The New Boy

Friday, September 28th
6:30 am

I hate the noise of alarms. It symbolizes waking up. Leaving your dreams, and starting a new day of hard work. Our school starts at eight in the morning, sharp. But me being the over prepared girl I am, I wake up at 6:30.

It goes
- Get ready until 6:50
- Breakfast at 6:55
- Back at dorm by 7:30
- Drop off Arlo at 7:50
- Go to home room at 8

And that's when my day begins. "Jade!" I whisper, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes. The moon was still out, causing a slight white shimmer through the window.

"Mmmm..." I hear her mumble, her face jammed into the pillow. Jade's a night owl. She absolutely hates the morning. I scoff and pick up my pillow, throwing it across the dorm onto her head. "Wake up!" I say, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and yawning.

"I don't wanna go to breakfast today. I'll just eat a granola bar or something," she says, picking up the pillow and throwing it back at me.

I roll my eyes and place the pillow back on my white bed sheets. "Fine. But if you complain that your hungry all day, don't come crying to me."

I push myself off the bed and flip to face it, as I tuck and smother down the sheets; and lay the pillows down perfectly.

"If you aren't out of bed when I get back at 7:30 I will drag you to home room in your nightgown. Be ready," I jokingly threatened, walking to my closet to pick out today's outfit.

I settled on a brown sweater with a skirt. It was simple but comfy and cute.

The rest of my routine simply involves washing my face with a warm wash cloth and a cleanser, doing my hair which today I put in two Dutch braids.

Next I double checked that I had everything for today's classes. There was of course, the exam that I've been stressing about, so I must pack my training suit.

"Oh god where did I put it?" I mumble to myself, panicking as I search the bedroom for it. "Hey Jade have you seen my BT suit?"

I ask while rummaging through the drawers of my dresser. I hear her mumble "no" and the shuffling of her sheets as she flips to her other side.

No no no I need this suit today. Just this once. I twist away from the clothes over to Jade's sleeping self.

I grow hopeful. "Jade?"


"Can I borrow your suit? You don't even have that class today. And it's super important-"

"Ugh fine but only on one condition," she says, sitting up and rubbing her eyes too look at me, "you have to do my laundry tonight. That means wash, dry, fold and put away."

"What?" I say, grabbing her white shirt and black pants out, "Jade it's just one suit!"

"Then you don't get to wear it."

"Wait no!" I say, clutching the clothes even more, "I- how about I was and dry it? You can fold and put away?"

There's a moment of silence where I could hear the chirping birds outside. "I hate you."

She mumbles, laying back down. Don't worry, that means "okay" in Jade's language. I smile and quickly shuffle back to my bag where I shove the clothes inside.

"Thank you Jade! I promise I'll do laundry tonight."

I zip up the bag as the zipper makes a buzz noise, then double check to make sure I had everything. Picking up my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"I'm heading out to breakfast. I'll be back in 30!"

With that last call, I open the door, and take a step out into the long hallway of rooms. A few girls were also heading down for the first meal of the day. I took a deep breath and followed along.

I had a good feeling about today. A feeling I hadn't really felt in a while. Just like something good will go down.

As I approached the stairwell that splits the boys from the girls dorms, and saw two familiar faces walking down.

One was Will, but the other I couldn't put a name to. It was only until I got closer when I realized it was the boy. The one at the duels last night.

What was he doing with Will? I felt my face burn up a bit as I remembered that I tried to snoop over the boys writing last night, and put my head down. Apparently it wasn't any help.

"Avianna!" I hear Will call out, his hand waving above his head, "perfect timing!"

I was forced to look up and stifle a smile, "oh hey Will! Where you headed?"

We meet in the middle of the two stairs and now I was only three feet from the boy, who was... smirking at me?

"Breakfast. You?"


I avoided eye contact with the boy at all costs. I'll be honest. He was a very fine boy. Chocolatey brown hair, along with his eyes, chiseled jawline, full lips, he looked almost like a model.

"I believe you haven't met Louis here." Will says, gesturing to the boy as he held out a hand.

"Nice to meet you... Avianna?"

His voice was deep, and calming. Had a sound that would put you to sleep. I bit my tongue, holding out my hand as I felt his grip. Strong, firm, soft hands.

"I- I don't believe you've gone to this school very long?"

He chuckles a bit and let's go, looking down. His laughter sends shutters down my spine.

"Here since Wednesday. I believe I saw you at yesterday's duels by the field? The girl trying to see my papers?"

Dang it. I can literally feel my face burning up.

Don't let anyone distract you.

"That would be me. I apologize for seeming creepy, I was simply curious."

"And I was simply joking around with you. However you seemed quite flustered by my actions." He said with a charming smile, "I was just taking some notes on their moves. Battle training is one of my best classes."

Oh I see. Looks like I've got competition. Hah why didn't I think of that? Taking notes during duels? Genius.

