Fuck You


4:18 pm

Millie was planning on telling him now. She was planning on going to papa's office and telling him.

And all of us are panicking. We literally had to make a plan incase he tries to physically hurt her.

No one should have to do that.

Standing by the garden, we were going over final details just to make sure he can't surprise us.

"I'm gonna pass out," Millie huffed as she held a hand to her head, "I'm freaking out."
Finn shook his head and put a hand on her back, "No no no your good! You got this Mills alright?"

I closed my eyes.

"Are your bags all packed? Room is cleaned out and everything?" I asked.

"Yup. I have everything," she nods through a sigh. "Then I guess that's it..." I mumble, trying not to show that I'm breaking apart inside.

"Alright then... Finn?" She looks up at him and holds his hand, "Ready?"

He takes a deep breath and nods, and then I watch them both turn, walking to the office.

Oh god it's happening.

"You alright Avi?" Louis calm voice asks behind me, wrapping arms around my shoulders and his chin on my head. I shrug and stare at Millie as she keeps walking.

"I think she'll be fine... god I sure hope she'll be fine." Jade mumbles, walking over to me along with Noah, Will and Eliza.

"She's leaving today..." I stutter. Each time I think about it my heart hurts more.

"We'll get through it. They'll be where they need to be," Will said, trying his best to be comforting.

I watched as Finn and Millie walked inside the building, and nearly died. I can hear a voice inside of me, screaming.

Stop them. They'll get hurt.

"They can't do this," I panic, trying to break from Louis arms, "someone help me stop them!!" I yell.

"Woah wait no!" Louis squeezes me a little harder, restraining me from running after them.

"No Louis he's gonna hurt her!" I yelled even louder, as his grip loosens just a bit, giving me the chance to break free and start sprinting over.

"AVI!!" They all yell in sync, and Louis starts chasing after me, followed my Noah, then Will, and then everyone else.

I felt my eyes begin to water a bit as the freezing cold snow began to seep through my shoes.

"AVI STOP!" Noah yelled, and he sounded like he was right behind me. I was just a few more steps away from the door, when a hand wrapped around my wrist and I stopped, falling down as the body fell on top of me.

The cold snow nearly pierces my skin and I flip to my back to see Noah laying on top of me. His cheeks turn bright pink and his eyes grow wide, and he quickly gets off me, dusting the snow off himself and helping me up.

"I'm sorry I-" Noah begins but gets cut off my a scream. A scream yelling 'let her go!'

It was Finn.

Ignoring what just happened, we all run over to the door, and I press my ear to it.

There was a thud and more 'let go' and 'stop's'

"Shit open the door!" Will said, shoving it open.

Millie was on the floor. Curled up for dear life as my dad kicked her. Finn was trying his best to pull my dad away.

"WHAT THE HELL DAD!!" I yelled, storming over. Everyone else stays back in fear.


He focuses over to me, giving Millie the chance to slip away and run as fast as she could over to Jade, Eliza, Will and Noah. Louis slowly began walking over to me.

"Avi did you know your sister was PREGNANT."

There was a pause where no one spoke but then he quickly stepped over to me.


I gasped a bit and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Avi let's go..." it said, as gently as possible. I stared at my father dead in the eye, ignoring Louis.

"Yes," I whisper.

My father simply took his hand and slapped it across my face, then grabbed my hand and pulled me harder than I'd ever been pulled.

Louis stumbled forward a bit, losing his grip on me, "Avi!!" He called.

I felt my heart beat out of my chest and my dad threw me to the ground. I fell flat on my back and hit my head.





"YOUR A DISGRACE!!" He screamed.

"Please don't hurt her!!" Louis yelled, taking a step back. I watched as my father turned to Louis and slowly walked over to him.

"You..." he began, "have you been dating my daughter?"

I could see the fear in Louis eyes.

"N-No sir," he stuttered.

"DONT LIE TO ME BOY!!" Papa scolded, shoving a finger in his face.

Louis glanced at me, then closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.


Oh fuck. I felt my burning tears on my skin, and slowly stood up.

Dad growled and punched Louis in the eye, then took his knee and slammed it right between Louis legs. And lastly, jabbed a fist into his gut.

Louis folded over and dropped to the ground, slightly groaning in pain as he held a hand to his face where dad punched.

