I Love You

(Time skip!!)

Saturday, December 5th
1:52 pm

It's been a while since the huge outbreak with my father. I haven't seen Millie or Finn since. But the day still replay's in my mind all the time.

"Are you sure about this? We don't have to talk to him if you aren't ready," Louis said, holding my hand as we stand outside the door to papa's house.
I give him a little squeeze and nod. Louis and I have been talking, and we need to have closure with my father.

We need to tell him that I can't just stop loving someone. It's not how it works.

"Okay then... shall we?" He gives that soft smile and pecks the back of my hand.

"We shall," I giggle a bit and Louis gentle pushes open the door. As we walk inside all I can see is poor Millie, laying on the floor being kicked.

Keep your cool Avianna.

If I get too angry this won't end good. Louis holds onto my hand and takes me up the stairs. Walking up one by one .

Hey Dad... We need to talk.

No it sounds too mean

Dad Me and Louis have to speak with you.


Father, may I take a second of your time to talk with you.

He likes it when I speak like that. All prim and proper.

"Alright," Louis whispers, "you ready?" He turns his head to me and I look back to him.


We were right outside his door. Tall and oak. Here goes nothing.

Gently, I push it open, revealing my father on his side of the desk. He was working on something.


His head lifted and he saw us both, clearing his throat and sitting back in his chair.

"Avianna, Louis, what brings you two here?" His voice was stern but calm.

"May we have a moment of your time to speak?" I asked, squeezing Louis hand signaling worry.

He squeezes it back gently.

"Yes... yes you may. Take a seat," he gestures to the two chairs in front of him, and Louis and I take our seats. Louis expression was calm but I could see in his eyes that he was panicking. Especially after being practically assaulted by my father.

"I know this topic is hard for you but-"

Deep breath

"But I think it's important that we talk about it."

Dad nods but doesn't speak.

"I love Louis. And I know that love isn't a good thing in your eyes but it is in mine. I believe it's only fair if you give me permission to love who I want, and put your personal experiences aside."

I feel Louis hand begin to gently rub the back of mine. It calms me down a bit.

"I miss mom too," I say quieter, and dads expression drops, "and I know that this isn't you. You want me to be happy. But you think that if I fall in love I can't be happy."

His head drops. I continue talking.

"But dad it makes me more upset to know that I don't have freedom to love. So I'm asking you for forgiveness. Please. Allow not only me, but Millie to be forgiven and have a fresh start."

I think I did okay.

Louis stops rubbing the back of my hand. No one talks. Just silence remains. Shit did I mess up? Oh god.

"I understand. And I should be the one apologizing. Forgive me," he said, keeping his head down.

"If you're happy with Louis then you two can remain together. I will write to Millie and apologize as well."

Wait what? It WORKED!?

"Dad are you serious? You mean we can actually be together?" I sounded more excited and squeezed Louis hand once more, harder than I should have.

"Yes, now be gone before I change my mind."

I quickly stood up with a smile on my face and Louis joined me. I can't believe this is happening. Finally, I can feel free for once in my life.

We held hands and ran out of the room, down the stairs and outside, all while giggling.

"You did it darling!" He chuckles, twisting me toward his face with a smile. I smirked at him and ran my fingers through his fluffy brown hair.

"We did it," I correct, then push my lips onto his as gentle snowflakes fall from the sky. He chuckles a little and I feel his smile on my lips.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Louis is an amazing kisser.

He slowly pulls away and flickers his eye lashes.

"I love you Avianna Evans."

"I love you Louis Partridge."

And he kisses me again.

Finally. I feel free.

Sorry for any spelling errors!!

Oop so I'm like kinda excited for my next story and next chapter of this book is... kind... the last one...


but I hope you enjoyed it 🙃