But I couldn't bear to be embarrassed much longer.

"Right then. I'll see you later... Louis..."

I just knew my face was bright red. I needed to get out of there. They were ruining my schedule. Wasting my time.

And I wasn't gonna allow that boy- I mean Louis to distract me.


Louis POV

I watched as she walked off, down the stairs with her shoes making gentle tapping noises on the stairwell.

Ah yes, the typical uptight, smart, classic girl. Tries her best to ignore anyone in her way.

"Tell me about her." I say to Will, as he follows along the stairs. Will seems to sigh.

"Avianna. Avi for short. But don't call her that, she only likes it when friends do."

I smile as I watch the girl turn the corner, not taking a moment to look back.

"So I'll warm up to her. No one says we can't be friends."

"Except her," Will looks over to me, as I look back with a raised brow, "it isn't exactly easy to get close to Avi. Took me years. Her father runs the academy and is way too hard on her. I mean when her grades aren't A's she could be locked in her dorm for the weekend. Not coming out once. It's happened before..."

I looked down at the floor. "And her mother?"

Will went quiet, and I looked up at him.

"She's uh... her mothers dead..." his tone was low and quiet. I could tell it wasn't an easy topic to share for anyone. I swallow and look down, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I hadn't any idea-"

"No need to say sorry... just don't talk about it around her. And don't get too many ideas. She's a hard fish to catch."

I was intrigued by the girl. She had a mystical side to her. Like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

And I want to solve it.


Avianna POV

Breakfast today consisted of toast, a glass of milk, assorted fruits, and some Greek vanilla yogurt. Pretty healthy.

After getting a plate, I sat down at the table by the corner. That way no one really notices me, and no one distracts me.

It was supposed to rain later today. Hard. And I love when it rains in school. It's calming for some reason. I reach into my school bag, grabbing out the fencing book, and continuing to review. I got the section titled "dagger handling" and began reading.

I fact, I was so focused on the words and studying that I hadn't even noticed Louis and Will sit down in front of me. Startled, I jumped a bit when I saw them both watching me.

Will giggled a little, whereas Louis just continued that same little grin. He's already embarrassed me so much and I've known him for less than 24 hours. I could tell we wouldn't get along.

"Wow you really are focused huh Avi?" Will asks, popping a raspberry into his mouth. Louis spooning himself some yogurt.

I take a deep breath and ignore their taunts. "Sure am." I say, making eye contact with Louis for a moment, "and I don't plan on stopping soon."

Will sighs and I watch the book slide away.

"Hey!" I say, as he closed it and sets it next to him. I scoff and cross my arms.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you'll be fine. Talk with us!" He says, continuing to eat his fruit. I look down and shrug. "I don't know... I'm tired. And stressed. I honestly don't wanna study."

Louis sits there, moving onto his glass and listening to what I have to say. "So why can't you give yourself a break?" He asks, patting his lips with the napkin that was laid out on his lap.

"Well... I jus-"

In the distance I hear my father entering the hall, calling my name. "Avianna!" He says, walking over. I quickly push my breakfast aside, wide eyed, and hold out my arms.

"Crap!" Will stutters, grabbing the library book and handing it to me, as I open to the page I stopped at, but only just in time when my father arrived.

"How are you doing? Studying I hope? You know how big this exam is."

I look up from my papers to papa and his gray hair, short beard and suit. With an innocent nod, I give him a smile.

I can see Louis confused face from the corner of my eyes.

"And I hope you two boys aren't distracting my daughter huh?" He teased, giving Will a small nudge. Will knew my dad pretty well. He was the fifth student here, Noah being the fourth and Jade, the third. We all knew him well.

"Ah and the new boy," he said, walking over to Louis, "how's the school treating you?"

I peek up from the book to see Louis making direct eye contact with me. "It's been great sir. Thank you for letting me stay here."

He's a charmer. Definitely the kind that acts one way around parents.

"Well I'm glad to hear it! Now you two let her be alright?" He chuckles, turning around and strutting with his head held high.

That's my father for you.

I let out an exasperated sigh and put my hands up to my head.
"I have a headache..." I say, looking at my father as he talks with other students at tables. Louis doesn't speak much, rather sits and observes this all go down.

Will nods a bit and looks over at Louis with a shrug.

"Do you need water?" Louis asks, keeping his eyes on me. However his tone wasn't concerned, rather skeptical in a way. I shake my head, and stare down at my plate full of food which I hadn't even touched yet.

"I'm okay... probably just nerves." My most common excuse to the migraines I get from cramming all this studying in my brain. I cannot wait for this exam to be over.

I pick up my toast and take a small bite before looking back down at my paper. I gave up on reading. As long as it looks like I was reviewing everything would be good.

I think.

Sorry about any spelling errors!

I already have so many ideas for this story omg I'm so excited.
