The Ball

6:00 pm

"Help me help me help me!!" I pace around Millie's dorm with Eliza, Jade and her. They all were putting on makeup and doing hair while I couldn't even manage to pick a dress out. I had three laying in front of me.

First was a deep blue flowy dress. It had a pretty deep V neck and long sleeves that were tight to the skin. The fabric was sleek and smooth.

And my second was a crimson ball gown. Dazzled by the neckline, which was another slight V neck, and it was off the shoulder, with shorter sleeves that puffed and sparkled. My mother wore it to her prom as a teen.

(I'm not giving visuals because I know it ruins the picture for some people so just imagine it's a beautiful dress)

"Avi you've spent a literal 40 minutes debating on what to wear. Like they both look beautiful so whichever one you pick it'll look amazing!" Millie says, pinning back some loose hairs with bobby pins. I bite my lip.

"I know I know but which one will Louis like more?!"

"Woah woah woah," Jade says, standing up and holding her arms out, gesturing for me to stop talking, "THAT is your worry? Avi you shouldn't be dressing for Louis here."

I can't help but fall flat on the bed and groan in indecisiveness, "But I just know he'd probably like the blue one."

I say, pointing to the charming, glowing dress.

"But I feel so pretty in this one," I pout, moving my hand to the mystical crimson ball gown. Jade chuckles at my stupidity and grabs the dark blue dress by the hanger, and heading to Millie's closet to put it away.

"Hey!" I call out, sitting up.

"No Avi I don't want to hear it. I know that Louis will want you to feel pretty. And besides, you need to dress for yourself. Now change into this so we can dazzle you up with makeup and hair." She says, gently tossing the red dress to me. I sigh and pick it up, then trudge to the bathroom to change.

I've been a nervous wreck since we started getting ready.

I'll probably faint just SEEING Louis in a suit.

And I'm almost 100% sure I'll embarrass myself. Or do something stupid. I just know it.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and take a deep breath before tucking an arm into my shirt and beginning to change.

I got this.

Haha why am I lying to myself?

After changing, I had one of those moments. The one where you stand up and see yourself. You see how beautiful you are and forget about your insecurities even if it's just for a minute. The dress fit perfectly. And I felt perfect.

I saw my mother in myself. I saw her smile in mine. Her almond shaped eyes. Her rosy cheeks.

"I love you mama..." I whispered quietly enough so only I could hear. Then I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

Immediately I heard them gasp.

"OH MY GOD AVI." Eliza shouted, standing up in her tight champagne colored dress and hurrying over to me with a smile on her face. Millie looked and squealed a bit, but Jade just store with a dropped jaw.

"Avianna you look so pretty!!" Millie said, straightening out my sleeves and tugging up on the top of it. I giggle a bit and look down at the fabric.

"You think?"

"Oh I know," she says, "Now come here!! We wanna dress you up!!"

I follow her to the chair she was in, and plop down. All three were excited for me. All three were fighting over my hair.

They decided on this:

I guess you could say their pretty talented when it comes to hair. The makeup look was simple, and cute. Very subtle crimson eyeshadow, with a little eyeliner and mascara. Matte maroon lipstick, which was a risk because I don't usually like red lipstick but this one was more dark. And it was gorgeous.

They painted my nails the came color as my dress, and then added some rings. My shoes were the same shade as my lipstick, and were heels. I haven't felt this pretty in a while.

"Avi how the hell did we come from the same parents?" Millie asked, staring at me in the mirror and smiling. She seemed proud of her work. That's the fun part of being the younger sister. She dresses me up like I'm a doll.

"Shut up you look better," I say, gesturing to her pale yellow dress which bounced off her tan skin and brown hair perfectly. She truly looked like an angel.

"I don't wanna hear it. I think we all look amazing." Jade smiled, looking at all of us in the mirror.

"I wonder what the boys are up to right now..."


