Falling In Love With You

Friday, October 4th
3:44 pm

"Why am I so nervous?" I ask Noah in the library. It was just us because Will skipped study hours today. He said he didn't get any rest and was a hot mess. So we let him go back to his dorm to sleep.

"Probably because you still like him." Noah says, writing something down on his paper. I roll my eyes, "I don't like him Noah."

He sighs and sits back on the chair, "Yeah you do. You're just trying to lose feelings. Do you not remember telling me this?"

I bit my lip and shook my head, "No I do... I just- ugh I'm freaking out. It feels like a date. But it's not. He's just a friend right?" I ask, turning to Noah who was still looking at a problem.


Still nothing.

"NOAH!" I yell, cupping my hands over my mouth. The librarian looked at me with a stern face and shushed me. Oops. Noah giggled a little and looked over to me, "Avi you are overthinking this too much. Louis and you are friends. Nothing else. And I know you still like him... and he still likes you... but maybe thinking of him as a friend will make you believe it. I don't know, but you'll be okay."

I took a deep breath. He's right. I just have to spend time with Louis as a friend and then I'll think it. Friend. Friend friend friend.


Louis POV

"So what are you gonna do with her?" Will asked me, sitting on my bed as I rummaged through my dresser.

"I don't know Will that's the problem! I mean what is there to do at the arts building anyways?" Why am I stressing? She's my friend. We agreed to no feelings for each other. It's what's best for both of us. But I can't help feeling this way for her.

"You can... play piano for her," Will said in a romantic tone as I made sure I looked away while I smiled.

"Will you know thats not gonna help us become friends. That's gonna make it worse," I groaned, grabbing out a navy blue collared shirt and holding it up to my chest as I turned to face him.

"You think she'll like this?"

Will sets down his book and smirks at me, "It shouldn't matter. You guys are friends."

Ugh. I hate that word.

"But I can't get over her. It's weird! I never really catch feelings and suddenly I can't get over a girl I met two weeks ago!" I say, sitting next to Will on my bed and resting my head in my hands. I hear him sigh and look back at me.

"Trust me. You'll get over her."

I run my hands through my hair and sit back up, "And how do you know that?"

Will goes a little quiet, looking at the ground.

"Because I did," he mumbles. I quickly turn my head to him and drop my hands. "Wait what?" Will nods a few times and cracks his knuckles. "Avianna? Yeah I had a crush on her. For years actually. I just never told her because I knew her father would be upset since I was one of her first friends."

I was shocked. WILL liked Avianna.

"How long did you like her?" I ask, slightly relieved that he knows how I'm feeling. "I'd say around four years give or take."

I groan again, dropping mean head and complaining. "I can't do this for that long Will."
He shook his head and smiled, giving me a few pats on the back. "No no it's okay. She likes you back. Maybe she can talk to her father and things will work out. But as of right now, you need to focus on staying her friend. That means be calm Louis. Just wear what you are. You look good."

I look down at my feet and sigh. "Okay your right. Just act normal right? She's my friend."

Will nods and stands up, getting ready to head out, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.

"And remember, if Avi or Noah asks, I was asleep in my dorm."

I nod and wave as he leaves my dorm.

Avianna Evans. My... my friend.


Avianna POV

"Don't act stupid Avi!" Noah calls out one last time as we part ways. I giggle a little, "No promises."

And I meant that. I'm an idiot. Odds are I will be stupid. So stupid I might fall harder for him instead of become friends. I start walking down the hallway, feeling myself grow more and more nervous in each step.

^^incase you need a picture^^

I need to calm down. You and this boy are friends Avianna. Nothing else. Let's just avoid the fact that you both like each other and desperately wish you were dating each other.

I made it to the doors and took a deep breath before walking outside. I got this.

I throw open the door, but feel something hit it and then hear a small "ow." My heart stops beating. I recognized that voice.

And then there was a giggle. A soft one. An adorable one. I step outside and quickly look to the left where I saw Louis.


Ah shit.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell in embarrassment, quickly shutting the door and stepping over to him, "Please tell me I didn't just hit the door on your face!"

He was giggling and holding a hand up to his nose. I quickly put my hands on the sides of his face and took his hand off his nose. "Louis are you okay!?" Thank god it wasn't bleeding. That would've been... well I would have literally died.

"I'm good I'm good!" He laughs at me and my concerned face.

I furrow my brows, "Why are you laughing!? I just whammed a door in your face!" He shrugs and takes my hands away. "Because I'm okay! That was funny!"

Oh my god kill me.

"No no I hurt you I'm sorry I didn't- I wasn't- I- did that hurt because we can-"

"AVIANNA." He smiled gently, shaking his head, "I'm absolutely fine. Trust me you don't have to freak out."

He put his hands on my shoulders and crouched down until our eyes were align, "it's fine."

I locked eyes with him and I couldn't look away. Oh god no we're already failing. "Sorry I- I'm working on it..." he says, letting go of me and standing back up, "on the whole friends thing?"

I shake my head and clear my throat, "No no it's uh- it's okay." I look back up and him and he looks back. We lock eyes again.

