1. Beautiful Revenge (part 10)

Hello! Welcome to part 10...

In the soft glow of the morning light, Saumya nestled herself beside her mother at the dining table, a gentle concern etched on her face. "Maa," she began softly, "I've already given tea to Siya. Her fever seems to be subsiding, but she still looks so weak." Pausing for a moment, her brow furrowed with worry, she continued, "By the way, she was asking about Raghav. I haven't seen him all morning either. Do you know where he is ?"

Her mother's lips curved into a knowing smile, a silent reassurance in her eyes as she listened to her daughter's concerns.


Here, Raghav emerged from the garden, a peculiar sight indeed. His clothes were torn and dirt-streaked, with neem leaves scattered amidst the disarray. In one hand, he clutched giloy sticks, while the other busily dusted off his beleaguered appearance.

Azaad, stepping out from the house, caught sight of the unkempt figure but failed to recognize him. Approaching with a mix of concern and authority, he called out, "Hey! Where do you think you're going? You can't just barge in like this. If Mr. Raghav sees a ragged stranger, I'll be the one facing his wrath."

Unfazed by Azaad's initial confusion, Raghav's voice cut through the air, firm and frustrated. "Azaad!" he called, demanding attention.

Perplexed, Azaad scanned the surrounding, "This voice... it sounds familiar," he mused aloud, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. until he heard Raghav's next words, "Hey what are you seeing here and there? I'm speaking." And his gaze settled on the figure before him. Approaching cautiously, he extended a hand to clear the grime from Raghav's face, a gesture met with unexpected resistance.

With a sharp jerk, Raghav recoiled, his frustration palpable. "It's me, Raghavendra Rao!"

Azaad got shocked seeing him like this... 

Azaad's amusement bubbled forth in laughter as he took in the scene before him. "Sir, what on earth have you done to yourself?" he chuckled, unable to contain his mirth shaking his head in disbelief.

Raghav's explanation tumbled out in a mixture of irritation and resignation, "I am like this because of this giloy , Mother had said that Giloy should be cut from above, not from below. And when I went to cut it, I saw that it had climbed very high on the neem tree, I had no choice but to climb up there myself resulting in this condition."

Azaad's laughter subsided as he chided Raghav gently. "Who told you to climb the tree? You could have just asked me to send someone."

Raghav's defiance flared. "Do you think I lack this much of common sense? It was Mother's order, and I had to obey," he retorted, his unwavering loyalty to his mother evident.

Frustration seeped into Raghav's voice as he lamented his current predicament. "Ugh!!! It's all because of that crazy doctor! I married her to make her life a living hell, but ever since our marriage, my life has been turned upside down. The Raghavendra Rao, who once dictated terms to his enemies, now finds himself forced to serve his enemy. And that too, for that crazy doctor. Who knows what else I'll have to do because of her."

Azaad, ever the voice of reason, chimed in, "Even you are very stubborn, sir. You've dug your own grave, now what's the point of regretting? You should've thought about this before swinging the axe at your own feet!"

Raghav's frustration boiled over, "If you keep talking in circles like this, I'll use the axe on you too, understand!"

Azaad persisted, "Sir, what I mean is, I had warned you not to marry Ms. Siya, but no, you had to seek revenge. Look at the result now."

Raghav scoffed, "What result? Do you think The Raghavendra Rao will ever lose? Never! I know girls like Siya very well. They always wait for such opportunities. She knows the place my mother holds in my life, that I can never go against her wishes. So, first, she deliberately made a scene at the temple to reveal my identity to my mother, and then, she used her fake innocence to manipulate my innocent mother in order to get married to me all to gain access to my money, name, fame, and establish control over my life. But she doesn't know that I'm also The Raghavendra Rao who has never bowed down to his enemy and never will. I will fight against Siya until the end and fulfill my revenge. Siya is sick now, she's weak. And I never take advantage of my enemies when they're vulnerable. I'll bide my time and strike when the moment is right."

With that, he retreated inside, leaving Azaad shaking his head in disbelief.

Azaad muttered to himself, "Wow bhabhi... Hats off to you! You're sick and weak yet you made Raghav sir bow down.

But I can't understand. What has happened to the boss these days? Either he's been deeply betrayed in the past that he's not trusting anyone, even himself but his mother, or after years of living in darkness and uncertainty, he's forgotten to distinguish between those who are genuine and those who pretend to be. Every time, he used to see something in a person that the rest of us couldn't see, but this time, he's not seeing what we all can see. Siya madam is a good and sensible person, and we truly believe that she's the one who can truly improve boss's life. She can fill colors of happiness in his black and white film-like life, teach him to laugh, to smile, to live life to the fullest... But he's too stubborn to understand. I just hope that he gets wisdom in time and understands this, otherwise... he may lose a precious person like Sia Madam."