Will POV

"Louis has the audacity to complain while some of us don't even have a love life," Noah chuckles as Louis was shoving his face in a pillow and groaning as he ran hands through his hair.

"Shut up," Louis laughed as he sat up, "god why am I so stressed about tonight!?" He said, beginning to face around my dorm.

"Because your in loooovvvee," I tease, straightening my collar on the suit. Noah meanwhile was buttoning up his white shirt, whole Louis was still in a tee and freaking out.

"I know Will! That's the problem!" He says, sitting up and folding his legs cross cross, "I don't want to worry her... because I know how much pressure she's already under. I only want to be something if SHE is ready."

I step away from the mirror, giving up on my tie and sat down next to him.

"Look. I know she's falling for you too Louis. I know it. She's the happiest she's ever been since you arrived."

I set my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me.

"Now how about you dress up, and just have fun with her tonight! Trust me, it'll all  be good."

I stand up, and walk back over to the closet for some shoes, as Louis stands up and walks over to the closet with me to pick out a suit.

"Your right. Your right! Yeah this will be fun." He says, trying to assure himself as he grabs out a classical tuxedo with a crimson red bow.

I just know he's still nervous. I can sense it.

"Louis," I laugh.


"You'll be fine."

He sighs and lays the suit on my bed before unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off as he begins to change into the outfit.

"I hope so..." he says, "because I've never felt this way for anyone before..."

He slips his arms through his shirt, and then puts the tux over it.

Noah was looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, and combing out his hair, applying only a little gel. "You love her Louis," He says from the sink.

Louis bites his lip and looks down, before taking his lip, then grabbing his bow and going to the wall mirror to tie it. However he was struggling, probably too stressed to think straight.

"Take a breath," I say, pulling Louis away from the mirror and grabbing the bow, tying it for him.

"I really think you should just relax Louis. Just enjoy it alright?" I say, finishing up his bow and patting his on the shoulder.

"You got this."


Avianna POV

Finally it was time. Time to head down to the ballroom. And I am gonna pee my pants.

"I literally cannot do this..." I say, as we step outside into the cold and the grip on my sweater cover up tightens. Jade shakes her head and gives me a nudge.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," she grins. I take a deep breath.

"Okay... okay let's go,"

I begin walking and we all giggled a bit, they tried to cheer me up and make me more confident, giving me tips on tonight with a Louis.

How to look like a goddess while I walk over to him. How to keep my cool when he asks me to dance, and more importantly, HOW to dance.

"Now are you ready?" Eliza asks as we approach the ballroom doors, music already sounding through the doors.

Breathe Avi


The doors slowly open, revealing a large staircase that heads down to the dance floor. Every time someone enters, people stare. It's honestly the definition of 'dramatic entrance'

I gasp a bit as I see the people look up at us in our dresses. Me in my crimson, Millie in her yellow, Jade in her emerald green, and Eliza in her lavender.

We begin to walk down when I see him.

Louis was smiling at me ever so brightly, as if I were one to be admired.

He looked at me like I was the only one here.

I smiled a bit when I saw him, standing beside Finn, Will, and Noah. They looked very... very good. Louis hair was just a tiny messy and it looked really good with his cute tux.

He had a crimson bow on. We were matching.

I giggled a little to myself and couldn't help but pick up my pace down the stairs.

He held out a hand as I approached, and I gently grabbed on. I felt like royalty. It was different to actually have someone as your date here.

^^how I imagine it^^

"You look... so elegant,"Louis says, his cheeks tinting pink, "and perfect..." I hold back my smile and give him a little head nod.

"Thank you Partridge, you look quite handsome yourself."

I say as I try to keep my cool and not scream at how flawless he looked. I could have kissed him right there and then.

"And you boys look amazing as well," I compliment, grinning at the other boys. Millie, Jade and Eliza showed up behind me, Millie walking over to Finn, and Eliza standing beside Jade.

I bet she's so excited right now.

