav, his voice reaching deep into her soul , creating a sense of belonging she hadn't experienced before.

"Kahan se chale, kahan ke liye
Yeh khabar nahi thi magar
Koi bhi sira jahan ja mila
Wahin tum miloge"

In the dimly lit room, Raghav's voice held a certain vulnerability, each note laced with raw emotion. It was as if he bared his heart, his feelings pouring out with every word. The lyrics took on new meaning, the melody wrapping around Siya's heart, pulling her closer, tugging at the walls she had built.

"Ho.. kahan se chale, kahan ke liye
Yeh khabar nahi thi magar
Koi bhi sira jahan ja mila
Wahin tum miloge"

Siya felt her resistance melting away as Raghav's heartfelt rendition of the song wrapped around her. She could see the genuine emotion in his eyes, the vulnerability he displayed through his song. It was a side of Raghav she had rarely witnessed before.

"Ke hum tak tumhari dua aa rahi thi
Tum aa gaye ho noor aa gaya hai"

As Raghav's voice trailed off, the final notes hanging in the air, the room remained still, captivated by the moment. The words flowed from Raghav's lips, carrying a profound intensity that touched everyone's hearts , Siya stood there, her eyes locked with Raghav's, emotions swirling within her.

"Nahi to charagon se lau ja rahi thi
Tum aa gaye ho noor aa gaya hai"

- She softly sang the remaining verses of the song walking towards Raghav... the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own.

"Din dooba nahi, raat doobi nahi
Jaane kaisa hai safar
Khwaabon ke diye aankhon mein liye
Wahin aa rahe the"

As Siya's voice joined Raghav's, a harmonious duet filled the room, their melodies intertwining like two souls finding solace in each other's presence. She sat down beside him...

"O din dooba nahi, raat doobi nahi
Jaane kaisa hai safar
Khwaabon ke diye aankhon mein liye
Wahin aa rahe the
Jahan se tumhari sada aa rahi thi"

The candles cast a warm, flickering glow, illuminating the tender moment between Siya and Raghav. The shadows danced on the walls, echoing the rhythm of their hearts. Their eyes locked, conveying unspoken emotions, as if the world around them had faded into insignificance.

"Tum aa gaye ho noor aa gaya hai
Nahi to charagon se lau ja rahi thi

The lyrics mirrored their journey, as they discovered that life had found meaning through their connection. In that moment, it felt as if time had stopped, and all that mattered was the raw emotion filling the air.

Raghav : "Jeene ki tumse wajah mil gayi hai , Badi bewajah zindagi ja rahi thi... Tum aa gaye ho..."

Siya : "Noor aa gaya hai"

Their voices blended seamlessly, painting a picture of serendipity and the unexpected paths that led them to each other. The applause that followed broke the spell, pulling Siya back to reality. Jaya, Keerti, and Vikram stood there, their faces adorned with joy and hope. They had witnessed a transformative moment, a turning point in Raghav and Siya's relationship.

Keerti broke the tension with a mischievous smile. "See, Siya, even the power cut couldn't dim the brightness of Raghav's feelings for you."

Siya couldn't help but smile, her heart gradually opening up to the possibility of forgiveness and healing. The power cut, which had initially seemed like a sign against Raghav, now felt like a symbol of the unpredictability of life, where love and hope could emerge from the darkest moments. 

As the lights came back on, illuminating the room, Siya and Raghav smiled looking at each other and remained lost in each other's eyes seeing which others leave the room...

Raghav eyes fixed on Siya, awaiting her response , he snaps his fingers in front of her eyes breaking her trance...

Raghav : "So ?"

Siya : "So , what ?"

Raghav : "Say what you're thinking about me !"

Siya stuttered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "N-No... Not at all! Why would I think about you?"

Raghav amused by her attempt to deny her thoughts. "Has anyone ever pacified you in such a filmy style? No, right? So, I deserve a small space in your mind, don't I?"

Siya's eyes darted away, trying to hide her growing affection. "Oh, please... It wasn't that good. It was just okay-okay."

Raghav's smile faded slightly, feeling a twinge of disappointment. "Oh, really? So, it was just okay! I worked so hard, at least appreciate it. I've mugged up a song for the first time."

Siya's eyes widened in surprise. "What? You heard that song for the first time?"

Raghav nodded, his irritation dissipating. "Yes, I don't listen to such old Hindi songs."

Siya couldn't hide her astonishment. "OMG! You've never heard Hindi songs?"

Raghav : (irritated) " So what ? I don't know why you people are reacting so much !"

Siya : "Oh God Raghav , They are so important in our lives , do you know ? They motivate us so much ! If I say in your way... Yes ! Like If you want to firm up your body, you head to the gym , right ? The same way , If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music. Even Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory."

Raghav : "I swear, I've never seen a filmy buff like you."

Siya narrowed her eyes at him "And I have never seen a boring person like you. Seriously, 'My Husband' doesn't know classic Hindi songs! This is one of the biggest shocks of my life! I feel like committing suicide by jumping into the pool!"

She saw Raghav looking at her, his eyes filled with affection "What are you looking at?"

Raghav paused for a moment, his gaze steady and filled with warmth. "I liked it when you said 'My husband.' It gave me a sense of belonging."

Siya's heart skipped a beat hearing him. Both were looking at each other. The playful banter turned into a moment of realization, a glimpse of the deeper connection forming between them. She felt a rush of emotions, a mix of happiness, vulnerability, and the unknown burgeoning feeling of love.


Vikram enters the house quietly...

Vikram : "Good that everyone is asleep. Nobody would know that I'd gone to Siya's house."

Saying this he slowly started tip toeing towards his room when suddenly the lights turned on making him stop , He turned around and found Amrita standing there.

Amrita : "Where had you gone ?"

Vikram : "How're you concerned ?"

Saying this he turned to go...

Amrita : "You'd gone to Siya's house  , right ?"

Vikram : (looks at her) "Yes ! And I'll go again , I'll go there a thousand times. I'll go and sing there , have good food. I'll also try to mend Raghav and Siya's relationship and bring them close. What will you do ?"

Amrita : "I won't do anything , he'll do it."

She gestures him to look at his back , Vikram turns around and found Mahesh standing.

Vikram : "B-Brother , I was.."

Mahesh : "Now i understood why that girl was saying Rupal and you are her family , in this house."

Vikram : "Brother , listen to me once , I want to tell you..."

Mahesh : "I don't want any clarification from you , Vikram ! I just want you to listen me carefully , I Don't want my choice to live with my brother turn into a compulsion because of an outsider , That's why , before taking any step the next time think about it well."

Vikram : "Brother but..."

Mahesh left without giving him a chance to speak further, leaving Vikram standing there...


To be continued...

In The previous prompt described Raghav's decision to all set to send her to Nashik. However, in this prompt , Siya unexpectedly turns the tables on Raghav and reveals a surprising twist. Hope you liked the part...

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Stay tuned for the next part and the new upcoming twist...

Thanks for reading...

❤️Lots of love❤️ 

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