In the cozy warmth of the dining area, Saumya and her mother sat together, enjoying their tea, when suddenly, a comical sight unfolded before them. R/m, in a moment of amusement, spat out her tea and hastily rose, using the end of her saree to muffle her laughter, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Saumya couldn't contain her giggles either, their amusement bubbling over as Raghav entered, holding a bunch of giloy, a hint of determination in his stride. 

"Maa! Look, I've brought the giloy..." Raghav's voice trailed off as he noticed his mother and Saumya struggling to contain their laughter. Confusion creased his brow as he questioned, "What happened ? Why are you both laughing? Azaad was laughing outside, and now you and Saumya as well? Do I look like a joker?"

His mother, still struggling to compose herself, managed to reply between giggles, "No, you're not at all looking like a joker. Who said that you look like one?" Her words only fueled their laughter further.

Azaad, hearing the commotion, joined in the laughter, but his amusement quickly faded at the sight of Raghav's stern glare.

Raghav, feeling exasperated, grumbled, "Fine! I have brought this, do whatever you want with it. My job is done."

But his mother had other plans. Through her giggles, she instructed him, "No, whatever needs to be done with it, you will have to do it. Cut these giloy sticks into small pieces, crush them well, and along with it, take 5 to 6 tulsi leaves, 1-2 cloves, raw turmeric, ginger, then boil in water and sieve it. It will be bitter, so mix honey and give it to Siya. She will be relieved."

Raghav, incredulous, protested, "Do I have to do this as well? Isn't this a little too much?"

His mother's tone softened but remained firm, "It is a little too much, but you will have to do it. Remember what you promised me yesterday, that you will do everything as I say, otherwise I will..."

Cutting her off, Raghav relented, "Maa, fine! I'll do as you say. Just don't leave the house." He mumbled under his breath, "Taking advantage of my helplessness, both you and Ms. Crazy Doctor..."

His mother interjected with a playful scold, "Hey!"

Raghav corrected himself, "Siya."

His mother nodded in approval, "Better."

As Raghav turned to leave, he noticed Azaad still trying to contain his laughter prompting him to question, "Why are you laughing?" Then he saw his mother and Saumya also struggling to contain their laughter. With a resigned sigh, he muttered, "Go on, laughing..." and went from there..

Azaad and The mother and daughter duo, unable to contain their laughter any longer, burst into fits of giggles, their joy echoing through the room as they savored the lighthearted moment.


In the quiet of the room, Siya busied herself with her wardrobe, selecting a saree with a sense of calm. But as she turned around, her peaceful moment shattered into chaos at the sight of Raghav's unexpected appearance.

Siya : "AHHHHHHHH.... BHOOT!!!"

Siya's initial reaction was one of sheer terror, "BHOOT!!!", her voice echoing with a piercing scream as she flailed her arms wildly, mistaking Raghav for a ghostly apparition. Raghav, in an attempt to quell her hysteria, grasped her trembling hands firmly, his own voice rising above her panicked cries.

"HEY STOP YOU CRAZY DOCTOR, IT'S MEEE!!!" His words pierced through her fear, momentarily halting her frantic movements as she recognized the familiar address.

"Raghav! You... Ye... Ye tumne kya haal bana liya hai ?" Siya's laughter bubbled forth, a mix of relief and amusement coloring her expression, but her mirth was short-lived as suspicion clouded her features.

"Now I get it! You have done all this to take revenge from me. You're not able to win against me, so you're resorting to scaring me with this ghostly getup, right? Trying to portray me as crazy or unstable in front of everyone, just so you can send me to a mental asylum and be rid of me forever," Siya accused, her voice tinged with indignation.

Raghav's patience wore thin, his frustration boiling over as he snapped, "Just shut up!!!" But Siya refused to back down, her resolve unyielding in the face of his anger.

"You shut up! First, you're trying to send me to a mental asylum, and now you won't even let me speak.. But let me tell you one thing , I am not scared from you... Ah!!!" Siya's defiance faltered momentarily as Raghav brandished a gun, his annoyance palpable as he demanded her compliance. 

Raghav : "Speak !"