"Well anyways I-"

"Ladies and gentlemen," a voice says, cutting Jade off, "welcome to the Everlure Ball!"

People clapped a bit and cheered, some whistle, and I feel a surprising feeling in my hand.

Louis fingers gently intertwine with mine, and I let them stay. It felt good to know we were here together, at the ball.

As... friends...

Okay maybe it isn't that nice.

"Let the dance begin!"


Me and Louis were both quite awkward for much of the time we had. We weren't sure whether to dance together or not, but I sure wanted to.

I wanted to feel his hand snake around my waist, as he pulls me closer into a slow dance.

And I want to kiss him.

So badly.

But instead I was standing by a table, with a glass of water, taking a few sips and watching everyone else live my dream. Louis was slow dancing with Will and Noah as a joke. It honestly made me giggle to see them all have fun.

Noah was fighting for his turn to dance with Louis, when he glanced over to me and looks back down at Noah, shaking his head and... stepping away. He walked over in my direction and I quickly sat upright, straightening my dress out and setting the water on the table beside me.

"Avi what are you doing over here?" He asks, approaching me and smiling as he straightened his bow out. I shrug and try to smile a bit.

"Is everything okay?" He sits next to me.

No everything is not okay. I want to dance with you.

"Yeah... yeah I'm alright..." I lie, fidgeting with my hands and tucking some hair behind my ear.

He chuckles to himself and then shakes his head at me.

"Yeah sure looks like it. What's on your mind? We were supposed to have fun tonight."

I feel his hand interlock in mine again and he rubs the back of it with my thumb.

Marry me.

"Well... the truth is that-"

"Avianna, Louis, how are you two tonight?" My father says, walking over with wine in his hand and a straight face.

My eyes fly open and I quickly let go of Louis hand. "Oh uhm we're great..." I say, clearing my throat and looking away from Louis perfect face.

"I hope you two are here as friends. Mr Partridge better not have asked you to the dance," He says in a jokingly way.

I bite my tongue so hard I thought it would break.

"No uh yeah he- he asked me as a friend..."

I say, looking down for a moment as Louis seemed to realize why I was upset.

"Good. Please, continue..." he says, walking away and giving me that same suspicious glare, that sends chills of anxiety down my body.

"I- I'm sorry about that..." I say, sighing and smoothing down my skirt again.

Louis shakes his head and giggles, "No no that's alright... do you wanna... get out of here for a moment?"

He asks suddenly, as I look over to him.

"Like... go out back?"

His smile gets me. That contagious little one. He giggles a bit and I join him.

"Sure even though I have no clue what you want."

He chuckles a bit and grabs my hand, standing up and pulling me along with him, as we lightly run to the exit of the ball, to the back. It was a little outside patio that over looked a huge lake beside the academy. And it was gorgeous, but I don't know what his plan was.

"Alright just stand here," he points to a spot of the floor and I laugh at him because he sounded like some sort of commander.

"Just do it!"

"Okay okay!" I pick my dress up from the sides and stand where he directed, and watch as he stands in front of me.

Our giggling slowed down as he looked into my eyes with a smile of passion. I looked back into his and couldn't help but grin back.

A little smirk formed on his lips and he bowed down to me, folding on arm over his waist and the other glued to his back, "Avianna Evans, may I have this dance?"

I chuckled a bit, and grabbed onto my dress, folding the fabric in my grasp and curtsying as I bowed my head, "Yes you may, Louis Partridge."

And with that, he giggles and picks my hand up, leaning forward and kissing the back of it. It shoots gentle butterflies through my stomach. Next, I feel a gentle touch by my waist, slowly snaking around to my back and pulling my body closer to his. I then carefully slide my hand up onto his broad shoulder, engraved in strong muscles. And then our vision flickered to our hands.

He slowly took his fingers, and guided my hand up to his, pressing our palms together, and slowly locking our fingers. My heart was fluttering. However my mind was calm, as if being in this moment with him, caused my worries to vanish.