"I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! FIRST MILLIE AND NOW YOU!!" He yelled, grabbing Louis by the shirt, lifting him up and yanking him close to his face. I could hear the neckline of it rip. Louis looked slightly frightened but tried his best to stay calm.

That is, until dads hand wrapped around his throat and he shoved him to the wall.

"PAPA STOP!!" I yell through the tears blurring my sight. Louis grabbed onto dad's wrist and tried pulling it away as he struggled to breathe.

"DAD!!" I screamed, finally getting his attention. He looked at my with fury and tears in his eyes. I shook my head and slowly took steps closer.

"Please let him go!!" I said in a quieter tone, "Dad, Louis saved me." I say as more and more tears fell from my tired face.

"He taught me how to fight in battle class! He got me over my fear of the dark. He took me to see sunrises and he took me on picnics. He's smart and funny and kind and Dad he taught me how to live! Louis taught me that it's okay to not have straight A's and make mistakes. He taught me that it's okay to be myself and show emotion! That it's okay to cry and smile and that falling in love is beautiful!" I yelled, now standing only feet from him and Louis.

"All you taught me was how to stress myself over school to the fact where I wanted to die. You taught me that if someone comes into my life and fixes it, I'm not allowed to thank them."

I took one more step forward until I could have gotten his hand off Louis neck.

"Love broke you. But it healed me."

I whisper, putting my hand on dad's arm, "Now let go of him. Because he made your little girl happy for once in her fucking life and I love him."

After a few moments of staring at me, his glare softened and he took his hand off Louis neck, turning around and quickly walking away.

Louis collapsed to the ground and starts gasping for air. I dropped down and put my arm around him, very lightly hugging him because the boy was still catching his breath.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, putting a hand on the back of his head.

Louis sank into my arms and had his eyes closed, "It's alright," He coughed slightly.

"No Louis it's not. It's not fair!" I sob as he carefully sits up and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Avi look at me," He said, and I lifted my blood shot eyes full of tears to his gentle smile. His eye slowly forming a bruise.

"It's okay."

He had a softness to his eyes. One that stared right at me and sent calmness through me. The same one he gave me when we kissed for the first time. And I knew he was actually okay.

I mean, obviously not physically.

Louis was still breathing a little hard, and I could tell he was in a ton of pain. The neckline of his shirt was torn, and fell over his shoulder.

"Holy shit are you okay?" Jade asked, as she and everyone else hurried over and kneeled beside us. Millie and Finn had already ran off.

"Louis where does it hurt?" I ask, wiping a tear. He doesn't say anything. Rather, just slowly sitting up and pointing to his stomach, where there was a streak of blood.

"Wait how are you bleeding!?" I asked, lifting the bottom of his shirt to see a red cut on his abs.

"He has a ring with a sharp side," Louis said, his voice becoming tight when I used my sleeves to press against it and get rid of the blood.

"Oh god," Jade swallowed her spit and then quickly, stood up and walked away. She gets nauseous pretty easily.

"Does someone have a bandage or something? He must have scraped his skin pretty hard," I panicked noticing that the blood was now coming through my sleeve.

Will quickly spoke up, "I have a scarf," he took it off and handed it to me, "here."

I took it from him and took my hand off his cut. Louis squeezed his eyes shut when I lifted his shirt a little more and tied William's scarf around the cut.

"God I hate my dad," I mumble and lower Louis shirt, allowing him to sit up some more.

"Is your eye okay?" Noah asked, helping Louis stand up. He shrugs.

"It's fine. I just want to get back..." he sighed, slouching a bit and using one of his arms to cover his stomach.

"Yeah that's okay, come on," I say, standing next to him and putting his arm over my shoulder.

We all started walking out but before we left I turned back to see my father. Standing in the hallway with an insane amount of pain in his face.

I simply smoldered at him and mouthed two words.

"Fuck you."

And then we made it out. Into the cold.

I hate him.

I hate him I hate him I hate him.

Sorry for any spelling errors!!

Dang pops needs therapy or something

Oh and after reading the comments and stuff on my last update, I've decided for my next story.

It's gonna be an enemies to lovers and fake dating.

Basically their forced to pretend to date but they hate each other in reality.

I hope that sounds interesting idk

Oh and what's a slow burn? Like enemies to lovers with a 'slow burn'