Siya, undeterred by the threat, met his gaze with unwavering determination, her voice trembling slightly as she uttered his name, "R..Raghav..."

Stepping forward, Raghav urged her to speak, his tone a mix of impatience and curiosity, "Hm... speak..." 

Siya, retreating slightly, hesitated before continuing, her voice wavering with uncertainty, "Ra..raghav... D..Dekho tum..."

As Raghav advanced with determined steps, his piercing gaze fixed on Siya, he demanded her response,  "I am listening, speak... Why is your tongue faltering now? Abhi tak toh bina soche kuch bhi bak bak bak bak kar rahe the, ab kya hua ? Why did you stop ? Speak..."

Siya found herself retreating involuntarily, her back colliding edge of the bed, forcing her to sit down abruptly as Raghav closed in, his stance unwavering as he stood before her, his gun ominously pointed in her direction.

With unwavering determination, Raghav stood before her, the gun held firmly in his grasp, a silent reminder of the power he wielded. "What did you say? That I've taken this getup to prove you crazy?", His words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with disdain. "You know what I don't need getups like this to prove you crazy... Because that's what you are who believes in nonsense and illogical things like ghosts and one more thing to get rid from you I have more easy ways like..." As he brought the gun dangerously close to her forehead, Siya's heart pounded in her chest as she shut her eyes and covered her ears, bracing herself for the impending threat.

As Raghav withdrew, a wave of relief washed over Siya, her trembling fingers slowly uncovering her eyes to find him standing near the cupboard. But beneath her facade of composure, her mind churned with a tumult of thoughts, her inner monologue a silent protest against his accusations.

"He's talking about craziness, but why doesn't he look at himself in the mirror?" she mused, a hint of irony tainting her thoughts. "He won't find a better example." With a resigned sigh, she gathered her scattered clothes, her movements purposeful yet tinged with a lingering unease.

Turning to go, she was met once again with Raghav's imposing figure, their eyes locking in a silent battle of wills as they stood face to face, each daring the other to make the next move. Both of them were seeing each other like this 👇

In a flurry of movement, Siya and Raghav raced towards the bathroom door, a whirlwind of emotions propelling them forward. With a swift maneuver, Siya managed to slip inside first, swiftly shutting the door behind her, leaving Raghav to face the barrier of closed wood.

"Hey! Crazy doctor! Come out!!!" Raghav's voice reverberated through the door, his frustration palpable as he pounded his fists against the unforgiving surface. But Siya's response was resolute, her voice ringing out from within the sanctuary of the bathroom.

"No! I entered first, so I will bathe first. You wait, and if you can't, then go to the guest room," she declared, her tone unwavering in its defiance. Raghav's irritation simmered beneath the surface, his retort dripping with exasperation.

"You know what ! I have never seen a more irritating woman than you in my life," he muttered, his frustration evident in every syllable. But before he could retreat, Siya's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, her words laced with a biting edge of intelligence.

"If you see my smartness as being irritating, then it's a sign of you being a dumb and fortunately I am not being influenced by your stupidity yet. I'm still intelligent." she countered, her defiance tinged with a hint of superiority. Raghav's silence spoke volumes, his pride wounded by her sharp retort.

Raghav : is that so ? Crazy doctor I will not spare you remember that.

"Is that so? Crazy doctor, I will not spare you, remember that," he warned, his voice a low growl of warning before he left, the echoes of their confrontation lingering in the air like the remnants of a storm.


As Raghav entered the room, his eyes fell upon Siya, who stood before the mirror, a vision of grace in her pink saree adorned with delicate jewelry.

His gaze lingered, momentarily captivated by her beauty, until the sound of her throat clearing broke his reverie.

Siya's voice, tinged with reproach, brought him back to reality. "You run such a big business, yet you lack the basic manners to knock before entering someone else's room, especially a girl's room..."

Caught off guard, Raghav offered a quick apology, "Sorry" before attempting to leave. However, as the realisation dawned upon him he turned back, 

"Excuse me. But this is..." he began, only to be swiftly cut off by Siya's knowing retort. "I know. This is your room, and you don't need to knock before entering. This is what you want to say, right?"

"Exactly", Undeterred by her sharp wit, Raghav settled onto the bed, his gaze softening with genuine concern fixed on her reflection in the mirror. "If you're done lecturing me over moral science, tell me, how is your health?"

Siya met his gaze through the mirror, her response laced with a hint of playful defiance. "Don't worry, I won't die so soon. We've just got married. Now, you have to..."