"Oh my god I'm so stupid, let's go." I admit, forcing a giggle and starting to walk along the paths. Louis was running to catch up behind me. "You're not stupid. Don't be so hard on yourself." He says, walking beside me with his hands in his pockets. "So Partridge what plans do you have in mind for us today? Why'd you choose the theater?"

He shrugs and keeps his vision down, "I guess I just- I don't know..."

Although his face down down, I could still see the pink forming on his cheeks. It was honestly cute. I smiled a little with a questioning look on my face, "You're a soft boy Louis. I can see it. You're gentle. So why do you act all 'tough' of whatever?"

He sighed and picked his head back up, but didn't look at me, "I'm not soft..." he states. I shake my head and giggle a little.

"Louis you should see your face when you pet Arlo. And you should see your face when you lock eyes with me. Or when you saw that I took your notes. It's such a gentle, cute face."

He rolls his eyes and holds back a smile, "Okay and what if I'm a little gentle? You gonna make fun of me?" I shake my head fast and raise my eyebrows.

"No! No no I like that smile. It was just a question I guess."

"No your good."

"Oh okay..."

Then we went back to that awkward silence. The one where it feels like someone's suffocating you. I cleared my throat as we made it to the arts building and I grabbed the door to hold it open for him. Louis smiles.

"Nope you don't," he stands behind me and grabs the door, "I'm supposed to be the gentleman here. After you." He says, gesturing inside. I roll my eyes and playfully punch him lightly.

"So you ARE gentle," I tease.

"I guess so!" He copies my tone and laughs as we step inside and start walking to the theater. They only use it in the spring, so it's always empty in all other seasons. We walked into the auditorium and stared at all the empty seats. I forgot how big this place really was. "Woah..." I mumble.

Louis smiles, "Beautiful isn't it?" He was watching me with a little glow in his eyes. I nodded and ran my hand along the velvety feeling of the curtain.

"I've always loved the theater... it makes me feel so free," He says, starting to walk over to the piano, "I just wished people agreed."

I raise a brow and join him in walking over.

"What do you mean Louis?" I ask. He shrugs and takes a seat on the piano bench. "Kids at my old school called it weird. The arts. If anyone liked acting, singing, dancing, painting, hell even playing an instrument," he seems a little angry, "they'd get made fun of. The theater nerds. That's what they called them."

I approach behind him and he sets his fingers down on the keys, "But I loved that group of kids. They were so sweet and honestly had more talent than anyone else in the school. I don't get why we make fun of people for being passionate about something they enjoy. It's stupid. And it tears them down."

He starts playing a song I didn't know, but it was pretty. The way his hands just ever so slightly tapped the keys and moved on was so smooth. And the way he was so focused. It was cute.

"I guess I never thought of it that way," I admit, not sure whether to sit next to him or stay standing. I guess my awkwardness showed because I stopped playing and turned back to face me.

"Come here."

He pats the seat next to him and I slowly walk closer, until I find myself seated beside him on the bench. "Do you know how to play?" He asks, looking back down at the keys and continuing to play. I shake my head, "No actually... I don't know anything about instruments. Or how to play them."

He smirks a little at me and shakes his head, "Well you sure know how to sing..." my cheeks went red and I looked down. "Singing isn't an instrument..."

"Sure it is!" He argues, "You just have to think of it that way..."

There's a silent moment where all I can hear is the piano, until he takes his hands off and the music trails away.

"Speaking of singing..." he turns his head to me with a pleading face. My eyes grow wide, "No." I say bluntly.

"Oh come on! Please? Your voice is so beautiful!"

"I'm flattered. Really. But I am NOT going to sing in front of you."

"It's not like you haven't already!"


He frowns and looks back down at the keys for a moment before he continues playing. "Dang it..." he whines, pouting out his bottom lip and sighing. I watch him and his disappointment and feel bad. But I hate singing in front of people.

"Ugh fine!" I give in, slapping my forehead with my hand. His head perks up a bit and he smiles, "Wait really?!"

"Yes now don't make me change my mind."

He quickly shuts up and looks down at the piano, "Can I at least choose the song?" He asks, giving puppy eyes. I scoff and nod.

"Okay fine. What song?"

Louis smirks and looks down at the keys, thinking to himself. Suddenly he begins to play a slow, beautiful tune. I recognized it but it took a minute to process the words that went along. And then it hit me.

Can't help falling in love with you.

My eyes grow wide and I look down at Louis. "Really?" I complain, "A love song?"

He looks away from the keys but still can play the keys perfectly. A smirk crosses his face, "Hey we're just friends. Right? It doesn't mean anything." God this boy sure has his ways of egging me on.

I sigh and take a deep breath. God I was nervous. Why am I doing this again?

"Ready?" Louis asks, looking down at the keys. I nodded, and he smiled, only a second later he began. And I actually sang.

Wise men say, only fools rush in.
But I can't help falling in love with you.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you.

I sang the whole song with eyes closed and a flushed face. But for some reason it felt calm to do this with Louis. He didn't judge me, he didn't laugh, he just kept playing the piano. And smiling.

Take my hand,
Take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
For I can't help falling in love with you.

And I finished. Oh god. Now I was REALLY embarrassed. That is, until I saw Louis face.

Sorry for any spelling errors!!
