The Plan

Jade POV


"Wait hold up," Will pauses, holding a hand up and forming a confused look on his face, "you want to get them both in the basement of the theater?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes, "Yes now let me get to my point. You guys have to think of a way to get Louis down there, and we'll think of a way to get Avianna down there. I think there's two ways down so they don't have to see each other."

They nod and look at me, slowly beginning to realize the plan.

"Their gonna have to talk things out. Because I mean what? Are they just gonna sit in there until we come back? No. And I mean of course we'll let them out, but not until things are fixed."

Everyone looks on board with the idea and agrees it'll work but Noah seems a bit off.

"Are you sure about that idea though? I mean Avi is legit petrified of the darkness and it's pitch black down there. I think we all learned that the hard way."

It was true. First time I found out she was scared of the dark is when we were in fourth grade here. The teacher turned the lights off for an activity, and she started screaming. Balling her eyes out and begging the teacher to turn them back on. I mean obviously she isn't that dramatic about it now, but she still gets scared.

"Oh right..." I mumble, looking at the grass for a moment, "psh they'll be fine. I'm sure Louis gonna have to help her. And there's a light down there so everything should be fine."

Noah shrugs and looks down at his shoelaces, tying them and then undoing the knot and starting over, "I don't know... are you sure Avi will be okay?"

Will gave him a jokingly shove, "What Noah? Do you have feelings for Avi??"

Noah's face went bright red as he abruptly shook his head, "No!! I just- I guess I'm sorry I care for her..."

He was looking down and mumbling in embarrassment as we giggled a bit.

"I'm joking around with you Noah, it's fine." Will smiles, giving him a little nudge in the arm as Noah looks back up.

I roll my eyes playfully and clasp my hands together, "But trust me. I know Avianna and she'll be just fine. I'm sure they'll find the light in like 3 seconds and work it out."

Finn nods a few times, "Well how are we supposed to get them down there?"

I shrug, "That's up to you to decide."

Millie nods a few times.

"We're such mean friends and I love it."


Avianna POV

Why is Jade taking so long? It's literally been like 40 minutes. I got ready for the day, and for a while I tried cleaning up, but now I've just been on my bed, staring at the ceiling fan, and trying to keep my eye on one of the pieces that floats around it.

But now it's been a while and I'm honestly losing my patience, so I'm going to find her. I swing my legs off the bed and with a sigh, I trudge over to the door. It doesn't take 40 minutes to be right back. And besides, we have to go to lunch soon.

Now honestly Jade could be anywhere on campus so I have no clue where to begin, but maybe I should start by asking Millie if she's seen her. Who knows, maybe she's seen her.

I knock on the door a few times but there isn't a response. Odd... Millie rarely leaves her dorm on the weekend...

It's fine, she's probably sleeping or maybe she did go somewhere today. I turn around and start walking back down the hall. Maybe I should go ask Will and Noah? Unless their at lunch... we'll it's worth a try.

As I walk down the girls hallway, slowly approaching the boys side of the rooms, guess who I run into? Millie and Jade. Talking like they have some sort of ideas.

Jade's eyes grow big as they see me, "Avi!"

I sigh and fold my arms over my chest, "I'll be right back huh?" I say, mocking her tone from earlier. She closes her eyes and holds out her hands. "Sorry I just- I got sidetracked."

I nod a few times, still standing a few feet from them, "What were you d-"

"Avi we have to show you something!! It's so cool come on." Millie cuts me off, grabbing my hand and tugging for me to follow them out.

"Wait what?" I resist, tugging back confused. Millie sighs and rolls her eyes playfully at me, "Just come here. It's super cool!"

Slowly giving in, I follow them both down the stairs, and outside.

Where are they taking me?


Louis POV

"Just come take a look at it man. Me and Will are too scared," Noah pleaded, as him and Will stood side by side in my dormitory.

I furrowed my brows and shook my head, "Wait wait wait... you guys are scared to look in the basement of the theater? What are you even doing down there?"

Noah made slight eye contact with Will and shrugged a bit. Then Will spoke up for him, "We- We are looking for old costume scraps? To make... clothes?"

What the heck? Since when did they make clothes?

"I uh... sure?" I give in, standing up and allowing them to guide me out. But for real, why the heck are they making clothes?

"Just trust me dude, we promise it'll make sense soon," Will smirks a little at Noah who chuckles and gives him a little high five. I'm so confused right now.

They take me outside and we start walking over to the theater. They were both sniggering in front of me, sharing secrets like little kids.

And then we arrived. There were two entries to the theater basement, which is usually pretty cold and dark. "Can you just go down and let us know if you see any scrap paper? We'll stand right here so you can see."

I look down the stairs that lead to the basement and hesitate for a moment. They seem off, but I wanna be a good friend, so I give in and walk down the stairs.

Suddenly there's a giggle and some words, "I'm really sorry about this Louis. Just trust us!" And then the door slams shut, leaving me in the dark, running back up the stairs to try and open the door.

"Guys what the hell!?" I yell, pounding my fist on the door, and slightly freaking out.

"Louis we promise you'll understand in just a minute. Come on Noah let's go."

And then they dash off. My eyes grow wide and I hit the door a few more times.

"Hello!? GUYS!!"


"God dammit." I mumble to myself, turning around and seeing the pitch black. Hell there's probably all sorts of freaky things down here.

I slowly step away from the door, making it further and further down the stairs to try and find a light of some sort. And then I hear it.

Coming from the other entrance of the basement, I hear a bang and a familiar voice shouting, "WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS!!? HELP LET ME OUT!!!"

They were slamming their fist on the door harder than me, and screaming ten times louder.

"Hello?" I yell, trying to adjust my eyes to see the other person.

She gasped and turned around.

"Who the fuck is down here?! Who are you?" She yelled, and I could tell she was freaking out. Suddenly I realized who the voice was.



Sorry For Any Spelling Errors!!