But Raghav, ever the cynic, interjected with a dismissive remark, extinguishing any romantic notions. "Oh, hello. As you're ill, you've started dreaming about a honeymoon! Madam, come out of your fantasy land. I will never take you on a honeymoon."

Siya's response was swift and unequivocal. "Forget about a honeymoon... I won't even go for a walk in the garden with you."

Before Raghav could protest further, "Look you..."

Siya finally put an end to the argument, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "Enough! I don't have the strength to shout and fight with you, so please don't argue with me again... I still have a fever. But after drinking kadha, I feel much better... Anyways, call Saumya, I have some work with her."

"Saumya has gone out," he stated matter-of-factly.

Siya : "And Maa ?"

Siya's inquiry about his mother only deepened the silence, met with Raghav's response, "Maa has gone to the temple for veneration... Aazaad has also gone with her. House staffs are busy with their work... So, in this entire house... I, alone, am free. So, Tell me. What is it ?

Siya hesitated, her doubt evident in her expression. "Let it be, you won't be able to do it," she murmured softly.

But Raghav's determination was unyielding. Stepping closer to her, he issued a challenge. "Don't challenge me. There is nothing in the world that The Raghavendra Rao can't do. What do you want to be done?"

Siya didn't said just picked up the comb and handed to raghav who was standing behind her...

Raghav : (looking at siya from mirror) A comb ? What's this for ?

Siya : (looking at raghav from mirror) what's a comb used for ?

Raghav : just because you think that you are intelligent , you also think that I am a fool ? It's used for combing hairs.

Siya : Then use it.

Raghav : why should I use it ? I have my hairbrush.

Siya : who's unwell ?

Raghav : you.

Siya : then whose hair needs combing ?

Raghav : yours.

Siya : Go ahead then!

Raghav : ok!

Saying this he started combing her hairs , both of them were looking at each other from the mirror...

When suddenly siya said...

Siya : there will be an earthquake , if tomorrow media published the news that The Raghavendra Rao combed his...

She stopped realising what she was going to say... After a minute of awkward silence.. she continued...

Siya : um.. I mean.. A girl's hair. 

Raghav : what comes in the news doesn't bothers me. I'm doing all this only for my maa. Maa has told me to look after you. So , I am doing it. If it makes maa happy then why not ?

(keeping comb on dressing table) that's why I climbed the neem tree , in morning and brought fresh giloy for you.

Siya : I know. Before you brushed your teeth. Ewww!!!

Raghav : oh! It seems that bitterness of Giloy is still there in the mouth.

Siya : listen You...

Raghav : shh!!! You're unwell , right ? So don't argue.

Saying this he turned to go but stopped and looked back at her with a mischievous grin...

Raghav : hold on , just now a thought came in my mind...

Siya : what ?

Raghav : that You are just like...

Siya : yes ?

Raghav : Giloy.

Siya : What!

Raghav : stick & bitter ! 

Saying this he laughed... Siya looked at him angrily , picked up the comb and throwed in his direction but he saved himself and ran away shouting...

Raghav : from today onwards your name is giloy instead of siya...

Siya : (looked at herself in mirror) Giloy! Yuck!!! No... Crazy doctor is better.

Then she realises what she said and laughs.


Raghav was working on his laptop sitting in the guest room when azaad came along with a man...

Azaad : Sir! He wanted to meet you urgently.

Raghav : (still looking in his laptop) yes , javed. Did you got any information ? Who saved mother's life that day? No one in the whole hospital knows about that person or I should say that they don't want to tell. Did you got any clue about it , Who gave blood to maa?

Javed : yes , sir. I have the name of that person or that women who saved your mother , she is none other than Siya madam only.

Raghav looked at him unbelievably...

Raghav : what! No. That woman can't do this. She has enmity with me. She can't do this.

Azaad : listen javed , you can go now...

Javed nodded and left...

Aazaad : sorry , sir. But you always suppress the truth for your ego and stubbornness. That day you instantly made up your mind that the condition of the mother was caused by siya madam, which was in reality wrong. And today when Javed is saying that siya madam saved your mother's life , which in reality is truth but you don't want to accept it. Anyways , my words won't have any affect on you. You will do what you want to do. Go ahead then. Instead of Thanking siya madam for what she has done , Punish her for what she has not done.

Saying this he left from there leaving raghav in his own thoughts... He closed his laptop and ran his hand in hairs frustratingly... 

Raghav : I wonder , if I was really wrong... But.. how can it be possible...