The music from inside was muffled, however loud enough for a subtle beat to guide us. Louis eyes came align with mine, and the little glittering look caught my attention. He formed his lips into a little smile, which caused the same feeling in my heart to shoot down my spine and send little shiver throughout me.

"Did I ever get the chance to tell you how beautiful you are?" He questioned, making me giggle a little and tilt my head downward.

"I'm serious!" He joined in my little laugh session, looking down at me as we stopped swaying back and fourth, "You're a very pretty girl Avi..."

I looked back up at him and his flawless face. My smile just couldn't be contained.

"I could say the same for you Partridge," I smirk, chuckling under my breath, and very lightly squeezing his hand. Louis stared deep into my soul. As if he could see all my flaws, and thought they were beautiful.

I looked back into his, feeling my breath speed up as I come to the realization that I'm in love. I'm in love with him. And I'm in love with everything he does. I'm in love with his smile. The way his lips curl when he says my name. The way his hair gently shakes when he giggles. The way he treats me with such patience.
The list doesn't seem to end.

I'm in love with Louis Partridge.

And there's no more hiding it.

"We can keep it a secret," I blurt out quite suddenly, as he tilts his head so slightly to the left, giving me the perfect opportunity to do what I've always wanted.

"Keep what a secret Avi?" He asks innocently. My vision flickers down to his lips. They're just slightly parted, and look so soft.


I lean forward, and push my lips onto his, releasing my grip on his shoulder and hand, sliding them around his back, and pulling him closer. His lips fit perfectly on mine. Louis kisses me back, placing his hand on the side of my face and the other remains on my waist. His hands were careful on my skin. I feel his little smile against my lips. It was soft and gentle, and he chuckles a little, as I feel his breath lightly on my face. He removes his lips from mine and rests our foreheads on one another as a soft whisper escapes his delicate plump lips.

"I'm in love with you Avianna."

"And I'm in love with you Louis Partridge."

He tucks a fray strand of hair behind my ear, and closed his eyes, this time pressing his lips to mine for even longer. They were soft, just as I had thought, and he was a really good kisser.

His lips were pushed firmly, and yet so gently. And his face was tilted at an angle that connected our lips perfectly.

A quiet noise was made as he very slowly pulled away and smiled at me. His white pearls catching my vision.

Then he let a giggle escape those same smooth lips, and moved his hands to around my back, pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Around 2 beats per one and a half seconds. He was happy. Really happy. And definitely excited that we finally kissed.

"Thank you..." he whispered, as his hand slowly traveled up and down my back. I move my head away from his chest, and look up into his eyes. He looks back down.

"You're the first person who's ever made me this happy."

I smiled and took both my hands, cupping both his cheeks and stroking the side of his face.

"And you're the first person who taught me how to live."

He smiles back and leans forward, as we close our eyes and connect our lips one last time. Each one feeling more and more passionate. I gently pull away and suck my lips in as I run a hand through his puffy hair.

"Can we stay out here for a while?" I ask, running my hand down his neck, to his shoulder, and locking our fingers again.

He nods a few times, and wraps an arm around my waist again.

The rest of the night was simply a dream. My head rested on his shoulder, as we swayed back and fourth to the muffled music coming from the ballroom. Just him and me, dancing together in the darkness of night, the only light being some golden streams of the chandelier inside.

I'm in love.

And honestly at this point I don't care about my father.

I'm in love with this boy.

This flirtatious mess, with chocolatey brown hair, and orbs for eyes that hypnotize me when I stare into their beauty. His chiseled jawline, and cute smile. The boy with a soft side that he shows only to people he cares for. The boy that treats me better than anyone I've known.

And finally I could call him mine.

He's my boyfriend.

Sorry For Any Spelling Errors!!


This has a word count of 3402😳

I may or may not have screamed while writing this :))

Anyways I hope you enjoyed😃

Be prepared for her father coming up