He started walking to and fro thinking about whatever he had done with siya and while stressing over the same , he gets an anxiety attack. He falls on bed breathing restlessly...

Suddenly siya came there calling raghav and sees him in that condition , she immediately ran towards him...

Siya : Raghav , what happened ?

She picks the newspaper from side and sits beside him and puts his head on her lap and wind him with newspaper...

Siya : raghav relax... Relax... 

She starts rubbing his hands... he gets normal and holds her hand looking at her...

Raghav : thanks.

Siya : Are you okey ?

He nods and tries to get up , siya help him and made him sit...

Siya : I'll get water for you.

Saying this she got up to go but raghav stops her...

Raghav : No! There's no need. It happen sometimes...

Siya : (sits beside him) do you have asthama ? If you take any medicines then let me get them for you. Where are they kept ?

Raghav : No! I don't have asthama. I'm claustrophobic and get anxiety attacks upon getting stressed.

Siya : Oh! I'll speak to maa. She always has some home remedies for every illness.

Raghav : home remedies! But you're doctor , right ?

Siya : so ?

Raghav : I mean , Despite being a doctor, you believe in home remedies ?

Siya : yes... Don't underestimate the power of home remedies. I know It's important that you address your symptoms and pain with your doctor but home remedies are also very good and useful. at times, they can cure common ailments with no side effects. And some are so good that even the biggest diseases can be cured from them, which are not cured by medicine, just the knowledge of things should be good. 

Maa has even solved the problems of many of our relatives. She will tell us some remedy for your anxiety attack as well. I'll speak to her. I forgot my phone in the room only... Give me your phone...

Raghav gave her mobile and she dialled her mother's number...

On call ;

S/m : Hello ?

Siya : Hello , maa ! It's me. Actually Raghav gets anxiety attacks upon getting stressed. I mean he finds it difficult to breath. If you have any home remedy for it , can you give me ? 

S/m : You can take care of your husband by yourself , you're so rich and work as a physio as well you can take him to best doctor your hospital so go to them. I don't have any advice for you

Call ended 

Siya gets teary eyed and looks at Raghav who was seeing her then walks away and pretends like there is network issue.

Siya : hello... Maa ?... Hello , maa can you hear me ? maa... Your voice is not coming... Hello ?... Ok! I will call you later.

She wiped her tears and turned towards raghav...

Siya : I th..Think that... There's some n..Network issue... And mom is also busy right now. As soon as she is free she will look for the remedy and let you know. So , she asked you to get treated by a doctor for now. Um... Y-Your phone.

She gave back his phone and immediately turned to leave but raghav stopped her.

Raghav : siya.

He got up and Walker towards her who was standing facing her back to him...

Raghav : You're a very bad liar , siya. She didn't speak to you , right ? I know. I did very wrong with you but still you helped me. Thank you , siya.

He saw her still standing quietly.

Raghav : won't you say anything ?

Siya : (turned towards him) what are you expecting me to reply for your thanks? What should I say ? Should I say that this is the difference between me and you ? Despite the enmity I don't forget humanity. And you know only to think about yourself. You neither value humanity nor relationships. You neither care about anyone's pain nor tears. What matters you the most is your own happiness and your own satisfaction. For your happiness , no matter whose life gets ruined , it doesn't matter to you at all , correct , right ?

You selfishly wanted maa and Saumya to stay with you. That's why you took advantage of my helplessness and married me forcefully. So , next time , before saying thankyou learn to respect big and small every relationship. Perhaps , then I may accept your thank you and may say welcome in reply.

Get out of your The Raghavendra Rao phobia you will find the world different and beautiful. In that world no one is as selfish as you , raghav. Infact , people live for others more than themselves.

Saying this she left from there...

Raghav : I have not committed a mistake this time. I have committed a sin. I have no right to ruin siya's life. I should've listened to Azaad. Not once , I've thought about its consequences , even once. I should've thought about it.my rage for two minutes took away siya's family , identity and everything from her.

I have made this mess , right ? So , I shall fix it only , right now. I'll meet siya's family and tell them the truth that she didn't married me on her own wish or for money and fame but I made her marry me forcefully. The stain I've put on her character I shall erase it.


To be continued...

Hope you liked this part. Kindly share your reviews... Don't forget vote and comment...

Q. Now what will happen when raghav will meet siya's family ? When he will tell the truth ? 

Stay tuned to know...

Thanks for reading...

♥️Lots of love♥️ 

🙏Radhe Radhe🙏
